Liu Yuru recognized Jiang Rou. After a little hesitation, she finally got up and planned to salute Jiang Rou. Jiang Rou hurriedly held her down and said with her, "If you feel uncomfortable, just lie down. Our family doesn't have so much etiquette. I'll ask the doctor to show you."

Liu Yuru was fine, but she felt numb at the moment and didn't want to hide it, so she lay on the bed and let Jiang Rou call the doctor to check her pulse.

The doctor made a detailed diagnosis, but he didn't say what happened to her now, but only talked about some of the bad things about her body before, and said she needed to take care of her.

Jiang Rou didn't say much, she nodded and asked the doctor to prescribe the recipe, then let her prepare something to eat, then turned her head and looked at her quietly.

Seeing this, Jiang Rou's maid led everyone out, leaving only two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the room. Jiang Rou looked at Liu Yuru, Liu Yuru's appearance at the moment was definitely not good , I cried all night, all my makeup was spent crying, my eyes were swollen from crying, and she looked lifeless, not like a bride at all.

Jiang Rou sighed, tucked the quilt on Liu Yuru, and said slowly, "What happened to you and Jiusi last night?"

Liu Yuru lowered her eyes and said nothing, Jiang Rou guessed, "Did Jiusi talk nonsense with you?"

Liu Yuru was still silent, Jiang Rou looked at Liu Yuru, but smiled: "I ask whoever I ask before I go to kiss, and everyone tells me that you are a lady and follow the rules. Why are you marrying into my house today, but not like this?"

"Mrs. Gu," Liu Yuru finally said, she said calmly, "I didn't want to marry."

Jiang Rou was stunned for a while, but she did not expect such a sentence, it took a long time for her to recover, and she hesitated: "But... but when I proposed marriage, your aunt told me , you admire Jiusi."

Liu Yuru taunted and hooked the corners of her mouth: "It's not that Madam Jiang doesn't know my family's situation, can I believe what my aunt said?"

"But your father is right next to you," Jiang Rou was a little confused, "your"

She didn't know what to say for a while, she knew that Liu's house was not peaceful, but Liu Xuan was always a sensible person outside. In her news, although Liu Xuan spoiled Zhang Yueer a little, but he did not care about his children. But it is not negligent. At least Liu Yuru's food and clothing expenses, which should be cultivated as a daughter-in-law, have not fallen behind over the years. Children are the hearts and minds of their parents, not to mention Liu Yuru is the eldest daughter. Parents always have a deeper affection for the first child, just like she put Gu Jiusi on the top of her heart. Is this coming?

Let the concubine talk about her daughter's marriage, don't you stop one or two? !

Jiang Rou was also a little angry for a while, she suppressed her temper, afraid of scaring Liu Yuru, she tried her best to be gentle: "Then let me ask you, are your family and Ye family married?"

"I'm planning to get married." Liu Yuru told the truth, with a numb expression, "Mrs. Ye went to my house to discuss the matchmaking in person, and the family has already agreed, just waiting for the eldest son of Ye to return from the township test, and then come to the door. Propose marriage."

"This is absurd!"

Jiang Rou couldn't help crying out when she heard this.

Liu Yuru looked up at her, Jiang Rou stood up, and walked back and forth in the room a few times.

Jiang Rou closed her eyes, she took a deep breath, and understood Liu Yuru's current attitude. She tried to calm herself down and took a sip of water.

After a long pause, she finally calmed down. The incident had already happened. The little one was afraid that she was more panicked than them. She raised her head and looked at Liu Yuru, who looked numb, and felt a little pity in her heart. After hesitating for a moment, she returned to Liu Yuru, considered her words, hesitated for a long time, then looked at Liu Yuru and said slowly, "Miss Liu, this is because our family was not careful enough to find out about you and Ye in time. Family marriage, this mistake, I will make up for it for you, and I hope you forgive me."

Liu Yuru didn't say anything, she was actually a little surprised, but this kind of emotion was so light that she couldn't go until she couldn't make any waves. She lowered her eyes and said calmly, "It's not enough for outsiders to talk about such a private matter. Even if my wife has a heart, it's hard to know the truth. When it's my family telling my wife, I don't blame my wife for this."

Jiang Rou looked at her and understood that she was also a reasonable girl. Although she hated Liu Xuan, she couldn't bring her anger to Liu Yuru.

She looked at Liu Yuru, sighed, and continued, "It's just that things are like this now, how does Miss Liu plan?"

“What can I do?”

Liu Yuru smiled bitterly: "I'm married, can I let Gu Jiusi really divorce me? I came to Gu's house because I wanted to live a good life, what else can I do? select?"

Jiang Rou was silent, listening to Liu Yuru taking a deep breath, it seemed to be extremely difficult to say: "But it's not me, it's Gu Jiusi who can't!"

"Mrs. Gu," Liu Yuru's eyes blushed, "he said he was going to divorce me on his wedding night, and now he's gone, how will you let me live?"

, this is forcing me to die!"

Jiang Rou listened quietly, she pondered Liu Yuru's words.

The teenage girl, the disgust in her words was not concealed, Jiang Rou couldn't help but smile: "So, Yuru, do you want us to help you find Gu Jiusi? ?"

"What do I do when I find it?" Liu Yuru was helpless, "I found it, run again, find it again, run again, a few more times, am I following him as a joke in Yangzhou City? ?"

"Then what are you going to do now?" Jiang Rou continued to ask, and Liu Yuru shook her head.

She doesn't know what to do either.

She thinks nothing of it.

"That's it," she hoarsely said, "I accept my fate, he is such a person, he likes to go wherever he likes to do what he likes to do. Madam Gu, you will let me stay At Gu's house, eat one more bite of rice, and that's it. I don't want to forget it anymore, I don't want to worry about it anymore..."

"I can't stand it..." She sobbed, "I can't stand it..."

Being tricked by fate again and again and again and again.

She thought the road was right in front of her, but she suddenly fell into the abyss.

She has lived carefully for so many years, but in the end, she has come to this point, she doesn't want to fight, and she doesn't dare to fight.

Jiang Rou looked at the crying girl lying beside the bed and couldn't help sighing. She raised her hand and patted Liu Yuru's back without speaking.

This silent appeasement made Liu Yuru cry less, she choked slowly, and after a long time, she heard Jiang Judao: "Miss Liu, stop crying when you have enough, cry, It's when you get back on your feet."

Liu Yuru didn't speak, Jiang Rou helped her up and asked the person next to her to hand her a handkerchief, watching her wipe her tears, Jiang Rou said slowly: "I know you are bitter in your heart, but people fall down Now, either stand up or lie down. It is difficult to stand up, but you can continue to walk when you stand up. It is easy to lie down, but if you lie down, the road will come to an end.”

"Who doesn't know the truth?" Liu Yuru laughed at herself, "But Mrs. Gu, I can't see this road."

Jiang Rou was silent for a moment, and after a long time, she slowly said: "I know you are dissatisfied with Jiusi, you think he is a playboy, and he is useless. Compared with Ye Shian, he does not seem to be a good person. husband's choice."

" I said these words, not to favor my son, but you can't look back, Gu family can't look back, life will always go on. I hope this marriage is a marriage, not a revenge, So if you want, I'll tell you what I think."

"Please speak, ma'am."

"My son is indeed a playboy, he is not as motivated as Young Master Ye, but he has a pure and good nature. He has never done anything harmful, except for gambling, and he is more restrained. Contaminated by women, it is widely rumored that he spent a lot of money for the courtesan in the brothel, and that was also for his friends. He is only eighteen years old, but in fact, his feelings are pure and good. For many men today, at least in the matter of love, he will not treat his wife badly."

"Sincere feelings are honey to those who like them, and arsenic to those who don't like them. Isn't it because of sincere feelings that he wants to divorce me now? "Liu Yuru smiled bitterly, "Then I'd rather he be more involved, at least leave me a way out."

"But when it comes to love, how can you like it or not?"

Jiang Rou smiled: "In this world, most of the life is the life of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. Even me, the moment I lift the hijab, I can see what the master is like. Those who know each other and promise each other, if it is not because of fate, it is beyond the etiquette, so many couples have become relatives, and they get along day after day, and friendship develops."

" Jiusi never had a woman he liked in the past, and he didn't even say a few words to the woman. The reason why we think he likes you is that you are the only girl he said he likes to marry , even if this is a misunderstanding, you are a bit earlier than other girls when it comes to love."

Liu Yuru lowered her eyes, Jiang Rou saw that she was reluctant, and said, "I don't want you to please him, I hope you don't embarrass yourself. Look at this child first, you You have to recognize him, feel that he is not useless, and then you can go on. If you think in your heart that there is no cure for him, and you hate him and resent him, what are you going to do in the future? Have you ever lived in this house for the rest of your life?"


Liu Yuru's tears were silent, Jiang Rou was a little helpless, she continued: "I don't expect that you have to like each other with my son, I can understand if you don't like him. But I hope, When you came to Gu Mansion, you went there with your heart. I will help anyone who can help you. Today, Jiusi went to Chunfenglou. This is the first conflict between you and him. How you choose and do today is the marriage of the two of you. The road ahead. How you plan to do it, you can tell me."

Liu Yuru was shaking when she heard this.


On the first day of the wedding, he went to Chunfenglou! Where did he put her face? This is a joke to make her complete Yangzhou!

"Mrs. Gu said you would help me, so how can you help?"

"It depends how you want me to help?"

"If I want Madam to help me bring Gu Jiusi back at this moment, what about the severe punishment?"

"Yes." Jiang Rou didn't hesitate, Liu Yuru's lips trembled slightly, Jiang Rou looked up at her, "What else?"

"Mrs. Gu," Liu Yuru said hoarsely, "This is your son, I don't understand you helping me like this."

"Yuru," Jiang Rou raised her hand and tucked her hair behind her ear, "As I said, I want to get married, not revenge. Jiusi is wrong on this matter, I will not be biased. Help, since the Gu Mansion has made you a young lady, no matter what happens, whether it is wrong or wrong, or cheating on the marriage, if your girl is brought to my house, I will do my best to make this marriage go in a good place. There will always be troubles in our life, the only thing we can do is to go to a good place when we meet.”

"In fact, to be honest, from my selfish point of view, if you marry into the Gu family, it will only be better than the Ye family, not worse. As long as you are willing to live a good life. I and your father-in-law have a personality. Generosity, you don’t need to have any rules. I can teach you if you want to manage mid-feeder, do business, and study in the future. Jiusi’s temperament, if he doesn’t stop you, he will never take a concubine, and the backyard will be stable. And his character Chunliang, he will go to Chunfenglou after getting married. First, he doesn't know your situation. He only thinks you and his father conspire to deceive him. Second, he wants to trouble his father, but he doesn't understand your pain. But you just tell him He will take the responsibility for your suffering and find a way for you."

"Don't categorically deny this marriage," Jiang Rou said indifferently, "At least try to understand what kind of person Jiusi is."

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