[Tip: Please re-read the previous chapter if the previous article has been modified]

Liu Yuru watched Gu Langhua enter the door, and knew that Gu Langhua must have gone to the secret passage.

Can't take care of that much anymore. She watched as Gu Jiusi was surrounded by people all by himself, fighting towards Wang Shanquan all the way.

Wang Shanquan saw Gu Jiusi's intention to capture the thief first and capture the king first. With Wang Rong's lesson learned, he did not dare to relax, so he completely withdrew from the battle, went straight to the distance and got on the carriage, talking with his staff. : "Do your best to catch it alive, if you can't catch it, that's all. If this Shuzi doesn't die, I'm afraid that all of them will come to Yangzhou in the future."

The aides handed off Wang Shanquan, while Gu Jiusi was still numbly wielding a knife in the crowd.

The place was a grain and oil store, and she hurriedly went to the grain and oil store while taking advantage of the chaos.

The waist, hidden in the alley, began to pour oil from the alley out.

Gu Jiusi attracted everyone's attention by herself, her heart was beating fast, and she was afraid that someone would find her.

However, everyone was besieging Gu Jiusi, and no one paid attention to her.

Liu Yuru poured out the oil on the ground, and immediately began to move the oil, flour, clothes... anything that could burn to the second floor. At this time, Gu Jiusi already had a stab wound on his body. He was gasping for breath and blocked the entrance of Gu's house, never letting anyone step forward.

The knife in his hand was already chopped, so he grabbed one. Behind him was the gate of the Gu Mansion, and he relied on it, holding on, unwilling to back down.

He was panting, clutching his wound, and the people around him were afraid of being killed by him, and no one dared to step forward.

Someone finally gave the order from behind: "What are you doing?! He is alone, and there are so many of you, I am afraid that he will not succeed!"

"A reward of 100 taels for those caught alive, 50 taels for their heads, go up!"

Having these words, the soldier shouted and rushed up again.

Gu Jiusi smiled lowly, he raised his eyes and looked forward, that is, at that moment, he suddenly saw sporadic fire lights in one direction.

Then he saw on the second floor not far away, a woman's blue shirt waving in the wind, holding a torch in her hand, and slammed it towards the crowd!

Gu Jiusi's eyes widened, and at that moment, the fire burst into the sky, Liu Yuru stood upstairs, and started pouring oil from above like crazy!

One pot after another was poured out, and the people below screamed: "Help!"


"On the second floor!"

Someone found Liu Yuru, and Liu Yuru couldn't care less, so she closed her eyes and used all her strength to pour out the last remaining flour!

When she was cooking, she accidentally let the flour fall into the fire, and a little flour exploded.

She didn't know if it was accidental or inevitable, but it was the only way she could think of now. The flour flew away with the wind, and she hurriedly hid in the house and lay down.

When the flames swallowed the flour, the fire exploded instantly, the surrounding ground shook, and everything became a sea of ​​fire.

The surrounding wooden buildings began to burn rapidly, and the house where Liu Yuru was located also burst into flames.

She hurried downstairs. As soon as she went downstairs, she saw soldiers inside.

Liu Yuru pulled out the knife, her hands trembled, and she looked around in fear: "Don't come here..."

But at this time, someone kicked in the door, Gu Jiusi rushed in, held a knife with one hand, cut a **** path, grabbed her hand, and said anxiously: "Go!"

The surrounding area was in chaos, and many people fled because of the fire, so some of Wang Shanquan's personal soldiers were well-trained and continued to chase them. Liu Yuru covered her mouth and nose and said loudly, "There are horses in the alley on the right!"

Gu Jiusi immediately grabbed her and rushed towards the alley on the right.


Someone in the back shouted: "Don't count life and death, let the arrow!"

After he finished speaking, arrows came like rain. Gu Jiusi raised his hand to cut off the flying arrows with a knife, and led Liu Yuru to get on his horse, and then galloped away.

Now that the city gate is locked, they are trapped in Yangzhou city and cannot go out at all.

Gu Jiusi didn't know where Gu Langhua was, he quickly thought about where to go, and heard Liu Yuru say, "Go to the lake!"

Gu Jiusi turned his horse's head and ran towards the lake. The soldiers at the back were chasing after him, Liu Yuru hugged him tightly, buried his head in his arms, and smelled the blood on his body.

"Why are you here?"

Gu Jiusi's tone was a little stiff, Liu Yuru hugged him, but after a long time, she just said softly: "I can't worry about you."

"Liu Yuru," Gu Jiusi's voice did not contain any emotion, "I found out that you are a very powerful woman."

Gu Jiusi was very good at riding, and after seven turns, he dropped the soldiers behind him, and when he reached the lake, Gu Jiusi jumped in with Liu Yuru without saying a word.

As soon as the two entered the lake, they felt that arrows were falling into the lake. Before Liu Yuru could respond, she was suddenly hugged by Gu Jiusi.

The water flow made everything slow and dull, Liu Yuru felt that Gu Jiusi was pulling the two of them to swim out together.

Both of them were full of breath, and they couldn't do it anymore, so they suddenly raised their heads, took a breath and continued.

They didn't dare to stop, so they went all the way with the water. There was the sound of chasing behind him, and the sound of hounds on the shore. Gu Jiusi handed one part of the belt to her, wrapped it around her hand, and wrapped the other end around his own, so the two of them leaned against the belt so that they would not lose contact in the water. .

Liu Yuru didn't dare to think about whether she had the strength or not, she only knew that she would go forward desperately, chasing Gu Jiusi's figure.

However, Gu Jiusi's movements became slower and slower. After waiting for a while, Liu Yuru saw that he didn't move any more and sank completely!

Liu Yuru pulled him up with a cloth belt, only to find that his face was pale and there was a feather arrow stuck behind his back!

Liu Yuru didn't have time to think, she quickly tied his waist with a belt, and dragged him forward.

The river was icy cold and the water was swift, she rushed forward with all her might, and felt that her hands and feet were about to lose strength several times, but when she saw the person dragging her next to her, she didn't know where she had the courage, With a little more strength, he continued to move forward.

She felt that this water flow was like the fate of the world. Everyone was struggling in it. She finally lost her strength. She suddenly wanted to cry, and wanted to cry. She hugged the cold body of the person beside her, and forced herself to stroke with her already weak hands.

Her teeth chattered, she felt like she was tumbling in the water, and she really had no strength.

"Gu Jiusi..." She lightly touched his forehead with her forehead, and said with difficulty, "Live..."

Live, they will live.

Her life is like weeds, like ants, she is growing and struggling. But she always goes up against everything this world has given her. Now that God wants her to die, she has to go up against the current, and she will never die so easily!

She and he were floating downstream in the water, she refused to sleep, she floated as much as possible in the most labor-saving way, and went with the water.

Liu Yuru took a deep breath, she grabbed Gu Jiusi and swam to the shore with the strength she had gathered, and when she landed, she collapsed to the ground.

She gasped lightly.

"Get up."

She told herself that she would get up when she counted to ten.

She wants to bring Gu Jiusi back, okay, take it back completely.

She counted down to herself, and when she counted to one, she stood up again, and she dragged Gu Jiusi to the side with difficulty.

Gu Jiusi opened his eyes in a daze, feeling the person dragging him.


He made a hoarse voice, Liu Yuru made a slight movement, and she said dryly: "Can you get up?"

Gu Jiusi turned to look at her, Liu Yuru forced a smile: "I don't have the strength."

In the past, he would not be able to get up.

Stab wounds, sword wounds, pain and fatigue came together, but they all knew that if they didn't leave, the Wang family would catch up sooner or later. And the woman in front of him hasn't fallen yet, how can he fall?

So he gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and stood up with difficulty.

They supported each other and walked into the jungle step by step. Liu Yuru's lips were white, and no one dared to speak, for fear that if she did, she would no longer be able to walk.

The two walked all the way to the depths of the dense forest, and finally found a hidden cave. The two rested inside. Gu Jiusi covered the entrance of the cave with grass and sat beside Liu Yuru. Liu Yuru took out the wound medicine and soaked gauze, and bandaged his wound. Then the two took two bites of the cake soaked in Liu Yuru's bag, and finally stopped.

Liu Yuru leaned against Gu Jiusi and closed her eyes gently. Gu Jiusi raised his hand and embraced her shoulder.

They said nothing.

I didn't ask how you got here.

Never asked anyone else how.

They rely on each other, like the only one in this life.

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