As Bai Shuqing urged.

The seven gems on the compass began to emit brilliant light.

The special energy contained in them began to gather in the groove in the center of the compass.

Then they merged and became an extremely pure energy that was infused into Bai Shuqing's body.

This energy was just in the spiritual roots in Bai Shuqing's body, just like a formality.

Then it was directly infused into Bai Shuqing's dantian, and began to continuously improve Bai Shuqing's cultivation.

During the whole process, this energy did not cause any burden to Bai Shuqing's body and his spiritual roots.

At the same time, when Bai Shuqing activated the Seven Emotions Compass.

On the Wanling Mountain.


Ye Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, the figure of the Starlight Palace suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the Starlight Palace was trembling slightly, making a slight buzzing sound.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Qingxuan and the Starlight Palace merged in spirit.

The divine consciousness surged out, and with the help of the star formation and the power of the Starlight Palace, he began to explore the entire Dongxuan City.

Soon after, Ye Qingxuan's expression changed, and he took a step and disappeared on the Wanling Mountain.

On the other side, at the foot of Wanling Mountain.

At the Dongxuan City cultivator recruitment point, Jiang Wen looked at the angry man in front of him and asked expressionlessly:


"I'm Niu Dali."


"Uh? No, that's Niu Dali."

"Hmm! Cultivation?"

"Late Foundation Establishment."

"Spiritual roots?"

"Four spiritual roots of thunder, fire, wood, and earth."

After recording the information, Jiang Wen handed Niu Dali a jade card and said:

"Okay, next one."

"Uh? That, Jiang Dutong, what is my assessment task?"

Obviously, Niu Dali, who has settled in Dongxuan City for a long time, still knows Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen glanced at Niu Dali, still expressionless, and said:

"The assessment task for all the cultivators recruited this time is to kill a monster of the same level."

"With the token in your hand, you can freely enter and exit the second-level monster habitat."

This time, since those who joined Dongxuan City are basically independent cultivators who have settled in Dongxuan City for a long time.

So Ye Qingxuan's assessment of this batch of cultivators is much simpler.

Hearing Jiang Wen's words, Niu Dali nodded hurriedly, took the token in his hand and left in a hurry.

After Niu Dali left.

The cultivator behind Niu Dali slowly stepped forward.

Jiang Wen looked at the middle-aged cultivator in front of him and found that he could not see through his cultivation.

He was moved, his eyes narrowed slightly, and asked with a smile:

"May I ask your name, fellow Taoist?"

"Su Jianfeng, the cultivation of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, six spiritual roots!"

Hearing Su Jianfeng's cultivation of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Jiang Wen calmly recorded Su Jianfeng's information, and then handed Su Jianfeng a jade token:

"With this jade token, you can enter the fifth-level monster territory."

"As long as you successfully hunt a fifth-level mid-level monster, you can join Dongxuan City."

Hearing this, Su Jianfeng nodded slightly, took the jade token in his hand and left.

In fact, Su Jianfeng had long thought about joining Dongxuan City.

It was just that the members of the Dongxuan Guard had low cultivation at that time, and Su Jianfeng thought that Dongxuan City lacked manpower.

So he wanted to wait for the price to be high, and wait for the Lord of Dongxuan City to come out and recruit him personally.

Unexpectedly, this wait would take so many years.

Especially when Dongxuan City rewarded the cultivators affiliated with Dongxuan City with caves.

Even Su Jianfeng couldn't help but feel a pain and regret.

With his cultivation, if he had joined Dongxuan City earlier, he could have obtained a permanent fifth-level cave.

This stimulation, coupled with the power of Dongxuan City, quietly took over the entire Shuize Kingdom.

Su Jianfeng realized that Dongxuan City had a bottomless foundation, and the Lord of Dongxuan City was definitely not simple.

So, Su Jianfeng stopped waiting.

When Dongxuan City expanded, he chose to join Dongxuan City.

Not just Su Jianfeng.

In the queue to join Dongxuan City.

Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi, another Yuanying Realm cultivator who had settled in Dongxuan City for a long time, were also queuing up to join Dongxuan City.

That is, in Dongxuan City.

If it were somewhere else.

With their Yuanying Realm status, how could they queue up with these cultivators below the Yuanying Realm?

Wait until the evening.

After Jiang Wen registered the last person's information, he couldn't help but stand up and stretch.

Looking at his subordinates on both sides, Jiang Wen ordered:

"Okay, give me all the data, and you can pack up!"

"Yes, Lord Dutong!"

In these three days.

There were nearly 20,000 cultivators who signed up to join Dongxuan City.

However, these cultivators are almost the total number of independent cultivators who have settled in Dongxuan City.

In three days.

Many cultivators have completed the assessment task of hunting monsters and successfully joined Dongxuan City.

As for whether these monsters are hunted by them alone, Dongxuan City does not care.

After the expansion of Dongxuan City, it is not open to the public yet.

This time, Ye Qingxuan prepared for the independent cultivators who settled in Dongxuan City.

Therefore, the assessment requirements are not high, and there are no restrictions on various rules and regulations.

If this is the case.

There are also cultivators who know that they are not strong enough, but still foolishly go to hunt monsters by themselves.

This eventually leads to failure in the assessment and failure to join Dongxuan City.

Ye Qingxuan has no choice.

Among the cultivators who joined Dongxuan City, it was not beyond Ye Qingxuan's expectations.

Almost 90% of the cultivators could not swear the Dao oath, and could only sign a contract to become peripheral members of Dongxuan City.

After all, although they had settled in Dongxuan City for a long time before, they were still casual cultivators.

Ye Qingxuan did not expect them to be able to sincerely work for Dongxuan City as soon as they joined.

After the population base of Dongxuan City increases.

The main source of cultivators in Dongxuan City in the future will still be the cultivators trained by Dongxuan Academy.

These cultivators born and raised in Dongxuan City will undoubtedly have a much greater sense of belonging to Dongxuan City.

The proportion of cultivators who can swear the Dao oath will also be relatively high.

At this time.

In Bai Shuqing's cave.

In less than a day, Bai Shuqing's cultivation had been improved from the middle stage of the foundation building realm to the late stage of the foundation building realm.

After his cultivation was stabilized, Bai Shuqing slightly opened his eyes.

After sensing his current cultivation, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Although the Seven Emotions Compass was a family heirloom of the Bai family, he also knew about the effect of the Seven Emotions Compass.

But no one in their Bai family had been able to pass the Seven Emotions Trial and recognize the Seven Emotions Compass as the master for thousands of years.

Therefore, Bai Shuqing could not be very sure about the actual effect of the Seven Emotions Compass.

Fortunately, after spending three years collecting emotional energy this time, the Seven Emotions Compass did not disappoint him.

When Bai Shuqing was happily playing with the Seven Emotions Compass in his hand, a voice broke through the air:

"Three-star lower-grade spiritual treasure? But, this seems to be a blood spiritual treasure?"

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