Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

$ Chapter 509: Ancient Huang Dynasty, Evil Ancient


After Ye Qingxuan left for a few breaths, the Green Demon Clan's Yuanwu King finally arrived over the ruins of the Qingmu Dynasty's royal city.

Looking at the rainbow light that was about to disappear in the distant sky, Yuanwu King's gloomy face did not chase, but a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said in disbelief:

"Isn't this human cultivation at the early stage of the Void Realm? How could the speed be so fast?"

Thinking for a moment, Yuanwu King guessed in his heart:

"Could it be some special speed-related secret method or magical power?"

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan had left, Yuanwu King could only suppress his anger.

Looking at the ruins of Qingmu King City below, which was devastated and the aura of heaven and earth was disordered, King Yuanwu couldn't help but look at the direction where Ye Qingxuan fled, and said puzzledly:

"I should have seen it right just now, but wasn't the human cultivator in the Kongming Realm killed by me and King Qingmu?"

"Then why did he appear here again and kill the old guy Qingmu King in such a short time and destroy the entire Qingmu King City?"

Looking at the miserable state of Qingmu King City below, King Yuanwu suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Now, of the three Qingmu Kings in several small demon domains around this area, he is the only one left.

Facing Ye Qingxuan who killed two Qingmo Kings and destroyed two Qingmo King Cities, King Yuanwu couldn't help but feel a little afraid at this moment.

Although King Yuanwu was conceited, he knew in his heart that his own strength and the foundation of 'Yuanwu King City' were actually not much different from Qingmu King and 'Qingmu King City'.

Since Ye Qingxuan was able to kill King Qingmu in the ‘Qingmu King City’ and destroy the entire ‘Qingmu King City’.

That means Ye Qingxuan also has the strength to kill him in the ‘Yuanwu King City’.

After King Li Tian and King Qingmu fell one after another, King Yuanwu no longer concealed his inner uneasiness.

“No, the information about the human race still needs to be reported again, and the support of the top leaders of the Qingmo Realm Alliance must be requested.”

In King Yuanwu’s view, it is unwise to face it forcibly when you know you cannot defeat it.

Moreover, after the formation of the Qingmo Realm Alliance, the issue of dealing with the Dixuan Realm and the human race is the business of the entire Qingmo Clan.

Then, King Yuanwu moved his mind and connected to a jade book phantom filled with their own mysterious Dao patterns in the sea of ​​consciousness. He spent a lot of spiritual power to write the information about King Qingmu’s fall and Ye Qingxuan’s reappearance on it and sent it out.

Originally, when King Li Tian fell, he and King Qingmu reported the information about Ye Qingxuan’s appearance together.

But later, Ye Qingxuan planned to let his clone die.

After consuming a lot of spiritual power in the attack on the ‘Li Tian Wang City’, Ye Qingxuan took the initiative to reveal his flaws and let his clone fall into the hands of Yuan Wu Wang and Qing Mu Wang, and took the opportunity to severely injure Qing Mu Wang.

Thinking that Ye Qingxuan had completely fallen, Yuan Wu Wang re-reported the information and cancelled the warning and request for help for Ye Qingxuan’s invasion.

However, what Yuan Wu Wang did not expect was that Ye Qingxuan only lost one clone, and he would re-invade in such a short time and kill Qing Mu Wang again.

After reporting all the information about the cause and effect of Ye Qingxuan’s appearance, Yuan Wu Wang lowered his head and looked at the ‘Qing Mu Wang City’ that had become a ruin with a little emotion, shook his head and left.

At the same time, in a floating palace far above the high sky of the Supreme Demon Realm in the center of the Qing Demon Realm.

A jade book that is exactly the same as the phantom of the jade book in the sea of ​​consciousness of King Yuanwu, but it is much larger and emits a dark light. It is suspended in the palace.

And below this suspended jade book, there is a great master of the Green Demon Clan who is sitting cross-legged in a black and gold robe, with a body that alternates between real and virtual, and surrounded by looming rules.

In the entire Green Demon Realm, except for those Green Demon Emperors in the Mahayana Realm who are in charge of a dynasty.

Most of the other Green Demon Clan Mahayana Realm masters are called great masters, and a very small number of Green Demon Clan members with high seniority in the Mahayana Realm are called clan elders.

The Green Demon Clan named "Xie Yuangu" in this palace is one of the Green Demon Clan Mahayana Great Masters who stayed in the Green Demon Realm after the war between the two realms began.

And this Xie Yuangu is one of the rulers of the Green Demon Realm Alliance during this period of time, responsible for the collection, summary, and task release of information of the Kongming level and above in various places in the Green Demon Realm.

Just as King Yuanwu, who was far away in the Ancient Wood Demon Realm, consumed a great deal of his spiritual power and wrote the information about Ye Qingxuan on the phantom of the jade book in his mind.

Only half a cup of tea had passed, and the words written by King Yuanwu gradually emerged in a small corner of the jade book in the palace.

The next moment, these formed words separated from the jade book and turned into a stream of light and escaped into the mind of Xie Yuangu, who was sitting cross-legged below.

The jade book emitting a dark light above Xie Yuangu's head was the Green Demon Book, one of the immortal weapons of the Green Demon Clan.

The Green Demon Book is a defensive immortal weapon, but its most important function is the information field. With the help of the information field, it can project phantoms in almost all areas of the Green Demon Realm.

However, the number of such jade book phantoms is not only limited, but also extremely weak.

Even some middle and lower-level cultivators can easily shatter them.

Therefore, after the establishment of the Green Demon Realm Alliance, the phantoms projected by the Green Demon Book in various places were basically controlled by the cultivators of the Green Demon Clan above the Cave Void Realm.

After receiving the information from the Green Demon Book, Xie Yuangu slightly opened his eyes and whispered:

"A human cultivator of the Void Realm? Reappearing after falling? Interesting, but the Gumu Small Demon Realm is in the Guhuang Supreme Demon Realm, so let the Guhuang Dynasty handle it!"

After saying that, Xie Yuangu's consciousness surged and rewrote a message on the Green Demon Book floating in the sky.

After this message disappeared as a stream of light, Xie Yuangu closed his eyes again, and the whole hall fell into silence again.

The Guhuang Dynasty is the most powerful Green Demon Dynasty in the Guhuang Supreme Demon Realm, and it has been passed down for tens of millions of years.

Not long after Xie Yuangu's message was sent out.

In the imperial city in the central area of ​​the Guhuang Dynasty, an ethereal voice without any emotional fluctuations sounded from the imperial palace in the core area of ​​the Guhuang Imperial City:

"Xie Gu, you go to the Gumu Small Demon Realm and capture and bring back the human cultivators of the Void Realm who are active around the Gumu Small Demon Realm."

After hearing this order, a breath suddenly revived somewhere in the Guhuang Imperial City.

The next moment, the figure of the Green Demon named Xie Gu appeared in the sky, bowed slightly and responded respectfully:

"Yes, Emperor!"

After speaking, Xie Gu took a step to break through the void, and his figure disappeared.

On the edge of the Gumu Small Demon Realm, in a valley where the demonic energy had been cleared.

Ye Qingxuan was sitting in the center of the valley at this time, absorbing tens of thousands of low-grade spiritual crystals floating around to restore his spiritual power.

Now that he has left the combat state, Ye Qingxuan did not choose to violently devour the spiritual crystals in order to avoid the loss of spiritual crystal energy, so the recovery speed of spiritual power is a bit slow.

It took five hours for Ye Qingxuan to restore the spiritual power of this clone to its peak state.

After the spiritual power was restored, Ye Qingxuan stood up and thought about his next plan.

He brought 120,000 low-grade spiritual crystals into the Green Demon Realm on this trip.

However, in the process of attacking the Qingmu King City and killing the Qingmu King and the eighth-level Qingmu Ancient Tree, he had consumed about 60,000 low-grade spiritual crystals by swallowing spiritual crystals to restore his spiritual power.

Adding the ones he just absorbed, Ye Qingxuan now only has more than 30,000 low-grade spiritual crystals left.

These spiritual crystals are only enough for him to replenish his spiritual power in his prime after his spiritual power is exhausted.

After thinking for a while, Ye Qingxuan touched his chin and muttered:

"Next, should I use these two opportunities to attack with all my strength to severely injure the Yuanwu King, or go hunt those Qingmo people in the Dongxu Realm?"

After the clone's cultivation level was upgraded to the Kongming Realm, it could no longer return to the Dixuan Realm through the wormhole channel.

Although the cultivators in the Kongming Realm can absorb low- and medium-level alien energy to compensate for their own consumption with the help of the Kongming body and the powerful power of rules.

But without spirit stones and spirit crystals to restore his spiritual power, Ye Qingxuan's clone has been staying in the Green Demon Realm and relying on swallowing and transforming medium and low-level demonic energy to compensate for his own consumption is too slow.

So he must make good use of the remaining two opportunities to attack with all his strength.

The only disadvantage is that his clone has not opened up the spiritual power virtual world, resulting in limited spiritual power to be contained at a time, so the time to maintain peak combat power each time is extremely short.

Thoughts flowed in his mind, his eyes flickered slightly, and after weighing for a moment, Ye Qingxuan finally whispered:

"Let's leave the two opportunities to attack with all our strength to King Yuanwu! See if we can find a chance to lure King Yuanwu out. If we can lure King Yuanwu out of the city, maybe..."

Ye Qingxuan's original body has already reached the realm of emptiness and darkness.

Now the gains from hunting some Green Demons in the realm of cave and emptiness can no longer increase Ye Qingxuan's cultivation and strength.

Only by hunting the Green Demons of the Void Realm and obtaining their corpses, spiritual treasures, and eighth-level raw materials, can Ye Qingxuan be assisted in all aspects.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan finally decided to use the remaining spiritual power to attack King Yuanwu.

However, Ye Qingxuan also knew that if King Yuanwu in his prime was hiding in his ‘Yuanwu King City’ and didn’t come out.

A powerful man in the Void Realm in his prime, plus the eighth-level city defense formation of ‘Yuanwu King City’, he might not be able to cause much damage to King Yuanwu even if he consumed all his spiritual power twice.

After all, his small magical power, the Life and Death Diagram, is powerful, but it is not strong enough to ignore everything.

There is the eighth-level formation barrier of ‘Yuanwu King City’ as a partition, plus King Yuanwu’s own magic energy and rule shield.

At that time, even if the "Life and Death Seal" condensed by the Minor Divine Power·Life and Death Diagram successfully invaded the body of Yuan Wu Wang, the power of the "Life and Death Seal" in all aspects would be greatly weakened and could no longer cause fatal damage to Yuan Wu Wang.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan decided to go to "Yuan Wu Wang City" to see if there was a chance to lure Yuan Wu Wang out.

If Yuan Wu Wang could be successfully lured out, even if he could not kill Yuan Wu Wang this time, he could definitely injure Yuan Wu Wang severely to prepare for the next time.

After making the decision, Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power was running and he was about to fly towards the direction of "Yuan Wu Wang City", but he suddenly hesitated for a moment.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Qingxuan flipped his right hand to summon the Zhenjie Tower.

Then he took out a storage ring with a large enough space and transferred all the gains in the Qingmo Realm from the Zhenjie Tower to the storage ring.

Finally, he threw it casually and buried the storage ring deep in the earth of this valley.

After doing all this, Ye Qingxuan fled towards the direction of "Yuan Wu Wang City" with a satisfied smile.

But one cannot do the other, he has already killed two Aoki Kings of the Blue Demon Clan and destroyed two royal cities of the Blue Demon Dynasty.

If he has attracted the attention of other powerful men of the Green Demon Clan, he may encounter a life and death crisis when he goes to the 'Yuanwu King City' this time.

The death of the clone was a small matter. Anyway, Ye Qingxuan didn't think about how long his clone could survive in the Green Demon Realm.

But if the harvest he gained from hunting the Aoki King and the eighth-order Aoki Ancient Tree was lost due to the death of the clone, then he would have suffered a big loss.

As for the three-star low-grade Lingbao Zhenjie Tower?

The boundary-suppressing tower can increase Ye Qingxuan's combat power, and there are two boundary-suppressing towers being refined in Qingxuan Cave.

Even if something happens and the Realm-Suppressing Tower carried by the clone is lost in the Green Demon Realm, Ye Qingxuan will not care too much.

‘King Yuanwu City’ is not located in the Gumu Little Demon Realm, but is located in another Little Demon Realm adjacent to the Gumu Little Demon Realm.

After Ye Qingxuan left the Gumu Little Demon Realm, he was always using his little magical power to deceive the sky and cover himself.

After a period of low-speed flight to the 'Yuanwu King City', he first carefully explored the surrounding environment of the 'Yuanwu King City'.

During this process, Ye Qingxuan did not reveal any of his Qi due to the cover of Xiao Shen Qing Tian.

After a period of exploration, it was determined that King Yuanwu was in the 'King Yuanwu City' at this time.

Ye Qingxuan found a seventh-level green demon tribe closest to the 'Yuanwu King City', and prepared to pretend to attack this seventh-level green demon tribe to lure out King Yuanwu.

If King Yuanwu doesn't come out, then Ye Qingxuan is going to really attack this seventh-level Green Demon tribe.


A cold look flashed in Ye Qingxuan's eyes. He stood in the air with his left hand on his back and burst out his own aura. He stretched out his right hand to gather his spiritual power and prepared to attack the seventh-level Green Demon tribe not far away.

Unfortunately, before the energy gathered in Ye Qingxuan's hand could be released, a figure quietly appeared behind Ye Qingxuan and said curiously:

"Sure enough, you are at the realm of Kong Ming. Why did you kill two Blue Demon Kings of our clan one after another? I am very curious about how you broke through to the realm of Kong Ming in my Qing Demon Realm."

Hearing this sudden sound, Ye Qingxuan raised his eyebrows but did not panic.

Still carrying his left hand, he turned around slowly and looked curiously at the strong man from the Green Demon Clan who suddenly appeared. Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly and said calmly:

"Transcending the Tribulation Realm? It seems that you are here for me?"

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