Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 442 Snow Mountain

In the quiet room of the cabin, which is as warm as spring.

Luo Chen took the materials that had been processed in advance from He Lianyun one by one.

Each ingredient is basically configured with enough portions for more than ten times.

And most of them are of extremely high quality!

It can be seen that in order to refine the Mingyuan Pill, He Lianyun and others did not cut corners.

However, even so, Luo Chen still found many shortcomings.

Why weren't the red crystal dates peeled in advance?

Well, after peeling, won't the medicinal properties be lost?

Who told you? This medicinal material has extremely strong medicinal properties. If it is not peeled in advance and allowed to release part of its medicinal power, it cannot be used to make elixirs.

Ah, what should I do?

Don't worry, give me some time to process it. It will take three to five days for the medicine to evaporate to a suitable level.

Huh? This cold star grass...

what happened again?

Alas, are the alchemists of your Lianyun Business Alliance only of this level? They can't even handle the Cold Star Grass. Forget it, just keep everything, and I'll process it again one by one.

He Lianyun handed the storage bag filled with medicinal materials to Luo Chen and left the room with a depressed look.

Come on deck.

Fu Jiusheng looked over at him.

What's wrong?

He Lianyun said in a buzzing voice: Luo Chen was not satisfied with the medicinal materials I collected. He said several of them were not processed properly. But I obviously asked people to process them according to the most standard method on the market. I doubt it. Luo Chen is deliberately trying to find fault.

Oh, that's right! Fu Jiusheng responded casually.

Seeing Fu Jiusheng's usual look, He Lianyun was a little confused.

Didn't he deliberately find fault?

Fu Jiusheng explained with a smile: It's not your fault. It's really possible that Luo Chen didn't mean to find fault. I know many powerful sect alchemists. Even if they refine the same elixir, they need the same medicinal materials, but the specific processing They all have different standards.”

After hearing this explanation, Helian Yun became even more confused.

For the same elixir, shouldn't the proportions and standards of medicinal materials be the same?

No no no...

Fu Jiusheng shook his head, This has something to do with the level of the alchemist. If the alchemy is strong enough and the medicinal properties are too strong, they can also use alchemy to weaken them. And if the medicinal properties are low, they can also make up for it through other means. . If it comes to the actual refining process, it also depends on the alchemist’s mastery of a certain alchemy. If the level of a certain alchemy is too low, they will abandon a certain alchemy in the recipe that requires this kind of alchemy. Medicinal materials, using medicinal materials that are better processed by other alchemy techniques...

The more he talks, the more complicated it becomes.

Helian Yun felt a little dizzy.

He waved his hand quickly, Stop it, stop it, you want to say that all this is related to the alchemist's own level and habits, right?

Fu Jiusheng smiled and nodded slightly.

He Lianyun exhaled, Okay, just pretend that Luo Chen didn't mean to cause trouble.

Fu Jiusheng, on the other hand, had a hint of doubt under his smiling red face.

Luo Chen probably has never personally experimented with the refining of the Ming Yuan Pill before. After all, he lacks the main materials.

But why can he accurately understand the corresponding standards required for each medicinal material?

He Lianyun didn't know his doubts.

Looking at the scenery like cloud shadows flying upside down outside the flying boat, his face straightened.

Fellow Daoist Fu, now that we've reached this point, it's time to tell us our true destination!

Inside the cabin.

Luo Chen simply processed various medicinal materials according to his own habits, and then put them away.

Yes, just simple processing.

The medicinal materials prepared by He Lianyun are actually very complete.

Based on his solid alchemy skills, these medicinal materials can be used as medicine at any time.

He was so picky, but he actually wanted to covet some of the extra medicinal materials.

Regarding the research on the Mingyuan Pill recipe, Luo Chen has hardly stopped in the past six years.

The final result is that there is no result.

After all, it is an elixir-forming formula from the Holy Land Sect, and it has also been deduced by the God Transformation Power.

At his current level, he can no longer go any further.

But where there were no big results, he found another way and tried to simplify the recipe.

Don’t ask for better, but ask for worse!

No matter how bad it is, it is still a third-level elixir recipe, and it is also an elixir recipe related to pill formation.

If a new elixir recipe could be simplified, even if it was less effective than the Ming Yuan Dan and the original Ming Hai Dan, it would be a great gain for Luo Chen.

In that way, he can try to refine it himself, or take it internally, or sell it to the outside world, or he can use this as an opportunity to make friends with other sects and develop contacts.

Of course, the latter two are too dangerous.

Luo Chen mainly wanted to deduce a relatively suitable elixir that could be taken by himself and the Luo Tianhui monks.

Just succeed!

After that, the Luo Tianhui monks will form elixirs, and they will no longer be stuck by the big sects.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Chen needs more medicinal materials related to the original recipe.

Even his current state is not enough to support him in simplifying the Mingyuan Pill recipe.

When he reaches a higher level in the future, he might be able to complete this work.

Cultivation is never about looking at the present moment.

After collecting various medicinal materials, only the complete Jialan Lei flower was left in front of Luo Chen.

Crystal clear, with blue arcs flashing from time to time.

Incarnation of the god Bai Ye, powerful in the way of thunder.

The various heritage resources where his palace is located are almost all related to the thunder attribute.

Could it be that after monks advance to become gods, they will specialize in a certain department? So that even many matters in life will be related to that department?

Keep the Jialan Thunder Flower away carefully.

As a result, the three main materials needed to refine the Mingyuan Pill have been gathered: Tianshan Huiyang Water and Jialan Leihua.

All that's missing is the Nine-Patterned Snake's Saliva Fruit.

And that thing...

Luo Chen looked deeply into the cabin.

Those deep eyes seemed to be looking through the cabin wall towards the distant snowy mountains.

Fu Jiusheng is too cautious!

I used the Shui Jing Dan Xiang to track him before. It was obvious that he was going to the extreme east, but the real Nine-striped Snake Saliva Fruit was in the nearby Daxue Mountain.

The other three people also have something to hide. It seems that Xiao Sanren is still on the ninth level of foundation construction, but from my observation, his external spiritual power fluctuations are too stable, and I am afraid that he has already reached a perfect state.

He Lianyun has not changed much, but having been in charge of the Lianyun Business Alliance for many years, he must have many trump cards, which should not be underestimated.

Mrs. Yousha seems to be the weakest, but I always feel that she is hiding something.

Since deciding to work with these four.

Luo Tianhui never stopped conducting intelligence investigations against them.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Even though Luo Chen had faced enemies stronger than them and experienced greater battles, he still had to be careful when he was alone.

The flying boat moved forward.

Bypassing densely populated areas and flying specifically to deep and secluded places.

Only half a month.

In a dense forest, five figures gathered together.

Fu Jiusheng looked at everyone, especially Luo Chen, who was collecting the flying boat.

Ahead is where the Snowy Mountains are!

The Daxue Mountain is just a general name. It is actually a giant mountain range that stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. It is covered with continuous snow and has countless famous mountain peaks. There are also countless low-level monsters growing there, most of which are monsters from the ice, snow, water, and soil systems. Beasts are the main ones. In addition to countless low-level monsters, second- and third-order monsters also appear from time to time. There is even a fourth-order demon king named White Bone Black Snake living in it.

After hearing his introduction, several people's expressions remained normal.

This common sense is basically understood by those who are cultivating immortals near the Million Mountains of the Eastern Wilderness.

Fu Jiusheng paused and continued: And what we are going to is a spiritual place that I named Ten Thousand Python Cave.

Ten Thousand Python Cave?

As soon as this name came out, everyone frowned slightly.

Just by hearing the name, you can tell that there are probably a lot of monsters like pythons gathered inside.

The Nine-striped Snake Saliva Fruit, a spiritual object, is an elixir born from snake saliva in a place where a large number of snow pythons live.

But there are many kinds of snow pythons in the world. Only the saliva of the seven-ringed snow python can cultivate the nine-striped snake saliva fruit.

When the name of the Seven-ringed Snow Python was revealed, everyone's expressions changed, including Luo Chen.

Who doesn't know that the seven-ringed snow python is one of the bloodlines of that white-bone black snake.

Fu Jiusheng actually set his sights on this kind of monster!

As for why pythons are descendants of snakes?

There is no need to take this kind of question seriously. It is not something that a few of them Foundation Establishment monks can delve into.

However, how could they not become angry if they were to be enemies with this kind of monster that was at least the third level?

Fu Jiusheng looked at them, Are you afraid?

How can we not be afraid? If it's just a third-order monster, that's all. A social monster like this must be the strongest beast king-level existence among the third-order monsters. Xiao Sanren looked fearful. Beast king-level existence, even if it is He also has to stay away.

He Lianyun smiled bitterly, Fellow Daoist Fu, why didn't you explain it in advance? At least, it gave us some ways to deal with it!

Fu Jiusheng's face showed a cold expression.

He had mentioned the snow python before, but he didn't believe that these people were not prepared accordingly.

Looking at everyone, he said coldly: If anyone is afraid, you can exit early now.

Several people looked at each other, but no one threatened to quit.

Are you kidding me? After years of planning, who would stop moving forward after reaching this point?

In the crowd, a young voice suddenly came out.

It's Luo Chen!

I want to know how you can create a quiet alchemy environment for me since there is a third-level beast king and it is also a place where seven-ring snow pythons live.

This question goes to the core.

Fu Jiusheng's expression softened slightly, Very good. Since everyone is not quitting, at least they are still on the same page. As for fellow Taoist Dan Chenzi's concerns, I can also answer some of them.

During his explanation, everyone understood why he dared to lead people to snatch food from the tiger's mouth despite knowing that there was a third-level beast king.

It turns out that the place where the Nine-striped Snake Saliva Fruit grows is not in the core area of ​​Ten Thousand Python Cave.

That third-level seven-ring snow python, as the king of the group, cannot always take care of a spiritual plant.

Therefore, it only arranged a few second-level snow pythons to monitor and take care of it.

I have a relatively safe route into the Ten Thousand Python Cave.

When you get there, kill the few snow pythons that are guarding you, and then I will set up a magic array, which will be enough to buy Dan Chenzi enough time and environment.

For monsters with relatively low intelligence.

The effect of the phantom formation is often greater than that of the offensive and defensive formation.

However, several people looked at Fu Jiusheng with a bit of surprise.

No one expected that this person was actually an array master.

Okay, there's no point in talking more.

Everyone, take a rest first, and then quietly enter the Snowy Mountains!

This journey is long, and there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents. Let's try our best to stay in good condition.

After saying that, Fu Jiusheng found a big tree and immediately sat cross-legged to meditate.

Several other people saw this and did the same.

Especially Madam Yousha and Xiao Sanren, who were responsible for driving the airship and monitoring the outside world along the way, were in worse condition.

Luo Chen was in excellent condition.

I flew to the top of the mountain alone and looked at the rolling snow-capped mountains not far away, with a thoughtful look in my eyes.

Occasionally, he would look back in the other direction.

That's where the Tianshan Mountains are, which is where the Ice Castle Sect is.

The two are less than a thousand miles apart.

For high-level monks, it is just a matter of seconds.

During his time in Ice Castle, especially in the last half year, he often heard that Ice Castle disciples would go into the mountains to hunt and obtain resources.

Occasionally, there will be a tide of beasts from the snowy mountains that attack the ice castle.

But here comes the problem.

With such a close distance, isn't Ice Castle afraid that the fourth-order Beast King White Bone Black Snake from the Snowy Mountains will attack and destroy it easily?

The higher the realm of immortal cultivators, the greater the gap in strength.

The fourth-level beast king is comparable to the real Yuanying!

If the White Bone Black Snake were to attack, the Ice Castle might not be able to withstand it for even a moment.

So, where did Ice Castle get the courage to choose the sect’s headquarters in such a dangerous place?

Just as he was thinking about this problem, the four people in the woods had almost adjusted their breath.

Dan Chenzi, it's time to set off!

Come right away!

Luo Chen replied, suppressing the doubts in his heart, and with a movement of his body, he flew in front of several people.

Fu Jiusheng saw that everyone was here, and everyone seemed to be full of energy and in good condition.

A big wave of his hand.

Let's go!

The five figures restrained their auras and flew into the rolling snow-capped mountains using only simple wind control techniques.

It is completely different from the rumors about the Snowy Mountains, which are barren of grass and covered with ice and snow.

The deeper they went into the ice and snow, the more extraordinary Luo Chen and the other five people felt.

Even if it is not covered with green grass, there are many spiritual trees and vegetation growing abundantly.

Moreover, the closer you get to some of the snowy peaks, the more vigorous the aura you can feel.

Tsk, tsk, this snow-capped mountain doesn't seem too surprising, but it is actually a natural third-level spiritual land! If Jindan monks occupy this mountain, they can start a sect. Even if they don't establish a sect, they can use it as a place for personal practice. Excellent!

Looking at the small snow-capped mountain that was only a few hundred feet high dozens of miles away, Xiao Sanren clicked his tongue in wonder. There was even a hint of greed in his eyes.

However, his fantasy was directly shattered by Fu Jiusheng.

Forget it!

Among the millions of mountains in the Eastern Wasteland, there are countless natural third-level and fourth-level spiritual lands. Do you think they are so easy to invade?

These are all owned lands!

Xiao Sanren curled his lips, but could not refute.

This is the way of the world. Regardless of whether it is the wild mountains, the land of the four seas, or the world of cultivating immortals in the Five Continents, all high-level spiritual lands usually have owners.

Either they are occupied by high-level monsters, or they are occupied by the Shangzong Holy Land.

Where is their turn to practice casually?

He Lianyun also looked at the small snow mountain with envy, If we, the casual cultivators, want to occupy a spiritual land like this, it will be impossible for us to rely on our own strength in our lifetime. Only when the human monks initiate the opening up In the event of war, only by completely conquering a giant mountain range and turning it into a world of cultivation can you practice peace of mind in it.

His words were recognized by everyone.

This is basically how the human race's world of cultivating immortals was created.

Like the Jade Cauldron Territory where they lived more than four hundred years ago, it was also a wild place where monsters were entrenched.

At that time, it was still called the Lianxia Mountains.

However, the Lianxia Mountain Range is inconspicuous among the millions of mountains in the Eastern Wasteland, and the resources within it can only be regarded as average.

In comparison, it is much worse than Daxue Mountain.

I don't know which giant mountain range the Luoyun Sect is going to open up in this opening war?

It should be the Guyuan Mountains! That is the most familiar territory for monks from the Jade Cauldron Domain.

It's hard to say that the Jade Cauldron Sword Sect has always been dissatisfied that the Jade Cauldron Domain is too small and has too many monks. In recent years, not only has it often sent monks in and out of the Guyuan Mountains, it has also opened Dahefang, Taishanfang and many other markets in nearby places. They will Are you willing to give up the Guyuan Mountains that you have managed for a long time to the Luoyun Sect?

It can't be the Xiaoyue Mountain Range! It is said that the Xiaoyue Mountain Range is much more dangerous, and most of the demon beast groups in it are wolves. This is a hard nut that the Luoyun Sect will not be able to crack down.

Haha, monsters are reckless and unwise. No matter how powerful they are, Luo Yun Sect has gathered the power of several sects, and with the Mingyuan Sect as its backer, as long as they are determined, they will definitely be able to defeat them!

If we all succeed in forming elixirs, maybe we can form an alliance to establish a large golden elixir sect, and then occupy a third-level spiritual land for cultivation during the opening war?

Fellow Taoist, you think too far, but it is indeed a good suggestion.

On the boring journey.

While the five of them were alert to their surroundings, they chatted about interesting things from time to time to cheer up their spirits.

After all, flying cautiously for a long time in the vast white sky is also a burden for the monk's soul.

The small snow mountain with the third-order spiritual veins had been left behind two days ago.

Along the way, many scattered spiritual places appeared.

First order, second order, small, large.

Like third-order spiritual lands, they appeared in several places.

One of the third-level spiritual lands was filled with spiritual energy that reached its peak.

Even though they are thousands of miles apart, everyone can feel its power from the towering snow-capped mountains.

A large third-level spiritual land!

There must be a third-level spiritual vein within it that stretches for thousands of miles.

This kind of power is difficult to feel in the human world of immortality.

This is because sects in the world of human immortality often use various secret techniques, spells, and even large-scale formations to confine spiritual places, making sure not to allow too much spiritual energy to leak out.

Only in this unexplored and wild mountain can you feel this kind of pure and unscrupulous spiritual place that vents its surging vitality to the outside world.


This kind of aura environment without any restrictions has also allowed countless wild monsters to be born in this area.

Along the way, even though this route into the mountain was what Fu Jiusheng said was a safe route, they still encountered many low-level monsters.

This day.

Xiao Sanren, who was clearing the way ahead, suddenly stopped.

Fellow Daoist Xiao, what's wrong? Fu Jiusheng asked.

Xiao Sanren looked gloomy, Are you sure this road is a safe route?

Fu Jiusheng was confused, but when he flew to the front, his expression turned bad.

Strange! Why are there a group of barred snowy owls here? I remember when I came here three years ago, there were no such monsters on this route!

Xiao Sanren retreated slightly.

This is not the key, the key is, what are we going to do next?

Fu Jiusheng was in trouble.

He Lianyun suggested, A detour?

Absolutely not! Fu Jiusheng said solemnly: There is a group of direwolves living nearby, and there is even a third-order wolf king among them. Detouring is asking for death. Moreover, detouring is too time-consuming. If you miss the nine-striped snake, If the ripening time of the salivary fruits is not enough, then our trip will be in vain.”

Then what do you want to do? He Lianyun asked.

Fu Jiusheng looked at the four of them, gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Let's break in!

After all, it's just a group of first-order barred snowy owls. If we move faster, we won't cause any big trouble.

It was already discussed before entering the mountain.

During the journey, all decisions were made by Fu Jiusheng, an experienced herb collector. The other four people could question and make suggestions, but the final decision still had to be made by him.

At this moment, he made the decision to break through.

That being the case, there's nothing more to say.

Luo Chen was in the center of the five people, in the safest protective position.

Seeing the four of them taking out their weapons, they couldn't help but raise their eyebrows.

After taking the Tongyou Pill for a long time, his current soul foundation has completely surpassed the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment Period, so he can see more things.

The enemy is not just the barred snowy owl!

However, he said nothing.

It just so happens that we can take this opportunity to see what these people can do.

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