Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 45 Taishan Square, Jinshi Pavilion

Luo Chen was thinking about this while selling the pill.

The ticket fee should be very expensive, and I probably can't find a good location when I go there.

But if I can see the top masters in the realm of refining Qi fight, it will be more or less helpful to me!

Thinking of noon, there is no answer.

On the contrary, Zhongmiao Pills and Bigu Pills were sold one after another.

This kind of elixir may not be sold well in other places, but it is very popular in places like Dahefang, which is close to the Million Mountains.

Many monks are under high pressure and want to enjoy themselves without losing their combat power.

Zhongmiao Wan can help them realize their dreams, so it will naturally be popular.

There are only sixty pills, but they are so easy to digest.

Three hundred and eighty spirit stones, Zhongmiao Pills sold for three hundred, and Bigu Pills sold for eighty, which is the income of half a month of hard work.

There are still raw materials at home that cost 250 yuan of spirit stones. Now, with the level of alchemy that is proficient, the shipment rate should be higher.

At that time, it should be a pure profit.

After a simple calculation of his net worth, plus what was left before, the savings are now back to five hundred and five, neat and tidy.

If it was before, Luo Chen would have been overjoyed.

But now, Luo Chen can already treat this huge sum with a normal heart.

In fact, there are really not many, and many are compared to monks in the early and middle stages of Qi refining.

In the late stage of Qi refining, most monks can take it out in one go.

If it is a monk in the foundation building period, this Lingshi is even a drop in the bucket, but they just go to Zhong Ding's house or Tianxiang Tower to consume it once or twice.

Don't you see that in Gu Caiyi's mouth, a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment casually gave out a bottle of Huachen Pill.

That thing is priced at 1,000 spirit stones, so you can buy a middle-grade defensive magic weapon, or an entry-level top-grade magic weapon.

And Luo Chen knew very well that this spirit stone would not belong to him soon.

In the Elixir Pavilion.

Three bottles of Qi Yang Dan!

Guest, here are three bottles of qi-nourishing pills. Thank you for patronizing three hundred spirit stones.


Luo Chen didn't look at the crystal clear spirit stone that was still warm, and quickly put the three bottles of pills into the storage bag.

This is his cultivation accumulation for the next month!

After walking out of the Lingyao Pavilion, Luo Chen went straight to the Baicao Hall next to him.

There are still raw materials for Zhongmiao Wan, but the ingredients for Bigu Pill have been exhausted, so it is time to add some more.

After experiencing the medicinal materials processed by Baicaotang for a period of time, he has a little disdain for the medicinal materials sold in casual repair market.

It is too time consuming to process.

Although he has not yet reached the level of exchanging spirit stones for time, there is no need to save these spirit stones now.

The main raw materials of Bigu Dan are very cheap, and there are discounts for large quantities.

Buying it from a private person, and buying it from Baicaotang, the difference may be that it costs one or two spirit stones.

Luo Chen really doesn't need to save this money now.

When entering Baicao Hall, Liu Hecai, the fat shopkeeper, was not seen, but Bai Meiling lying on the counter.

Miss Xiaoling, where's shopkeeper Liu?

Bai Meiling looked up at Luo Chen, pointed to the upstairs with her finger, and then lay down on the counter again.

There's a Foundation Establishment cultivator over at Mount Taifang. He's a friend of shopkeeper Liu. They're talking about old times.


Luo Chen nodded, and then took out a list.

According to the medicinal materials and ratio above, give me fifty spirit stones.

Bai Meiling took the list and looked at Luo Chen suspiciously.

It is really the formula of bigu powder.

In other words, Luo Chen didn't lie to her before?

For a batch of fifty spirit stones, with the top-grade quality he cultivated, he can sell them for about a hundred yuan.

After deducting the cost, the net profit is fifty.

Did he rely on this income to live in the inner city?

That's a very tight life. You can only afford a bottle of Yangqi Pill by saving for a few months.

Muttering to herself, she quickly grabbed the medicinal materials for Luo Chen, put them in a big bag and took them out.

When she came out, her eyes widened.

Luo Chen was actually chatting with Shopkeeper Liu and the Foundation Establishment cultivator from Taishan Fang.

When you are a real person, you can't rely on your appearance. You can make a living by making alchemy at such a young age.

Senior, you're joking, such trivial skills are not worth mentioning. Luo Chen's expression was very respectful, even his waist was bent three points.

Without him, the two people in front of him are both Foundation Establishment monks.

Shopkeeper Liu is okay, I have a business relationship with him.

But another Senior Kang, he had to treat him like a junior.

Kang Dongyue said with a smile: Old Liu said that you used the fire dog whip to make alchemy. I am very curious about what kind of elixir this spiritual material can be used to make food and nourish young animals. I don't know if you can help me Can the old man clear up one or two doubts?

Luo Chen was a little embarrassed, and even felt a little sweat on his back.

This is not the first time he has confronted Foundation Establishment cultivators, but others, such as shopkeeper Liu and Mr. Chu, are all business contacts.

But now this Senior Kang, as a Foundation Establishment cultivator, bluntly wants to know the elixir he made.

Just wondering now, after that?

Will he ask for his prescription, or...

Seeing Luo Chen not saying a word for a long time, the two established foundations were old and mature, and they also realized something.

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile: Xiao Luo, don't worry, Lao Kang is the owner of the Jinshi Pavilion in Taishanfang, and he is responsible for selling all kinds of elixirs. He is just curious, maybe your elixirs are of good quality, and he can still buy from you Woolen cloth.

Kang Dongyue also explained, My Kang family is one of the affiliated families of the Jade Cauldron Sect. They are good at alchemy, so they opened a Jinshi Pavilion. But there are only a few kinds of elixir that sell well in the family, so I usually collect some loose pills. Cultivate the elixir of the same way, and help sell it.

Having said that, Luo Chen felt relieved.

This kind of small pharmacy also has a similar one in Dahefang.

Opened by some small sects or Xiuxian families.

The things sold inside are very miscellaneous, ranging from pills, talismans, to magical instruments.

Some rogue cultivators with few spirit stones can't afford to go to big stores, and don't want to go to the rogue cultivator market to buy goods, so they will choose this kind of small shop.

In a sense, his and Chen Laodao's stall also belonged to this kind of joint selling pills and talisman seals, all that was missing was a signboard.

He respectfully handed over a jade bottle, which contained a Zhongmiao Pill.

Kang Dongyue took it over, first looked it over carefully, and then leaned closer to smell it.

After confirming that there is nothing wrong with it, pinch a little powder and put it in your mouth.

Closing his eyes and feeling it, he nodded.

The first-order elixir has the effect of strengthening yang, and has a small amount of spirit-replenishing effect. To be honest, it is quite unique, but unfortunately it is only low-grade. If monks take too much, it is easy to cause the virtual fire to flourish, and the golden lock of Xiaguan will loosen.

Hearing this comment, Luo Chen couldn't help giving the other party a high look.

A few simple movements can almost explain the advantages and disadvantages of Zhongmiaowan.

This is not something ordinary monks can do.

The other party is at least an experienced Tier 1 alchemist, and may even be a Tier 2 alchemist.

How much is the price?

About five spirit stones.

Kang Dongyue shook his head, and handed Luo Chen five pieces of spiritual stones, which represented him buying the pill.

Afterwards, he said: The price is too high, so it can only be sold in places like Dahefang and Xuelianfang, which are close to the million-dollar mountain. In my Taishanfang, the price has to be discounted by half.

Well, if it is placed in the mortal area, it will be very popular. Unfortunately, it is difficult for mortals to produce what we monks need.

After commenting on the price and market, he asked curiously, How many pills of this kind of elixir can my little friend make in a month?

This time, Luo Chen did not answer directly.

He took courage, Senior, do you want to buy from me?

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