"Bang!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Because of the pressure from King Qingmu and King Yuanwu, Ye Qingxuan's attack was even more fierce.

He even took out all the more than a dozen seventh-grade attack talismans that he had left and activated them together, and slammed into the formation barrier of 'Li Tianwang City' with his own attacks.

"Bang!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Bang!"

Under a series of attacks, the formation barrier outside 'Li Tianwang City' was instantly shattered, turning into pieces of crystal clear crystals scattered in all directions.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!".

"Not good, the enemy is too strong, run!"

"It's over, this is a human race strongman in the Kongming Realm, where should we run?"

The moment Ye Qingxuan broke through 'Li Tianwang City', the aftermath instantly hit many Qingmo cultivators in 'Li Tianwang City'.

Many Green Demon Clan monks who were too close to the city wall and had low cultivation bases died on the spot under the aftermath.

At this moment, the Green Demon Clan Yuanwu King, who was 100,000 miles away, witnessed this scene and could no longer suppress his anger. He said angrily:

"No, I can't ignore the human cultivators slaughtering my clan in front of me. I don't believe that the power this human cultivator just showed can kill me!"

After saying that, Yuanwu King immediately fled in the direction of 'Li Tianwang City'.

Seeing this, Qingmu King on the side felt that what Yuanwu King said was reasonable. After weighing it for a moment, he followed Yuanwu King and fled towards 'Li Tianwang City'.

On the other side.

Ye Qingxuan, who was originally a little happy because of the breakthrough of 'Li Tianwang City'.

After noticing the unusual movements of the two Green Demon Kings 100,000 miles away, his face suddenly changed.

However, he did not flee immediately. After all, he had already conquered the ‘Li Tian Wang City’, so how could he return empty-handed?

First, his spiritual consciousness surged out to find the location of the eighth-level spiritual veins and many sixth- and seventh-level spiritual veins in the ‘Li Tian Wang City’.

Ye Qingxuan moved around these areas at a very fast speed, and with his powerful spiritual power, he roughly dug up a large number of magic stones and many magic vein sources.

In this process, Ye Qingxuan also wiped out tens of thousands of Green Demon Clan strongmen in the ‘Li Tian Wang City’.

Among them were several Green Demon Clan great men in the Cave Void Realm who were unlucky.

After obtaining the only eighth-level magic vein source in the ‘Li Tian Wang City’, seven seventh-level magic vein sources, and thirty-eight sixth-level magic vein sources.

Ye Qingxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, his purpose of personally controlling his clone to enter the Green Demon Realm has been fully accomplished.

After looking at the direction where the two Green Demon Kings were flying at high speed, seeing that there was still some distance, Ye Qingxuan started to move again.

This time, apart from the eighth-level resource library of ‘Li Tianwang City’, he did not deliberately collect some ordinary resources in ‘Li Tianwang City’.

Under the cover of his divine sense, some basic resources in ‘Li Tianwang City’ could be collected remotely when he was moving.

In ‘Li Tianwang City’, the only things he could really look for were the eighth-level magic vein source that he had collected.

There were only the eighth-level resource library of ‘Li Tianwang City’ and the eighth-level inferior protection formation.

Without the presence of the Green Demon Clan’s Kongming Realm cultivator, the eighth-level resource library in ‘Li Tianwang City’ was quickly found and emptied by Ye Qingxuan.

Because time was too urgent, Ye Qingxuan did not count the harvest in the resource library in detail.

Then there was the eighth-level inferior protection formation in ‘Li Tianwang City’.

When the formation barrier was broken and the ‘Li Tian Wang City’ was breached by him, the eighth-grade inferior protection formation in the ‘Li Tian Wang City’ had been beaten back to its initial state.

As long as a powerful person in the Void Realm takes action to reactivate it, after absorbing huge power, this eighth-grade inferior protection formation will gradually return to its previous heyday.

Ye Qingxuan’s goal is the formation base of this eighth-grade inferior protection formation in the ‘Li Tian Wang City’.

Although the energy system of the Green Demon Realm and the energy system of the Earth Profound Realm are repelling each other, the natural materials and treasures produced are not compatible in the cultivation systems of the two realms.

But as long as it takes some time to purify the source of the demonic energy in these natural materials and treasures, and re-inject the essence of spiritual energy to nourish them.

Under the nourishment of spiritual energy, these natural materials and treasures produced by the Green Demon Realm can be used by the cultivators of the Earth Profound Realm.

The source of the demon vein can be transformed into the source of the spiritual vein, let alone other natural materials and treasures?

Ye Qingxuan wanted to obtain the array base of the eighth-grade lower-grade protection array in the ‘Li Tianwang City’, not for this eighth-grade lower-grade protection array.

Instead, he wanted to bring these eighth-grade array bases back to the Dixuan Realm, try to initialize these array bases, and use them to refine a brand new eighth-grade array for himself.

Time passed in a flash. Just after digging out half of the array base of the eighth-grade lower-grade protection array in the ‘Li Tianwang City’, Ye Qingxuan suddenly paused and said with regret:

"What a pity!"

After saying that, Ye Qingxuan turned into a rainbow light and began to escape at a very fast speed.

The next second, the figures of King Yuanwu and King Qingmu appeared on the ruins of the ‘Li Tianwang City’.

Looking at Ye Qingxuan's escaping back and the miserable situation of the ‘Li Tianwang City’, King Yuanwu gritted his teeth and said:

"Damn it! Don't run, human cultivator!"

After saying that, King Yuanwu chased Ye Qingxuan again at a very fast speed.

The Qingmu King, who was lagging behind, looked at Ye Qingxuan's fleeing figure, and a strange look appeared in his eyes. He also accelerated his speed to chase Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan, who was fleeing in front, sensed that the two Qing Mo Wangs were chasing him closely behind him, but he did not panic.

When passing by a remote mountain range, Ye Qingxuan secretly threw down the three-star low-grade spiritual treasure, the Zhenjie Tower, which he carried with him.

Under the control of a wisp of consciousness attached to the Zhenjie Tower by Ye Qingxuan, the Zhenjie Tower began to quietly drill into the mountains and fall into the depths of the earth.

The Zhenjie Tower contained all the gains Ye Qingxuan had made in the Qingmo Realm.

If he really wanted to escape, with the minor magical power, the Golden Light Transformation Technique, Ye Qingxuan could easily shake off the pursuit of the two Qing Mo Wangs behind him.

But after the purpose of this trip had been completed, Ye Qingxuan was not ready to escape.

The two-world channel could not now teleport cultivators in the Kongming Realm.

That is to say, his avatar in the Void Realm cannot return to the Earth Profound Realm through the wormhole channel opened by the Earth Profound Realm.

After hunting down the Green Demon Clan's Li Tianwang, his avatar has been exposed, and now it is very likely that it has been noticed by the Green Demon Clan's high-level officials.

If this avatar does not die, the Green Demon Clan's high-level officials will not be able to relax their vigilance.

At that time, the Green Demon Clan's high-level officials will send strong men at the peak of the Void Realm or even the Tribulation Realm to chase him, and he may not be able to escape.

In this case, it is better to fight with the two Green Demon Clan members in the early stage of the Void Realm behind him.

Before falling, he will first severely injure one of the Green Demon Kings to prepare for his avatar to sneak into the Green Demon Clan next time.

Thinking of this, after leaving the mountain where the Zhenjie Tower is hidden.

Ye Qingxuan began to slow down his flying speed bit by bit, step by step, pretending that the flying secret method has reached the time limit.

Behind him, the Green Demon Clan's Yuanwu King looked at Ye Qingxuan's fleeing figure and said disdainfully:

"What a shitty human race strongman, he ran away when he saw us, what strength can he have? In my opinion, the old guy Li Tianwang was accidentally tricked by him and was tricked by him."

"With the strength shown by this human cultivator, he will definitely not be able to defeat the old guy Li Tianwang in a head-on confrontation."

"This time he has been targeted by me, Yuanwu King, I want to see where he can run to?"

After saying that, Yuanwu King once again accelerated the circulation of the demonic energy in his body to increase his own flying speed.

King Qingmu, who followed closely, had his eyes flickering slightly after hearing King Yuanwu's words, and thought to himself:

"Could it be that, as the fool King Yuanwu said, the powerful human in the Void Realm in front is just a facade?"

"If that's the case, will I have a chance to kill him?"

"If I can successfully kill the human cultivator in front and obtain his body, it will be enough to equal my thousands of years of practice."

Thinking of this, King Qingmu's eyes flashed, and he involuntarily accelerated his flying speed and chased after Ye Qingxuan.

Time passed slowly.

As Ye Qingxuan deliberately let go, the distance between Ye Qingxuan and King Yuanwu and King Qingmu was being shortened bit by bit.

When they were less than 300 miles away from Ye Qingxuan, King Yuanwu's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, and he took the lead in attacking Ye Qingxuan:

"Small magical power·Evil Warrior Blade!"

In an instant, a special rule of Taoism flowed between heaven and earth.

A series of sharp blades flashing with black and red bloody light gathered in the air, and locked onto Ye Qingxuan with the power of the rules and consciousness of King Yuanwu.

"Buzz!" "Buzz!" "Buzz!"

These sharp blades began to burst out with high-frequency vibrations as King Yuanwu's mind moved.

Then in the next moment, they shot out at an astonishing speed and hit Ye Qingxuan's body, which was flying at high speed.


Wherever they passed, the air exploded and the space gradually twisted. The black and red bloody light wrapped around the sharp blades even infected this space.

Sensing the danger from behind, Ye Qingxuan did not turn back, but whispered faintly:

"Small magical power·Small Five Elements Shield!"

Suddenly, the five elements rules gathered behind Ye Qingxuan, and a shield emitting colorful light was formed according to the principle of the mutual generation and operation of the five elements.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Boom!"

Not long after the colorful shield was formed, the evil blades inspired by King Yuanwu had already hit Ye Qingxuan's small five elements shield one after another.

The colorful light and the black and red bloody light entangled and confronted each other.

The collision between the rules caused a series of energy explosions in the surrounding space, causing layers of energy ripples to vibrate in all directions.

In the end, Ye Qingxuan's small magical power, the small five-element shield, was better and blocked all the evil blades that Yuan Wu Wang had triggered in the first round.


Seeing this, Yuan Wu Wang snorted coldly with a gloomy face.

He continued to fly and chase Ye Qingxuan, maintaining his own small magical power, the evil blade, and condensed a continuous stream of evil blades to shoot towards Ye Qingxuan.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Boom!"

Along the way, the sound of rules colliding and energy roaring continued.

The aftermath and explosion of the rule energy destroyed the mountains and rivers within a radius of more than 100,000 miles during the pursuit of the three people, and the aftermath continued to spread to further away.

Countless low-level Qingmo tribes were destroyed in the aftermath of the pursuit of the three people.

However, Ye Qingxuan and the pursuing King Yuanwu and King Qingmu themselves did not suffer any impact after being affected by the aftermath of the energy.

The three of them shuttled through the chaotic energy tide one after another, and began a new round of pursuit.

The distance between Ye Qingxuan and the Green Demon Clan Yuanwu King and Qingmu King was also constantly shortened during the pursuit.

Finally, when he was less than a hundred miles away from Ye Qingxuan, Yuanwu King finally couldn't hold back his anger and looked at Qingmu King with some impatience.

"Qingmu King, how long are you going to wait?"

Feeling Yuanwu King's gaze, Qingmu King, who originally wanted to continue to consume Yuanwu King's energy, immediately put away his little thoughts.

"Haha, don't be impatient!"

After a light laugh, he calmed Yuanwu King's impatient mood.

Qingmu King also immediately circulated the energy in his body and began to use his own small magical power:

"Small magical power · Qingmu Binding!"

As Qingmu King's magical power was used, green chains quickly condensed around Ye Qingxuan.

These chains did not directly entangle Ye Qingxuan, but formed a cage around Ye Qingxuan, trying to restrain Ye Qingxuan's movements.

Looking at the chains blocking his way, Ye Qingxuan whispered expressionlessly:

"Small magical power·Small Five Elements Grinding Wheel!"


When Ye Qingxuan used his own Small Five Elements Grinding Wheel to shatter the chains formed by King Qingmu's Small Magic Power·Qingmu Binding.

The Green Demon Clan's Yuanwu King and Qingmu King had come to Ye Qingxuan's front and back, forming a pincer attack on Ye Qingxuan.

"Human cultivator, you can't run away, today is the day you fall!"

After saying that, King Yuanwu took the lead in attacking Ye Qingxuan:

"Small magical power·Evil Warrior Blade!"

"Small magical power·Yuanwu Battle Body!"

King Yuanwu was full of murderous intent towards Ye Qingxuan, and while using the Small Magic Power·Evil Warrior Blade to attack Ye Qingxuan from a distance.

He also used another small magical power·Yuanwu Battle Body to bless his own physical strength to get close to Ye Qingxuan, attempting to fight with Ye Qingxuan.

Not only that, when King Yuanwu waved his fists, a pair of gloves covered with special patterns appeared on his hands.

On this pair of black and gold gloves, there was an extremely sharp force of rules.

With the blessing of this pair of gloves, the attack power of King Yuanwu's fists rose sharply.

King Qingmu, who was standing aside, looked at the irritable King Yuanwu who burst out all his strength without thinking, and his mouth curled up slightly:

"Small magical power·Qingmu Binding!"

Compared to King Yuanwu's full-strength attack, King Qingmu only used his own small magical power·Qingmu Binding to assist and interfere with Ye Qingxuan's actions.

"Fight! In the end, the only one who will reap the benefits will be me, King Qingmu."

Secretly proud in his heart, King Qingmu casually controlled the chains condensed by the small magical power·Qingmu Binding in the distance.

There was no intention of approaching the main battlefield at all.

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