Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 52: Everything Is Saying

Brother Luo Chen, this is the plank I prepared for you, and no one will take care of it at the booth.

Chen Shuyi moved a large wooden plank out from behind, and firmly embedded it on the side of the bluestone slab.

Thank you, Xiao Shuyi! This is for you.

Luo Chen grabbed a handful of fried fairy beans from the storage bag and stuffed them into the girl's hand.

Chen Shuyi's eyes lit up, and she put one in her mouth, biting it bouncingly.

Yeah, sure enough, Luo Chen's snacks are delicious!

In fact, most of the snacks that Luo Chen gave Chen Laodao were taken home by the other party for his granddaughter to eat.

Otherwise, an old man in his sixties wouldn't be thinking about Luo Chen's spicy beef jerky.

Seeing the girl's satisfied and enjoying appearance, Luo Chen smiled.

While laying out the pill jade bottle, he asked curiously: Is the business good recently? Seeing that you have placed so many talisman skins, can you sell them in one day?

When it came to business, Chen Laodao immediately became energetic.

I'm afraid you haven't been out much lately, kid!

How to say?

The flow of people in Dahefang City has at least doubled compared to before! Chen Laodao pointed to the bustling market, There are too many foreign monks, and Yuding Jiange has specially opened several transactions in the inner and outer cities. point. In their words, this is a trade fair facing Wudafang.”

Under his explanation, Luo Chen finally understood the impact of the changes in Dahefang during this period on the local monks.

Business is really good!

Perhaps because of the proximity to the Million Mountains, the various cultivation materials in Dahefang City are quite different from those in the inland area.

When foreign monks come here, they often see Lie Xinxi and buy a lot of them.

Similarly, those people will also set up stalls and sell some things they brought.

Chen Laodao's business has been booming recently!

It's not the talisman seal business, but another of his housekeeping skills - talisman skin!

The production of talismans and seals involves many aspects.

Talisman pen, cinnabar, animal blood, talisman skin.

Fu skin is divided into book skin, wood skin, animal skin and so on.

Among them, the talisman skin made of animal skin has the advantage of carrying a huge amount of aura, and the talisman seal drawn with this kind of talisman skin is often very powerful.

Coincidentally, what Chen Laodao is good at is making talisman skins from animal skins. The reason is also because it is close to the million mountains, and all kinds of monster skins are easy to buy.

When foreign monks saw the high-quality talisman skins he made, they either didn't buy them, or bought them on a large scale.

Looking at Chen Laodao's eyes were bloodshot, his hands were full of calluses, and he even had a stench that couldn't be washed away.

Luo Chen knew that the old man was probably crazy about making talisman skins recently.

So much so that the booth that the two of them rented together before is now full of talisman skins.

Even the granddaughter, who has been staying at home, was brought in to help sell things.

With Luo Chen's sense of spirit stones and business, he immediately realized that this was also a good opportunity for him.

If you miss this point in time, you may not have such a good opportunity in a short time!

Unfortunately, I was too nerdy before, and it was too late to know the situation, otherwise I would have to stay up all night to make more furnaces of pills.

Fortunately, the mastery-level Zhongmiao Pill Alchemy has allowed me to succeed nine times in the past half month, and I have ninety Zhongmiao Pills on hand!

Luo Chen is not of the nature of complaining, even if he occasionally has it, he will quickly adjust it.

At this time, he adjusted his mentality and put out all the Bigu pills and Zhongmiao pills.

It has to be said that the board prepared by Xiao Shuyi is large enough.

Let him place nearly two hundred jade vases, which are more than enough.

However, this is the current loose market management system, and Yuding Jiange will not manage them.

If it was normal, Luo Chen would have to pay a new booth fee for a spirit stone.

After setting out the pills, Luo Chen didn't think it was enough.

After thinking about it, he took out a pen and wrote a few large characters on a piece of white cloth.

When he hung it in front of the booth, Chen Shuyi read it word by word.

All the miraculous pills, showing the masculinity of a man!

Go, go, you dead girl is not ashamed!

Chen Xiuping hastily pulled the little girl aside, with red eyes, he gave Luo Chen a hard look.

Luo Chen didn't take it seriously, and even waited for the sun to rise and there were more and more people, and then shouted loudly.

Look here, look here, the days of cultivating immortals are really brilliant!

It has to be said that such a shameless and loud monk like him is very rare in today's society where the atmosphere is still very conservative.

But it was also like this, which soon attracted monks one by one.

Among them, foreign monks are the main ones.

What kind of medicine is this?

Show a man's majesty? Hmph, my generation of monks, what a pity. Why do you need this thing!

Is it really as good as you say?

Ahem, it's not that I want to buy it, it's because I have a friend who fights with others, and he left behind that aspect. Ahem, you know, give me five bottles!

Here's a bottle, I'd like to see the special medicine of Dahefang, what kind of special is it?

After a group of people finished buying, Luo Chenshui shouted loudly again without taking a sip.

Walk around and take a look. The Zhongmiao Wan used to cost eight or nine yuan, but now it's cheap.

In order to give back to our old customers, and to welcome fellow Taoists from other places, we now launch the Zhongpin Zhongmiao Pill, which only costs five spirit stones!

Yes, you heard me right. Our Zhongmiao Pills, there is no price increase for additional products. If you can't buy five spirit stones, you will lose money and be fooled!

A bunch of people gathered around again!

The girl Chen Shuyi who was squeezed into a corner was dumbfounded.

In the past, when I heard grandpa say how shameless his stallmates were, I just thought it was grandpa watching people through the cracks of the door and seeing that everyone was flat.

Now it seems that I have too much prejudice against my stingy grandfather?

She wanted to apologize to grandpa.

Looking back, I found that grandpa's old face was flushed, and his lips were pursed, as if he was hesitating to speak.

Chen Shuyi has been smart and sensible since she was a child, and she is even more understanding.

Seeing this, he immediately comforted: Grandpa, don't be angry. It's like this, it's not shabby.

Chen Laodao's eyes lit up, and he gently rubbed the little girl's head.

Yes, my little Shuyi is right. Doing business and earning resources for cultivation is not shabby.

Then, under Xiao Shuyi's shocked gaze, Chen Laodao moved his dantian with luck, and burst out shouting.

Pass by, don't miss it!

Excellent talisman skin!

The rune skins tanned with fresh animal skins can carry any beginner's rune skins that have failed to draw runes at least three times, as long as a bundle of ten spirit stones is required.

It's absolutely fresh, it's still bleeding, and it's stained with monster meat.

After a while, a crowd of people surrounded the bluestone booth.

There were two small booths, and for a while, there was a crowd of people.

In the excitement, Luo Chen turned his head, and Chen Laodao also turned his head with a tacit understanding.

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything was in silence.

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