With that said, Ye Zhaoyang took out the remaining six Enlightenment Pills and handed them to Ye Qingxuan.

Without giving Ye Qingxuan a chance to refuse, Ye Zhaoyang continued:

"Just accept the rest of the elixir."

"I don't have any disciples, so leaving the Enlightenment Pill behind won't be of much use to me."

"This time I have broken through to the realm of gods. I have decided to go down to the lower realms to slay demons, improve my cultivation, and strive to be better."

"After this farewell, I probably won't be returning to Xuantian Sect in a short period of time, so before I leave, I came here to say goodbye."

After hearing what Ye Zhaoyang said, Ye Qingxuan stopped refusing and put away the Enlightenment Pill that Ye Zhaoyang handed him.

"Then Qingxuan's respect is worse than obeying his orders."

Seeing Ye Qingxuan put away the Enlightenment Pill, Ye Zhaoyang suddenly laughed heartily and said:

"Hahaha, that's right. The man's family should be more decisive, not the mother-in-law's."

After saying that, before Ye Qingxuan's tea was ready, Ye Zhaoyang stood up directly:

"I won't drink any more tea. I'm leaving now, ancestor. See you later."

After saying that, Ye Zhaoyang turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the distant sky.

Looking at Ye Zhaoyang's high-spirited figure in the distance as he left.

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly and continued to slowly brew the tea in his hand.

"It seems that the war between the two worlds has a great impact on everyone."

How long has it been since?

Almost all of the few people he knew in the Xuantian Sect took the initiative to practice in the lower world.

But having said that, although Ye Qingxuan did not personally participate in this war.

But the benefits he gained from the outbreak of the war between the two races were not small.

Whether it was the source of the spiritual veins obtained or the corpse of the Green Demon Clan, they all provided huge help to Ye Qingxuan's Cave Heaven Paradise.

Without the source of these spiritual veins and the continuous supply of Green Demon Clan corpses, Qingxuan Cave Paradise would not be able to grow so fast.

"Perhaps, the mysterious mall in Xuanmu Realm should be expanded."

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan had a thought in his mind.

The next moment, Ye Qingxuan's main consciousness had left his body.

In Xuanmu Realm, in the suspended Shangxuan Pavilion in the center of the mysterious mall.

Ye Qingxuan's main consciousness has descended on the mysterious businessman's clone.

As soon as the main consciousness came, Ye Qingxuan immediately frowned and looked up at the world of Xuanmu Realm.

"Why has it been weakened so much?"

Although Ye Qingxuan's many clones have the same consciousness, there is only one main consciousness that dominates everything.

Ye Qingxuan's ordinary clone's perception of the outside world is almost the same as that of other monks, and is not outstanding.

Only after Ye Qingxuan's main consciousness comes, can he detect the deeper changes in the world.

After many years, when Ye Qingxuan's main consciousness came to the Xuanmu Realm again, he instantly sensed the gap between the front and back of the Xuanmu Realm.

The current Xuanmu Realm, whether it is the original strength, the elemental rules in all aspects, or even the laws of the great road, have been greatly weakened.

The suppression strength of space has also become less than before.

However, when he thought of the wars that were breaking out one after another in the Xuanmu Realm, Ye Qingxuan suddenly fell silent.

After walking out of the hall, Ye Qingxuan came to the edge of Shangxuan Pavilion and looked at the mountains not far from the mysterious mall.

Ye Qingxuan saw that it was three days and three nights.

For three days and three nights, Ye Qingxuan saw various bright energies erupting from time to time in various places in the mountains, destroying all surrounding matter.

As the space suppression force becomes weaker, the range and destructive power of these energies erupting in the Xuanmu Realm have been significantly enhanced.

After every battle, Xuanmu Realm will automatically clear away the remaining destructive power in the battlefield and restore life to the earth.

In almost a few days, all kinds of ordinary vegetation will start to grow again.

The damaged environment seemed to be restored quickly.

But all of this requires consuming a large amount of the source of Xuanmu Realm.

Although the Xuanmu Realm has fallen, almost the entire world has been transformed into the Demon Realm by the Green Demon Realm.

But this is assimilating the origin of the Xuanmu Realm and changing the rules and tendencies of the Xuanmu Realm. It does not affect the status of the Xuanmu Realm as still belonging to the Super Small Thousand Realm.

But now, this person is being shaken by this protracted war.

"Perhaps, in a few hundred years, the Xuanmu Realm will fall into a small thousand-digit order and lose its current power of laws, right?"

Ye Qingxuan's eyes fluctuated slightly.

In his heart, he was not worried about the fallen Xuanmu Realm.

Nowadays, there are no ordinary people in Xuanmu Realm. Even if the status of Xiaoqian Realm is lost, or even the world is broken, it will not have much impact.

Moreover, after losing the status of the Small Thousand Realm and losing its own laws of the Great Dao, it will inevitably be unable to resist the pull of the Earthly Mysterious Realm.

At that time, the Xuanmu Realm will fall into the Earthly Xuan Realm and be completely swallowed up and integrated into the Earthly Xuan Realm.

This situation might be even better for the Earthly Mysterious World than it is now.

Even if you die, you will die in the pot. It is better for the Xuanmu Realm to be swallowed up by the Earthly Xuan Realm than to be occupied by the Green Demon Realm.

However, Ye Qingxuan thought of other fallen worlds.

The situation in those eight worlds should be similar to the Xuanmu Realm today.

"Could it be that, hundreds of years later, these nine small and large thousand realms will fall down from the small thousand realms one by one and fall into the earthly and mysterious realm?"

If the war between the Earthly Mysterious Realm and the Green Demon Realm continues, his guess is not impossible.

According to the Earth Immortal inheritance Ye Qingxuan received.

In the boundless chaos, there are countless worlds.

In addition to the Small Thousand Worlds, the Middle Thousand Worlds, and the Great Thousand Worlds, there are countless small, medium, and large planes under the Small Thousand Worlds.

The planes only have elemental rules and cannot resist the erosion of chaos for a long time, so their lifespan is limited.

Only before being completely eroded by chaos, can they give birth to their own great laws, condense the world domain, and form a domain that isolates chaos, so that they can exist for a long time.

Some of these planes or worlds are born alone in chaos due to various encounters or chaos creation phenomena.

And some are subsidiary worlds born under the influence of powerful worlds.

For example, the Xuanmu Realm is a subsidiary world born from the Dixuan Realm, so the Xuanmu Realm has always been located within the domain of the Dixuan Realm.

As a subsidiary world, the origin of the Xuanmu Realm has a certain connection with the Dixuan Realm, but it will maintain its relative independence.

The Dixuan Realm protects the Xuanmu Realm, and the Xuanmu Realm helps the Dixuan Realm stabilize the domain of the Dixuan Realm and speed up the transformation of the origin of the Dixuan Realm.

However, the premise of this is that the Xuanmu Realm can maintain the status of the Small Thousand Worlds.

If the small world falls from the status of the small world, it will lose its own laws of the great way.

As a subsidiary world located inside the Dixuan Realm, the Xuanmu Realm cannot resist the traction of the middle world level world.

In the chaos.

There are no subsidiary worlds in the medium and small planes.

In the large plane system, medium and small planes can be born as subsidiary worlds.

In the small world, large planes can be born as subsidiary worlds, and the worlds below the large planes will not be able to resist the traction of the small world and be swallowed by the small world.

In the middle world and the world above the middle world, only the world where the laws of the great way are born can be their subsidiary worlds.

Even if the plane world that only contains elemental rules is born in the realm, it will gradually be pulled and swallowed by them.

Therefore, the middle world can have a small world as a subsidiary world in the void realm.

The great world, with further power, is all the middle worlds and small worlds born in the chaotic area illuminated by the light.

As for the world above the great world, Ye Qingxuan is not clear now.

The earthly immortal inheritance that he has currently unlocked does not involve any information about the world above the Great Thousand Worlds.

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