Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 11 Uncle, I grew up watching you!

Not to mention that a generation of qi training nine-level great monks once fought bloody battles, shaking the avenue and changing the situation.

Luo Chen really tasted the sweetness here!

In the past, he only had one product, Bigu Pill, and it was clear when the guests came, and there was no room for them to choose.

If you want it, you want it, if you don’t want it, you don’t want it. There is very little room for bargaining.

He couldn't even do tie-in sales, the most common sales model.

It's not like Chen Laodao, who sells Qi Concentrating Talisman at a high price, and when the customer hesitates, he can still say For this price, at most I will give you another cleaning talisman!

Luo Chen didn't even give him a nod.

Now, he finally has a second product that can be sold!

That's not right, Zhongmiao Pill, a low-level yang-strengthening pill, is not very easy to get, shame on you!

But no matter what, the sale of the first bottle of Zhongmiao Pills gave him great hope!

The price is a bit inflated, costing one Lingshi, but selling it for five.

But it can't stand the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, as long as the movement of food and medicine related to aphrodisiac is always enduring.

Even in this world of cultivating immortals that pays attention to personal might!

In fact it's the exact opposite.

Low-level monks, especially in the stage of Qi training, are in the stage of refining and transforming Qi. They only rely on the outside world to carry the manic spiritual energy and then refine it. The progress of their cultivation is very slow.

That's why there is a market for spiritual rice, monster meat, and even medicinal pills that contain a lot of spiritual energy.

Coupled with the fact that spiritual power pervades the whole body, low-level monks often cannot hold on to themselves, and it is easy to leave the gate to vent their energy if they are slightly provoked.

Therefore, in order to ensure the most efficient transformation of aura, many exercises have corresponding tricks to lock essence.

In the classics, there is a term called Ma Yin Zangxiang.

In this case, there are often only two ways to solve it.

One is the foundation-building stage of monks. After the birth of spiritual knowledge, one can use spiritual knowledge to freely mobilize the spiritual power in the body to transform, and then it will become stronger and stronger.

Otherwise, in the initial stage, even if the energy is leaked, who can climb the road?

And the second solution is to let the qi training monk take the initiative to let go of the golden lock after confirming that the road is hopeless.

With the back-feeding of spiritual power, it is easy to restore his glory.

This is also why those cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals who have spread their branches and established families are often old cultivators with no hope of path.

They know their own level, and they can't make it up, and they are stuck there for the rest of their lives.

What's the fuss, go home and have a baby, enjoy life!

But with the Zhongmiao Pill, which is specially designed for monks in the Qi training period, the situation has been reversed in two levels.

The main ingredients of this medicine are scallops belonging to water, and fire dog penis belonging to fire, which has the effect of combining water and fire.

After eating it, stimulate the aura in it a little bit, and you will be able to shake the majestic wind without moving the golden lock!

Or why Luo Chen tried his best to refine this thing?

It's definitely not that he has this demand!

But this market has a huge demand!

Luo Chen was anxious about everyone's urgency, thinking about what everyone thought.

Put it on the earth, no matter what, it must be a little Song Jiang, nicknamed Timely Rain!

When the second bottle of Zhongmiao Pills was sold again at the unit price of five spirit stones, the way Chen Laodao looked at him changed.

He once held a Qi Containing Talisman worth at least three spirit stones, and compared it with that exquisite little jade bottle.

Mouth words:

It shouldn't be!

My Qi Containing Talisman is drawn with three-colored dragon's blood and tasteless vole, and the cost is only two spirit stones. Could it be that the cost of Zhongmiao Pill is higher than mine?

Or is it that the male cultivator values ​​that aspect more than being able to save lives at a critical moment?

Luo Chen didn't explain either.

Even if the Bigu pills were sold out and there were only Zhongmiao Wan alone left on the stall, he would still squat there.

Today, he is going to frantically scoop up Chen Laodao's source of customers.

Whenever a monk came to buy a talisman, he would stop others and say something quietly.

Fellow Daoist, are you interested in learning more about Zhongmiao Pills?

Of course, not everyone is interested in this.

Those with a firm will and a heart for the Dao will refuse politely.

How can you put your mind on the happiness of men and women?

It is impossible for such an insect to do anything in its lifetime!

Those with strong self-esteem even walked away.

Do you think I'm the one who needs that kind of medicine?

However, most of the monks showed obvious intentions.

Especially after Luo Chen repeated his old tricks and told the story about Mr. Yun Zhonghe using this medicine to fight against the fourth-order beast emperor.

It is even more generous, in order to imitate the demeanor of the predecessors.

Just like that, by the afternoon, the Zhongmiao Pills in Luo Chen's hand were finally sold out.

Giving Chen Laodao a bag of spicy beef jerky, squatting aside, Luo Chen chewed the beef jerky and calculated today's earnings.

The first is 20 bottles of Bigu Pill, the market is very stable, a total of four spirit stones were sold.

Then there is the new Zhongmiaowan, ten bottles sold for forty-six spirit stones.

The reason why it wasn't fifty yuan was that in order to open up the market, he slightly lowered the price of a few bottles.

Just on the shelves, there must be some discounts.

After finishing the calculation, Luo Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His deposit finally returned to the fifty mark again!

It is completely possible to refine Zhongmiao Pills again.

However, until there is no qualitative change in the proficiency of Zhongmiaowan, his shipment rate may not be able to increase.

With this little income, he couldn't afford the regular practice of his Wulinggen aptitude.

Therefore, in order to increase production, there is only one way to go.

Expand production!

However, to expand production requires higher costs and more spirit stones.

Where did the Lingshi come from?

Fellow Daoist Luo, I would like to ask, how much do you cost all these wonderful pills?

You know how to be presumptuous! Luo Chen didn't raise his head.

Chen Laodao laughed awkwardly, but he was as thick-skinned as him, and he was not angry.

The main reason is Luo Chen's income today. Others don't know, but he can see it clearly when he sits on the side.

Fifty spirit stones!

This is what Luo Chen could earn by selling 250 bottles of Bigu Pills.

He also knew that it was impolite to ask other people's business secrets. Seeing that Luo Chen didn't say anything, he didn't intend to continue asking.

But he didn't ask, but Luo Chen leaned forward.

Uncle Chen


Start calling uncle again!

I have watched you since I was a child, no, you watched me grow up, you know exactly how many spirit stones I have. You more or less have a plan for the cost of Zhongmiao Pills.

Luo Chen said sincerely, with an extremely sincere tone.

I can't say the exact cost. Just don't go out and talk nonsense if you know what it is, but there are tricks to selling it at a high price!

Chen Laodao looked hesitant, recalling Luo Chen's overall operation today.


But some things, after all, are still not enlightened.

This is the difference between the traverser and the native old man after experiencing modern information bombardment.

Even after watching others operate, I still don't understand the reason.

I can tell you the trick. But, can you do Ronaldinho a favor?

Help? Chen Laodao looked at Luo Chen suspiciously, and his left eye jumped involuntarily, Let's say yes, you can help, but you can't borrow spirit stones!

Luo Chen pulled his sleeve and kept shaking it, with a look of admiration on his face.

Uncle Chen, Xiao Luo is the only elder like you in this icy world of cultivating immortals!

Fellow Daoist, please respect yourself!

Uncle! It's not much, it's only fifty yuan, and it's still a low-grade spirit stone. Just lend me one time! Pay it back to you in half a month at most!

Hiss, how dare you speak!

You know how much Ronaldinho earned today, and he is fully capable of repaying it. You have to trust me!

Luo Chen grabbed Chen Xiuping's thick and rough hand, Uncle, trust me! Besides, don't you want to know how to sell your talisman at a high price?

Chen Laodao was a little moved.

To be honest, every time I see the talisman seal drawn by you with all your painstaking efforts and bought by others with a few pieces of spirit stones, I feel like a knife is piercing my heart!

They look down on your talisman-making level, they just look down on me Ronaldinho!

Uncle, you trust me, lend me the spirit stone, and I'll help you sell the talisman at a high price, and from then on, you will become bigger and stronger, and create brilliance!


Chen Laodao swallowed, his wrinkled face looked at Fellow Daoist Luo affectionately.


Fifty is not much, you can't buy it at a loss, and you can't be fooled!

Ah, here you are! I'm a Qi-refining sixth-level monk, so I don't dare to renege on my debt!

Luo Chen quickly took the large handful of broken spirit stones, put them into his small bag, tightened the rope tightly, and stuffed it into the deepest part of the inner lining.

Chen Laodao turned his face away, he couldn't see this scene.

That's all his money!

Okay, you can talk.

Chen Daoyou, do you know what brand value is?

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