Gu Jiusi looked at Liu Yuru inexplicably, Jiang Rou pulled Gu Langhua's sleeve, Gu Langhua snorted coldly, dropped his sleeve, and sat next to Gu Jiusi with Jiang Rou, asked in a stiff voice, "Can Better?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gu Jiusi to speak, Gu Langhua said, "Looking at your scolding, it must be much better."

"It's okay, it's okay," Gu Jiusi said impatiently, "if you have something to say, don't beat around the bush."

"You idiot..."

"Master, didn't you say you should talk nicely?" Jiang Rou was angry, Gu Langhua froze, then sat down, simply didn't say a word, turned her head and looked out the window, ignoring Gu Jiusi.

Gu Langhua ignored Gu Jiusi, Gu Jiusi sneered, turned his head and looked out the other side of the window.

Ignore and ignore, whoever counsels is grandson.

Liu Yuru looked at this battle, she wanted to laugh, but she had to keep her face straight. Jiang Rou coughed softly and said softly: "Nine thoughts are better, and your father and I are also relieved. What happened yesterday, I discussed with your father at night, and I feel that the follow-up should come with you and Yuru. After all, you are also married, not children, and we can't do everything, we always have to take you to learn."

Gu Jiusi lowered his eyes after hearing this, and replied with a low "um".

Jiang Rou took a sip of tea and continued: "I discussed it with your father yesterday, and now Wang Shanquan is doing this, obviously for your uncle. We can't be sure for the time being. Who it is, it may be His Majesty, or it may be someone else, but in any case, the Gu family is still in Yangzhou, I am afraid there is some risk. Wang Shanquan is a military governor, and our businessmen do not fight with officials. "

"Well." Gu Jiusi responded, "Mother is thoughtful."

"That's what I thought!" Gu Langhua suddenly said.

Liu Yuru couldn't hold back, "puchi" laughed. Gu Langhua was a little embarrassed when he heard this laughter, and Liu Yuru was also a little embarrassed, so he hurriedly lowered his head and pretended that nothing had happened.

Jiang Rou coughed lightly, and then continued: "Our industry in Yangzhou is too large, and it is unrealistic to move all of it. Going to a new place requires an adaptation, so your father and I will Thinking about it, we will go to explore the road first to see where it is suitable in the Thirteen States. At that time, we will open a few stores there first, and then gradually turn our focus. In Yangzhou's industry, land manor, we It will also be sold slowly, but we can't let people find out about this, otherwise we can't predict what Wang Shanquan will do."

Liu Yuru listened to Jiang Rou's words and thought for a while: "Then, I don't know when to decide where to go?"

"One or two months as soon as possible, half a year as slow as possible." Jiang Rou frowned, "I have already sent someone to Beijing to find my brother to inquire about news. Now he has not prepared news for us, which shows the situation It's not serious, and we don't have to drink the bow and snake shadow, let's live a good life first."

Liu Yuru didn't speak, she figured that if the emperor was determined to get rid of King Liang to pave the way for the new emperor, he was already seriously ill, then the rebellion of King Liang was something at these times. If according to that dream, Jiang Shangshu could not escape, not only could he not escape, but he might also be deeply involved, so now he does not dare to inform the Gu family. So such a long trial time may be the reason why the Gu family failed to escape from Yangzhou in the end.

Liu Yuru thought about how to speak, after a long time, she finally said: "Mother-in-law, why don't you go to Youzhou."

Jiang Rou was a little surprised: "Why did you decide?"

"We choose a new place to settle down, and now we focus on three aspects. First, we need to be easy to do business, so that our business can gain a foothold. Second, we need to be stable up and down so that we can live well. Third, we need convenient transportation. , so that we won't be too troublesome in the past. From these three points, first of all, Youzhou is located on the border and has frequent transactions with Beiliang. Youzhou has always advocated business, and it is not as prosperous as Huainan. We have many business opportunities in the past. "

Jiang Rou nodded and Gu Langhua nodded, Gu Langhua responded, "It's true, but... it's located on the border, and there are frequent wars, isn't it very stable?"

Harassment, Youzhou has the Great Wall to block Beiliang, since the founding of Darong, there has not been a battle within the Great Wall, so there are indeed many battles outside the Great Wall of Youzhou, but inside the Great Wall is very stable."

"Be careful!" Gu Langhua hurriedly said, but Jiang Rou raised her hand and said with Liu Yuru, "Now it's all my own family. in the stomach."

"Yuru dares to say, what are you afraid of, old man?" Gu Jiusi opened his mouth on the bed, Gu Langhua said angrily, "Shut up!"

Gu Jiusi sneered, raised her chin, and said with Liu Yuru, "Continue."

"If something happens to King Liang, the world will be in turmoil, big or small. Youzhou has strong soldiers and strong horses, and has the right to exempt from salt tax and tribute. If there is chaos, it must be a weak and rich place like Yangzhou, and Youzhou is the safest for fear of external chaos and internal stability.”

"Then," Jiang Rou thought and said slowly, "If you say that the army is strong and horses are strong, and there are places with the privilege of exempting salt tax and tribute, there are other options in the thirteen states except Youzhou. Why? Youzhou?"

"This is the third point," Liu Yuru said calmly, "We have to leave Yangzhou this time, and we must not make a big splash, otherwise Wang Shanquan will never let us go. We must move a large amount of assets in a short period of time. , Youzhou has the most convenient transportation.”

"This..." Jiang Rou couldn't understand, "Youzhou is separated from us, how can it be convenient?"

"The coast of Youzhou." At this time, Gu Jiusi suddenly named him, Jiang Rou and Gu Langhua suddenly realized.

They forgot!

In Huainan, the best use of boats is, all large quantities of goods are transported by water. Compared with land transportation, water transportation has more load, lower cost and faster time.

Although Youzhou is separated from them by Qingzhou and Yongzhou, they can enter the sea from the waterway, and then go to Youzhou along the coast! After arriving in Youzhou, there is no need to worry about Wang Shanquan and others, and it will be much safer to turn overland.

And if you travel by land, each state must submit an entry document once. However, in the case of sea transportation, there are almost no government offices except for a few docks that must be docked. Help is in charge, the government is extremely weak, so they can move the Gu family to Youzhou without knowing it.

"Yuru is so smart."

Jiang Rou couldn't help but sigh: "In time, Yuru will definitely do something."

Hearing this, Liu Yuru was stunned, she had never heard someone describe a woman like this, she coughed lightly, and then said: "Just think about it at will, whether it will work or not? Mother-in-law and father-in-law can make decisions."

"Okay." Gu Langhua said immediately, "You can do this. I have a few friends in the Cao Gang, and we have tried to sell all the land these days, and then exchange the scatter for gold and silver. , plus antique calligraphy and paintings, and transport them out by water. I will send someone to open a shop there, buy a boat, and get ready early, if something happens, we will leave Yangzhou directly!"

"Then...why don't you just leave Yangzhou?" Liu Yuru pondered and said, "To tell you the truth, in fact, I had a dream long ago, and this dream was not very lucky, it was Wang Rong I found trouble with the Gu family, the Gu family…”

Liu Yuru sighed before she finished speaking: "So I thought, if I can leave early, I'd better leave as early as possible. The family property can be sold by the servants, let's go first to compare it is good."

"Yuru, this trip to Yangzhou is not as easy as you think."

Jiang Rou listened to Liu Yuru's words and explained patiently: "Whether we are traveling by water or land, as long as we leave a hundred miles away, we must rely on the road guide given by the Yangzhou government to enter and exit the city. The road guide should indicate where to start, where to go, and what to do.”

"The Gu family is a big family in Yangzhou. We account for most of the tax in Yangzhou every year, and the government keeps an eye on it. If I travel on weekdays, the master must be in Yangzhou. If the master travels, Jiusi and I will have to In Yangzhou, there has never been a family trip. If we apply for a road guide together as a family, we have to go to Youzhou. If the road guide does not arrive, the troops and horses will arrive first. We can find a reason for you and drag you for a while. There is nothing you can do about it. If you don't take the road guide and walk out of Yangzhou for a hundred miles, you won't be able to enter any city."

Liu Yuru was stunned for a while, she had never been out of Yangzhou, and this was the first time she thought about Lu Yin, Liu Yuru couldn't help but say, "What should I do then?"

"So we have to make a fake identity letter first." Gu Langhua said, thinking, "I bribed people in private to get us four identity letters first, and then take this letter. We will go to the official government to lead the way, and then we will buy a boat and go to Youzhou by boat, just take a look at the dock where the supplies are docked. There are many places on the dock where the Cao Gang is located, and the management is not strict, so it should be fine. "

"How long will that take?"

Liu Yuru said anxiously, Gu Langhua thought about it: "The faster it is a month, the slower it is two or three months."

"If something goes wrong..."

"Yuru," Jiang Rou took her hand and said softly, "It's just a dream, don't worry too much about it. It's good to be vigilant, but if you're worried about it All day long, it will be worth the loss.”

"Madam is right," Gu Langhua said, getting up and saying, "I'll do it now, as soon as possible."

"Master," Jiang Rou stopped Gu Langhua, Gu Langhua turned around, Jiang Rou smiled, "Don't be in a hurry on the road, go slow."

"I see." Gu Langhua smiled, a little helplessly, "How old I am, I still worry about it."

After Gu Langhua finished speaking, he waved his hand and walked out.

After Gu Langhua went out, Jiang Rou raised her eyes to look at Liu Yuru and said, "How's the account check recently?"

"There are still three shops whose accounts have not been checked," Liu Yuru said respectfully, "I will give my mother-in-law a result in five days."

"Thank you for your hard work." Jiang Rou nodded and comforted, "You will be fine after the first few days."

"It's not hard work," Liu Yuru laughed, "My mother-in-law taught me this, and I'm too happy."

Jiang Rou breathed a sigh of relief: "You just need to understand."

The two chatted for a while, Jiang Rou instructed Gu Jiusi to take a good rest, then got up and left. When Jiang Rou left, Liu Yuru turned around and pushed Gu Jiusi gently, "Why did you treat your father like this?"

"This old man is very bad." Gu Jiusi sneered, "Don't worry about me and him."

"Gu Jiusi," Liu Yuru couldn't help laughing, "How old are you? Why are you still a child?"

"Why don't you ask how old my father is, why is he still like a child?" Gu Jiusi raised his hand to cover his ears: "I don't listen anymore, I'm going to sleep."

"Don't sleep," Liu Yuru pulled him, "Listen to my advice, don't always make trouble with your father."

"Oh, don't worry about it." Gu Jiusi simply covered his head with a quilt, "I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen."

Liu Yuru had no choice but to take him, sighed, and had no choice but to go out, let someone bring the books over, and then sat beside Gu Jiusi, Gu Jiusi slept, and she began to settle the accounts.

Gu Jiusi fell asleep to the sound of her flipping the pages. The afternoon sun was slumbering, the leaves were rustling in the wind, and the cicadas were chirping outside, with regular ups and downs, Liu Yuru looked up, He saw that Gu Jiusi was soundly asleep.

She smiled unconsciously, feeling that this person was too comfortable. But when she saw him lying on his stomach, she realized that this man fell asleep with a scar on his back.

She quietly looked at his sleeping face, and after a long time, shook her head, smiled and lowered her head, thinking that Gu Jiusi is really a child.

Gu Jiusi slept until the afternoon, he opened his eyes and subconsciously wiped the corners of his mouth, Liu Yuru smiled when he saw it, only then did Gu Jiusi realize that Liu Yuru was there, he was a little embarrassed: "What are you laughing at? The same goes for sleeping on your stomach."

"Awake? Hungry?"

"It's okay," Gu Jiusi yawned, moving his limbs like a frog on the bed, Liu Yuru stood up, sat next to him, pinched his arm and said, "I want to eat Something, I let the kitchen do it."

Gu Jiusi started ordering food when he opened his mouth. In life, he never wronged himself.

Liu Yuru listened, ordered someone to cook, pinched his hands and feet, and at his request, found this travel journal for him.

Gu Jiusi never likes to read those serious books, but is interested in some stories and maps. He was free to look through the travel notes, and at the same time secretly looked at Liu Yuru.

Liu Yuru has been reading the accounts, Gu Jiu wakes up, she no longer does mental arithmetic, and starts to play with the abacus. Gu Jiusi heard the abacus playing, and he took a peek from time to time. Liu Yuru noticed it, and couldn't help but laugh, and looked back at him: "What do you think I do?"

"I said," Gu Jiusi put down the book and asked with some doubts, "Aren't you tired of reading the ledger?"

Liu Yuru was stunned for a while, and after a while, she laughed: "Aren't you tired of reading travel notes?"

"I'm relaxing."

"I like it."

Liu Yuru stretched herself hard to make her stiff shoulders and neck more comfortable, then she took the abacus and shook it: "I like the feeling of counting silver. No, I'm just happy."

"I just want to watch the money on the book rise and fall. I tell you, the last time I went out, the shopkeeper called me Boss Liu, and I was overjoyed."

"What's so happy about this?" Gu Jiusi was a little strange, and Liu Yuru thought about it seriously: "Probably, is this your own name?"

Miss Liu was born, and Mrs. Gu Shao was given by the Gu family. Only Boss Liu represented her own efforts. she did.

Liu Yuru thought Gu Jiusi didn't understand, but she didn't want Gu Jiusi to nod her head and agreed, "That's right, just like me, I hope that one day people can call me Master Gu."

"That's good," Liu Yuru nodded, "Otherwise, you can give me the Gu family in the future, I will make money, and I will give you a fixed portion of the money every month. How about you go to the world?"

"Okay," Gu Jiusi nodded, "When the time comes, I will be chivalrous and righteous, and I will write the words 'Liu Yuru's husband' when I do good deeds, to ensure your fame, and everyone will go there. You buy things in the store."

"Nonsense!" Liu Yuru said unhappily, "You should write the name of my shop!"

These words made Gu Jiusi laugh: "Okay, write the name of your shop, then, let's be famous all over the world together, Boss Liu?"

Liu Yuru settles accounts, Gu Jiusi reads.

Candles were lit one after another, and Liu Yuru finally read the final account. At this time, Gu Jiusi was much better, and could get out of bed and walk around.

Gu Langhua was busy dealing with family affairs outside every day, while Jiang Rou bought a lot of scholars, and wrote the story of the Gu family and the Wang family into a story of "turning war into jade and silk", which was circulated everywhere. In the story, the Gu family is magnanimous and reasonable, the Wang family is arrogant and domineering, and Gu Jiusi whipped himself twenty to watch and cried many spectators, all praising the pure heart. Although this play does not name names, everyone in Yangzhou City knows what they are talking about. It didn't take long for Wang Shanquan to ask people to arrest singers everywhere.

When he got the news, Gu Langhua was still drinking tea in the house, Jiang Rou put down the tea cup, and said lightly: "In Huainan, this play will not be sung, go to Dongdu to sing."

And Gu Jiusi was walking around the yard with Liu Yuru's support, Gu Jiusi whispered: "My mother is angry, Wang Shanquan is going to be unlucky."

Liu Yuru looked up at him and glared: "Walk well."

Sande Casino has caused some trouble, I wonder if Mrs. and Mrs. know anyone from the casino, can you do me a favor?"

"Young Master Zhou?" Gu Langhua was a little at a loss, "Which Young Master Zhou?"

"It's Zhou Ye, Zhou Gongzi."

Hearing the name, Liu Yuru and Gu Jiusi looked at each other, and immediately knew that they had to help.

Whether it's Zhou Ye's previous help or Zhou Ye's own identity, he has to help.

It's just a place like Sande Casino, and the Gu family has never had much interaction...

Gu Langhua and Jiang Rou were in a dilemma when they heard Gu Jiusi coming from outside and said excitedly: "I'll go, I know Sande Casino! I'll go and help Zhou Gongzi!"

Everyone: "…"

For the first time, I discovered the role of Gu Jiusi in gambling.

"Where are you going, can you come back when you go?" Gu Langhua was unhappy, and finally thought about it, but found that apart from this son, there seems to be nothing that can go to Sande Casino. people. In the end, he could only wave his hand and say, "Go, go, take less money, and stop gambling."

Having these words, Gu Jiusi happily asked Mu Nan to prepare the horse.

Everyone was a little apprehensive when he looked like this, Gu Langhua couldn't help but said, "Yuru go with him."

"Ah...ah?" Liu Yuru was a little confused, let her go to the casino?

However, she quickly realized that she has been to the brothel, what is going to a casino?

So she smiled and said softly, "Wait a minute, sir, I'll get the knife."

"No need!" Hearing this, Gu Jiusi hurriedly said, "I'm going to do business, don't worry, I will never gamble there."

Gu Langhua: "Put all the money on Yuru!"

Gu Jiusi: "…"

Gu Jiusi expressed very unhappy about this result, but he still took Liu Yuru there.

As soon as he got off the carriage, Gu Jiusi lifted the curtain and walked in first, while Liu Yuru followed behind. Before entering, he heard a loud voice inside: "Gu Gongzi buys big and buys small?!"

Before he got to the gaming table, others knew his temper and started betting!

Gu Jiusi was about to answer when Liu Yuru slammed the curtain up, stood behind Gu Jiusi, and said loudly, "I don't buy big, I don't buy small, and Young Master Gu doesn't gamble today."

Gu Jiusi's friends Chen Xun and Yang Wenchang.

Chen Xun swallowed and said subconsciously, "Where's the knife?"

His question was particularly loud in the silence, Gu Jiusi walked in front of him, raised his head and pushed his head, and said directly: "Damn knife, I'm here to find someone, With that said, Gu Jiusi described Zhou Ye's appearance, "Have you ever seen a handsome man with a northern accent in his early twenties?"

"Oh, I've seen it." Yang Wenchang said immediately, "Just half an hour ago, before the gambling table, I heard that his brother owed money and refused to pay it back. Now to the backyard."

The backyard of Sande Casino is specially designed to deal with some dark things.

Gu Jiusi frowned, he answered, covered his movements with his body, raised his hand and pulled out a piece of silver from his sleeve and placed it in front of Yang Wenchang, whispering: "Buy a small one. "

After he finished speaking, he straightened up, turned and walked towards the backyard, Liu Yuru followed behind, Yang Wenchang and Chen Xun saw it, Yang Wenchang shook his head with emotion: "It's terrible, it's terrible."

Chen Xun nodded and agreed: "Fortunately, no girl likes me."

Yang Wenchang looked up at him: "Can this thing be celebrated?"

However, after thinking about it, Yang Wenchang said: "It seems that it is indeed worth celebrating."

Speaking, Yang Wenchang put the silver that Gu Jiusi put on the table, and said loudly: "Big!"

Gu Jiusi led Liu Yuru to the backyard. As soon as they arrived at the door, they were stopped by two strong men. The two strong men saw Gu Jiusi and wondered: "Jiuye, you know the rules of three virtues. , this backyard..."

"I understand." Gu Jiusi said decisively, "Tell the old crow to come over. The person they took away today is my friend. I will take care of the stall and follow the rules."

The two hesitated for a moment, and then an old man's flattering voice sounded: "Yo, Jiuye! Long time no see!"

Gu Jiusi turned his head towards Liu Yuru and raised his chin: "Reward."

Liu Yuru was stunned for a while, Gu Jiusi blinked desperately: "What a stun, reward!"

Liu Yuru reacted, she hurriedly gave the old man a tael of silver, and the old man accepted it happily and said with a smile, "Is this the lady?"

"Well," Gu Jiusi said lazily, and then said, "You seem to have left someone today?"

"Jiuye is well informed," the old man laughed, "but for this reason?"

"Yes," Gu Jiusi raised his fan, "Let's lead the way. Three virtues have the rules of three virtues, I know they won't mess around."

The old man hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, then said: "Then Jiu Ye come with me."

Gu Jiusi replied from her nose, followed the old crow forward, and Liu Yuru followed behind. It was the first time she came to this kind of place, she was novel and scared, and she glanced secretly, Gu Jiusi saw , said directly: "If you want to see it, just look at it generously, and look at it secretly."

Speaking, he turned his head and said to the old crow: "This woman has no vision, don't joke."

Liu Yuru: "…"

The old crow hurriedly said: "This is the first time the young lady has come here. If I can accompany you here, the young lady is also a hero among women, very open-minded. Come, we are all worried that the young lady will not let you come."

"Does she dare to let me come?" Gu Jiusi felt a little happy when she saw Liu Yuru's anger and dare not speak, and for the sake of her own face, she continued to brag, " I want to bet that she can still manage me? I always said that in our house, I told her to go east and she didn't dare to go west. I brought her here because of her cuteness. "

Speaking, the group walked to the door, Gu Jiusi raised his chin towards the gatekeeper, and said with Liu Yuru, "Reward."

Liu Yuru kept smiling.

She handed the money to the gatekeeper, and when the two entered the room, they saw a bunch of people standing in the room, Zhou Ye sitting in front of the gambling table, with cold sweat on his forehead , A young man next to him was pressed to his knees on the ground, with a handkerchief in his mouth, and he seemed very annoyed.

Gu Jiusi didn't speak when she saw this scene, sat calmly next to her, and said to Liu Yuru, "Take a handkerchief for me and wipe my hands."

Liu Yuru smiled, she walked to the edge, twisted the veil, sat next to Gu Jiusi, and wiped his hands.

Gu Jiusi was secretly overjoyed, she felt very happy to call Liu Yuru like this, Liu Yuru looked at his smile, she approached Gu Jiusi, and in a calm and gentle voice, whispered: "You wait."

Hearing this, Gu Jiusi shuddered, hurriedly sat up straight, drew back his hand, and coughed lightly, "It's alright, alright."

He turned his head, looked at Zhou Ye next to him, and said, "Brother Zhou, I'm late, sorry for being late."

------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------

The author has something to say:Gu Langhua’s daily life:

1. My wife is so nice

2. Where is my stick?

3. Shut up!

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