In the past ten thousand years.

Any force with a presence at or above the Void Realm is qualified to send disciples to the battlefield outside the domain for training.

Xuantian Sect is no exception. The true disciples and inheritance disciples in the sect spend most of their time training in the battlefield outside the domain.

Even the core disciples will be arranged to take turns to train in the battlefield outside the domain.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan thought of his ancestor.

"The ancestor should have gone to the battlefield outside the domain, right?"

Thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan continued to look down.

Originally, the Earth Profound Realm and the Green Demon Realm were evenly matched, and neither side showed a trend of defeat. It stands to reason that they should have been deadlocked until one side had a major breakthrough in strength, and then the deadlock would be broken.

But something strange happened suddenly!

For some reason, the Green Demon Clan transferred a lot of strong men for no reason. After being discovered by the people of the Earth Profound Realm, they were beaten back in the counterattack.

Now the Green Demon Clan can only retreat to the gate of the Green Demon Realm and lose all the territories of the battlefield outside the domain.

Although the mighty of Dixuan Realm didn't know what happened to the Green Demon Clan, they fully explored the battlefield outside the domain and ruled out the possibility that the Green Demon Realm had left a back-up plan, so they were ready to strike while the iron was hot and drag the battlefield outside the domain into Dixuan Realm.

However, half of the origin of the battlefield outside the domain is the origin of the Green Demon Realm. If the demonic energy of the battlefield outside the domain is not purified and the connection between the battlefield outside the domain and the Green Demon Realm is not cut off, the mighty of Dixuan Realm can't force the battlefield outside the domain into the Dixuan Realm.

In addition, the Green Demon Clan's strong men from the Green Demon Realm come out to harass and make trouble from time to time, which makes everyone very annoyed.

So after a discussion, the Mahayana cultivators of Dixuan Realm decided to send some high-level cultivators to guard the gate of the Green Demon Realm and block the masters of the Green Demon Clan in the Green Demon Realm.

The battlefield outside the domain is open to all forces in Dixuan Realm, encouraging everyone to go to the battlefield outside the domain to kill the monsters derived from the origin of the Green Demon Realm and purify the demonic energy of the battlefield outside the domain.

After killing the monsters, the bodies and the pure origins after purifying the demonic energy can be brought back to the Earth Profound Realm to get the origin feedback of the Earth Profound Realm and improve everyone's cultivation.

In addition, there are all kinds of rare treasures in the outer battlefield itself!

So, as soon as the news came out, the five domains in the entire Earth Profound Realm were shaken, and almost most of the cultivators were ready to go to the outer battlefield to fight.

As for the four domains outside the Earth Profound Realm, because they were too far away and there were no high-level cultivators, no news was passed on, so they were not affected by the events in the outer battlefield.

As a result, the demand for elixirs for spiritual power recovery, healing, and purification in various places suddenly increased, even within the Xuantian Sect.

This is also the reason why Bai Wenyang asked Ye Qingxuan about his current alchemy level!

There is no way. Now the elixirs for spiritual power recovery, healing, and purification are scarce, and Bai Wenyang, the leader, also has a lot of performance pressure.

After understanding all the information, Ye Qingxuan had a clear understanding of the current situation in the Earth Profound Realm.

However, his current identity to the outside world is that of a small monk trapped in one place, so he will naturally not go to the battlefield outside the domain.

But, everyone goes to the battlefield outside the domain to eat meat, and he does logistics in the back, earns some hard work fees and eats soup, isn't this too much?

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but smile.

The battlefield outside the domain is vast, and the problems inside are definitely not something that can be solved in a short time.

During this period, what he has to do is to improve his alchemy skills, and even improve the level of refining tools, formations, and talismans.

Then, with the help of pills, tools, talismans, and formations, he can do logistics work for everyone in the Xuantian Sect base camp, and make a little difference by the way, and collect some resources needed for the growth of the cave paradise.

As for the battlefield outside the domain? Let's wait until he condenses his clone!

While Ye Qingxuan was thinking, his disciple token vibrated again. This time, it was a message from Ye Qingxiao:

"Qingxuan, you finally came out of retreat. Something big happened in the Earth Profound Realm. You don't know yet, right? Do you want me to tell you?"

Ye Qingxuan watched quietly and didn't reply!

Just a moment later, Ye Qingxiao sent another message:

"Qingxuan? Qingxuan? Are you there? It's really a big thing. Don't you want to know?"

This time, Ye Qingxuan still didn't reply.

Finally, Ye Qingxiao couldn't help it and sent a message:

"Qingxuan, oh! I'm so anxious. Wait, I'll go over and tell you!"

Seeing this message, Ye Qingxuan finally smiled and chuckled:

"Wouldn't it be better if you did it earlier? Why do you have to play mysterious?"

Then, Ye Qingxuan took out his alchemy furnace, enlarged it, and lit up the Dao fire.

Put the monsters that he hunted when he went home before on the alchemy furnace and started roasting them. Ye Qingxuan's family only ate a small part of them, and the monsters were basically intact.

Then Ye Qingxuan took out some spiritual medicine and refined it a little bit, and it became a spice, which was evenly sprinkled on the barbecue.

Smelling the fragrant meat, Ye Qingxuan's appetite was aroused, and he smacked his lips and said:

"What a pity! There is no wine! It seems that I can consider trying to brew wine in the blessed land in the future."

After a long time, when the monster meat was roasted at the right temperature, a figure hurried over from a distance:

"Qingxuan, I'm telling you, eh? What smells so good?"

Ye Qingxiao, who came hurriedly, was originally preparing to tell Ye Qingxuan about the major events happening in the Earth Profound Realm, but he was attracted by the roasted monster meat from a distance.

Following the fragrance, Ye Qingxiao soon came to the outside of the stone pavilion and saw Ye Qingxuan who was roasting meat.

Looking at Ye Qingxiao's slightly moving throat, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said:

"Sit down, don't stand there stupidly!"

After Ye Qingxiao reacted, he hurriedly sat next to Ye Qingxuan and asked:

"Qingxuan, what kind of meat is this? So fragrant?"

Hearing Ye Qingxiao's question, Ye Qingxuan controlled the Dao Fire while responding to Ye Qingxiao:

"What else can it be? It's just an ordinary monster meat!"

"Monster meat? Can monster meat be so fragrant?"

Ye Qingxiao looked unconvinced. Did he really think he had never eaten monster meat?

Seeing that Ye Qingxiao didn't believe it, Ye Qingxuan just glanced at him and didn't say anything.

Just kidding, he is also an alchemist after all. What's wrong with roasting monster meat and roasting it a little more fragrant?

After the monster meat was roasted, Ye Qingxuan put away the Dao Fire. The whole monster meat looked golden and fragrant!

Seeing Ye Qingxiao drooling, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help swallowing his saliva in secret.

After using his magic power to split a portion of the monster meat and sending it to the caves of the two brothers Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu, Ye Qingxuan looked at Ye Qingxiao and said:

"What are you waiting for? Eat it?"

Then he took the lead in tearing off a piece of monster meat and began to eat it, and Ye Qingxiao followed closely.

Soon, the remaining monster meat was eaten up by the two!

After eating the monster meat, Ye Qingxiao slumped down on the stone chair and burped. Finally, he remembered his business and came to Ye Qingxuan and said mysteriously:

"Qingxuan, a big thing happened in the Earth Profound Realm now. Do you want to know?"

Hearing this, Ye Qingxuan glanced at Ye Qingxiao and said lightly:

"Big thing? What big thing? It can't be the incident in the battlefield outside the domain?"

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, Ye Qingxiao opened his mouth slightly, and the words he wanted to say stopped abruptly, and he felt uncomfortable.

Scratching his head anxiously, Ye Qingxiao asked hurriedly:

"Didn't you just come out of retreat? How did you know?"

"Well? Don't you know that Fu Xiu can know everything in the world by counting with his fingers?"

Ye Qingxuan pretended to look at Ye Qingxiao with surprise, saying that you must know it, right?

Looking at Ye Qingxuan's look, Ye Qingxiao touched the back of his head awkwardly:

"Is that so? I haven't heard of it either! I hurried over here and was about to tell you!"

Then, Ye Qingxiao looked at Ye Qingxuan again, and seeing that Ye Qingxuan was still calm, Ye Qingxiao muttered secretly:

"Qingxuan, this guy, is he lying to me? I haven't heard that Fu Xiu has this ability?"

Seeing Ye Qingxiao lost in thought, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help interrupting:

"Qingxiao, are you going to the battlefield outside the domain?"

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