Come to the City Lord's Mansion of Star Wars City.

After Ye Qingxuan explained his purpose, he did not encounter any difficulties and met the City Lord's Mansion who was in charge of the rental and sale of Star Wars City shops.

However, Ye Qingxuan soon came out disappointed.

It turned out.

The current shops in Star Wars City have long been divided up by major forces and strong men.

With the current popularity of Star Wars City, no one will be willing to rent or sell shops in the short term.

This is also the reason why there are many self-built buildings and temporary shops outside Star Wars City.

For these temporary shops outside Star Wars City, the top leaders of Star Wars City chose a laissez-faire attitude.

But Star Wars City is not without constraints on these temporary shops.

Temporary shops also need to sign a contract after reporting to the City Lord's Mansion before they can choose a place to open.

The main content of the contract is that the goods sold in these temporary shops cannot be lower than the market price in Star Wars City.

For the same price, the monks who settled in Star Wars City are naturally more willing to purchase in the shops in Star Wars City.

In this way, the rights and interests of the shops in Star Wars City can be ensured.

After all, the shops in Star Wars City were acquired by the shop owners at a great cost.

With this restriction, temporary shops outside Star Wars City can actually earn no spiritual stones at all.

Except for some active monks who sometimes come to these temporary shops, there is basically no customer flow.

The reason why the monks in these temporary shops are reluctant to leave.

is because once Star Wars City is expanded again, these temporary shops can have the priority to rent or purchase the expanded Star Wars City shops under the same conditions.

At that time, if you get the priority qualification, whether you use it yourself or sell it to others, you can get a lot of benefits.

In the first few rounds of expansion of Star Wars City, many low-level monks obtained considerable resources with the initial temporary shops.

At that time, the number of shops in Star Wars City was extremely scarce, and it was hard to find a shop.

The expansion of Star Wars City is determined by the number of monks settled in the city and the flow of people.

So, when will the next expansion be, in fact, these monks who opened temporary shops themselves cannot determine it.

Ye Qingxuan was helpless, but there was nothing he could do for the time being. He also signed a contract in the City Lord's Mansion and selected a piece of land to open a temporary shop first.

After leaving Star Wars City, Ye Qingxuan came to a piece of flat land he had chosen.

This flat land is about ten miles away from the urban area of ​​Star Wars City.

It's not that Ye Qingxuan didn't want to choose a closer land, but there are interval requirements between temporary shops, and the closer land has basically been occupied by others.

If Star Wars City hadn't experienced several expansions, and the land around the city was large enough, he might not be able to choose a land within ten miles.

After arriving at the land he had chosen, Ye Qingxuan didn't rush to start building a temporary shop.

He was going to build a palace of spiritual weapon level by himself, and then arrange some formations in the spiritual weapon palace as an emergency measure.

After all, the temporary store is outside the Star Wars City. Although it will also be protected by the Star Wars City, Ye Qingxuan thinks it is better to be cautious.

Although it is just a clone, it is better not to get into trouble.

In addition, the temporary store has a small flow of customers. If Ye Qingxuan wants to attract customers, he can only spend time on the store itself in the early stage.

It is not common to use a palace of spiritual weapon level as a temporary store among the many temporary stores in Star Wars City.

At that time, it may be able to attract a group of customers and obtain the source of the corpses and cultivation of the Green Demon Clan.

Ye Qingxuan waited quietly for three days.

Three days later, Ye Qingxuan's original body, who was far away in Xuantian Sect, had already refined a palace of spiritual weapon level and engraved several formations.

After his clone found a safe place, he sent the palace to his clone through the boundary gate.

It is called a palace, but it is actually a small two-story shop, which looks very simple and quaint.

After setting up the shop, Ye Qingxuan named his temporary shop the Mysterious Shop.

And his clone was the mysterious merchant of the Mysterious Shop.

After the temporary shop was opened, Ye Qingxuan's clone stopped moving around.

He began to stay in the Mysterious Shop, waiting for the first customer to come.

Then, Ye Qingxuan's main consciousness was transferred to another clone.

His other clone was wandering in the Star Wars City at this time, exploring the information of the lower world.

Some ordinary information about the lower world is not a secret in the Star Wars City.

On the street or in the restaurant, there are often cultivators talking about some things happening in the lower world.

So Ye Qingxuan has had a general understanding of the lower world in the past few days.

First, the nine small thousand worlds that the Earth Profound Realm had fallen before.

Because the Earth Profound Realm began to counter-invade the major demon domains under the Green Demon Realm, the Green Demon Realm had to draw a large number of people into the major demon domains to block the strong men of the Earth Profound Realm.

Therefore, the pressure on the Dixuan Realm coalition forces that came to the lower world to rescue the nine small thousand worlds was much less.

Now, among the nine small thousand worlds, the position occupied by the Dixuan Realm has expanded from a small city with a radius of less than ten miles to a large city with a radius of a thousand miles.

Completely established a foothold in the nine fallen small worlds.

For this reason, the coalition forces of the Earth Profound Realm lost many great monks in the Transformation Realm during the expansion process.

It was not until the expansion to a radius of a thousand miles, the deployment of many great formations, and the construction of the city was impregnable that the coalition forces of the Earth Profound Realm stopped expanding.

With a safe city as a base, many people above the Golden Core Realm in the Earth Profound Realm began to venture into the nine fallen small worlds.

According to the plan previously formulated by the top leaders of the Earth Profound Realm, after these people entered the fallen nine worlds, they began to look for the demonized spiritual veins, destroyed them, took out the polluted spiritual veins, and brought them back to the Earth Profound Realm to exchange for supplies.

At the same time, these people also planted a lot of pure spirit trees in the lower world.

The pure spirit trees absorb the spiritual energy transformed by the demonic energy, although they will be instantly wiped out by the demonic energy.

But the demonic energy and the spiritual energy are both energies of the same level, and the annihilation of the spiritual energy will also consume a part of the demonic energy.

These consumed demonic energy may seem insignificant, but as time goes by, as long as the pure spirit trees are not destroyed, the demonic energy will be eliminated day by day.

Therefore, the people of the Green Demon Clan had to start sending people to patrol the fallen Nine Realms, even the Demon Realm, to clear the Pure Spirit Trees.

After decades of tossing, the energy level of the fallen Nine Realms of the Earth Profound Realm has slightly decreased.

If it continues, sooner or later, these Nine Realms will drop to the status of the Small Thousand Realms, and the extraordinary energy will fade, and the elemental rules and the laws of the Great Dao will fall into silence.

Not only these Nine Realms, but also the other Small Thousand Realms affiliated with the Earth Profound Realm and the Demon Realm under the Green Demon Realm have begun to decline in the war.

The levels of the two realms are almost the same, and the means will naturally not be much different.

The losses or injuries suffered by the Demon Realm under the Green Demon Realm, and the damage suffered by the Small Thousand Realms affiliated with the Earth Profound Realm, are also not light.

Ye Qingxuan combined the various information he had heard from the lower realms, and his thoughts kept flowing in his mind.

He has the inheritance of the Earth Immortal, which contains a wide and rich knowledge, and his knowledge is naturally far beyond others.

In this war between the two realms, it seems that all worlds have suffered different levels of trauma, but this is not the case.

Among all the worlds, only the two main worlds, Dixuan Realm and Qingmo Realm, were not weakened in this battle, but gradually prospered and began to climb upward.

After all, the subsidiary world is only a subsidiary world. Although it will have a certain origin with the main world, the origin of the subsidiary world is not completely owned by the main world.

If the subsidiary world is destroyed, the main world will suffer a certain trauma.

But if the level of the subsidiary world drops and it can no longer resist the traction of the main world, it will be swallowed by the main world and become a part of the main world.

Perhaps this is also one of the plans of the high-level people in Dixuan Realm?

Dixuan Realm has been at the peak of Zhongqian Realm for a long time.

Once Dixuan Realm advances to Daqian Realm first, not only will Qingmo Realm, a strong enemy, become safe, but even everyone in Dixuan Realm will benefit greatly.

At that time, even those who have integrated into the subsidiary world of Dixuan Realm will benefit together, and even ascend to heaven in one step.

Directly cross the domain from the cultivation environment of Xiaoqian Realm to Daqian Realm.

Of course, this premise is that the people in the subsidiary world can survive this war until the day when the Earth Profound Realm successfully advances to the Great Thousand Realm.

All this is just Ye Qingxuan's guess for the time being.

Ye Qingxuan cannot fully guess the thoughts of the top leaders of the Earth Profound Realm.

But as long as it does not affect his main body, his main body can stay behind the scenes and grow slowly.

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