Long Live Summons

Chapter 1308: : [Booming, the appearance of the eyeballs]

Outside the ladder passage.

Bloody altar.

The double-headed dragon of the Tianlong family and the fascinating 10,000-bone cake are still there, and the five of the nine heads have not left.

Even the wild boar demon and the black bear demon, which are extremely weak in the presence of soy sauce, are quietly standing behind the man, without saying a word. They have self-knowledge. In this battle, no matter whether the first think tank of the Central Shrine wins in the East, or the miracle boy of the Tongtian Tower, Yue Taitan reverses the overall situation, it is not the ending they can influence and criticize.

The only thing they have to do is to wait quietly.

Waiting for results.

Then follow the final winner.

Because the East has promised to everyone, the people left behind, as long as they don't pay for the Tongtian Tower Warrior, then everyone can get the share of the treasures in the ruins of the gods. No one is willing to reject this kind of almost sky-falling benefit before the East has not destroyed it. In the process of fighting between the East and the Yuetaitan, as long as you stand by, you can get a profit and divide it into a victory. This is simply the most relaxed and comfortable interest in the history of the heavens. It will also be the heaven. The most difficult opportunity in the history of a thousand years.

"The East has won." The sect of the sacred sacred ancestor has gradually smashed up and restored the arrogance of the original gods. This is because the dragon has left, and no one has stepped on his head. Above: "There have been magic dragons supporting the waist, and Yue Titan's kid has the possibility of recovery. I didn't expect that the dragon's **** was still not hot, so the idea of ​​the unparalleled emperor was taken away."

"Hey. The big dragon is definitely not lost." The man with a sly face immediately retorted.

He has already admired the extreme for the bearded man of the dragon.

The idea of ​​the unparalleled emperor just flashed.

Lead the dragon.

Originally he also wanted to catch up.

But the speed of the dragon is too fast, and one thought is thousands of miles away. The moment I have penetrated the unknown space, it is incredible, he has to stay, continue to wait here.

And before the magic dragon left, he also handed him a task, waiting for Yue Yang's return.

It is the special solemnity of the dragon.

Only then did he have to stay.

"Haha, I am not questioning the dragon, but it is only two things to look at. I have to see who the opponent is. But that is the unparalleled emperor! Most importantly, the dragon should just leave the seal with the help of Yue Titan. Soon, the combat power has not recovered to the best peak state, so I think this battle..." The massacre of the gods, smugly half of the words half, but the meaning of the rest. Everyone can understand.

"Even if this is the case, the Big Dragon will never lose." The only one in the audience who has confidence in the Dragon, it is estimated that only the man is alone.

What is the existence of the unparalleled emperor?

There is only the same horrible dragon.

Change to someone else?

Everyone’s heart will not make any comparison at all.

The devil's power is not under the unparalleled emperor's peerlessness, but he has just returned from the seal and has not recovered to its peak. How to resist the unparalleled emperor? Even if you can barely level it, you can't win it! The most important thing is that until now, the Temple of the Supreme God, which has not appeared yet, will attack the magic dragon at the most dangerous moment.

This possibility.

No one can guarantee!

The unparalleled emperor and the imperial court of the Imperial Palace. This is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Even the dragon in the peak state may not be able to resist. Not to mention that he has not recovered to the peak at this time and hastily rushed to support him.

Tongtian Tower, the biggest chess dragon, the most unparalleled emperor to give up, what kind of cards can Yue Taitan still have? There are not a few real powerhouses in the Tongtian Tower. It is estimated that the Yue Titan, who is alone in the battle, will soon let the gods of the Central Temple, such as the East, the Invincible, the Undefeated, and the Immobile Supreme, be overwhelmed by the sea tactics. Until the top is extinguished.

The sky suddenly dropped a few beams of light.

There is a golden color, a bright color like blood, a dark green, and the last one is thick like ink.

After the glory of the glory, four uninvited guests descended on the **** altar, standing in front of the Tianlong, Jiutou and the black horror.

For the first time, it is a beautiful man who is handsome and handsome. Wearing a white cotton gown, wearing a high crown, decorated with pearls and wearing a beautiful jade, if his forehead has a little "Tianzhifu" that represents the special symbol of the gods, it can be seen that its strength is outstanding, then it is really doubtful that the coming is Not a wise man who is full of learning, or a poet who is eager to export.

Seeing the gaze around him, the man also politely surrounded the ceremony.

The sound of elegance is like a song: "Zizi Tuyu, I have seen you in the upper class, I have seen uncles, and today I am not in a hurry with my friends. It is the life of my father. I have to." ”

Then, he raised his hand in a hurry and pointed to the two behind him. He said: "After Tu Yu, a friend is a long-distance acquaintance when he travels in the heavens. The ancient Qiang strong, since ancient times, 蜚蠊The family has always been the backbone and pride of the Zerg. Another friend, the strongest of the Zerg, the burial tiger of the scabbard family, although the age is slightly less than that of the Yi people, the scabbard family is the strong family of the Zerg, Your predecessors have also heard about this."

He introduced two Zerg powerhouses.

One is covered in dark green, and the worm must have a spine on the back, and the inside of the eyelids is flashing.

Although it is not a god, but the natural racial talent coupled with a horrible poison, it does not allow any contempt for life.

Another insect body covered with thick steel plate, the strange zerg rune above, like a star spot on it, do not look, also know that this person's defense is excellent, I am afraid that the idle attack is difficult to shake.

Of course, this zerg strongman who sees red-hot eyes and spurs the blood of the blood is obviously not a defense.

The barbed spines on his arms, as well as the sickle-like giant blade that bends from the elbows and the knees of the legs and knees, shows that the strongman who is called the burial tiger seems to be more talented in the attack. More powerful. Even if you stand straight, you can't stand still. But anyone who sees him has an illusion that he can't tell, and there is a suspicion that he can't help himself. It seems that this burial tiger will rush to launch an unstoppable storm and open his mouth in any part of his body. Taking advantage of the fangs of the teeth... This guy is more dangerous than the cockroach that is poisonous!

At first glance, the Tianlong and Jiutou people exchanged their judgments with their eyes.

And it's exactly the same. No objection.

"In addition, standing there is my dear brother Tu Yan!" Tuyu, who is handsome and handsome, raised his hand to introduce the last man.

"It’s just that the slain raped my mother to give birth to a hybrid. I am a rock, how to be the name of your brother." The black warrior who had been silent since falling down, suddenly turned negative, and his tone was decided. It’s not like a brother, it’s a bit like an enemy who hates revenge.

"The younger brother is still young, rebellious, and Yu Yute apologizes in this generation. I also hope that the seniors will forgive me." Tu Yu, who is handsome and handsome, seems to have not heard it. Also polite and courteous.

For the arrival of these four people.

The Tianlong people’s double-headed ancient ang and the fascinating Wan Gushuang and others are in doubt.

Even the nine heads of the family have whispered, and there are many private discussions. It seems that there are new considerations for the future.

The massacre of God, but Wan Yue, was very happy. The arrival of two nephews and two zerg powerhouses. What does it mean? It means that his life is most proud of him. He is also the brother of the biggest reliance on the heavens in the sky. A harbinger that will appear in this battlefield. As long as the big brother appears, then don't say that these weak chicken-like Tianlong and black horror celestial warriors, even if there is a nine-headed family with the demon emperor behind, it is not necessarily able to gain the upper hand.

"Big brother has decided to come? Hey, really, killing chickens with a knife, as long as I have enough to kill, the big brother does not have to work hard!" The nose of the sacred **** Tu Wan has now risen to the top of his head, directly Look at the dragon, the black horror and the nine heads and three strong people with the nostrils.

"My father did intend to come, but there may be something else. I will temporarily let Xiaoxi come first and say hello to your predecessors on behalf of him." But Yu is not modest, still modest, polite and polite.

"Okay, okay, haha!" Tu Wan laughed like a thunder, and a burst of ecstasy filled his heart.

"But there is more than a few ants, and I dare to speak out madly. It’s really a laugh!" The man estimated that he didn’t know what he was afraid of in his life. Now he dares to taunt, and he is the only one.

"You are so bold!" The red-eyed burial tiger was furious.

His body is murderous.

If it is not blocked by Tu Yu, I am afraid that it has already been rushed to kill.

The man looked at him without looking at him. The tail finger imitated the arrogant gesture of the dragon. He licked his ears: "There is a kind of you to come up and try, or you can't recognize your mother, even if this grandfather is kind." The tiger was very angry and almost did not blow up the lungs. He bypassed the dissuaded Tu Yu, but fortunately he was blocked by the first step of the massacre, but he would fight with the man.

The massacre of God Tu Wan felt that this breath can actually be temporarily tolerated. After all, this guy stood behind the entire Eastern Yaozu, or the younger brother of the Dragon.

In case the dragon is not dead, it will definitely be the first time for this kid.

There is no good result in urging such a person.


This kid is a poison tongue.

If you pretend, don't pay attention to him, then this kid will not take the initiative to attack, so, he is just to fight, but to fight, but in the middle of his tricks. Although in the heavens and the world, there is also the prestige of the big brother ‘Tian Tu Shen Tu Shi’, but it is still very unwise to provoke the extreme demon of the Oriental Yaozu, let alone a magic dragon.

To fight this kid, at least wait for the dragon to defeat, it is best to die... Of course, in the end, this possibility is not great, even if it is the unparalleled emperor and the Temple of the Supreme Tianyu, the possibility of completely killing the dragon Not big.

"The Lord of the East has not come yet, in the end when to wait!" Tu Wan is now a little itchy, I hope to come to the Tongtian Tower camp to practice the hands, venting the depression and suffocation before being dragged under the feet. He can play the Tianlong people now, and he can also teach the black horrors, but under the circumstance, he still bears it down. Because of that, it is easy for the five people of the nine heads to misunderstand, in case they think they want to go to war in full, and finally lead out Behind the demon emperor, it will run counter to the direction of the overall situation.

It is best not to do this kind of brainwork that is very wrong.


Even if the eldest brother comes, he can't keep himself.

At the moment when Tuwan was a pseudo-god, he was a little uneasy. Suddenly, the entrance to the ladder, the passage of the blood-colored altar, spewed a gust of wind.

In an instant, the world is discolored, the wind is raging, the clouds are gathering, and an indescribable strong momentum. The volcanic eruption erupts from the passage of the passage. In the blink of an eye, the entire White River Valley has been swept.

Thousands of golden snakes danced from the sky, and they burst into flames and deafening.

A few dragon rolls, rumbling violently.

Want to swallow the land.

Within the core of the powerful black shadow, suddenly there are thousands of kinds of colored light bloom, and it is even more violent to pierce the sky.

Just as Tu Wan and others saw the soul and invigorate the spirit of the gods, there was another burst of heroic music that sounded like blood and boiling. It seemed like a mountain and a skyrocketing, and it was like the unparalleled warrior.斩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , It is absolutely heroic and unparalleled who is the super-martial of the adversary, otherwise, it is impossible to have such a powerful and powerful!

Is it that the person who came to the East has always been jealous of the three families, Yue Taitan?

Looking at the shadow of the field that simply brightened the eye.


They all screamed, and couldn’t help but swallowed a little bit of spit.


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