At the same time.

Thousands of miles away from the energy explosion, Ye Qingxuan was looking around vigilantly.

The seed of the minor magical power, the magical power of deceiving the sky, was constantly running, covering up his own breath.

It was not until several huge breaths in the sky had gone away that Ye Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief and cursed inwardly:

"Is a green demon in the Nascent Soul Realm so damn bad? It's so damn hard to kill, and I don't know if he died in the end."

"But it's really exciting, hahaha!"

At the end of the curse, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help laughing.

After practicing for many years, this was the first time that Ye Qingxuan took such an adventure and went deep into the dangerous area of ​​the Demon Realm.

This was very different from his usual life.

The mentality and temperament of many years of self-cultivation disappeared at this moment.

However, Ye Qingxuan didn't care about these, nor did he restrain himself deliberately.

He condensed the clone to experience a different way of life and to refine his heart in the world.

If the clone remained unchanged like the original body after the clone was differentiated, it would be inferior.

As long as he can control his own mentality and change it at any time, the different things experienced by the many clones, the different mentality and behaviors shown, will not matter.

The experience of the clone will not disturb Ye Qingxuan's original mentality, but will allow him to experience different lives and perfect himself.

As long as Ye Qingxuan can control the most critical point and can control and transform his own state of mind at any time, that is enough.

This confrontation with the Nascent Soul Realm Green Demon Clan also made Ye Qingxuan realize the limitations of the Nuclear Explosion Pill.

Although he can use his spiritual sense to control the movement rules of the Nuclear Explosion Pill, his spiritual sense speed is too slow in front of high-level cultivators.

After all, it is the cultivators themselves who use these means. If their strength is insufficient, their spiritual sense is not as good as the opponent's, and their reaction speed is not as good as the opponent's.

It is difficult to effectively kill high-level powerful enemies with means like the Nuclear Explosion Pill.

Even when the opponent is prepared, it is too difficult to sneak attack the opponent with means such as the Nuclear Explosion Pill.

As long as the opponent is always alert, others have higher cultivation, more sensitive consciousness, and faster reaction than him, how can he hurt the opponent with the nuclear explosion pill?

Therefore, it is almost impossible for a low-level cultivator to kill enemies far beyond his realm by using the explosive damage of the nuclear explosion pill.

Unless, with the talisman with a suppressing effect, suppress the opponent's actions, there is a possibility of success.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan's eyes narrowed subconsciously.

Talismans above the fifth level have a suppressing effect, so there is no need to consider this.

Talismans of the fifth level and below, although limited by the cultivation of the talisman maker and the poor materials, offensive talismans do not have a suppressing effect.

But among the fifth-level talismans, there is also a separate auxiliary talisman-suppression talisman, which can have a suppressing effect.

If the fifth-level nuclear explosion pill is used with the suppression talisman, I don’t know if it can.

However, Ye Qingxuan shook his head again and denied his idea.

Although the fifth-level sealing talisman has a suppressing effect, it has a very limited effect on the fifth-level Nascent Soul Realm Green Demon Clan.

In other words, all talismans have a very limited threat to cultivators of the same level.

If you can ignore the years of hard training of others and kill them directly by relying on talismans alone, the price of talismans will definitely skyrocket.

Therefore, the real target of talismans is cultivators of a lower level.

For example, the fifth-level talisman can effectively kill cultivators of the Golden Core Realm.

It also takes time for talismans to activate the energy of heaven and earth.

Although this time is only a moment or even shorter, if the opponent's actions are not controlled, talismans of the same level can easily be avoided by the opponent.

In addition, when low-level cultivators activate high-level talismans, their own spiritual power burden is also not small.

Therefore, most cultivators purchase talismans of the same level as combat assistance, or at most purchase talismans of a higher level than themselves.

There is no cultivator who regards talismans as his main means of fighting against the enemy. At most, talismans can play an auxiliary or deterrent role.

What cultivators can really rely on is their own cultivation. External objects are just minor things after all.

This is also the reason why Ye Qingxuan did not study the nuclear explosion pill series in depth.

Thinking of the battle just now, Ye Qingxuan said with a little regret:

"If I had known earlier, I would have arranged a few sixth-level talismans for this clone."

All the sixth-level talismans he purchased before were given to his external incarnation that was heading to the East Extreme Region.

If there is a sixth-level talisman, combined with the suppression effect of the sixth-level talisman, and then with the fifth-level cleansing spirit·nuclear explosion pill.

Ye Qingxuan is confident that he can directly kill the green demon in the Nascent Soul Realm in the previous battle.

Even if he jumps to the third level and uses the sixth-level talisman, his clone will run out of spiritual power and fall into exhaustion directly.

But as long as he kills the Nascent Soul Green Demon, obtains its corpse and the source of cultivation, and brings it back to the Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land, then his gains will be great.

A Nascent Soul Green Demon, whether used as a sacrifice to improve his own cultivation or to improve the Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land, can bring him a lot of gains.

What a pity!

Ye Qingxuan shook his head with a look of pity, and said indignantly:

"Next time I go back, I will definitely place a few sixth-level talismans on this clone."

As for the Nuclear Explosion Pill, Ye Qingxuan feels that in a world like the Demon Realm, the effect of the Soul Cleansing Nuclear Explosion Pill is much stronger than the ordinary Nuclear Explosion Pill that only contains destructive energy.

However, what puzzles Ye Qingxuan is that he has never heard of the special effects of the Spirit Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill in the Demon Realm in the Earthly Mysterious World?

If the effect of Soul Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill spreads in the Demon Realm, as the main sales point of Soul Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill, it is impossible for his Tianfu store to not get the corresponding information.

Once the effect of the Soul Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill is shown in the Demon Realm and spreads in the Earthly Mysterious World, with Xuantian Sect behind him, he might be able to get rich again.

With the support of Xuantian Sect, he is not afraid that he will not get any benefits at all. At worst, he can just give up most of the benefits to Xuantian Sect.

Regarding this, Ye Qingxuan is very open-minded. He has already enjoyed many benefits of relying on Xuantian Sect, which is much better than others.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan is not greedy. He is satisfied if Xuantian Sect can get a piece of the pie for him.

The question is, why has no one spread the word about the effect of Soul Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill in the Demon Realm?

A single Spirit-Cleaning Nuclear Explosion Pill is much more effective than hundreds of low-level Spirit-Purifying Trees.

In fact, it’s no wonder that no one has spread the word about the effects of the Spirit Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill in the Demon Realm.

Mainly Ye Qingxuan's Tianfu store, the nuclear explosive pill series of pills currently sold are only at the third level.

In addition, the Spirit Cleansing Nuclear Explosion Pill has not yet spread throughout the Earthly Mysterious World, and the people who know about it are limited to some low-level disciples of Xuantian Sect and monks near Xingzhou.

Most of the people doing the purchasing are just people at or below the Golden Core realm.

Most of these monks who don't even have the Nascent Soul Realm are not hot-headed and go to the Demon Realm and the fallen Nine Thousand Thousand Realms to gain experience.

These monks, at most, can only go to other small thousand realms that have not yet fallen for some experience. Naturally, they will not know the effect of soul-cleansing and nuclear explosion pills in the demon realm.

In the past, on the battlefield outside the territory, the Spirit Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill showed good results.

However, although the environment of the foreign battlefield is harsh, everyone's main target is the monsters born in it.

The demonic energy in the battlefield outside the territory is very thin due to the original suppression of the Earthly Mysterious Realm. Naturally, it is far inferior to the current Demonic Realm. This has caused many monks to ignore the purifying effect of the Soul Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill on the environment.

The monks who have used the Nuclear Explosion Pill in battlefields outside the territory are too low in cultivation and have never been to the Demonic Domain.

The monks who have been to the Demon Realm have never used the Soul Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill.

In this way, the excellent effect of Soul Cleansing and Nuclear Explosion Pill in eliminating demonic energy in the demonic realm will naturally not be publicized.

Even some of the senior officials of the Xuantian Sect knew about the existence of nuclear explosive pills, but nuclear explosive pills were only low-level pills after all. Their attention was limited and they did not have a deep understanding of the nuclear explosive pill series.

This is why, so far, this is the first time that the Nuclear Explosion Pill has been used in the Demon Realm, and the person who used it is the developer of the Soul Cleansing Nuclear Explosion Pill himself.

Touching his chin, Ye Qingxuan thought:

"Do you want me to personally promote it this time?"

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