Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 1059: : The Land of Hope


The Queen's Building in the Gold Rush New District.

It turned out that this was a base for the Whip of the Far East, but after it was captured by Fox, all parties regarded it as Fox’s trophy. Even if the small Eric and Josiah who fully accepted the legacy of the Whip of the Far East had their There has never been any objection to attribution.

After more than three months of urgent construction work, the sub-base was transformed into the Queen's Building owned by Fox.

Official documents also prove this in law.

Boss Xu is absolutely personal.

I heard that Fox was founded.

He immediately pushed forward the plan.

Establish the "Dream City", the capital of Dongshan and Fox after the founding of the nation, as sister cities.

Although Fox's country is still some deserted islands in tropical or frigid zones, let alone cities, there is no shadow of villages, but it does not prevent Xu Donghai from establishing diplomatic relations with Fox at the official level.

The magnificent main hall of the Queen's Building is holding a grand and lively evening party.

The theme of the party.

It is to celebrate the establishment of Fox’s Kingdom of Hope.

In Dongshan City of the Mother Dragon Kingdom, celebrating the founding of the Kingdom of Hope in the Pacific and Atlantic Islands is not trivial at all. On the contrary, preparations and implementations in all aspects are quite formal. During the day, the official figures of Dongshan Xu Donghai and Zhong Zhihui, the military representative Zhao Xin of the Taohua'ao base, the representative Xia of the Institute of Life Sciences, and the most eye-catching representative of the Star of Hope Yu Tongtong attended the testimony.

As for the representatives of the major forces, there are even more.

Philip of the Devout Order (Dark Temple), Jonathan, Remiga, and others attended the event. The Legion of Eden and one of its enemies, the Anglican Church, also sent representatives, and the Gorse dynasty that Fox had previously rebelled did not count. The Duchess Mary was sent to participate in the testimony.

The Eastern European League, the Teutonic Knights, the Knights Templar and the Venice Boat Club, the Nordic Viking Storm, the Black Swordsmen, etc., as long as all members in Dongshan attend.

Even the Lighthouse Nation sent more than a dozen representatives to attend, not including Eric and Josiah and their permanent representatives of the Mayflower Group in Dongshan.

Powers large and small.

All were solemnly dispatched representatives to participate.

Only the famous force on the Europa continent has long been weakened, but still has the golden flag of flames without knowing it. These Flanstans continue to bury their heads in ostriches with mysterious confidence and refuse to recognize the country established by Fox. .

There is only their family on the entire blue planet, who dare to make such a bullish behavior.

According to their conclusions.

The country of hope that Fox has just established is suspected of racial discrimination, which runs counter to the freedom of the people.

Therefore, they refused to recognize the country established by the legacy of feudalism.

For this statement, Fox naturally sneered.

Who cares about a group of Fransans who have been thoroughly brainwashed by the White Left Mother... Do they think that the perfume capital of today is still the perfume capital of the past? Do they think that the so-called hardship of arson and arson by taking in millions of people pretendingly means the real freedom~you and the people~zhu? That was a brain-dead move made by disgusting politicians to canvass votes! It is the people at the bottom who pay for the politicians! Of course, some of the brainwashed brains are enjoying the so-called hardship to their heart's content, crying and crying to forgive them, and even the great ones even organize their bodies to condole these so-called hardships~~~Min, through gratuitous Selling meat for the so-called hardship that the hormones will never go down in a 24-hour outbreak~~~ the people can enjoy!

Uh... this is their freedom!

But Fox obviously would not agree with the brain-dead behavior of the White Left Mother, let alone hope that such disgusting people would appear in his newly established country.

A simple, solemn and solemn enthronement ceremony.

Many media giants based in Dongshan broadcast the whole process, and the live of Fox's founding was known to the world for the first time.

After Fox dressed up and sat on the "golden chair" symbolizing the Queen's seat, the Mother Dragon Kingdom recognized this hopeful country at the first time. Fox took the initiative to establish diplomatic relations with the Mother Dragon Kingdom. Afterwards, the two sides also signed more than one hundred diplomatic relations. After the project.

According to the plan.

Up to three years.

Fox can get a country more beautiful than a fairy tale castle.

However, she has enough money to splurge, not to mention that the Mother Dragon Kingdom currently comes up with a more economical design plan, even if it is ten times more gorgeous, she has no pressure on the abundance of the treasury. Because of the special nature of Fox, the country of hope, countless rich Westerners are vying to join her country of hope. The most worrying thing for Fox in the future is the issue of money.

The day's founding ceremony has ended, but the carnival party has just begun.

When everyone is drinking a little bit.

The chief female officer takes the stage.

Ring the golden bell.

Ding Ding Ding...

Everyone put aside the hot chat for a while and turned their heads to look on the stage.

Fox has already taken off her gorgeous queen costume. At this time, she is wearing the same attire as her usual party attire, except for a small and exquisite diamond crown on top of her head.

There was a burst of applause.

People don’t care what they think in their hearts, but they are politely welcome.

No one would be so rude and refuse to applaud the host of the party, and no one would want to be hated by a queen who is not so broad-minded.

"Welcome, all guests, welcome to my founding ceremony and carnival party! Of course, I also welcome my people, I want to congratulate you very much, because you have a very beautiful and very reliable Queen!" Fox Station Before the microphone, she announced her first speech: "Don't laugh, it is true! I will not compare with a certain queen who is on standby for a long time. Let you search for queens, princesses and princesses in the world, and you will find me It’s the best one, and I also believe in your eyes, otherwise you won’t gather by my side..."

Fox said so, whistles all around for a while.

There was a wave of applause.

Some people even booed and shouted long live the queen.

When the people in the hall were a little quieter, Fox reached out and took false control: "I will try my best to give you opportunities if you want to flatter me. Don't worry. As for showing love to me, I will also consider establishing a knighthood for certain people. Satisfy their desire to protect the Queen! As for those who want to be the Queen’s husband? Hey, has anyone ever thought about it?"

"We don't want to die!" Griffon raised her voice while drunk, and replied: "Your Majesty, you can ask Lord Celestial God, only he has the ability to overwhelm you!"

"A good idea!" Fox smiled, and the following was full of laughter.

Everyone knows the horror of this **** queen.

To be the queen's husband?

Don't think too much!

It is impossible for a lion to marry a mouse!

Besides, this one is not only a lion, she may be a flying dragon among women, or even a giant dragon...

"Many of the guests here are my friends. Wait a minute, some people suspect that I have no friends at all. This is really sad. How can a **** queen of Fox have no friends? Although the name of the **** queen is terrible, my friend is me. There are still some, and a lot! Okay, okay, I admit that I don’t have too many friends, but it’s okay. I just have to have a certain friend. This friend... Everyone knows, I’m not here. Say his name!"

Everyone at the party immediately showed a knowing smile when they heard it.


If Fox has a bad relationship with that ‘friend’, then ninety-nine percent of the people at the party will not show up.

Everyone knows why everyone is here. Is it possible to follow a beautiful and powerful queen?

"This friend has a good relationship with me. I have always wanted to go further with him!" Fox shrugged and spread his hands: "What are you laughing at? Can't the queen tell the truth?"

"Hahaha..." There was a lot of laughter in the hall, and no one didn't know what this further meant.

"But my opponent is too strong, don't look at me as a female vampire who is rumored to eat at least five baby hearts a day, but I really have no chance of winning against me! Because my first opponent is the squad leader! I think no one of you does not know her. If you had the right to vote, who would you vote for? Griffin, who would you vote for?"

"Your Majesty, I will remain neutral, I will abstain!"

"Jonathan, how about you?"

"I also abstained!"

"Okay! Look, even my most loyal people, they still abstained at the party celebration on the first day of the founding of the nation. You can know how strong my opponent is! At the same time, I I also know that if it weren't for the enthronement party, this vote would definitely have been for the squad leader!"


"I'm serious, I want to say, I won't give up!"


"The land of hope created by Fox is now just a few deserted islands. There is nothing on it. There are not many beasts and weeds. Why are there more than 10,000 people joining? Why are there more than 100,000 people after I refused. I still insist on continuing even if I wait in line? Because the country I built is the country of hope! It is really the country of hope! Maybe five thousand years later, later generations will give me the name of Fox’s Ark and say me A large ship was built, a small number of people were loaded in, and then survived after the catastrophe... You laughed happily, but I think you should also know what kind of situation Europa is now... I have already made some of the Virgins of Baizuo so disgusting that they can't describe their behavior in words. If we want to continue, I think Europa will be more terrible disaster than the flood! What can I do? Rebuttal? People have long believed that I am a female vampire who **** human blood! So I want to leave that harsh environment and do something within my power!"

"Your Majesty, that's great, we support you!"

"It won’t be too late for me to praise you! Don’t worry, you have a whole night, if you feel it’s not enough, you can still spend three days and three nights on my ass. Anyway, the topic of my ascension is a hot topic during this time , You might still be Dongshan's internet celebrities!"


"What does Fox have in his hands? You can brag about the establishment of a country of hope? I think many people who don't understand the truth will ask! Why doesn't Griffin build a country of griffins, and Fox can build a country of hope? Isn’t Griffin the first iron of his idol, Lord Tenjin? Why do I have this ability and Griffin doesn’t even have the courage? Griffin, can you tell me the answer?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! I am not a king from head to toe. I am qualified to be the leader of the Knights. Your Majesty, you can think about it!"

"As a candidate for the knight leader, you have no tacit understanding. How can I give you such an important position?"

"Then how should I answer?"

"Just say that I am destined to be a queen!"


"Furthermore, I have been destined to become the emperor since I was born!"


"Don't laugh, everyone. In the Middle Ages, it was such a ritual. The enthronement of a king or a queen was granted by the gods. If not, then set up a religious branch and then grant it! I disdain to do this. Yes, I disdain. Only a certain friend supports me, so I can ignore all the things in the world that I think are customary! I don’t need divine teaching, because the man who supports me is the man who is closest to God in the world. I don’t know what will happen to him in the future, at least Today, I think so, he is the **** who walks in the mortal world...Why do I have the confidence to build a country of hope? Because I have the youth medicine that can restore youth and restore the faded appearance in my hand. Beauty and vitality potions, there are strengthening potions that can make ordinary people stronger and can easily exceed the limits of mortals, and there are genetic potions that can make people reborn and go on an extraordinary path! In addition to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~I There are many more things, these are my confidence! These are my hopes!"

"Long live Her Majesty!"

"It's very loud, I already understand your eagerness to get these things!"


"It's not shameful at all, no one does not want to live longer, no one does not want to be more beautiful! This is human nature, on the contrary, those brain-dead behaviors that send X to the door are not human nature, it is disgusting I will never accept the kind of people who have been brainwashed or simply have no brains to join my country of hope. I will not allow that kind of people to drag down and destroy the home of hope that I have worked so hard to build!"

"it is good!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you publicly, if you want to get all kinds of medicines in my hand, then give your efforts! Let me see your sincerity, let me see your performance... You actually have to cherish this kind of opportunity. Because I have decided that the upper limit of the country of hope is one million people, no matter how much, I can't manage it. Therefore, before more partners join the competition, you have to show your performance to impress me... As for the return For those who have not joined, you have to pay more before I will consider you! Potion is not infinite supply. You must understand this. In fact, it is extremely precious. I don’t want you to mistakenly think that it can be easily obtained! Finally, this It’s a beautiful night to the throne. I don’t want to pour too much cold water on you anymore. You are all smart people. You know what I want to say, and you know what to do in the future, so enjoy yourself. You are already on the ark of hope. Now! Let us drink together, the fire of hope will begin to ignite tonight..."

"Long live the queen!"

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