Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 458: Expansive Development

In Dongxuan City.

As the number of monks continues to increase, it has become more and more lively, with all kinds of noises going on.

"Have you heard? The price of the Spirit Vein Cave in Dongxuan City has increased again."

"Hey, are you still thinking about the Lingmai Cave? Now we can't even afford a courtyard in the ordinary city of Dongxuan City."

"Who says it's not the case? The monks in the early stages of Laozi's foundation-building realm can only rent ordinary courtyards to settle down in Dongxuan City."

"Alas, things have changed so fast. If I had known that when we came to Dongxuan City more than ten years ago, we should have bought a courtyard in an ordinary city."

"Look at the aborigines of Dongxuan City. Anyone who owns real estate in Dongxuan City is making a lot of money!"

"Not to mention the monks in Dongxuan City, just a few ordinary people who own several courtyards. The spiritual stones obtained from rent collection now make people jealous."

"Oh, this is fate. Who allows other people to live in Dongxuan City for hundreds of years?"

"Hmph, if this wasn't Dongxuan City, I would have"

"If this wasn't Dongxuan City, why would you be willing to spend so many spiritual stones to rent a common garden?"


"Okay, okay, haven't you seen that those powerful people in the Nascent Soul Realm are all working honestly in Dongxuan City? What's the use of all this?"

"Don't be impatient. More and more people are joining Dongxuan City now. If this continues, Dongxuan City will become very crowded."

"I heard that Dongxuan City is ready to expand outwards, and that space arrays will be deployed in the original city area to expand the size of the city area. By then, the price of ordinary courtyards should drop a lot."

"Do you think the buildings used to house the outsiders in Dongxuan City will be sold or rented out?"

This kind of discussion echoed throughout Dongxuan City.

All this is because the number of monks and laymen in Dongxuan City is growing too fast.

Dongxuan City, which was originally vast and sparsely populated after occupying the Shuizhu Kingdom, has now become a sea of ​​people.

The prices of the Spirit Vein Cave in the city are also rising again and again.

Even the courtyard in the ordinary urban area of ​​Dongxuan City is now difficult to find a room for.

The reason for this scene is the demonic tide that has been set off in Xingluo State.

In just a few years.

Countless humans have fallen into the hands of the Green Demon Clan in Xingluo State.

With everyone in danger, the monks in Xingluo State naturally wanted to seek refuge under the strong men.

After all, although there has been no Green Demon Clan in the Dongxu Realm in Xingluo State so far.

But there are already some clues coming out of the Green Demon Clan in the God Transformation Realm.

In Xingluo State, a city with a Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse as its commander was suspected to have perished at the hands of the Green Demon Clan of the Transformation God Realm.

Since the Green Demon Clan continued to invade, especially after the city where the Nascent Soul Realm was stationed was destroyed by the Green Demon Clan.

There are no sects or cities around Dongxuan City that are in the God Transformation Realm.

To seek asylum.

They have all been spontaneously integrated into Dongxuan City.

In a short period of time, a large number of monks and ordinary people moved into Dongxuan City.

Dongxuan City, which was originally very empty, became as crowded as it is now.

It's not that the human monks are afraid of the Green Demon Clan, but that the Green Demon Clan really has no morals or rules at all.

They secretly launch sneak attacks, attack low-level monks and even ordinary people, slaughter cities and destroy spiritual veins at every turn.

If it were a head-on battle with a monk of the same level as the Blue Demon Tribe.

All human forces will not be afraid.

But they were powerless in the face of possible sneak attacks by high-level monks from the Green Demon Clan at any time.

With their minds tense, many low-level human monks did not even dare to enter a deep state of cultivation.

This is true for small and medium-sized forces, not to mention some casual cultivators scattered around?

Before the invasion of the Underworld.

In Xingluo State and even in the entire East Extreme Region, human monks would also attack each other.

But at least there is stable order.

High-level monks disdain to take action against low-level monks, and fights between monks will not affect ordinary people.

But after the Green Demon Clan invaded the Earthly Mysterious World, all this changed.

The Green Demon Clan is itself a destroyer of order, forcing the human race in Xingluo State to change its original structure.

Under such circumstances, it has become a general trend to merge with Dongxuan City or other forces with powerful people at the God Transformation Realm and seek their protection.

Only in this way can human monks practice with peace of mind.

Arrange your relatives well, ensure their safety, and have no worries.

Only the human monks can take the initiative to hunt down the invading Green Demon Clan with peace of mind, or even directly enter the Green Demon Realm and treat them in their own way.

This was also after many cities were merged into Dongxuan City.

The reason why you choose to have autonomy and form your own demon hunting army.

Without the encumbrance of the city, the monks led by these city lords became more flexible.

I just saw the benefits.

Therefore, in just a few years, four or five cities with Nascent Soul realms took the initiative to apply to be incorporated into Dongxuan City.

Although these cities all required autonomy after being merged into Dongxuan City.

Under the leadership of the major city lords, demon hunting armies were formed one after another.

However, the increase in Dongxuan City's population and the increase in the number of settled monks can also bring a lot of benefits to Dongxuan City.

In recent years, only courtyards in ordinary urban areas have been sold and rented.

This made Dongxuan City make a huge profit.

A few days ago, Ye Qingxuan had approved the application for the expansion of Dongxuan City.

When Dongxuan City successfully expands, the number of people that the entire Dongxuan City can accommodate will increase significantly.

However, the expanded urban area cannot be protected by the seventh-level star array, and can only be equipped with a sixth-level top-grade protection array.

But even so, for the cultivators from the outside world.

The newly built urban area of ​​Dongxuan City is much safer than other areas in Xingluozhou.

And it is guarded by Ye Qingxuan, the Dongxuan City Lord of the Cave Void Realm.

The safety of the newly built urban area is only slightly lower than that of the original urban area of ​​Dongxuan City.

The current Dongxuan City.

The main force is Dongxuan City.

Below them are seven or eight Huashen Realm cultivators who settled in Dongxuan City.

Then there are the demon hunting army formed by the major city lords who merged into Dongxuan City, and some other Yuanying Realm cultivators.

Further down, there are a large number of small families of middle and low-level immortal cultivators.

And a large number of low-level cultivators who seek shelter in Dongxuan City.

Finally, there are the largest number of ordinary residents.

Many of them have autonomy and do not need to obey the dispatch of Dongxuan City.

But they are also important components of Dongxuan City.

For Ye Qingxuan, as long as he lives in Dongxuan City and lives in Dongxuan City.

These cultivators have enough autonomy.

He can also mobilize these cultivators to work for him by issuing tasks.

After all, in the current situation.

Most cultivators do not work hard to complete the tasks of Dongxuan City, but they do not have enough income to maintain the consumption of Dongxuan City.

You know, many cultivators rent houses in Dongxuan City and do not have their own permanent place to stay.

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