Longevity Begins with the Master of Weapon Refining

Chapter 344: The Situ Family's Incarnation Technique (May Extra Update 11)

Sent away Qi Yue.

Gu Qing returned to the training room, and a jade slip appeared in his hand.

This is the famous magical power of the Situ family [Out-of-body incarnation], which is a top-grade magical power, and is of the same level as the sleeve of the universe.

Before coming to the mountain and sea world.

Situ Feng and Fu Liu were captured by him and suppressed in the Jinyun Secret Realm with the Chixiao Tower. During those years in the West Sea, Gu Qing went in to torture them when he had nothing to do.

Fu Liu couldn't stand it and died very early. The twenty-ninth ancestor Danqing Patriarch behind him was not afraid of offending him since he broke through. Anyway, people have left Baiyue Mountain, so it's meaningless to care about these things.

Situ Feng lasted longer. She was the one who revealed the magical power of incarnation, but she was also killed by the backlash of the ban because of leaking the magical power of the clan.

The magical power was not fully revealed, but Gu Qing deduced one or two from Tianshou, and naturally had a better incarnation technique. The Jinshi Baoping was the refining machine he used to replenish Tianshou.

It is definitely the most valuable magic weapon that can save him from the bitter sea of ​​repetitive refining, and it is Gu Qing's favorite.

As for offending the Situ family and Zhao Yin behind it, it doesn't matter at all. Only Situ Yinyin, the most beautiful woman in Nanli, who Gu Qing wants to use, may have problems.

After all, she is her biological mother. No matter what secrets she has, it is a fact that she died in his hands. If he wants to use Situ Yinyin, he has to start from the beginning.

This matter is still far away from him, so he is not in a hurry to consider it.

After having a thousand fairy crystals, Gu Qing cultivated an immortal incarnation to make it more convenient for him to run around in the fairy world, so that he would not be imprisoned in Yunlou Palace.

Whether it is to overcome the tribulation or to cause trouble, it is more convenient.

Gu Qing is extremely vigilant about incarnations. If this thing is not handled well, it is common for the host to swallow the original body.

He must eliminate this possibility.

A pure immortal incarnation is very suitable. First, it is not easy to be exposed, and the breath is much purer than his original body. Second, the upper limit is shackled, and it is impossible to exceed the original body.

Third, the new [Taoism Art] allows him to have absolute control, can regularly clear the memory of the incarnation, and has the ability to format.

Fourth, the incarnation has no secrets in his hands.

Under multiple restrictions, Gu Qing is willing to practice the art of incarnation. He originally wanted to practice in the West Sea, but he didn't practice it later because he felt it was wrong.

Now that he has come to the Mountain and Sea Realm, and has no helpers, it is necessary to refine an incarnation to avoid being unable to split the body.

The heaven and earth spirit body that was practiced before also belongs to the incarnation and incarnation, but in essence it is refined by the two souls of heaven and earth, and there is no risk of losing control.

With this experience, practicing [Taoism Art] Gu Qing seems to be familiar with it.

Waving his hand to summon three thousand Dao flames, and put all one thousand fairy crystals into it. Under the scorching of Dao flames, the outer shell of the fairy crystal quickly melted, and the fairy spirit inside condensed into a ball.

Gradually, the colorful pills gradually took shape.

This is the foundation of the immortal race, the prototype of the immortal pill. Based on this, Gu Qing's consciousness turned into a knife, cut off the little finger of the Yuanshen Xuantai, and put it into the pill that was about to take shape.

With the recovery speed of the Demon Soul Immortal Body, the Xuantai recovered in the blink of an eye. Under the urging of the [Taoism Art], the separated part inherited the characteristics of Gu Qing's Xuantai.

Absorbing the power of the main body's consciousness to nourish the little finger.

A few months later, there was an illusory human form. Gu Qing opened his mouth and spit out the magic power of creation. With the immortal pill as the center, the meridians, bones, organs, skin and flesh... grew rapidly from the inside to the outside.

It took two years to complete the formation of this immortal incarnation in the realm of true immortals. It was exactly the same as Gu Qing, but he didn't have many things, such as the Phoenix bloodline, panel, magic weapon, Jiujiu Xuan Gong... and so on.

The memory of the immortal incarnation is that of a local in the Shanhai Realm, not including any things in the Cangwu Realm. The purpose of shaping it is to replace his daily life in the Yunlou Palace.

There is no need to incarnate anything, just be an invisible person.

"Very good."

After the immortal clone was put to sleep with a secret technique, the transfer order from the Heavenly Medicine Hall was also passed down.

Gu Qing was dispatched to the Immortal Medicine Garden to serve as the Immortal Field Officer.

Like the Immortal Medical Officer, they are all eighth-grade immortals, with little presence. The only benefit is that they can use the immortal spirit of the Immortal Medicine Garden to practice.

This is against the regulations of the Ministry of Medicine, but everyone does it, and using a little is also a kind of unspoken rule.

I took it, you don’t take it, what do you mean?

If you can’t do it, get out.

The highest position in the Immortal Medicine Garden is the third-grade immortal rank·Medicine King Spirit Officer, which is also the first-class immortal realm. Hundreds of colleagues are responsible for different areas.

After Gu Qing reported, the work area was very close to the growth area of ​​the ancient divine vine. According to the plan of the Immortal Lord Qinian, the immortal world has been peaceful for a long time, and the vigilance is terrible, and there are endless people who embezzle.

There are problems inside and outside, so when someone wants to do something, colleagues don't need to take care of it, and will spontaneously help you cover up the flaws.

Of course, if they knew that Gu Qing's target was the ancient divine vine, they would definitely have a different attitude. After all, no matter how greedy you are, there is a limit. You are a small official, and you want to get the imperial seal. Who dares to help you cover it up!

What position you are in, what degree of benefit you get.

Under the information gap, others thought that Gu Qing just took a few immortal medicines and modified the book that recorded the immortal medicines, and it was not a big problem.

The plan of the Immortal Lord Qinian was to take it openly.

As long as you don't feel guilty, no one will doubt you.

As expected, Gu Qing used the spiritual seal given by Qinian to temporarily open the barrier protecting the ancient divine vine.

Since he was here, he took ten vine leaves in one breath.

This thing is also a life-saving treasure, and its effect is only slightly worse than the Tianqiong Sustaining Pill of the sixth grade. Gu Qing just regarded it as a replenishment of inventory.

The plants planted around the ancient divine vine are all top-notch immortal medicines.

Judging from Gu Qing's perspective, most of them are of the fifth grade, growing smoothly, and higher than the ten thousand poison fruit.

It is unrealistic to take the whole plant, so he took the scraps.

It contains rich immortal spirit energy, enough for him to exchange with the Phoenix Blood Pool, and even more than enough, a great harvest!


A few months later, Gu Qing contacted the Immortal Lord Qinian, met at the other party's mansion, and handed over a piece of divine vine leaf.

Qinian was very excited.

"Okay, very good, I will definitely give you the reward I promised."

"I wonder what method the Immortal Lord used to help me break through?"

"It is inconvenient to tell you the specific information, you come with me."

After putting the vine leaves away, Qinian laughed and put his arm around Gu Qing's shoulders, praising him endlessly.

The area of ​​this immortal lord's mansion varies depending on the individual's status. Qinian's is relatively large, and he took Gu Qing into a secret room.

He said: "The potential of the immortal race is closely related to the concentration of blood. This can be improved by finding a way. When the secret technique is performed later, your perception will be completely blocked, don't worry."


Gu Qing is confident in his strength and fearless. He also wants to test Qinian's confidence. As far as he knows, there is no such secret method in the open in the Heavenly Palace.

Not long.

When the darkness came, Gu Qing released a ray of consciousness and quietly hid in the corner, observing himself from a third-person perspective. Qinian did not notice it, but took out a pill and suspended it above Gu Qing's head with mana, emitting a colorful immortal spirit.

If I am not mistaken.

It is actually an immortal pill of the immortal king!

"So, Qinian's secret method is to use the foundation of others to improve his own immortal blood..."

The immortal blood is born from the immortal spirit, and they are originally of the same origin. If they use secret techniques to devour each other, it can indeed produce an improvement effect.

It is exactly the same as the method of taking shortcuts in the devouring way.

Qinian's secret method is not yet at the level of Devouring Dao, at most it has touched the surface. When the Immortal Pill came, Gu Qing thought about it and did not stop it, but transferred all the power that invaded his body to the stomach of Taotie (the empty land).

These high-quality immortal spirits can also be used to repair the Phoenix Blood Pool. He must also get back the reward for the vine leaves he paid.

Not a loss, even a big profit.

The amount of Tiangang Qi required to practice Tiangang magic is not a small amount. The more immortal spirits, the better. It is also needed to assist in shaping the Nirvana Immortal Body.

Looking at Gu Qing who accepted the good fortune, Qinian also smiled, with a scroll in his hand emitting mana fluctuations.

Looking closely, the picture of Gu Qing absorbing the Immortal Pill was perfectly imprinted, just like the effect of the photo stone.

"Gu Qing, from now on you are mine."

"Hehe." (End of this chapter)

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