One year later.

After a full year of continuous exploration.

Ye Qingxuan finally met the first Green Demon tribe with a Jindan realm in the No. 9 Demon Realm world.

This Green Demon Tribe, which has a Golden Core Realm, is located in a huge valley deep in the mountains.

After Ye Qingxuan's observation, this Jindan tribe dominated a dozen other large and small Green Demon tribes around them.

Because when Ye Qingxuan was exploring the surrounding situation.

The nearby tribes seemed to have made an agreement, and they sent strong men and large amounts of resources to pay tribute to this tribe.

On the top of the mountain, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but smile as he looked at the crowds of people entering the valley below to pay tribute.

Suddenly there were five more Green Demon Clan in the Purple Mansion Realm and twelve more Cyan Demon Clan in the Foundation Establishment Realm, which was an unexpected surprise.

After everyone entered the valley, Ye Qingxuan instantly activated hundreds of array disks that he had already buried around the valley.

Hundreds of formation disks can respectively form a fifth-level covering formation and a fifth-level killing formation.

Although Ye Qingxuan's clone is only at the Golden Core Realm, and without the assistance of Qingxuan Cave Paradise, it cannot directly use raw materials to set up a fifth-level formation.

But with the formation disk prepared in advance, he only needs to activate it and guide the power of the formation disk to connect together, and then he can indirectly arrange the fifth-level formation.

As Ye Qingxuan activated the formation, all the Green Demons in the valley were instantly alerted, and began to look at the large formation covering the top of the valley in bewilderment.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the formation, the strong men of the Golden Core Realm in the Green Demon Tribe who were shrouded in the formation shouted in horror:

"Quickly set up a formation to defend against the enemy."

As the Golden Core Realm Green Demon Clan spoke up, the other Green Demon Clan calmed down and began to activate the tribe's protective formation.

A blood-red barrier began to rise, shrouding the Green Demon Tribe in the valley.

At this time, the fifth-level killing formation inspired by Ye Qingxuan had also begun to operate.

All kinds of swords, swords, shadows, spears, and countless energy blades were stimulated from the fifth-level killing formation arranged by Ye Qingxuan.

They swept towards the Green Demon Tribe in the valley one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom!

Various attacks hit hard on the blood-red barrier inspired by the Green Demon tribe, making various collision and energy explosion sounds.

Under the constant attacks of the fifth-level killing array, the blood-red barrier began to crumble.

However, the blood-red barrier inspired by the Blue Demon Clan seemed to be about to break, but it remained strong and did not collapse.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan raised his eyebrows in surprise and said:

"A fourth-level protective formation connected to the earth's veins?"

The protective formation in the Green Demon Tribe below is only at the fourth level.

But because the formation was connected to the earth veins and relied on the power of the earth veins, it was able to sustain for so long in front of Ye Qingxuan's fifth-level killing formation.

Even so, the fourth-order formation connected to the earth's veins is only a fourth-order formation after all.

The blood-red barrier in the valley will eventually be completely defeated by the attack of the fifth-level killing array. This is just a matter of time.

But if it takes too long, something might happen.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan did not intend to wait long, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

With a flip of his palm, the Realm Town Tower appeared in Ye Qingxuan's hands, and Ye Qingxuan chuckled:


The sound of two words of Taoism echoed through the valley below, and the Taoist rhyme, stone fire, and lightning that contained the power of suppression had already gathered in the sky above the valley below, forming the phantom of a boundary-suppressing tower.

Click! Click! Click!

The moment the phantom of the Zhenjie Tower took shape, an overwhelming clicking sound suddenly came from the blood-red barrier below the valley.

Cracks began to spread on the blood-red barrier.

When the Green Demon Tribe below saw this, facing the crisis of death, the Green Demon Tribe suddenly broke into commotion.

The Green Demon Clan in the Golden Core Realm also had a look of horror on his face, and he hurriedly shouted:

"Quickly, increase the infusion of energy and repair the protective formation."

However, Ye Qingxuan was not prepared to give them time to react.

With a slight throw of the Boundary Suppressing Tower in his hand, the Boundary Suppressing Tower enlarged and merged into the phantom of the Boundary Suppressing Tower in the air at an extremely fast speed, completely overlapping with the phantom of the Boundary Suppressing Tower in the air.

With the fusion of the spiritual weapon-level Suppressing Tower, the shadow of the Suppressing Tower has solidified, and a more violent suppressive power has erupted.

In conjunction with the attack of the fifth-level killing formation, the fourth-level protective formation below was instantly breached.

The blood-red barrier rising above the Green Demon Tribe turned into pieces of energy crystals and shot out in all directions.

But before they could fly very far, these flaky energy crystals were already annihilated by the fifth-level killing formation and the power of suppressing the boundary.

While the protective formation is shattered, we face the coming destructive force.

The golden elixir realm green demon in the green demon tribe below was the first to react and immediately knelt down in horror and begged for mercy:

"No, please spare my life, I am willing."

But before he finished speaking, he and all the Green Demons had completely perished under the double destruction of the fifth-level killing array and the power of suppressing the world.

Even until their death, this Green Demon tribe did not know that the person who killed them was not an adult from the Green Demon tribe.

It's just a clone from a monk from the Earthly Mysterious Realm.

After all the Green Demons in the valley fell, Ye Qingxuan swept the battlefield at an extremely fast speed.

The fourth-level demonic veins in the Valley of Destruction quickly left the area after packing up most of the magic stones and the source of the demonic veins.

Not long after Ye Qingxuan left, a member of the Green Demon Clan of the Nascent Soul Realm hurried over.

Seeing the mess in the valley, the face of the Green Demon Clan who had just arrived was livid.

The tribe in this valley was under his command and under his jurisdiction and protection.

After receiving the message from the tribe asking for help, he did not delay and rushed here immediately.

Unexpectedly, he was still a step late and failed to save the tribe.

After a quick look, the Green Demon Clan of the Nascent Soul Realm frowned and said:

"Who did it? Could it be that old guy Yin Kui?"

The spiritual power belonging to Ye Qingxuan in the battlefield did not need Ye Qingxuan to deal with it himself, as it had long been offset by the demonic energy in the Demon Realm.

Then, the Green Demon Clan of the Nascent Soul Realm seemed to remember something and said in doubt:

"No, could it be those humans outside the realm who did it?"

Thinking of this, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately turned into a black light and fled away from here.

What the human race's God Transformation Team did in the Demon Realm in recent years has already spread throughout the entire Demon Realm.

If it was really done by those God Transformation Teams, he couldn't afford to offend them, and maybe he would become the prey of the human race's God Transformation Team at that time.

After returning to his tribe, this Nascent Soul Realm Green Demon immediately reported the situation.

But soon he received a response from the Green Demon Clan's high-level investigation.

It said that the destruction of the Valley Green Demon Clan was not done by the human race's God Transformation Team, but by people below the God Transformation Realm.

And asked him to explore the surrounding 100,000-li territory from now on, and report it in time if he encounters human race cultivators.

After receiving the message, this Green Demon Clan in the Nascent Soul Realm curled his lips and did not take action.

Just kidding, leaving the tribe to explore the surrounding 100,000-li territory.

If he really encounters the human race's God Transformation Team, wouldn't he be dead?

The Green Demon Clan is also a living being, and they also know how to fear and cherish their lives.

So after receiving the message, this Nascent Soul Realm Green Demon had no intention of leaving the tribe.

After all, a large tribe with a Nascent Soul Realm leader is the focus of the Green Demon Clan's top leaders' protection. Once attacked, they will quickly receive support from the Green Demon Clan's top leaders.

If he leaves the tribe and encounters the Human Race's God Transformation Team alone, he will basically be dead.

But after all, it was a message from the top leaders, so he couldn't just do nothing.

After thinking for a moment, this Nascent Soul Realm Green Demon gave an order.

Let his tribe and all the Golden Core Realm Green Demons in the tribes that depend on him lead the team to conduct a carpet search of the surrounding areas.

His external reason was that there was an invasion by Golden Core Realm enemies, and the location of the enemies needed to be discovered.

For his order, no Green Demon Clan in all the tribes he was in charge of questioned it.

The Green Demon Clan of each Golden Core Realm formed small teams and began to explore the areas around the tribe.

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