Everyone looked at each other for a moment, then looked at Liu Yuru. Liu Yuru coughed lightly, put down the mutton, clapped her hands, stood up, walked to the door of the room, and said gently, "Are you hungry?"

"I haven't eaten for a day, do you think I'm hungry?" Gu Jiusi was annoyed by her question. Liu Yuru heard Gu Jiusi's unhappy voice, and she was inexplicably happy. As Gu Jiusi's unhappiness eased a lot, Liu Yuru felt that she was wrong, and she did not approve of this kind of behavior of basing her own happiness on the pain of others. So she restrained the little joy in her heart and continued: "Then the concubine will let the prince come out, but after the prince comes out, he has to memorize "Xue Er" before he can eat. opinion?"

Gu Jiusi originally wanted to scold people, but at the moment before swearing, reason stopped him. He knew that arguing like this would only prolong his starvation indefinitely. Liu Yuru quarreled with him because he had enough to eat and drink. No matter how much he talked here, he couldn't hide the fact that he was dizzy with hunger. So he took a deep breath, able to bend and stretch: "Okay, hurry up!"

Liu Yuru asked Gu Jiusi to be released. Gu Jiusi saw the roasted mutton in the yard, his eyes straightened, and he rushed towards the mutton. Liu Yuru was about to stop it when he heard Gu Jiusi He started to endorse the book extremely fluently, while carrying the book at a very fast pace, he hurriedly poured himself some wine and meat, and then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, he recited it while eating.

When the memorization was over, Gu Jiusi hiccupped. He took a sip of wine and finally calmed down. He looked up at Liu Yuru, and said quite proudly, "How is it, Master, isn't it? Worship? "

Liu Yuru looked at Gu Jiusi and smirked, feeling that the person in front of her looked like a child who didn't grow up. She just made some small achievements, so she hurried over to ask for credit.

She coughed lightly, walked over to Gu Jiusi, and pushed him two more cold dishes.

After eating and drinking, Gu Jiusi felt satisfied in life, he stood up, shook his fan and said, "Okay, lord is sleeping."

"Langjun," Liu Yuru's voice sounded from behind, Gu Jiusi trembled, and now he heard the word Langjun, he felt scared, and sure enough, he heard Liu Yuru say, "It's better to let the concubine Would you like to introduce yourself to your next life?"

"No, no, no, no thanks."

Gu Jiusi spoke very fast, she wanted to slip when she raised her legs, Liu Yuru sat on the spot and said softly, "I don't want to keep you from my concubine."

Hearing this sentence, Gu Jiusi's steps froze in the air, Liu Yuru shook the tea in the teacup, looked at the moon reflected in it, and said gently, "Come back."

Gu Jiusi took a deep breath, and returned with a downcast face.

Liu Yuru first led Gu Jiusi to take a bath, and then put on the clothes prepared in advance for Gu Jiusi, Gu Jiusi was forced to put on a plain long shirt, and then was forced to tie it on his head He put on a cloth belt that said "diligence", and then knelt down in front of Liu Yuru.

Nowadays, in the halls where there are outsiders, or in the study rooms, most of them are chairs and stools. In other private places, kneeling is the main method.

Liu Yuru was drinking tea and looked at Gu Jiusi, who was kneeling in front of him, with a look of grief and anger, daring to speak, and she looked at him with satisfaction.

I have to say, Gu Jiusi's skin looks really good.

People say that Ye Shian is as handsome as a plum blossom fairy. However, Liu Yuru felt that Gu Jiusi was a true immortal only from the perspective of his skin.

He was born to be a bit female, but his bones are sharp and angular, so he looks a little handsome, with a gorgeous and luxurious beauty like a flower.

Liu Yuru looked at him quietly, and suddenly felt that if she thought about it in a good place, Gu Jiusi was absurd, but she had a good temper, good looks, and money. Marriage, she is not at a disadvantage.

After all, she is only a middle-aged person, a little girl who is not favored by a small family.

Seeing that Liu Yuru didn't speak for a long time, Gu Jiusi raised his eyes angrily and said, "If you want to say something, just say it, I'm tired and I want to sleep."

"Oh," Liu Yuru recalled her thoughts, "That's right, I talked to your former master about your progress in reading, and I made a plan for you. In the future, you will fall asleep at midnight, When I get up in the morning, I will invite you a great Confucian of high morals and respect to teach you the Four Books and Five Classics; a gentleman to explain the current situation in the world for you; You are taught by your parents to teach you how to do business."

Hearing this, Gu Jiusi took a deep breath and affirmed: "You are trying to kill me!"

Liu Yuru ignored him and continued: "This is your schedule, I will wake you up at a certain time every day, and then accompany you to class, Confucianism lectures are in the morning every day, about two hours ; and current affairs and chores are staggered every afternoon at one hour. In the evening, I will accompany you to study and complete the homework left by the teacher during the day. Every five days, I will accompany you to the store to see how your parents-in-law manage the store. , you will have three days off every month, you can arrange it freely, but you are not allowed to hang out in places such as brothels and casinos.”

"Only three days?" Gu Jiusi raised a voice, and Liu Yuru smiled and said, "Young master, but you feel that the time is too long, which is not conducive to your progress? Would you like to change it to one day?"

"No no no," Gu Jiusi hurriedly waved, "Three days, three days are good."

Liu Yuru nodded and continued: "During these times, Langjun wants to stop drinking and playing, I will review your invitations for you, the suitable ones will not be blocked, and the unsuitable ones will all be Pushed. In order not to affect Lang Jun's state of mind, I will rearrange the rooms where Lang Jun goes in and out, and all the clothes have been re-prepared. Those colorful clothes in the past are not good for cultivating the heart. In the future, Lang Jun will wear today's clothes. ."

"It's not good..." Gu Jiusi smiled bitterly, "It's not good for me to wear a set of clothes every day."

"It's alright," Liu Yuru smiled, "As a concubine, I have prepared thirty sets for you, you can change one set every day, and it is guaranteed to be exactly the same."

Gu Jiusi: "…"

Very good, you are cruel.

Gu Jiusi endured and endured, held back and held back, and finally said, "Liu Yuru, what are you going to do?"

“What does what?”

"Are you trying to torture me?"

Gu Jiusi said boldly: "That's why I came up with such a way to force me to study."

Liu Yuru didn't speak, she turned the fan in her hand, and after a long time, she said, "Langjun knows that the honor and disgrace of Yuru's future life is tied to Langjun."

"In the future, when the lord is rich and illustrious, Yuru will be rich; when the prince is down, Yuru will be down. Yuru's past friends all know my relationship with the Ye family, and now I am married to Langjun , they don't know how many people are watching jokes."

Speaking, Liu Yuru turned to look at Gu Jiusi, with a wry smile on her face: "If Lord Ruolang is better than Ye Shian, they naturally can't say anything. Lord Ruolang is worse than Ye Shian, Their ridicule and pointers are inevitable. I am a layman after all, and I want to live a beautiful life. So I hope that Langjun can be better than Ye Shian, so that I can have a day when I am not ridiculed. "

Hearing this, Gu Jiusi was a little surprised, he said awkwardly: "Uh...I can buy you a lot of beautiful clothes, hairpin..."

"That's useless."

Liu Yuru took a sip of tea and said lightly: "Lang Jun is rich, but has he received less ridicule these years?"

Gu Jiusi was stunned for a while, Liu Yuru's words crossed a light pain in his heart.

Actually, he didn't know how to define this pain. He thought it might be very painful, but he was already numb.

When I was a child, I thought about being a superior man, but after being compared and laughed at for a long time, I got used to it. I think it's better to be a **** than to be laughed at after working hard.

Liu Yuru looked at him quietly, leaned forward, looked at him and said, "Actually, you are very smart, you can understand what I say. It's just that you don't want to carry a heavy burden."

"I can't..."

Gu Jiusi was a little embarrassed. Few people praised him so sincerely. He hurriedly said, "I really can't study. You can change your path, and I will help you save face."

"The situation has changed now, you know?" Liu Yuru said suddenly, "The emperor has not come to court for three months, your uncle is eager to form an alliance with the princess, your parents are anxious to let you study, Lang Don't you notice the change?"

Gu Jiusi didn't say anything, he listened to Liu Yuru's words, his heart was a little dull, Liu Yuru continued: "After all, parents and mothers will grow old, even if you don't think about yourself, you should be for them, for me Think about it. If they are bullied and I am bullied in the future, you can only watch and do nothing, do you still think it doesn't matter?"

"What you said," Gu Jiusi slowly said, "I understand. But there won't be such a day..."

"Because your parents planned all the roads, didn't they?"

Are you afraid to face reality, or are you really ignorant of reality?"

Gu Jiusi lowered his eyes, this time, he finally lost his voice.

For the first time in his life, he didn't joke, he quietly looked at the water glass in front of him, and listened to the woman: "The reason why I let Lang Jun study is not desperate, because I know you Yes. I know how hard Ye Shian spent studying, and I also know how smart you are."

"You can do anything Ye Shian can do, but you never do it."

"I can't."

"You can." Liu Yuru asserted that Gu Jiusi looked up at the girl in front of her, Liu Yuru's eyes did not flinch, she looked at him, and the two looked at each other quietly.

Gu Jiusi's eyes flickered, Liu Yuru suddenly said: "If you can beat Ye Shian, become a high official, and earn a life for me, I will forgive you."

She seems to know his heart clearly and know his softest place.

Why he has been forgiving, and has been making trouble but never out of line, even in secret, he has actually been retreating towards her, that is, he clearly knows in his heart that this marriage is because of him of a joke.

His guilt made him retreat unconditionally, but he couldn't help struggling with his petty temper.

He was so childish, kind and noisy, she knew very well.

Gu Jiusi was a little stunned. He suddenly realized that the girl in front of him seemed to understand him better than his parents.

His eyes were stunned, not covering up at all, Liu Yuru's heart beat faster when he saw him directly, she didn't get a direct look at her like this, so she coughed lightly and missed her eyes.

The night wind was blowing with the fragrance of flowers, and the girl's hair fell gently on her clean face.

She stabilized her mind, and finally said again: "Gu Jiusi, even if it's for me, you can work hard once, okay?"

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The author has something to say:Gu Jiusi: Duck for his wife! !

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