Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 385: Debate in the Law Enforcement Hall

After scanning all the Fu Xiu in the first-level ranking, Su Daobin was surprised:

"Why is there no Junior Brother Ye's name?"

"Could it be that Junior Brother Ye's blessed land has been promoted to the second level?"

Su Daobin and Ye Qingxuan have not communicated for hundreds of years.

But he still has the communication mark of the disciple token on Ye Qingxuan.

Through this communication mark, he can be sure that Ye Qingxuan has not fallen.

Now, Ye Qingxuan's name is not seen in the first-level Fu Xiu ranking.

Su Daobin concluded that Ye Qingxuan's blessed land should have been promoted to the second level before him.

"I didn't expect that I would lag behind Junior Brother Ye."

Thinking of this, Su Daobin stopped wasting time and continued to browse the first-level Fu Xiu ranking.

He started to get busy in his own blessed land.

Prepare for the promotion to the second-level blessed land.

At the beginning in the Fu Xiu Academy.

Ye Qingxuan lived in seclusion and rarely met Fu Xiu reserve disciples.

So there were not many Fu Xiu who paid attention to Ye Qingxuan at this time.

Among the first-level Fu Xiu

Except Su Daobin.

Only Fu Dingtian paid attention to Ye Qingxuan's name.

After Zhu Dafu's enlightenment before.

Fu Dingtian now has recovered some of his previous nature.

After reading the first-level Fu Xiu rankings.

Ye Qingxuan's name is not on the list.

Although Fu Dingtian is a little curious.

But he hesitated for a moment.

Fu Dingtian still suppressed his curiosity and did not send a message to Ye Qingxuan to ask.

Hundreds of years.

Fu Dingtian also understood Ye Qingxuan's temperament.

After becoming a Fu Xiu.

At first, he often sent messages to harass Ye Qingxuan.

But later, Ye Qingxuan found him annoying and ignored Fu Dingtian's messages.

In the end, Fu Dingtian also knew what to do and stopped harassing Ye Qingxuan.

As time went by.

Like Su Daobin, he gradually lost contact with Ye Qingxuan.

In the law enforcement hall of Xuantian Sect.

The seven deacons of the God Transformation Realm looked at the densely packed report information and felt a tingling sensation on their scalps.

These reports all came from the third-level Fu Xiu of Xuan Tian Zong.

According to the reward mechanism formulated by Xuan Tian Zong.

Among the third-level Fu Xiu, the Fu Xiu ranked in the top 20 to 11.

They can obtain 6,000 cubic meters of third-level Five Elements Essence every year.

After the third-level Five Elements Essence is integrated into the third-level blessed land.

It can speed up the evolution and improvement of the Five Elements Mystery Rules in the third-level blessed land.

Improve the growth rate of the blessed land rules.

Ye Qingxuan occupied a place in the top 20 to 11 with the third-level early stage blessed land.

Naturally, it caused dissatisfaction among many third-level Fu Xiu.

Either because of jealousy or because of interests.

After seeing the ranking list of third-level Fu Xiu.

Many third-level Fu Xiu reported to the Law Enforcement Hall and accused the Fu Xiu Academy of shady dealings.

These reports.

After the diversion of the Xuan Tian Zong management formation.

Finally, they were transmitted to the hands of the seven deacons of the Law Enforcement Hall.

"What should I do now?"

Looking at the dense information in his token.

One of the middle-aged deacons suddenly had a bitter face, not knowing what to do.

After they received the report information.

Naturally, they went to the Fuxiu Academy to investigate and verify it in person according to the regulations.

Now Ye Qingxuan's Fuxiu ranking has been confirmed, and there is no problem.

After all, after the data collection of the blessed land is transmitted to the Xuantian Sect's information database.

The specific ranking of the blessed land.

It is arranged by the formation that Xuantian Sect is responsible for daily operation and management.

The people of the Fuxiu Academy only participate in the collection of blessed land data.

They cannot participate in the specific ranking.

The magic weapon used for the collection of blessed land data is also given by the sect itself.

Under normal circumstances, there is no cheating.

However, this time Ye Qingxuan's ranking made many Fuxiu feel dissatisfied.

The training plan of Fuxiu disciples is related to the future plan of Xuantian Sect.

If it is not handled properly, it will cause riots among many Fuxiu.

Several of the seven of them are worried about being punished by the sect's top leaders.

So they have not yet determined the results of the handling.

At this time, among the seven deacons.

A young-looking deacon said impatiently:

"What's so tangled about this? Since the review has already produced a result."

"Then can we just reject the reporting process of these third-level Fu Xiu according to the sect's procedures?"

"But, there are too many people involved this time, and they are all Fu Xiu disciples. I'm worried."

Among the seven people, a white-haired old man looked sad and still hesitant.

As the oldest deacon among the seven people.

He knows very well what kind of character the Fu Xiu disciples in the sect have.

Although Fu Xiu disciples usually have a very low sense of existence.

But because they have been trapped in one place for a long time, there are many Fu Xiu disciples whose minds have changed greatly.

If the result of the Law Enforcement Hall's handling this time is not as good as some Fu Xiu disciples want.

These Fu Xiu disciples may really do some irrational things under stimulation.

If the situation gets out of hand, it will delay the sect's plan.

If the sect's top leaders blame him, he is likely to be implicated.

After hearing the old man's words, the other people also hesitated.

They don't want to sacrifice their future for a Fu Xiu.

However, the young-looking deacon frowned and said with dissatisfaction:

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Do you want to ignore the sect rules and regulations, sacrifice a Fu Xiu disciple, and appease the majority of Fu Xiu disciples?"

Hearing this, some of the deacons present looked pensive, while others looked uncomfortable.

The white-haired deacon looked even more embarrassed as an old deacon.

"It doesn't mean that I have to sacrifice a Buddhist disciple."

"I was thinking about whether I could give some compensation to the Buddhist disciple named Ye Qingxuan, and then lower his ranking accordingly."

"In this way, Ye Qingxuan will not suffer any substantial losses, and other dissatisfied Fuxiu disciples can be appeased."

"If we handle it more diplomatically, we can kill two birds with one stone!"

Hear what the old man said.

Among the deacons present, four of them had some thoughts.

The young deacon saw the reactions of several people and sneered:

"Since you are so afraid of being held accountable, then report it directly to the elders and let them make a decision!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't give anyone a chance to react.

With a sudden thought, he escalated the matter and reported it directly in his deacon token.

According to the wishes of everyone in the field.

If put to a vote, his proposal would definitely fail.

So he simply reported the matter and let the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall make a decision.

"No, how can we bother the elders of the sect with such trivial matters?"

"That's right, we can make our own decision."

"Xiao Liu, let's discuss this matter ourselves!"

The young deacon's words immediately aroused opposition from several deacons.

The Law Enforcement Hall defends the sect's laws.

As deacons of the Law Enforcement Hall, they need to act in strict accordance with the sect's rules.

Only when matters cannot be decided according to the sect's rules can they be reported to the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall for handling.


Once the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall decide on a reported matter, they can make their own decision in accordance with the sect's rules.

That is their dereliction of duty and they will definitely be punished by the elders of the sect.

Therefore, they deacons will not report the matter to the elders of the sect easily unless absolutely necessary.

However, any judgment made by the Law Enforcement Hall cannot be arbitrary.

This was also after those dissatisfied third-level Buddhist disciples reported.

Seven deacons will receive the report information at the same time and jointly handle the reasons.

The purpose is to prevent law enforcement officials from acting selfishly and acting arbitrarily.

I heard the objections of several deacons.

The young deacon raised his eyebrows and sneered:

"Oh, it's too late!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a shadow appeared in the hall.

Seeing this figure, the seven people decisively stopped arguing and saluted together:

"I'll wait to see Elder Tianxu!"

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