Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 475 The End of Evil Witch Cloud

"Hahaha, fly, fly."

"Sister, sister, we take off, hehe!"

For a while, the sky was filled with the excited shouts of the two little girls.

These two little girls were rescued by Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu when they went out three years ago.

The two little girls are twins, the elder sister is Liu Yuner and the younger sister is Liu Caier.

When Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu met them three years ago.

They were only about three years old, crying pitifully in an abandoned village cellar.

Later, they were found by Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu, and brought back to the current temporary residence for temporary care.

If it weren't for Yu Xueqing's help in these three years.

Liu Yuner and Liu Caier are not said to be miserable, but they will definitely not be as delicate as they are now.

After all, let two rough men who only know how to practice take care of the children, and they are two girls.

Don't expect them to take care of them well.

But despite this, it did not prevent the brothers Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu from liking Liu Yuner and Liu Caier.

The two took Liu Yuner and Liu Caier to play in the sky for a long time.

When the two returned to the earth with the two little girls and landed at the gate of their own courtyard.

In another courtyard next to it.

Yu Xueqing walked out slowly, looked at the two little girls Liu Yuner and Liu Caier, shook her head and smiled:

"You two! You just know how to play all day long, come to Aunt Qing!"

Hearing Yu Xueqing's words, the two little girls seemed a little embarrassed, and they all blushed and called out like a spoiled child:

"Aunt Qing!"

Then they ran over and threw themselves into Yu Xueqing's arms.

Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu, who were standing aside, felt a little embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

According to the seniority of the Ye family, they should call Ye Qingxiao their uncle.

But according to the relationship between Ye Qingxiao and their son Ye Qingxuan, the two of them should call Ye Qingxiao Young Master Qingxiao or Young Master Qingxiao.

As for Yu Xueqing, Ye Qingxiao's Taoist partner, the two of them really don't know how to address her, and always feel that it is difficult to speak.

In these years, the two of them have tried to avoid Yu Xueqing as much as possible, and at most communicate with Ye Qingxiao.

But at this time, Ye Qingxiao is still patrolling around Qingmu Mansion and is not in the courtyard for the time being.

So the two of them don't know what to say now.

After a moment of silence, Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu looked at each other.

Finally, Ye Zhaoheng opened his mouth slightly and was about to say something, but he didn't expect that a brilliant colorful light suddenly burst out from his arms.


The next moment, the world map that Ye Zhaoheng had been holding in his arms suddenly flew out automatically and broke through the air in one direction.

Seeing this, Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu showed surprise on their faces.

After looking at each other.

The two flew towards the direction where the world map was flying at a very fast speed.

Only Yu Xueqing, who was surprised, and the two sisters Liu Yuner and Liu Caier, who were somewhat at a loss, were left.

At the same time.

In a remote abyss not far from Qingmu Mansion.

The space fluctuated slightly, and a Qingmo clan with extraordinary momentum slowly appeared.

Looking at the strange and familiar scene in front of him, he laughed in a low voice:

"Hehehe, after more than a hundred years, I, Xie Wuyun, am back again."

That's right, he is the Qingmo clan Dongxu great power who destroyed the Ye family more than a hundred years ago, Xie Wuyun!

In the past hundred years, he has been recovering from his own Dao injuries.

It was not until a few days ago that Xie Wuyun wiped out the remaining rule power in his body and completely recovered from his injuries.

Once he recovered, he couldn't wait to pass through the wormhole channel and came to the Dixuan Realm again.

He was a little impatient after being delayed for more than a hundred years by his injuries.

After restraining his own breath, Xie Wuyun randomly found a direction and flew away.

This time, he was going to fight alone and reduce his presence in the Earthly Mysterious World.

So he did not bring the strong men from his tribe with him.

However, not long after Xie Wuyun flew away, a landscape atlas emitting colorful light caught up with him.

This colorful landscape atlas that suddenly appeared was Ye Qingxuan's natal magic weapon, the World Map.

Looking at the colorful atlas that suddenly appeared and blocked in front of him.

Xie Wuyun felt the terrifying aura emanating from the atlas, and his face suddenly changed.

Just as he was about to escape from here, he found that he had already been firmly locked by an aura.

His heart sank, sensing the aura that was ready to go and was like thunder that locked him, Xie Wuyun was a little afraid to act rashly for a while.

Just as Xie Wuyun was secretly alert and thinking about countermeasures,

On the world map, a colorful illusion slowly condensed, staring at Xie Wuyun and said coldly:

"Is it the Ye family that you destroyed?"

"What Ye family?"

Xie Wuyun frowned, wondering which family the Ye family was.

"It's the family that you destroyed in the Earth Profound Realm more than a hundred years ago!"

"Oh, it turned out to be that weak little family? At that time, I..."

"Boom!" "Bang!" "Boom!"

"Damn, who are you?"

"I am Ye Qingxuan!"

Before Xie Wuyun finished speaking.

Ye Qingxuan had already fully revived the world map floating under his feet, and took the lead in attacking Xie Wuyun.

The world map was rapidly enlarged, covering the sky and the sun, carrying the power of the world to suppress Xie Wuyun.

Wherever it passed, the space vibrated and made bursts of roaring sounds.

Xie Wuyun only felt that he was under unprecedented pressure and could not break free.

In desperation, he could only condense the rule energy in his body and hit the world map that was covering him hard.

The sound of energy collision sounded, but it did not shake Ye Qingxuan's world map as expected.

Even the energy tide aroused by the collision between the two was instantly suppressed by Ye Qingxuan's world map.

Looking at the world map that was constantly approaching him, Xie Wuyun roared in despair:

"Small magical power·Great Demon Pillar!"

Suddenly, the demonic energy around Xie Wuyun was intertwined with a trace of Taoism, and a pillar of heaven rose into the air.

He pushed hard towards the world map that was constantly falling.


Accompanied by a low impact sound, Ye Qingxuan's world map actually stopped for a moment.

Seeing this, the shadow of Ye Qingxuan standing with his hands behind his back in the sky snorted coldly, and said in a cold tone:

"Hmph, suppress the world!"

"Crack! Crack" "Boom!"

The next moment, the great demon pillar condensed by the evil witch cloud crackled, and it only lasted for a breath before it broke directly.

In a flash, the powerless evil witch cloud was instantly covered and suppressed by Ye Qingxuan's world map, and was collected in the small world inside the world map for suppression.

Ye Qingxuan was here, but a wisp of his soul.

The power he used to suppress the evil witch cloud was also erupted by relying on his own life magic weapon world map.

In this case, he could not completely wipe out a Green Demon Clan great power in the middle stage of the Cave Void Realm in a short time.

Therefore, he planned to suppress the evil witch cloud first and bring it back to the Qingxuan blessed land for further processing.

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