As soon as the price was passed to Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan knew it was bad and couldn't help but curse Zhu Yishan secretly:

"This old fox must have noticed something."

If it was a normal bargaining, Zhu Yishan would not have given this price, so he must be testing something.

At this point, Ye Qingxuan knew that he could not retreat too much, nor could he not retreat at all.

If he retreats too much, Zhu Yishan may simply run away.

But we have to retreat, after all, it is too easy to retreat from the front.

This time, they did not agree to the condition put forward by Zhu's Trading Company that the nuclear explosive pills should not be sold again in Xingzhou, which was a bit of a loss in itself.

If he does not retreat, but shows strong strength, it will also arouse Zhu Yishan's suspicion.

The main reason is that the foundation of Tianfu's shop is too shallow, and there is almost no power base outside Xuantian Sect. There are only a few strongholds established by Zhu Dafu in Xingzhou in recent years.

Otherwise, Ye Qingxuan would not be so passive and could only rely on Zhu Chuixiang to bait and fish near Liguang County, Xingzhou. There were too few choices.

After some thought, Ye Qingxuan made a decision directly. The final price of the nuclear explosion pill recipe was 16 million high-grade spiritual stones. If he didn't agree, forget it.

Whether it can succeed or not depends on God's will, but even if it fails, it will not have much impact on Ye Qingxuan.

So after he made the final decision, he relaxed completely and began to drink tea leisurely, waiting for the final result.

other side.

After Zhu Yishan reported the price of 600 high-grade spiritual stones, he has been waiting for a reply from Tianfu store, with a look of thought in his eyes.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters. Sometimes things go too smoothly. It may not be God's help, but it may be more likely that someone has tricked you and led you by the nose.

If the Tianfu store directly agrees to the price he offers this time, or refunds too much, he will be ready to abandon the transaction directly.

However, it was beyond Zhu Yishan's expectation.

When the news came back, it was learned that the final price given by Tianfu store was 16 million high-grade spiritual stones, and he directly stated that he did not agree with the price and let it go.

Zhu Yishan doubted his own judgment again:

"Am I wrong to worry?"

But Zhu Yishan was always uneasy. If he was really cheated, his losses would be huge.

Uneasy, Zhu Yishan pestered the Tianfu store again, trying to pretend to lower the price to see the Tianfu store's reaction.

But this time without other conditions, Tianfu store did not agree.

He also directly stated that this price is the minimum price. If you can't accept it, you don't need to contact me anymore. He acted very casually.

When Zhu Yishan was hesitating.

The ancestors of the Zhu family and Zhao Yuanji suddenly came to his room together, asked about the progress of the matter, and urged Zhu Yishan to seize the time to complete the deal.

Because they got the news, other forces had begun to contact Tianfu store.

Seeing his ancestor appear, Zhu Yishan told the current progress.

However, after finishing speaking, Zhu Yishan hesitated for a moment, and then brought up the unusual things he noticed during the transaction, and suspected that refining the nuclear explosive pill might not be as easy as imagined.

But the question raised by Zhu Yishan was directly refuted by Zhao Yuanji:

"Don't be paranoid. If it is really difficult to refine the Nuclear Explosion Pill, it is impossible for Tianfu Store to mass-produce the Nuclear Explosion Pill."

The daily sales volume of Tianfu stores is the most effective evidence.

It is impossible for one person to refine so many nuclear explosive pills every day, so the number of people who refine nuclear explosive pills in Tianfu shop is definitely not a small number.

Since there are many people in Tianfu shop who can refine nuclear explosive pills, it means that the method of refining nuclear explosive pills is not difficult.

Therefore, Zhao Yuanji believed in his own judgment.

This is the horror of inertial thinking. Zhao Yuanji probably never dreamed that there would be such a thing as a nuclear explosion production line.

After hearing Zhao Yuanji's words, the ancestor of the Zhu family who was initially shaken also spoke decisively:

"We bought 16 million high-grade spiritual stones. What a newly emerged Tianfu store can do is impossible for our Zhu's Trading Firm to do."

In the view of the ancestor of the Zhu family, Zhao Yuanji is a true disciple of the Xuantian Sect. It is impossible for him to go to Zhu's Trading Company to deceive him, right?

After all, according to the contract signed by the two, all costs and profits of the nuclear explosion pill must be split 50-50.

So Zhu Fatian still trusts Zhao Yuanji. Zhao Yuanji can't even trick himself, right?

Seeing that Zhu Fatian had already made a decision, Zhu Yishan gritted his teeth and finally agreed to the price of Tianfu store.

Ye Qingxuan, who was waiting for the results at the stone pavilion at the entrance to the blessed land, chuckled after receiving the final news:

"This old fox finally took the bait."

After the two parties reached an agreement, Tianfu Store and Zhu's Trading Company sent representatives to sign the contract under the witness of the Xuantian Sect's Foreign Affairs Hall.

Zhu's Trading Company finally bought the recipe for the nuclear explosion pill for 16 million high-grade spiritual stones, and agreed to the conditions put forward by Tianfu's shop.

The disciples of Xuantian Sect need to pay 1% of the contract value in contribution points or spiritual stones for contracts signed in the Foreign Affairs Hall.

The contract itself is not an ordinary piece of paper, but a special fairy weapon of Xuantian Sect. Once signed, if it is violated, the fairy weapon will backfire.

Moreover, after signing the contract, the contract will be protected by Xuantian Sect.

Whoever dares to violate the rules, even if there is a way to avoid the backlash of the immortal weapon, the other party can directly report it to Xuantian Sect and let Xuantian Sect deal with it.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, no one dares to violate the contract made within the Xuantian Sect.

For the Zhu's Business, which had been entangled for a long time, Ye Qingxuan gave up some of his original plans and directly asked them to use high-grade spirit stones to pay for the purchase of the nuclear explosion pill formula.

The people of Zhu's Business gave the spirit stones to Tianfu Store. After getting the nuclear explosion pill formula, they rushed back to Zhu's Business without stopping.

The formula of the nuclear explosion pill had just been brought back to Zhu's Business.

Zhao Yuanji and Zhu Fatian could not wait to pour their spiritual consciousness into the jade slip containing the nuclear explosion pill formula and began to check the contents of the nuclear explosion pill formula.

Zhu Yishan, who was standing aside, could only watch anxiously.

After Zhao Yuanji and Zhu Fatian read the contents of the nuclear explosion pill formula, they were both stunned. Zhao Yuanji even cursed directly:

"Is this a pill?"

Whose pill needs to use the four methods of pill, instrument, talisman, and formation?

Seeing Zhao Yuanji lose his composure like this, Zhu Yishan's heart sank, and he thought to himself:

"No, there really is a trap, right?"

With a nervous mind, Zhu Yishan cast his eyes on his ancestor Zhu Fatian.

Although Zhu Fatian didn't say anything, his face had become extremely gloomy at this time. He stared at Zhao Yuanji fiercely and gritted his teeth and said:

"Daoyou Zhao, is this what you call simple refining?"

If Zhao Yuanji was not a true disciple of Xuantian Sect and had the cultivation of the God Transformation Realm, Zhu Fatian would have turned hostile long ago.

Is this simple to refine? Where can he find a monster who is proficient in the four ways of elixir, instrument, talisman, and formation?

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