Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 501: Rapidly increasing spiritual veins, Ye Qingxuan's sudden wealth

With a thought, Ye Qingxuan took out all the sources of the magic veins.

Looking at the tens of thousands of sources of the magic veins floating in the air and emitting dark light, Ye Qingxuan's consciousness spread between heaven and earth and emitted the fluctuation of "sacrifice".

The next moment, all the sources of the magic veins were purified by the rules of the earth and earth of the Earth Profound Realm, and transformed from the original crystals emitting dark light to milky white crystals.

However, after these sources of the magic veins were sacrificed, Ye Qingxuan did not choose to exchange for a temporary improvement in comprehension.

Instead, after all the sources of the magic veins were transformed into the sources of the spirit veins by the rules of the earth and earth of the Earth Profound Realm, he exchanged for the right to choose which of these spirit veins would be integrated into the region.

Tens of thousands of spirit veins that had just been transformed by the rules of the earth and earth of the Earth Profound Realm.

Among them, the eighth-level spirit vein source was chosen by Ye Qingxuan to be integrated into the Qingxuan Cave Heaven.

The remaining spirit vein sources were divided into two batches and integrated into the Qingxuan Heaven and Earth and the Qingxuan Blessed Land respectively.

After Ye Qingxuan made his choice, all the spiritual vein sources floating in the air suddenly shot out, half of which merged into the Qingxuan blessed land where Ye Qingxuan was now.

The other half plus the eighth-level spiritual vein source broke through the air and merged into the Qingxuan Cave Heaven.

Then, the spiritual vein source that merged into the deep earth of the cave heaven and earth began to evolve into complete spiritual veins at a very fast speed under the intervention of the rules of the earth and the earth in the Dixuan Realm.

Ye Qingxuan took a step and came to the mountain in the Qingxuan Cave Heaven that merged into the eighth-level spiritual vein source.

During the formation of the eighth-level spiritual vein, the mountain range where this peak was located began to rise from the ground, and began to rise and expand at a very fast speed.

And the mountain that merged into the eighth-level spiritual vein source has grown wildly in the blink of an eye and reached the sky.

After these spiritual vein sources were completely integrated, the entire Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Earth was shocked.

The overall speed of absorbing and transforming void energy and chaos energy has increased by more than three times compared to before.

According to Ye Qingxuan's perception, the number of spiritual veins of various levels in Qingxuan Cave Paradise is:

One eighth-level spiritual vein, fifteen seventh-level spiritual veins, one hundred and four sixth-level spiritual veins, and tens of thousands of spiritual veins below the sixth level.

The number of the most critical high-level spiritual veins has directly increased by leaps and bounds.

It can be said that after Ye Qingxuan was promoted to the Void Realm, the gains brought by his actions in the Qingmo Realm alone directly exceeded all the capital he had accumulated before.

Not counting the spiritual stones produced by the seventh and eighth-level spiritual veins, the spiritual crystals produced by these high-level spiritual veins each year:

One seventh-level spiritual vein can produce 300 low-grade spiritual crystals and one medium-grade spiritual crystal each year.

One eighth-level spiritual vein can produce 6,000 low-grade spiritual crystals, 20 medium-grade spiritual crystals, and three high-grade spiritual crystals each year.

The low-grade spiritual crystals produced by the one eighth-grade spiritual vein and fifteen seventh-grade spiritual veins in the Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land alone are enough for Ye Qingxuan to harvest tens of thousands of low-grade spiritual crystals every year.

Add to that the output of medium-grade and high-grade spiritual crystals.

Even if Ye Qingxuan does nothing in the future, the speed of accumulating spiritual crystals alone will far exceed that of other ordinary Kongming Realm cultivators in the Dixuan Realm.

After all, there are very few Kongming Realm lone walker cultivators who can occupy an eighth-grade spiritual vein alone, even in the Dixuan Realm where spiritual vein resources are relatively abundant.

After observing the accumulation speed of the origin of Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said:

"With these new spiritual veins, the growth time of Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land can be greatly reduced."

"In addition to the resources plundered from the Qingmo Realm in the future, Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land may grow to the eighth level within a thousand years."

There are rule crystals and law crystals collected in the lower realm before, even if there will be some loss in the process of integrating into the cave heaven and blessed land.

But after all these rule crystals and law crystals are integrated into Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land, the rule realm is enough to support Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land to grow to the tenth level.

So for a long time in the future, Ye Qingxuan does not need to worry about the growth of the rules of Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

The most difficult rule shackles have been solved, as long as sufficient energy is provided to allow the origin of Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land to accumulate quickly.

Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land can grow and advance at a very fast speed.

The appearance of the Green Demon Realm directly helped Ye Qingxuan quickly complete the energy accumulation of this stage.

It can be said that the invasion of the Green Demon Realm not only made Ye Qingxuan's cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, but also greatly reduced the growth time of his Green Demon Cave Heaven and Blessed Land in this process.

Without the resources of the Green Demon Realm, Ye Qingxuan could only be restrained in the Earth Profound Realm.

The improvement of cultivation and the cultivation of the Cave Heaven and Blessed Land would definitely not reach the current height at this point in time.

But the premise of all this is that the Earth Profound Realm can persist in the invasion of the Green Demon Realm.

Otherwise, Ye Qingxuan's current gains are just passing clouds.

Before Ye Qingxuan breaks through the fairyland, if the Earth Profound Realm is swallowed by the Green Demon Realm, then Ye Qingxuan, as a creature of the Earth Profound Realm, will also be unable to escape the fate of being swallowed by the Green Demon Realm.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!".

Just as Ye Qingxuan was observing the changes in the Cave Heaven and Blessed Land, several figures were startled by the fluctuations formed during the integration of the eighth-level spirit veins, and suddenly broke through the air one after another.

After seeing Ye Qingxuan here, these figures immediately came to Ye Qingxuan and saluted respectfully:

"Zhao Heng greets the young master!"

"Zhao Yu greets the young master!"

"Yun'er and Cai'er greet the young master!"

Yes, these people are Ye Qingxuan's followers, Ye Zhaoheng, Ye Zhaoyu, Liu Yun'er, and Liu Cai'er.

Nearly eighty years have passed, with the help of the power of heaven and earth contained in the blessed lands opened up by Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu respectively.

The source of spiritual power in Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu's bodies has been completely refined to the extreme, transformed into a pure and flawless state.

After completing the purification of the source of spiritual power, Ye Qingxuan did not let Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu be restrained in his blessed land.

In Qingxuan Cave Heaven, Ye Qingxuan is the real master.

Even if the connection between Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu and their respective blessed places is not eliminated, Ye Qingxuan can still allow them to enter and leave their respective blessed places at any time.

But in this way, permanently opening this kind of authority requires Ye Qingxuan to always use his mind to support the blessed land opened by the two of them.

Fortunately, maintaining one or two blessed places does not affect Ye Qingxuan's practice.

After all, Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu were clansmen who had followed him for many years, so Ye Qingxuan would naturally give them preferential treatment far beyond ordinary people.

After Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu completed the purification of the source of spiritual power.

Ye Qingxuan gave the two of them the authority to leave their respective blessed lands at any time, enter and leave Qingxuan Cave Heavenly blessed land at will, and enter major cities including Xingluo Dongxuan City.

However, Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu also like to practice quietly, and they have been hiding in Qingxuan Cave for these years.

In the following years, many Buddhist cultivators under Ye Qingxuan were placed under the jurisdiction of Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu.

Whether it is the planting task of Fujian University or the expansion of Fujian University quota, the two of them are responsible for it.

As for the two little girls Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er, they were lucky enough to have their spiritual roots detected when they were twelve years old, but their spiritual root talents were only the second element water and wood spiritual root talents.

Without taking pills to directly improve their cultivation, the two of them had practiced for decades and were only at the foundation-building level.

Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan gave the two little girls special care for the sake of Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu.

Let the two sisters each choose a spiritual land contract and open up their own blessed land.

After becoming a blessing cultivator, the speed of longevity slows down, so they don't need to worry about their longevity in a short period of time.

In order to temper Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er, Ye Qingxuan did not completely let them leave their blessed land at will.

They are only allowed to leave their blessed place for five days every month.

In these five days, if Ye Qingxuan has nothing to do, the two of them can enter and exit Qingxuan Cave and Paradise at will, or even go to Xingluo Dongxuan City.

Due to the low strength of Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er, and the fact that they have gotten along very well with the ethereal cranes, Xiao Kong and Xiao Ling over the years.

Therefore, after Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er grew up, Ye Qingxuan did not come forward to interrupt their contact with Xiao Kong and Xiao Ling.

Every time they travel, they take Xiao Kong and Xiao Ling with them.

Otherwise, given their current level of cultivation, their flight speed would be too slow.

Over the years, after understanding the difference between core members and peripheral members in Xingluo Dongxuan City.

Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er have taken the initiative to swear an oath to be loyal to Ye Qingxuan forever and never reveal any of Ye Qingxuan's secrets without permission.

So now Ye Qingxuan no longer needs to rely on the restrictions he had previously set in their minds to protect his secrets.

This also made Ye Qingxuan feel more satisfied and at ease with the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er.

Looking at the two brothers Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu standing aside respectfully, and the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er who are quirky and seem a little embarrassed at this time.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes finally rested on the two brothers Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu, and he took out sixty green demon corpses and threw them to them:

"Zhao Heng, Zhao Yu, here are twenty corpses of the Green Demon Clan in the early stage of the God Transformation Realm, twenty in the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm, and twenty in the late stage of the God Transformation Realm."

"With these sixty corpses of the Green Demon Clan, it will be enough for the two of you to reach the peak of the God Transformation Realm."

"As for the Dongxu Realm? Come to my place again after you two have reached the peak of the Divine Transformation Realm. At that time, I will send you two to the Green Demon Realm to experience it."

"It's up to you whether you can break through the cave realm as soon as possible."

"If you two brothers can't break through the Dongxu Realm within a hundred years, just come back and manage the blessings in Qingxuan Cave for me!"

Looking at the sixty green demon corpses in front of them, brothers Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu's eyes lit up.

After hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, Ye Zhaoyu said with a smile:

"Look at what the Young Master said, even if my eldest brother and I break through the Dongxu Realm within a hundred years, as long as the Young Master gives the order, we will manage the blessings in the Qingxuan Cave for the Young Master."

Ye Zhaoheng on the side also nodded seriously and echoed:

"Yes, Zhaoyu is right, sir, don't worry!"

"Zhaoyu and I will definitely live up to Young Master's expectations, and we will definitely break through the Dongxu Realm within a hundred years."

Hearing this, Ye Qingxuan nodded slightly and said nothing, then turned to look at the pitiful sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er, and said helplessly:

"The cultivation level of you two is too low. Just stay in Qingxuan Cave to improve your cultivation level recently!"

Compared with the two brothers Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu who can endure loneliness and have a stable character after all, the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er are much more adventurous.

If it hadn't been for the restraints of the Blessed Land these years, the two of them would have gone off to have fun.

Saying that, Ye Qingxuan took out about two hundred corpses of the Green Demon Clan and handed them to the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er, and ordered:

"After these corpses of the Green Demon are sacrificed, it will be enough to raise the cultivation level of the two of you to the Nascent Soul realm."

"But you, don't sacrifice too many corpses of the Green Demon Clan at once. To upgrade from the current Foundation Establishment Realm to the Nascent Soul Realm, you will spend thirty years sacrificing and improving in stages."

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er looked happy and said in unison:

"Yes, thank you sir!"

Being able to directly upgrade one's cultivation level from the Foundation Establishment Realm to the Nascent Soul Realm would be difficult for anyone to refuse.

That is to say, they are Ye Qingxuan's followers and have sworn not to reveal any of Ye Qingxuan's secrets.

Otherwise, others would not have this treatment.

However, after finally meeting Ye Qingxuan out of seclusion, it was an unexpected blessing to be able to improve his cultivation level.

But the main purpose of the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er was not this. After the two sisters looked at each other, Liu Yun'er finally said coyly:

"Sir, we can only leave our blessed land for five days a month, which is too short. Can you help us extend the time?"

Seeing that her sister had already spoken, Liu Caier immediately spoke and responded pitifully:

"Yes! Yes! Young Master, please help me and my sister extend the time we can leave the blessed land every month!"

Watching the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er begging for mercy.

The brothers Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu on the side also couldn't help laughing secretly.

The two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er noticed Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu's snickering, and immediately curled their lips and glared at them in disbelief.

Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu didn't care about this.

Regarding the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er who were picked up by themselves, Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu regarded them as their descendants.

When the two of them successfully contracted the blessed land, they woke up from their deep sleep.

He took over the important task of raising the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er again. Their relationship with Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er naturally needs no introduction.

Although they are not related by blood, Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er are almost the same as their biological daughters in the hearts of Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the people making various little moves on their faces, but did not scold or stop them.

Although he has a quiet temperament, he is not a rigid and boring person.

Otherwise, the brothers Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu, who knew him best, would not have acted like this in front of him.

Looking at the two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er who were pretending to be pitiful and full of expectation, Ye Qingxuan coughed lightly and maintained his majesty as a 'gongzi', and slowly said:

"It's okay to extend the time you can leave the Blessed Land every month, but this requires you to improve your cultivation to the realm of transformation."


After hearing Ye Qingxuan's previous words, Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er had obvious looks of joy on their faces.

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he asked them to improve their cultivation to the realm of divine transformation before agreeing to their request.

The two sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er immediately lowered their crotches, but they did not dare to refuse Ye Qingxuan's words and could only whisper:

"Okay! Master!"

Playing is fun, making trouble is troublesome, but the two of them will not act recklessly in the face of Ye Qingxuan's order.

Seeing the dejected looks of sisters Liu Yun'er and Liu Cai'er, Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly and said:

"Okay, the four of you seize the time to retreat and improve your cultivation!"

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan moved the four of them to their respective blessed places with a wave of his hand.

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