Wanling Mountain.

Located at the edge of the inner ring of Xingluozhou, it is a gathering place for fifth-order Yuanying-level monsters.

According to the records on the map, there are two fifth-order spiritual veins on Wanling Mountain, which are full of spiritual energy.

There are countless kinds of spiritual medicines, and there are also many kinds of monsters.

Therefore, casual cultivators often go to Wanling Mountain to take risks.

But the monsters on Wanling Mountain are very powerful, with at least three fifth-order peak monsters, comparable to the perfect Yuanying realm monsters.

There are no human forces in the hundreds of thousands of miles around that dare to openly provoke the monsters on Wanling Mountain.

The closest human forces to Wanling Mountain are three cities with Yuanying realm cultivators 300,000 miles away from Wanling Mountain.

In addition, the area within 300,000 miles of Wanling Mountain.

Except for some casual cultivators, because there is no better place to go, they will withstand the pressure and secretly occupy some spiritual mountains and spiritual places within 300,000 miles of Wanling Mountain for cultivation.

But these casual cultivators need to face the attacks of monsters on Wanling Mountain at all times.

Every year, a large number of independent cultivators die in the mouths of the monsters in Wanling Mountain.

Even so, in order to practice, there are still a steady stream of independent cultivators entering this area every year to find unoccupied spiritual veins.

The reason why Ye Qingxuan chose Wanling Mountain as the place to build the city.

In addition to the superior environment of Wanling Mountain, it is also related to the geographical location of Wanling Mountain.

Within a radius of 10,000 miles of Wanling Mountain, except for some small hills, most of the areas are plains.

It is convenient for Ye Qingxuan to build the city and reduce a lot of trouble for Ye Qingxuan.

Moreover, there are no God-level forces within a million miles of Wanling Mountain.

In the early stage, conflicts with God-level forces can be avoided.

The closest God-level force to Wanling Mountain is Shuize Kingdom, one of the gathering places of sixth-level monsters.

It is about 2 million miles away from Wanling Mountain.

When the city develops, Ye Qingxuan can aim at Shuize Kingdom next.

Therefore, considering various factors, Ye Qingxuan made up his mind to choose Wanling Mountain as the place to build the city.

After making the choice, Ye Qingxuan was not in a hurry to go to Wanling Mountain for a field investigation.

Taking out the fifth-order flying boat, Ye Qingxuan flew in the direction he came from.

He planned to go back to Qingguang City first.

After building a teleportation array in Qingguang City, he would go to Wanling Mountain.

When Ye Qingxuan returned to Qingguang City, it was already the fifth day since he left Qingguang City.

"Why didn't you leave?"

Seeing Zhou Qingguang still staying in Qingguang City and not leaving, Ye Qingxuan was a little confused.

Ye Qingxuan originally thought that since he had occupied Zhou Qingguang's city, the other party would leave Qingguang City in a rage and would not be willing to join his army.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qingguang did not leave.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's return, Zhou Qingguang, with Heifeng, Qingyu, and Xueyu, stepped forward with a smile on his face, and said seriously:

"The juniors have nowhere to go, please take us in."

Ye Qingxuan looked at Zhou Qingguang and the three people behind him, and nodded slightly:

"In that case, I will give you two choices."

"I am going to build a new city.

The first choice is that you swear an oath, completely submit to me, and manage the new city for me in the future.

The second choice is that you continue to be the city lord of Qingguang City, manage Qingguang City for me, and transport materials and talents with cultivation talents above the second-level spiritual roots for the new city I built.

Unless it is necessary, I will not interfere in the affairs of Qingguang City.

But I will take away at least 70% of the guards and ordinary residents of Qingguang City."

Whether Ye Qingxuan is building a new city or expanding his business empire in the future, he needs a large number of manpower.

It is impossible to take care of everything with just a few puppets.

So from now on, Ye Qingxuan is going to cultivate a group of his own men.

A tall building is built from the ground, and talents also need to be cultivated step by step, so as to lay the foundation for his future expansion of his business empire.

As for whether Zhou Qingguang will have his own little thoughts, Ye Qingxuan doesn't care.

In the world of immortal cultivation, strength speaks after all.

As long as his strength can crush Zhou Qingguang and he doesn't reveal his true trump card, he is not afraid of Zhou Qingguang's tricks.

Hearing the two choices given to him by Ye Qingxuan, Zhou Qingguang's eyes showed surprise.

He lowered his head and tried to make his voice steady:

"I am willing to manage Qingguang City for you!"

Zhou Qingguang didn't expect that after a lot of twists and turns, Qingguang City returned to his hands.

Although Qingguang City will be controlled by Ye Qingxuan in the future, as long as the fourth-level spirit vein is in his hands, Zhou Qingguang doesn't care about the population reduction in Qingguang City.

"Okay, call me Master from now on!"

The call of senior made Ye Qingxuan a little uncomfortable.

But for a moment, Ye Qingxuan couldn't think of a good name, so he let them call him Young Master.

Anyway, he was used to being called Young Master by Ye Zhaoheng and Ye Zhaoyu over the years.

"Yes, Young Master!"

Then, Ye Qingxuan thought of something else, looked at the three people behind Zhou Qingguang, and said:

"If there are any contractual constraints between the three of them and the other members of the guard team, you should release them now."

"Let them choose whether to go to the new city I will build."

"At least 70% of the members of the guard team will be transferred to the new city I will build in the future, and the remaining 30% will decide whether to go to the new city or not."

Since these people chose to stay, Ye Qingxuan naturally assumed that they were willing to join his team.

If they still refuse the normal transfer of their subordinates, then there is no need for them to stay under their command.

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's words, Zhou Qingguang did not hesitate, and took out a stack of contracts on the spot and cast a spell to cancel them.

This kind of contract is a special magic weapon.

It can be used to restrain cultivators below the Divine Transformation Realm.

If the person who signed the contract violates the rules of the contract, he will be suppressed and tracked by the contract.

Although the restraining effect is not too great, under normal circumstances, no cultivator is willing to take the risk of violating the contract.

Seeing their contracts being canceled, Heifeng, Qingyu, and Xueyu had slight fluctuations in their eyes.

Although the term of their contracts is only a hundred years, they will naturally not refuse to cancel the contracts in advance and gain freedom.

Among them, Heifeng has even been thinking in his heart whether to take the opportunity to leave Qingguang City directly.

However, thinking that he has nowhere to go for the time being, Heifeng temporarily dispelled the idea in his mind.

Seeing that Zhou Qingguang was quite sensible, Ye Qingxuan did not make things difficult for him and said:

"Okay, you guys go down first! During this period of time, you can manage Qingguang City for me. Other things can be discussed after my new city is built."

"Yes, sir!"

After Zhou Qingguang left with Heifeng, Qingyu and Xueyu.

Ye Qingxuan came to an open space in the center of Qingguang City.

After laying down a concealing formation, Ye Qingxuan took out the formation plate that had been prepared long ago and began to arrange the teleportation formation.

The more formation stones used in the teleportation formation, the more profound the teleportation patterns engraved, and the longer the teleportation distance will be.

With the attainments of Ye Qingxuan's body as a sixth-level mid-stage formation master, he refined the formation plate.

After arranging the teleportation formation, it is completely possible to build teleportation points in most areas of Xingluozhou and teleport to each other.

After the teleportation formation is arranged.

Ye Qingxuan copied a formation base with the same frequency and left Qingguang City again.

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