Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 558 Waiting for the rabbit, the remains of the cliff snake

On the vast sea, strong winds swept across.

Suddenly, a huge figure shot from the distance like a meteor. When he stopped, the sea water exploded into countless waves.

The heavy rain has stopped at this moment, and the waves reflect the colorful colors under the sunlight.

Under the misty halo, the huge figure slowly shrank, the air armor dissipated, the wings converged, and layers of steam-like air waves pushed away the surrounding seawater.

Within a moment, as the waves fell back into the sea, Luo Chen returned to his true form.

Looking at the naked body without any covering, he couldn't help but frown.

Both the Tianpeng Transformation and Wang Yuan's Giant Spirit Transformation have this problem. After the transformation, the clothes will be torn.

When the realm was low before, the body could only change to the size of one or two feet, and the robes could expand accordingly.

But now that he has advanced to the late stage of the third level of ancient times, under the full force of the change, it can easily reach tens of feet, and his top-quality robes cannot withstand it.

That's all, it's just a small matter after all.

He used the healing technique to briefly control the injuries on his body, and put on a loose moon-white robe.

Afterwards, Luo Chen sank to the bottom of the sea and waited quietly.

At the speed at which he was exploding with all his strength, he had already been thousands of miles away from the black rock sea just now.

An ordinary third-level monster cannot catch up.

Especially the monsters on Xuanyan Island are monster crabs and monster turtles that are not known for their speed, and most of them were seriously injured by the thunder tribulation.

Jin Qie and other big demon kings, who were the only ones who had the energy to chase Luo Chen, took another Qingyang hand seal that Luo Chen had secretly accumulated for a long time, and they were already too busy to take care of themselves.

Therefore, Luo Chen was not worried about being caught up.

He is waiting here now to meet up with Han Zhan and Hei Wang.

The evacuation point for Han Zhan and the others was a way out that Han Zhan glimpsed from Xuanyan Island through the formation. With the help of the dense fog formation of the Conferred God Compass, they were able to escape easily.

And Luo Chen also bought them enough time.

Come to think of it, there won't be any surprises.

After waiting for about half a stick of incense, Luo Chen opened his eyes in confusion from adjusting his breath.

Why haven't you arrived yet?


Luo Chen emerged from the sea, using his spiritual eyes and consciousness to look in a certain direction, but there was still no movement.


The meeting place that Han Zhan and I had agreed to meet was obviously here, but we still haven't seen him yet.

Luo Chen's heart sank.

It's impossible for Han Zhan to forget his loyalty and run away!

If that were the case, Luo Chen would be heartbroken.

At this moment, all the treasures in Han Zhan's hands belonged to Luo Chen.

The Ten Thousand Soul Banner that has been cultivated for a long time has become sharper, the God Compass is a must-have for home travel, and the Demon King's remains were snatched from the Black King's tiger's mouth.

Just these three things, in the increasingly turbulent world of Beihai Immortal Cultivation, even millions of spiritual stones cannot be obtained.

Especially the remains of the Demon King, which are the body materials of a fourth-level transformed monster. If processed well, some peerless treasure may be made.

Otherwise, Luo Chen would not risk taking this thing.

Oh, right!

And the Black King!

This black-scaled giant python, which originally had poor qualifications, was successively cultivated by Kun Jiao and Luo Chen. Especially after taking a large amount of the best emperor ooze, it finally discovered its great potential, and its future prospects are limitless.

If Han Zhan kidnapped him, Luo Chen would have no place to cry!

It was only then that Luo Chen realized that the so-called Dao Oath was not omnipotent.

The Great Dao Oath that Han Zhan made to him only restricted Han Zhan from doing anything detrimental to Luo Chen before he advanced to the Nascent Soul stage.

But within the scope of the oath, there was no restriction on Han Zhan leaving on his own.

For a moment, Luo Chen's original joy at harvesting the treasure could not help but fade away.

No, I have to look for it.

Luo Chen checked his status and found that he still had more than half of his mana. Although his body was injured, it did not affect his normal combat power.

If he really encounters any enemy, he has enough power to protect himself.

Following that direction, Luo Chen summoned a cloud of mana, activated his invisible formation, and flew quietly along the sea surface.

During the flight, always pay attention to the fluctuations of the soul.

The Black King is his spiritual beast. When he was enslaved, his soul blood was collected by him. There is a certain connection between the two.

As long as the distance is not too far, he can unilaterally sense the opponent's general direction.

After flying for about a few minutes, suddenly, the clouds stopped on the sea.

Luo Chen looked at the sky, and a ray of light fled away in panic. The powerful aura that burst out from it was as high as seven levels of golden elixir!

Especially, that breath is quite familiar.

It's Gu Shaoshang!

Why is he here? He looks like he's running away.

Just when Luo Chen was confused, a whirlpool appeared in the sea ahead, and then a huge black-scaled python emerged from the water. It had a thick and fat body, and a ferocious horn on the top of its head. If you don't look at the appearance, just feel the momentum, it is quite a bit... Extraordinary weather.

It's the Black King!

Luo Chen felt happy and withdrew the formation.

The Black King also noticed it and swam over quickly.

Master, the Black King has lived up to his command!

When he spoke, he opened his mouth and spat out, and a ball of bright yellow light flew out and floated above the two of them.

Just by looking at it, Luo Chen felt a sense of simplicity and simplicity.

Looking carefully, the bright yellow light penetrated, and inside it was a piece of tortoise shell, with dense lines on it, forming a hexagon as a whole.

Such orderly turtle back patterns are extremely rare in the world of immortality, and only those with outstanding talents can condense them.

“Is this the Demon King’s legacy—the Black Rock Armor?”

With one move of his hand, he got the tortoise shell.

After looking at it carefully, Luo Chen carefully put it into the storage ring, and then looked at the Black King.

Then what happened to Gu Shaoshang?

The Black King was a little confused, I don't know. When I just escaped from the underwater spring, I found him blocking the outside. It was Senior Han who took action himself to scare him away.


While Luo Chen was confused, a scale on the Black King's back opened, and the Ten Thousand Souls Flag flew out from it.

Luo Chen took it and Han Zhan's voice reached his ears.

That junior is quite good, and he is proficient in formations. Perhaps he, like us, saw through several hidden escape routes on Xuanyan Island, and then waited on our escape route.

You had a fight with him?

That's not true. After all, I am a dignified Yuanying real person. How can I fight against the Jindan junior again and again? I just released a wisp of Yuanying's aura to scare him away.

I see!

Luo Chen couldn't help but nodded, but he was still a little confused. If he scared people away in one go, why did he delay for a long time.

Perhaps knowing Luo Chen's cautious temperament, Han Zhan explained a few more words.

It turns out that the Ring-headed Turtle clan also knows several ways to survive on Xuanyan Island.

After the death of the clan leader and the great elder, the corresponding ring-headed turtle demon king took the surviving clansmen to evacuate, and their road was also one of the evacuation routes.

In order to prevent the two sides from colliding with each other, Han Zhan and Hei Wang had to slow down their speed, and it took a long time before they finally left Xuanyan Island.

As soon as he came out, he met Gu Shaoshang who was waiting for help. This was the scene that Luo Chen saw when he arrived.

Okay, this place is too close to Xuanyan Island. It's better to leave first just in case! Luo Chen said.

Do you want to leave the Xuanyan Sea and return to Feiyan Islands? Han Zhan asked.

Luo Chen shook his head, We have to process the batch of third-order demon crab materials in advance before we can go back. Otherwise, if we delay for a long time, those materials will not be suitable for brewing Black Emperor Paste.

As he spoke, he held the Ten Thousand Soul Banner in his hand with a roll of mana. Han Zhan got in at the right time and handed over the God Compass at the same time.

The Black King shrank in size and huddled under Luo Chen's magic cloud.

With a pinch of the spiritual secret, the gray clouds of magic dissipated in the sky.

It is located on a small, soulless island tens of thousands of miles away from Xuanyan Island.

A seagull perches above.

On this day, a ray of light fell into it.

The seagull hurriedly greeted him, Master, you are back.

You came back ahead of us. Have any outsiders been to the Coral Trench Cave? Luo Chen looked at Tianxuan and asked.

Tianxuan shook her head quickly, I checked, but there was none. Even if some low-level sea monsters strayed into the coral trench, they were preyed on by the nearby blood coral, and they have not yet been discovered there.

Luo Chen nodded. He was not found, which meant he was still safe.

I need to go there first and take care of all the monster king crab shells, and then I’m not in a hurry to leave the black rock sea area.

He asked Tianxuan to stay nearby and be wary of foreign enemies, and then Luo Chen took the Black King back to the Coral Trench.

As soon as he arrived at the Coral Trench, he took out the Fengshen Compass and prepared to rearrange the Lan Yun dense fog formation.

You are still so careful. Han Zhan said with a smile.

Luo Chen controlled the compass and replied casually: It's always good to be careful when going out. Otherwise, I would have been surrounded by the Demon Spider Crab clan as early as on Tianxuan Island.

Once surrounded, it's not that easy to break through.

In that battle on Xuanyan Island, he broke out of the interception circle with overwhelming force, so he was well prepared.

But if someone is ambushing you in the cave, even if you use all your strength, you may not be able to escape.

If the enemy is a monster like the Demon Spider Crab that is good at sensing and blocking, it will be even more difficult to escape!

Just as he was setting it up, Han Zhan suddenly said: Expand the range of the formation.


Cover a mile of land! Han Zhan estimated the number.

One mile of land is about five hundred meters in radius, and Luo Chen usually converts it this way.

Although he was a little confused, he still did as he was told.

In an instant, with the blessing of mana, the Conferred God Compass was filled with aura, and the formations that had been outlined before began to spread outward.

The water surges and the red mist fills the air.

The blood coral trench, which was already red, suddenly became even redder.

For those who don’t know, I thought a third-level blood coral was born here.

Just after Luo Chen expanded the area covered by the formation, Han Zhan said, Didn't you realize that there is something extra in your Ten Thousand Soul Banner?

Luo Chen was stunned.

He really hasn't checked this thing out yet.

Although this soul refining flag was personally sacrificed and recognized by him, Han Zhan was controlling it most of the time. It can be regarded as Han Zhan's shelter and food and shelter for the other party.

Therefore, I usually don’t pay much attention to the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

At this moment, Luo Chen couldn't help but look surprised when his spiritual consciousness penetrated into it.


Countless souls!

Not only the two previous ghost kings, thousands of ghost general level souls, but also tens of thousands of densely packed low-level souls.

Not only that, there are even more than a dozen remnant souls of the Demon King inside!

What are these? Luo Chen couldn't help but ask after half-reading.


Han Zhan smiled slightly and said, When I monitor the battlefield for you, I don't do nothing. I just collect some ownerless souls. It doesn't take much effort.

Doesn't this take much effort?

Luo Chen was speechless.

For a moment, he also understood why those demons who were proficient in the soul path liked to wander around the ancient battlefield, all in order to collect powerful souls!

There are even more serious ones who will take the initiative to stir up troubles and control the outbreak of wars, large and small.

Even low-level soul-refining demon cultivators can control the outbreak of war behind the scenes in mortal countries.

Without him, the benefits would be too great.

On the battlefield, the bloody and murderous spirit was too strong.

In that kind of environment, any soul that can survive, even if it is just a remnant soul, can definitely be a great weapon as long as it is cultivated well.

The batch of souls that Han Zhan collected, the tens of thousands of low-level souls, were nothing compared to the millions of soldiers and generals of the five royal clans, but for the Ten Thousand Soul Banners, they were a huge source of vitality. .

As for the dozens of third-order remnant souls, as long as they are devoured and replenished, a few complete third-order ghost king-level beings may be born.

By then, the power of this Ten Thousand Souls Flag will be increased several times!

I guess this is what Han Zhan did intentionally!

He had held back before, not only because he didn't want to waste his resources, but also because it was difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

Now that the foundation of Ten Thousand Souls Banner is established, some methods can be used calmly in the future.

For me, this is a good thing. Getting a sharp weapon out of thin air can also make up for the gap in combat power after losing the Xuanhuo Sword.

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows with joy.

Before he could praise Han Zhan, the other party said suddenly: Don't you want to take a closer look?

Is there anything else?

Out of curiosity, Luo Chen penetrated deeper into the soul flag.

The closer we get inside, the more souls there are. We had not noticed it at a quick glance before.

Looking at it now, I realized that the fighting spirits seemed to be concentrated in one place.

When Luo Chen saw the identity of that place clearly, his expression changed drastically.


A cry of surprise.

Then, his magic power surged wildly, and the soul refining flag grew in the wind, expanding to an extreme point, reaching nine feet in length.

Then, the soul flag door opened wide, and something two or three feet wide slowly swam out from inside.

The moment that thing appeared, the aura suddenly filled the air.

The Black King, who was lying at the door of the cave, raised his head in surprise and doubt.

Master, what is that?

Luo Chen didn't answer him, but controlled the magic power as much as possible to guide the things inside out.

One zhang, two zhang, three zhang...it wasn't until a hundred feet later that its true body appeared.

It's a giant snake!

A hundred-foot giant snake!

The huge body winds across the coral trench. Even though it is lifeless, the remaining breath still suppresses the prostrate and graceful figure of the nearby blood coral, as if it is a natural fear.

Looking at the giant snake's body that was covered in scars, like dead wood and charred wood.

Luo Chen swallowed and looked at Han Zhan.

Cliff snake?

Han Zhan's slightly unreal face, although full of smile, also showed a bit of fatigue at this moment.

It's the ring-headed turtle that failed to overcome the tribulation. However, although it failed, it also lost its shackles and became a cliff snake.

This, this, this...

Luo Chen sighed with emotion and couldn't help but shake his head.

You really gave me a big surprise!

Han Zhan said tiredly: Although I can't help you much in combat, such small things are still insignificant.

This is no small matter!

A corpse of a cliff snake, although it has not yet transformed and failed to escape the tribulation, it is still a top-level demon king who has reached the third level of perfection.

If you release it, some people will be willing to pay a high price to buy it.

Even if you keep it for your own use, some of the above materials will be of great use.

Selling it, Luo Chen would naturally be reluctant to sell it.

Can you keep it for yourself?

For a moment, Luo Chen looked at the cliff snake corpse and felt a little confused. How to use it properly?

Just when he was in trouble, he felt a rubbing sensation in his calf.

Looking down, the Black King was rubbing against him carefully and flatteringly.

Master, this...

Luo Chen frowned, This is not something you can eat.

He can really eat it.

Luo Chen looked up and Han Zhan smiled.

When I asked this little guy to take action before, I promised him some conditions, including the body of this cliff snake. Just give it to him. Anyway, this cliff snake failed to transform, and the thunder calamity was strengthened dozens of times. Bombardment, the materials above are actually of little use to you.

The Black King also looked at Luo Chen eagerly, Master, when I helped you grab the black rock armor, I was almost beaten to death by Jin Zha and the others.

Luo Chen's expression kept changing, and his spiritual consciousness kept moving in and out of Ya Snake's body.

After repeated inspections, he had to admit that what Han Zhan said made sense.

This snake corpse, which looks no different from charcoal, has indeed lost most of its spirituality. Whether it is used to refine medicine or make magic weapons, its effectiveness is relatively average.

After all, this is not a monster that is resistant to thunder, but a large water-type monster that is naturally afraid of thunder.

Being able to preserve such a complete corpse is already a blessing among misfortunes.

In comparison, what he gained was the dozen corpses of the Demon Crab King and the Black Rock Armor that the Black King had captured for him.

After thinking for a while, Luo Chen withdrew his reluctant eyes.

Okay, I'll give it to you. Don't stop working after eating it.

Black King quickly bent his body on the ground and kept kowtowing to Luo Chen.

Thank you, Master. From now on, I will do my best for my master until I die!

Ha, this guy is really getting more and more fluent in the human language.

However, seeing the longing in Black King's eyes, Luo Chen also realized that this body of the cliff snake that failed to transform might be another great blessing for Black King!

If the Black King becomes stronger, it will also be a great joy for his master.

Calculate it like this.

Luo Chen's inner depression disappeared and he smiled casually.

This trip to Xuanyan Island was really fruitful. It can be called my first big harvest in history!

Feeling comfortable in his heart, he stepped into the cave.

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