Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 526: Opening Qingxuan Cave Heaven, Bai Shuqing is shocked

"Wow, this is my blessed land? How did I suddenly come back?"

Zhang Yuangong, who was still struggling to decide whether to continue moving forward, suddenly found that the surroundings had changed and became extremely familiar, and his face was shocked.

He couldn't figure out how he could return to his blessed land in a trance?

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yuangong hesitated in his blessed land and said uncertainly:

"Could it be that the city lord did it?"

Recalling the information he received when he first entered Qingxuan Cave Heaven, Zhang Yuangong couldn't help but show admiration in his eyes, and said firmly:

"It must be the city lord who can quietly move me nearly 200,000 miles away."

The cultivators who entered Qingxuan Cave Heaven for the first time will receive a message set by Ye Qingxuan.

In the next hundred years, after Ye Qingxuan's careful consideration, he continued to improve the content of this message.

In addition to the relevant regulations and systems of Fu Xiu, this message now also includes some information about Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Ye Qingxuan.

Now, many Fu Xiu in Qingxuan Cave Heaven, except for not knowing that Ye Qingxuan is a disciple of Xuantian Sect.

Ye Qingxuan's other city lords' identity information, the Lord of Qingxuan Cave Heaven, and even his true appearance, are all clear to these Fu Xiu under his command.

After all, Ye Qingxuan doesn't want his subordinates who are loyal to him to not know who they are loyal to and what they look like in the end.

Anyway, the cultivators who can be allowed to enter Qingxuan Cave Heaven by him are basically the core members of his forces.

These cultivators are bound by the Dao oath, so there is no need to worry about them revealing their information.

That's why Ye Qingxuan set up such a message in Qingxuan Cave Heaven. All the cultivators in Qingxuan Cave Heaven and the cultivators who enter Qingxuan Cave Heaven for the first time in the future will receive this message, so that they know who they are loyal to.

All the cultivators who enter Qingxuan Cave Heaven for the first time and receive this message and understand Ye Qingxuan's true background and the scope of his power are shocked and impressed by Ye Qingxuan again.

Many cultivators who were originally loyal to Ye Qingxuan became his die-hard fans on the spot.

As one of the core members of Dongxuan City and now a third-level blessed cultivator in Qingxuan Cave Heaven, Zhang Yuangong is naturally no exception.

So after guessing that it was Ye Qingxuan who moved him back to his blessed land, Zhang Yuangong's eyes showed a fiery admiration.

"Since the city lord does not allow me to explore the area of ​​Qingxuan Cave Heaven, forget it."

When he thought that it might be Ye Qingxuan's behavior to move his position, Zhang Yuangong directly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explore the area of ​​Qingxuan Cave Heaven.

In the following time, Zhang Yuangong stayed in his blessed land honestly, or invited three or two friends to gather around the blessed land. Anyway, he no longer had the intention to continue exploring the entire Qingxuan Cave Heaven.

At the same time.

Xingluo Dongxuan City, on the top of Wanling Mountain.

"City Lord, the wormholes in Xingluozhou and several surrounding states have basically been destroyed by the Green Demon Realm. If the cultivators in Dongxuan City cannot enter the Green Demon Realm for training, they will sooner or later be overtaken by the forces in other states if this continues."

When Luo Tian thought of the current situation, he felt a little depressed.

Since the Green Demon Realm's siege of human cultivators, the wormholes in Xingluozhou and several surrounding states have been destroyed by the Green Demon Realm.

In the following decades, the cultivators in Xingluozhou who lost the wormholes could not enter the Green Demon Realm for training. Although the casualties were reduced a lot, their cultivation level was almost the same, if not stagnant.

Even the cultivators in Dongxuan City were the same.

Many casual cultivators have even left Xingluozhou for other states because of this.

Now even the cultivators in Dongxuan City are also unsettled; recently, many people have complained and asked about the future development direction of Dongxuan City.

As one of the current high-ranking officials of Dongxuan City and the leader of a demon hunting army, Luo Tian was also annoyed by his subordinates.

In addition, Luo Tian also felt that continuing like this would affect the speed of his cultivation improvement, so he dragged Bai Shuqing to Ye Qingxuan early this morning to complain and seek a solution.

Bai Shuqing, who was standing aside, looked at Luo Tian's depressed look, frowned and said:

"Yes! City Lord, if this continues, the advantages accumulated by our Dongxuan City in the early stage will soon disappear."

"Or, our Dongxuan City will slowly shift the focus of power to other states like other forces in Xingluozhou?"

Luo Tian, ​​who was next to Bai Shuqing, opened his mouth slightly and wanted to say something after hearing Bai Shuqing's last suggestion.

However, after taking a look at Ye Qingxuan, Luo Tian curled his lips again and closed his eager mouth again.

Although Bai Shuqing noticed Luo Tian's little action, he didn't know the reason in his heart.

He made this proposal, of course, he had his reasons.

Bai Shuqing did not set up a demon hunting army, so he heard much less complaints than Luo Tian.

But Bai Shuqing was a cultivator who grew up in Dongxuan City and witnessed the development history of Dongxuan City. Bai Shuqing's feelings for Dongxuan City were much stronger than Luo Tian's.

So Bai Shuqing did not want Dongxuan City, which had always been booming and ahead of the major forces in Dongji Territory, to fall into a state of stagnation and finally be lost in the future.

Since the wormhole channel of Xingluozhou was destroyed by the Green Demon Realm, not only did the independent cultivators begin to go to other states for development.

Even the major forces in Xingluozhou, all those with some strength and capital, have begun to establish branches in other states, gradually shifting the focus of their development.

Over the years, Xingluo City, which is nominally a subsidiary of Dongxuan City, has basically become an empty shell.

In addition to leaving some cultivators to rotate and garrison, other middle and high-level cultivators have successively gone to the branches established in other states for development.

Anyway, as long as they seize a seventh-level magic vein source in the Green Demon Realm, they can find a place in other states to give birth to a seventh-level spirit vein as the station of their forces.

As long as they have enough strength, it is not difficult to let these forces automatically give up their previously painstakingly cultivated territory and develop in a distant state in this era.

In this case, Bai Shuqing does not want to see Dongxuan City fall behind and be trapped in Xingluozhou.

Moreover, due to Ye Qingxuan's previous layout, Dongxuan City has already established branch cities in some large states outside Xingluozhou.

Now it is just a shift in the development focus, which has little impact on Dongxuan City.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that Bai Shuqing made this suggestion.

Above, Ye Qingxuan's incarnation standing on the top of Wanling Mountain felt a little embarrassed after listening to Luo Tian and Bai Shuqing's words.

After all, he is closely related to the current situation of Xingluozhou and several large states around Xingluozhou.

It can even be said that the cultivators in these large states were all implicated by his clones.

After all, the strong man of the Qingmo clan who crossed the tribulation realm destroyed the wormhole channel of the Dixuan Realm in order to wait for the opportunity and prevent his clone from entering the area of ​​the Qingmo Realm again, so as to give an explanation for his mission and return to the Guhuang Dynasty to report.

Although he also retaliated afterwards, secretly tracking and destroying the wormhole channel opened by the Qingmo Realm in Xingluozhou.

But he could do nothing about the fact that the cultivators of Xingluozhou could not enter the Green Demon Realm through the wormhole channel for training.

However, he could not control the other cultivators of Xingluozhou, but it did not mean that he could not help the cultivators under Dongxuan City to re-enter the Green Demon Realm through the wormhole channels in other regions for training.

Ye Qingxuan, who had already had some plans in mind, looked at Luo Tian and Bai Shuqing who were watching him for a solution, and smiled slightly:

"Who said that the cultivators of Dongxuan City must leave Xingluozhou to enter the Green Demon Realm through the wormhole channels in other states for training?"

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, Bai Shuqing had not yet reacted, and Luo Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but say:

"City Lord, do you want to open Qingxuan Cave Heaven to the cultivators of Dongxuan City?"

Especially after seeing that he could directly say the four big words "Qingxuan Cave Heaven", Luo Tian's face showed excitement, and he was more certain of this idea in his heart.

Unlike Bai Shuqing who has been developing in Dongxuan City, Luo Tian came to Dongxuan City through Qingxuan Cave Heaven, and then came directly from the Central Region of Dixuan Realm to the Dongji Region where Dongxuan City is located.

In addition, before coming, Ye Qingxuan's clone, the mysterious businessman, had directly confessed some information to him and Ye Qingshuang.

So Luo Tian knew the existence of 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven', and that it can be transferred to the other nine regions of Dixuan Realm through 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven', and the distribution of most of the forces under Ye Qingxuan.

"Yes, this seat is going to fully open 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven' to the core members of Dongxuan City, so that the core members of Dongxuan City can freely go to the other nine regions of Dixuan Realm to develop."

Ye Qingxuan did not refute Luo Tian's guess, but nodded with a smile.

Only Bai Shuqing, who was standing by, heard the exchange between Luo Tian and Ye Qingxuan and asked in confusion:

"Qingxuan Cave Heaven? What is Qingxuan Cave Heaven?"

"And what does the opening of this 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven' have to do with the cultivators of Dongxuan City going to other regions of Dixuan Realm to develop? Not to mention leaving Dongji Region and going to the other nine regions of Dixuan Realm?"

It was obvious that Bai Shuqing could not understand what Ye Qingxuan and Luo Tian were talking about at this time.

Although Bai Shuqing was also a core member of Dongxuan City, there was also an introduction to Fu Xiu in the exchange list of core members.

However, the core members of Dongxuan City who did not exchange for Fu Xiu only knew the pros and cons of becoming a Fu Xiu and the management regulations that Fu Xiu needed to abide by, but did not know the existence of 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven'.

And they did not know that they could be teleported to the other nine regions of Dixuan Realm through the boundary gate of 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven'.

In fact, it is not just Bai Shuqing. Even Xue Yu, Liu Feifeng, Li Mu, Jiang Wen, and Jiang Yinyin, the five people who followed Ye Qingxuan the earliest, although they chose to become Fu Xiu for a period of time before and entered Qingxuan Cave Heaven once.

But the information they received at that time was only related to Fu Xiu. They did not know that they could be transmitted to the other nine domains of Dixuan Realm through the boundary gate of ‘Qingxuan Cave Heaven’, nor did they know that Ye Qingxuan had other city forces in the other nine domains.

After all, the information that Ye Qingxuan set up in Qingxuan Cave Heaven at the beginning was only perfected in the later period.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan had no intention of opening Qingxuan Cave Heaven to the cultivators of Dongxuan City, so he did not specifically popularize it with Xue Yu and others later.

Looking at Bai Shuqing's puzzled look, Luo Tian smiled and said nothing.

Ye Qingxuan did not explain. He waved his hand and opened a gate in front of the two of them. He smiled calmly and said:

“If you want to know what ‘Qingxuan Cave Heaven’ is, then come with me!”

After saying that, Ye Qingxuan's external incarnation took the lead in transforming into a rainbow light and escaped into the realm gate.

Luo Tian patted Bai Shuqing's shoulder and said with a mean smile:

"Old Bai, you have to be mentally prepared!"

After saying that, Luo Tian also stepped forward into the realm gate.

Seeing this, Bai Shuqing followed closely with doubts in his heart and entered the realm gate.

After Ye Qingxuan and the others all entered the realm gate, there was only a solitary realm gate emitting white light standing on the top of Wanling Mountain.

In the Qingxuan Cave Sky, three faint rays of light flashed.

Ye Qingxuan's incarnation, Luo Tian, ​​and Bai Shuqing appeared one after another on the mountain peak where the eighth-level spiritual veins of Qingxuan Cave are located.

Seeing the strange world in front of him that was full of ideas and extremely pure and rich spiritual energy, Bai Shuqing said with a shocked expression:

"This? Where is this?"

"Boom!" "Buzz!" "Buzz!" "Buzz!"

As he spoke, Bai Shuqing was suddenly attracted by the movement coming not far away. He stared with surprise at the figure above a furnace that exuded terrifying aura not far from here. The aura was like a vast starry sky. He was stunned and said :

"What is that stove? And who is he? What a terrifying energy fluctuation."

Not only Bai Shuqing, but also Luo Tian looked shocked at this time.

Although he knew the existence of the ‘Qingxuan Cave Heaven’ and had been to the Qingxuan Cave Heaven, that was hundreds of years ago.

Hundreds of years ago, the Qingxuan Cave Heaven had not yet grown to the seventh level, and it did not have the eighth level spiritual vein as a foundation support. It can be said that the environment in the Qingxuan Cave Heaven is completely different from the current Qingxuan Cave Heaven.

Now that Luo Tian has entered the 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven' again after hundreds of years, he did not expect that the Qingxuan Cave Heaven has developed to such a terrifying level.

Glancing at the figure sitting cross-legged in the distance, Luo Tian was secretly shocked and said:

"I didn't expect that the city lord's body has become so powerful. I'm afraid he has already broken through to the void realm, right? It's so terrifying! I wonder when I, Luo Tian, ​​will be able to break through to the void realm?"

When he was transferred from the Central Region to the East Extreme Region through the 'Qingxuan Cave Sky', he had already learned about Ye Qingxuan's body and clones from Ye Qingxuan's clone, the mysterious businessman.

So when he saw the figure emitting a terrifying aura not far away, he already knew that it was Ye Qingxuan's true form.

Just as Luo Tian was talking to himself, Bai Shuqing, who entered Qingxuan Cave for the first time, had already begun to receive the message set by Ye Qingxuan.

A moment later, after Bai Shuqing received the message, Ye Qingxuan's incarnation looked at Bai Shuqing, who was stunned in place and was shocked by the sudden message, and smiled slightly:

"This is the 'Qingxuan Cave Heaven', and the figure you are talking about is the Lord of the Qingxuan Cave Heaven, and also my true body, Ye Qingxuan."

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