Gu Jiusi said, in the end, when the caravan returned, he honestly handed in a letter.

The letter was very thick and heavy, and when it was handed to the caravan, everyone laughed. got used to.

When Liu Yuru received the letter, she had just left Qingzhou Prefecture and was going to the next city. Qingzhou is much more fertile than Cangzhou, with 300,000 load of grain, she has collected almost 150,000.

At this time, Cangzhou realized the decrease in food, and the price of food suddenly rose. But everyone didn't find the correlation of these things. Some smart people realized that things seemed to be deliberately arranged by someone, but for most people at the time, they just felt that the war was chaotic and the price of food went up again. , that's all.

And Qingzhou didn't even notice all this, Liu Yuru seemed to just pass by by chance, encounter the ups and downs of food prices by chance, and then left by chance.

Shy little girl, what does it matter.

Everyone is concerned about the occupation of Youzhou and King Liang. After Fan Xuan led the attack on King Liang, Bingzhou and Liangzhou also sent a small amount of troops to harass him. However, King Liang had a plan for a long time, and he didn't attack for a while, so the two sides were deadlocked. King Liang ordered Fan Xuan to "kill thieves" by the emperor's order, and Fan Xuan wrote an article "Cut against Liang". Thief essay".

I don't know whether to be angry or anxious.

Everyone pays attention to these things, which gives Liu Yuru full space to play. So Liu Yuru was busy all night long.

On the day Liu Yuru received the letter, she had traveled all day, she was a little tired, her mind was buzzing, and she didn't think about anything, so she sat on the bed and watched the letter from Gu Jiusi to her.

This letter is not as frivolous as last time, and it is much calmer.

He first told her that this time, he wrote the article "Debating Liang Thief", saying that he had studied hard, so she should not worry.

He then wrote about family affairs, how Su Wan was, how Jiang Rou was, her shop, and even Zhou Ye and Qin Wanzhi.

He wrote about his reforms in Wangdu, how he rectified the ruffians in the city and resettled the refugees. He said that he had opened up a lot of wasteland and let the refugees cultivate there. Everyone can receive the land, pay 70% of the grain production in the first year, and then decrease year by year, until the tenth year, it belongs to them. The money for the refugees to buy rice and food in the first year comes from the Youzhou debt, and when they start paying food next year, it is the income from the Youzhou debt. He said that he had calculated it, so that the interest on Youzhou's debt was completely paid off.

He said a lot, mostly about his political affairs. He also gave some details. He said that he followed the farmer's name to open up the land together, and was laughed at by everyone when he was wielding a hoe.

It was said that there were bugs in the mud where the rice was grown, and they would **** blood while lying on his feet, which shocked him a lot.

Liu Yuru watched quietly, she curled up on the bed, looking at this man, she was able to outline in her mind how he did these things.

She thought that he was probably a little darker, and he should have grown taller. He should be a lot calmer when speaking and doing things.

She could even imagine him following the people to the fields to farm, and thinking about it, she felt that this man became more and more in her heart.

She looked at his letter, and gradually became sleepy, and at the end, she saw his last sentence.

"I have settled the interest on the Youzhou debt, and half of the 300,000 stone has passed. I can buy the rest from Beiliang. Don't worry, come back sooner."

Liu Yuru was stunned for a moment, and at that moment, a very absurd idea suddenly flashed in her mind.

He worked so hard to resettle refugees, make money with Youzhou debts, cover the interest of Youzhou debts, and even deal with Beiliang himself, is it all…

I want her not to worry too much.

He thought that she went all over the place to collect food for him and to solve his urgent needs, so he thought of all the ways by himself, so that she didn't have to worry about it.

She didn't know whether her idea was self-indulgent or a fact, but looking at the words on the paper, she still felt a kind of warmth welling up.

She couldn't help sticking the paper to her chest and took a deep breath.

This is the first time in her life that she has met such a good person.

Su Wan was the only one who treated her well in the past. It's just that Su Wan, as a mother, although she has a heart, is indeed too cowardly and can't help her much at all. Most of the time, she helped Su Wan and stood up for her.

She is used to being someone else's support and standing like a towering tree. And this person was the first person who tried to shield her from the wind and rain.

She couldn't be more moved. In the dark night, she suddenly missed Gu Jiusi very much.

However, she had no choice but to stand up and sit at the table. She hesitated for a long time and wanted to write something for him, but she was afraid that the other party would spy on her mind , feel too reserved, too frivolous.

So she pinched the pen, pondered and pondered, and then began to write to him.

She described the things around her one by one.

The next morning, she gave the letter to the caravan that was going back with food. Uncle Zhang took the letter for a while, and found that Liu Yuru's letter to him was also a heavy pile.

Liu Yuru blushed when she saw Uncle Zhang's surprise.

She turned her head pretending to be calm, put her hair behind her ear, and coughed softly: "Uncle Zhang, be careful on the road."

Uncle Zhang came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Young lady, don't worry, the letter will definitely be brought."

Liu Yuru gave a few more orders before returning to Wangdu.

Liu Yuru finally arrived in Yangzhou in January. At this time, almost 270,000 of the 300,000 shi of grain had been received, and she even earned an extra 500,000 taels.

The 8 million principal came out, and in just four months, they earned 270,000 stone grains and 500,000 taels of silver. This kind of ability made the entire caravan amazed.

Liu Yuru arrived in Yangzhou, Yinhong looked at the city towers in Yangzhou and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, she said cautiously: "Young madam, now the money and food are almost gone, why don't we take it back?"

Liu Yuru looked at Yangzhou City quietly, she looked at this place where she had lived for seventeen years, she looked at it quietly for a long time, but said: "I have come, I will not bring anything. , isn't it a waste of time?"

"Besides," Liu Yuru smiled and said peacefully, "There is still food."

Speaking, Liu Yuru instructed Shen Ming: "Shen Ming, let's go."

Liu Yuru entered the city, she did not act rashly this time, her fake identity on the letter was Liu Xue, she pretended to have scars on her face, put on a hood, and looked around.

The merchants in Yangzhou City have obviously changed groups of people. Except for some small businesses that do not make money, most of the profitable businesses have changed their bosses. It turned out that her family's shop had also changed. She asked Shen Ming to inquire, only to find out that after the Gu family escaped, the Liu family was implicated. The whole family went out of Yangzhou and did not know where they went.

Liu Yuru heard the news, she saw the person in the shop who was doing abacus, it was the old accountant of her family, she hesitated for a moment, and asked Shen Ming to buy a pot of wine for the old accountant opposite In the past, he led Shen Ming away.

Shen Ming watched Liu Yuru walk around the city, and said to Liu Yuru, "What are you looking for?"

"Wang Shanquan is different from ordinary officials," Liu Yuru said flatly, "This person has no bottom line, and his methods are vicious. We must take precautions early. When working in Yangzhou, we must first give the way to escape. Plan it out."

Speaking, Liu Yuru stopped in front of Sande Casino, she raised her chin towards Shen Ming, and said with Shen Ming: "Go inside, put one hundred taels of silver on the table, and say that you will share with the boss. Bet. They will let you into the backyard, and when you say your master wants to see him, let him find me in the restaurant next door."

Shen Ming was stunned: "You came here to gamble?"

Liu Yuru was a little helpless, she patted Shen Ming with a fan and said dissatisfied: "Go."

Shen Ming pouted and went inside.

Liu Yuru went to the restaurant opposite, booked a room, sat on the edge of the window sill, and quietly looked out of the casino.

Not long after, there was a commotion outside the casino, a carriage stopped at the door, and many people crowded up, calling "Master Luo".

She looked for the sound and looked towards the carriage, and saw a hand sticking out of the carriage on the servant's hand, and then a very delicate man leaned out from the carriage.

He was wearing a azure blue robe, and his facial features were also very delicate and handsome, with a smile on his face and a paper fan in his hand. On the whole, he seems to be an ordinary scholar, but there is an unspeakable evil spirit between his eyebrows. No matter how you look at it, no one can simply associate him with a "scholar".

The people next to him were waiting for him to enter, and the other party walked in lazily. When he reached the door, he paused and looked in the direction of Liu Yuru.

Liu Yuru was shocked to realize that this person was sharp, but she didn't hide, she just leaned on the railing and looked at it, as if some lady was traveling, looking around at will.

The other party stared at her quietly. After a while, he turned away with a serious face, as if he was not very happy, and entered the casino.

After this person entered the casino, Liu Yuru asked Yinhong to call Xiaoer in, and asked Xiaoer, "Do you know there is a son of Luo in the city?"

Little Er laughed when he heard this: "Luo Gongzi was formerly known as Luo Zishang, and was the staff of Lord Jiedushi Wang, and now half of Yangzhou City is under his control, who doesn't know this? "

Liu Yuru was a little surprised, but she also immediately understood that such a young person could quietly become the number one celebrity under Wang Shanquan and take over half of Yangzhou. With Xiao Er, he immediately inquired about the news of Luo Zishang.

But Luo Zishang came suddenly, everyone only knew that he appeared after the Gu family collapsed, and he organized the cleaning of the entire Yangzhou city business in place of the Wang family. He almost obeyed. However, where this Lhotse Merchant came from, what he did in the past, and where he was from, no one knew anything about it.

Liu Yuru felt a little heavy in her heart. She intuitively felt that this Luo Zishang might be inextricably linked with the Gu family.

She grabbed Xiao Er and asked for a while, and basically found out the situation in Yangzhou. At this time, Shen Ming led Yang Longsi in.

Yang Longsi looked at Liu Yuru, the woman in front of him was wearing a blue gown and a hood, so she couldn't see her face and figure, but she could only tell that she was a medium-height, rather thin woman.

He nodded towards Liu Yuru: "Miss Liu."

Liu Yuru raised her hand, lowered her voice deliberately, and said respectfully with Yang Longsi, "Mr. Yang, please."

Yang Longsi sat opposite Liu Yuru and said straight to the point: "I don't know if the lady invited me here, why do you want to do it?"

"My friend on the road is wrong," Yang Longsi said calmly, "It's an exaggeration."

"It's not necessarily true." Liu Yuru said, "At least the pier at night has to be managed by Lord Long, right?"

When Yang Longsi heard this, he understood Liu Yuru's intention. He said directly: "You want to borrow a boat from me?"

"Dragon Lord," Liu Yuru said calmly, "concubine heard that you have always been a man of rules in the Tao. What you promised, you will do it even if you go through fire and water, and your concubine respects Dragon Lord. In the name of chivalry, I came here specially and wanted to borrow a boat from Lord Long. This boat is parked at the dock and bears a name, but it is managed by the concubine. "

Yang Longsi heard this, but smiled: "Miss Liu, your request is too big, but you have to make Yang lose her life, I don't know how much Miss Liu intends to pay. Price to do this?"

"I plan to do a business in Yangzhou, and I can share 30% of the profit of this business."

"You say business, at least tell me what business it is."

"Long lord," Liu Yuru smiled lightly, "When betting big or small, one side will always lose, if both sides bet together, there is absolutely no possibility of losing, do you think so? ?"

Hearing this, Yang Longsi looked serious.

Liu Yuru raised her hand and took out a token from her sleeve with the word "you" written on it.

Yang Longsi looked at the token and listened to Liu Yuru: "I'm just a businessman, the content of the business, you will soon know, it's just to buy some supplies, but I buy more, So I need a boat. This business is done, and the money is small, but I can promise that you will have a place in both Youzhou and Yangzhou."

Yang Longsi looked at the token without speaking.

After a long time, he slowly said, "I'm staying in Yangzhou well, why do I think of ways to bet on Youzhou?"

"Long Lord, Youzhou has already used troops against King Liang, and it will be defeated after the new year at the latest. When Youzhou has defeated King Liang, it will be a matter of time to pacify the chaos. If Yangzhou changes individuals No matter, that's another day. When the day changes, Lord Long thinks, can he still be safe?"

"Today I am looking for Lord Long to do things, and naturally I have planned a future for him. You can find me a boat from a foreigner, I will buy it, and use their information, you will be I don't know anything. Under the normal plan, I won't have an accident. If something really happens, you can check a few people to make assignments, and it's just a lack of supervision. "

Liu Yuru planned a way out for Yang Longsi. Yang Longsi frowned, and after a long time, he wondered: "Even if Youzhou is pacified, Yangzhou will not necessarily be replaced."

"If Lord Fan enters the Eastern Capital," Liu Yuru affirmed, "Wang Shanquan will definitely fall to the ground."


Yang Longsi was puzzled.

"Do you know who wrote the narration in "The Story of the Liang Thief"?"

Liu Yuru calmly reminded, Yang Longsi shook his head, Liu Yuru took a sip of tea, and said lightly: "Gu Jiusi."

Yang Longsi suddenly opened his eyes wide, but he understood in an instant.

If this article is written by Gu Jiusi, then Gu Jiusi has already gotten along very well in Youzhou. With the feud between the Gu family and the Wang family, how can Wang Shanquan be tolerated?

Yang Longsi fell silent, Liu Yuru drank tea and waited quietly for Yang Longsi's choice.

After a while, Yang Longsi said, "I'll find you a boat, and I won't care about the future. You go to the casino to gamble and lose the money, I don't need your profit 30%, give me ten In ten thousand taels, one point cannot be less."

"If it is 100,000 taels, you need to report the news of Yangzhou in time in the future."

Liu Yuru said calmly: "I will open a rouge shop here, and you will contact me from the rouge shop in the future."


Yang Longsi said calmly: "If you want to find me in the future, knock on the back door of Sande Casino three times, three times in a row."

Liu Yuru nodded, and after the two quickly negotiated, Yang Longsi stood up, and before leaving, he suddenly said, "Be careful of Luo Zishang."


Liu Yuru raised her head, and Yang Long said lightly, "This is a ruthless character who will do anything to achieve his goals. He planned everything about the family back then."

Hearing this, Liu Yuru's eyes widened suddenly, she didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that she would do something irrational.

When Yang Longsi went out the door, she stood up suddenly, she called Shen Ming in, gritted her teeth and said, "Go and find a man named Luo Zishang for me, no matter what means, Let me find out where this person came from, what he did, and what relationship he has with the Gu family!"

She said that when Wang Rong molested her to force Gu Jiusi to take action, she wanted to use this case to bring down Jiang Shangshu in the Eastern Capital. Such a scheme does not look like the handwriting of the Wang family.

At that time, she thought it was Wang Shanquan's scheming, but now it seems that it is the handwriting of this Luo Zishang!

Seeing her expression, Shen Ming asked with some doubts: "What's wrong with Luo Zishang?"

"Don't you love to kill dog officials?" Liu Yuru looked at him lightly, "This time I'll let you know what a real dog officer is."

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