Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 542: The revitalized Xingluozhou, rotation

As soon as Ye Qingxuan's reform policy came out, not only Dongxuan City, but also the entire Xingluo State became lively.

One by one, the Dongxuan City monks who accepted the task of building the battle platform began to go to various places in Xingluo State to build the battle platform in the center of each county and prefecture.

Every time they complete the construction of a battle platform, they can receive a generous contribution point reward, so these monks in Dongxuan City are very active.

However, the requirements for building a battle platform are relatively high, requiring not only the cultivation of the Zifu Realm, but also the attainments of a third-level array mage.

Therefore, currently, in Xingluo Dongxuan City, only a small number of monks are qualified to accept the task of building a battle platform.

And those Zifu realm monks who are preparing to become the dean of the branch of Dongxuan Academy.

Then he went to various counties and prefectures in Xingluo Prefecture in order to inspect the locations suitable for establishing Dongxuan Academy branches.

As for those monks from Dongxuan City who are preparing to apply to establish villages, towns, and cities.

Now while traveling around Xingluo State in search of suitable locations, he began to persuade and induce ordinary people from various places to move to the villages, towns, and cities he was about to build.

At the beginning, most of the monks in Dongxuan City focused on the residents in the ordinary urban area of ​​​​Dongxuan City.

But little did they know that they had been busy for most of the day, but had gained very little. Very few ordinary residents of Dongxuan City were willing to listen to their lies and move away from Dongxuan City.

But think about it, Dongxuan City is now the safest city in Xingluo State, and it also provides the best treatment to ordinary residents in all aspects.

In addition, the ordinary residents in Dongxuan City have been passing down the inheritance in Dongxuan City for hundreds of years. It can be said that their ancestors have been living in Dongxuan City for generations.

How could they choose to leave Dongxuan City when they had no worries about life and safety?

After struggling for a long time, but with no results, the monks in Dongxuan City decided to look at the ordinary villages and cities outside Dongxuan City.

It's a pity that because they were delayed for a few days, most of the ordinary residents near Dongxuan City have been recruited by some people who have the upper hand.

Quickly, after attracting enough ordinary residents, he applied non-stop for the qualifications to build villages, towns, and cities, and started construction at suitable locations.

It can be said that as soon as Ye Qingxuan's reform policies came out, Xingluo Dongxuan City, which had been somewhat lifeless before, regained its vitality.

Outside the gate of Xingluo Dongxuan City, a monk in the foundation-building realm was pestering a monk in the Qi-refining realm:

"Liu Laosan, you just want to build a village. Where do you need 30,000 ordinary residents? Share some with me. I don't ask for much. I only need 10,000 ordinary residents."

Because the sound was too loud, these words immediately attracted the attention of other surrounding Dongxuan City monks:

"Let me go, this little brother, who is only in the Qi Refining Realm, has actually recruited 30,000 ordinary residents? How enviable!"

"Thirty thousand ordinary residents? Don't you only need a hundred ordinary residents to build a village?"

"Are you stupid? One hundred ordinary residents is just the threshold. Since you choose to build a village, the more ordinary residents under your command, the better."

"That's right, Xingluo State is safe and stable enough anyway, and we don't need to worry too much about security."

"That's true, no, one of his villages has 30,000 ordinary residents. What I built is a small town, which must have at least 100,000 ordinary residents."

After saying that, the foundation-building monk who had already recruited a thousand ordinary residents and was about to return to Dongxuan City to apply for the establishment of a town hurriedly left the gate of Dongxuan City.

After hearing this, seeing the retreating figure of the Foundation Establishment Realm monk, many of the monks watching at the city gate were moved in their hearts, and most of them dispersed at once.

He also flew towards the outside of Dongxuan City.

Basically among them are Dongxuan City monks who are preparing to apply to establish villages, towns, or cities.

Now that they heard that a village had already recruited 30,000 ordinary residents, they suddenly felt that their original goal was too low.

That's why they all left Dongxuan City again, preparing to recruit more ordinary residents.

There were also many shameless people who stared at Liu Laosan and stepped forward to ask:

"Well, brother, can you give me some of the ordinary residents? Don't worry, I will never let you suffer. I am willing, um, to help you build the village when the time comes. What do you think?"

Looking at the other Dongxuan City monks who were looking interested and preparing to approach, the Qi Refining Realm monk named Liu Laosan suddenly shook his head and said:

"Don't even think about it. I won't give you any. It took me several days to recruit more than 30,000 ordinary residents and sign the relocation contract. Why should I just give you a share?"

"I also hope that my future village will give birth to a large number of children with spiritual roots, or even spiritual geniuses, so that I can obtain sufficient contribution points and resources to speed up my cultivation!"

"So don't even think about taking advantage of the 30,000 ordinary residents I have recruited. They are the cornerstone of my village's future development. How could I possibly give it to you? Humph!"

After hearing Liu Laosan's words and seeing Liu Laosan's arrogant look, the Foundation Establishment Realm monk who first pestered him had a dark expression and said in a gloomy tone:

"Liu Laosan, don't you know good from evil? Are you really unwilling to give me 10,000 ordinary residents?"

"What? Threatening me? Do you want to violate the rules set by the Lord of the City and attack me directly?"

Faced with the threat of this foundation-building cultivator, Liu Laosan was not at all intimidated. The place he chose to build the village was in the non-combat zone of Xingluozhou, and there was no need for cultivators to take action at will.

As long as he did not take the initiative to go to the combat zone of Xingluozhou, he would not be in any danger in Xingluozhou.

Hearing Liu Laosan's tough words, the cultivator of the foundation-building realm froze, holding back his breath, pointed at Liu Laosan and said:

"You you."

In the end, he said nothing and walked away directly.

If he had not previously planned to recruit the ordinary residents in Dongxuan City and delayed today's time, why would it be like this now?

Now the ordinary residents near Dongxuan City have basically been divided up by those Dongxuan City cultivators who took action in advance. If he wants to recruit enough ordinary residents, he can only go to a place farther away from Dongxuan City.

After the cultivator of the foundation-building realm left, the other cultivators who were originally planning to approach Liu Laosan to get some money also smiled awkwardly under Liu Laosan's gaze and left with a guilty conscience.


Looking at their backs as they left, Liu Laosan snorted coldly and didn't say anything, but he was constantly thinking in his heart.

Liu Laosan has made up his mind. After his village is established, in addition to daily practice, he will focus on the development of the village at other times, and will never leave the village unless necessary.

The 30,000 ordinary residents currently recruited are just the cornerstone of the village he will build in the future.

In the future, there will be more ordinary residents in the village he builds.

Anyway, with the environment of Xingluozhou, just planting some grains can feed a large number of ordinary residents.

The only limitation is that the size of the village has a clear standard upper limit. If there are too many people, the living environment may be too crowded.

But this doesn't matter. After he breaks through the foundation-building stage, he can expand and turn the village into a small town.

Thinking of the bright future, Liu Laosan raised the corners of his mouth with pride and walked towards Dongxuan City with his hands behind his back.

On the top of Wanling Mountain

Ye Qingxuan stood on the top of Wanling Mountain, looking at the now bustling and revived Xingluozhou with a smile on his face.

Only such a Xingluozhou can cultivate qualified cultivators.

In order to make Xingluozhou a cradle for the supply of future cultivators for his forces, the current reform is just the beginning.

The real results will not be seen until dozens or hundreds of years later.

"I hope you won't let me down!"

After muttering, Ye Qingxuan retracted his gaze and began to think about the plans of the core members of Dongxuan City who had gone to other domains for training.

Now that Xingluozhou has him in charge, there is no need for the strong core members of Dongxuan City to be in charge.

Even for the management and operation of Dongxuan City, those low-level cultivators who stay in Dongxuan City to practice can also be competent.

However, the branch cities established by Dongxuan City in other states in Dongji Domain sometimes need strong people from Dongxuan City to send support.

Due to the rapid expansion of the branch cities of Dongxuan City, the strength of the cultivators in each branch city is uneven.

The strong one, like the branch city of Dongjizhou, has Li Dachui, a strong man in the Dongxu Realm, sitting in the city; the weak one, like a remote branch city, has only a strong man in the early stage of the Huashen Realm sitting in the city.

If a strong man in the early stage of the Huashen Realm was placed in the era before Dongji Domain, he would be enough to protect the stability of a large city.

But in this era, it seems a little inadequate.

Even though the name of Dongxuan City has begun to spread throughout the states of Dongji Domain in the past hundred years, the iron must be hard to forge.

In the face of some disputes over interests, or occasionally some spiritual lands that have come out of the world, the struggles in the secret realm, and the entanglement of the Green Demon Clan, the branch cities of Dongxuan City are not strong enough, so they can only seek help from the main city of Dongxuan City.

In the past hundred years, several branch cities of Dongxuan City were broken by the invading cultivators of the Green Demon Clan.

Not only are the cultivators of the human race invading the Green Demon Realm, but the cultivators of the Green Demon Clan are also invading the Earth Profound Realm.

It is just because Ye Qingxuan is in charge of Xingluozhou, so in the past situation of Xingluozhou, the damage caused by the Green Demon Clan to the human cultivators of the Earth Profound Realm and the environment of various places does not seem obvious.

For things like various branch cities asking for help, Ye Qingxuan cannot go to the branch cities of other states in the East Extreme Region in person.

Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to leave some middle and high-level cultivators among the core members to take turns in the main city of Xingluo·Dongxuan City to carry out the rescue tasks reported by the branch cities.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan's mind was flowing and he had already let his clones in other large domains send a notice to the core members who were training in these large domains.

In the future, one-fifth of the middle-level cultivators among the core members of Dongxuan City will be left in Xingluo·Dongxuan City to take turns every thirty years.

In this way, these middle-level cultivators in Dongxuan City only need to take turns once every 150 years, which gives them enough time to freely train and grow.

Among the core members, there are only three high-level cultivators, Bai Shuqing, Luo Tian, ​​and Xue Yu.

Ye Qingxuan plans to let the three of them take turns to sit in Xingluo Dongxuan City once, and each rotation will last for 100 years.

In case other branch cities in Dongjizhou seek support from Dongxu combat power, the main city of Xingluozhou in Dongxuan City will face a situation where no one is available.

Ye Qingxuan has already arranged the first batch of core members who take turns in Xingluo Dongxuan City, and let his clones in other large domains send out notifications to contact these cultivators.

However, most of the core members of Dongxuan City have already entered the Qingmo Realm for training.

It may take some time for them to return to the Dixuan Realm to receive the notice.

In the future, the intermediate-level cultivators who received the rotation information in Xingluo Dongxuan City began to return to Xingluo Province one after another.

This made the intermediate-level cultivators in Xingluo Dongxuan City, which were originally vacant, gradually become abundant.

However, since Dongxuan City has established many branch cities in the Dongji Region, these intermediate-level masters who returned to Xingluo Dongxuan City did not have much free time. They successively accepted the rescue missions of the branch cities and left Xingluo Province.

Ten years later, in a large state in the Nanman Region.

Xue Yu was expressionless, and stepped out of the wormhole channel with a bloody aura.

Just as he was about to leave, he was suddenly stunned. He raised his hand to take out his Dongxuan Order to check the information in it, and then whispered softly:

"According to the order of the city lord, are you going to return to Xingluozhou for your turn?"

After speaking, Xue Yu turned his head and looked at the border of the Nanman Territory, and said with some expectation:

"It is worthy of being the border of our human race, spanning between heaven and earth, suppressing the invasion of the Qingmo tribe."

"It's a pity that my current cultivation is too low. Now I can only die if I rashly enter the battlefield between the two tribes outside the border."

Shaking his head with a little regret, Xue Yu left here and fled towards Nanxuan City.

Nanxuan City is a city built by Ye Qingxuan in the Nanman Territory, and it is only a large state away from the human border.

Xue Yu received Ye Qingxuan's order and is now ready to enter Qingxuan Cave Heaven through the boundary gate of Nanxuan City, and then transfer back to Xingluo·Dongxuan City.

A few days later, on the Wanling Mountain of Xingluo·Dongxuan City.

The boundary gate that Ye Qingxuan had fixed on the top of Wanling Mountain was slightly trembling, and Xue Yu walked out of it.

"Are you back?"

After noticing Xue Yu's return, Ye Qingxuan's figure slowly emerged.

Looking at Ye Qingxuan's figure, Xue Yu bowed respectfully and said:

"I am Xue Yu, and I meet the city lord!"

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan waved his hand lazily:

"No need to be polite, you will be in charge of Dongxuan City for the next 100 years."

"Yes, Xue Yu obeys!"

"After going out for more than a hundred years of training, why are you back to your cold appearance?"

"Too much killing is not a good thing. Take advantage of this 100-year rotation to take a good rest!"

As he said, Ye Qingxuan suddenly remembered something and continued to speak

"By the way, you can exchange some enlightenment tea to drink, which will be good for you."

Enlightenment tea is a transformation of the meditation tea cultivated by Ye Qingxuan. In addition to the enlightenment effect, it is also excellent for calming the mind and cleansing the soul.

After giving some instructions, Ye Qingxuan let Xue Yu leave.

"Okay, you go down first!"

Hearing this, Xue Yu's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he said respectfully again:

"Thank you for your guidance, Lord City Lord, I will take my leave!"

Although Xue Yu's temperament was relatively indifferent before, he had worked with Li Mu, Jiang Wen and others in Dongxuan City for many years, and it had improved.

Since Xue Yu left Xingluo Dongxuan City last time, he directly entered the Green Demon Clan through the wormhole channel in the Nanman Territory and killed for more than a hundred years.

His current state of indifference is indeed affected by the Green Demon Realm's evil spirits and the blood evil spirit brought by killing.

If Xue Yu had not been in the Cave Void Realm and his soul was protected by the rules, he would have been eroded by the evil spirits and blood evil spirits, and his temperament would have changed drastically.

It is precisely because of the protection of the rules that the evil spirits and blood evil spirits are now only entangled around Xue Yu, and it takes a little time to completely eliminate the trouble.

This is also the reason why Ye Qingxuan was not worried at all when he saw Xue Yu's changes.

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