LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 529 527: Beat him!

Just now, Kled of Doinb in the middle used skillful skills to push a large wave of soldiers into BDD's defense tower. Now it was too late for Peanut to turn back and go back to RW's Sharpbill camp.

If Little Peanut dares to go to the Sharpbill camp closest to the middle, he is likely to be caught by Kled who comes to support, and BDD cannot support him in place, and he will be beaten and flash out when the time comes.

As a last resort, Peanut could only counter a group of stone beetles, and after killing the wild monsters, he rushed to collect the river crabs.

But in this way, Xiaofu is equivalent to replacing Khan's first blood with a group of wild monsters.

At the same time, the position of the troops on the top lane was quite poor, and they were still stuck in front of the Aguang Tower. Without the help of his teammates, Khan did not dare to take the ice at all, for fear that he would make a big circle and catch the top lane again.

"This position of Binxuan..." Jin Gong's words still smelled like barbecue, "The captain is too comfortable, isn't he?"

As the captain's professional player, he knows very well how good this position is for Gangplank in the early laning.

As long as the line is stuck in front of the tower, and the captain slowly develops with last hits, it will be much easier to face Jace when he is equipped.

Xiaofu used a gambling Gank to establish an advantage for top laner Aguang. In this way, KZ coach Hiari's plan before the game to use the strong point Khan to break through came to nothing!

Flawless hadn't seen Little Peanut for a long time, and he could roughly guess that the opponent's jungle route was from top to bottom. The upper half of the area had most likely been wiped out, so he simply didn't invade. After defeating the river crabs on the top road, he returned to the city. Go and defend your own wild area.

"The two elders Xuanming and Ming are not having a good time in the bottom lane. The power of this red BUFF Death Song is quite powerful!"

Su Cheng and her roommate looked up at the screen while nibbling crispy chicken wings.

Asura is indeed unreasonable. The red BUFF adds a slowing effect to Death Song's basic attack. If you are stuck by him, the subsequent Q [Desolation] will be quite difficult to avoid if you do not use displacement and acceleration skills.

The Rat King tried to use Lucian to slide forward to exchange blood. The prophet's Karma decisively set E [Inspire] to Death Song, and then kept moving on the flank to seduce.

Karma’s characteristics are brought into full play by him. The Prophet’s hard assist operation is really average, but the soft assist is stronger. Heroes like Feng Nu, Lulu and Karma can continuously exchange blood and consume during the laning period. , he can torture the opponent to death.

In short, prophets are good at pulling strings.

The Rat King moved forward and launched a set of combos, and the Morgana magic shield he was wearing was instantly penetrated by the Prophet's Q [Inner Flame]. Asura's basic attack followed the slowdown of W [Wall of Pain], and he scored two Q's. The skill reduced Lucian's health volume by more than 30%.

"It's not right for Pray to leave now, or even if he doesn't leave!" The doll's voice was high-pitched and loud, "He has no displacement skills. If he retreats now, he will be chased and beaten by Death Song!"

The two elders, Xuanming and Ming, had no problem judging the situation, so they simply bit the bullet and fought to the end.

Fortunately, Death Song did not carry a healing spell, so the odds of winning in a duel were not high. Asura did not dare to bet on whether Lucian's next skill cooldown could improve before he died, so he simply chose to retreat.

The health volume of both sides has been reduced to about 1/3, and the auxiliary health volume is slightly more.

"KZ is really tricked," Su Cheng said with a smile, "Death Song waits for a while, the red BUFF plus the blood regeneration from the blood bottle will last until about five and a half minutes..."

Si Jiayan stared at the side and didn't know why. Her brain didn't support her thinking of the reason for Su Cheng's words, so she could only continue to eat chicken.

The two teams then entered a period of development, mainly because the jungler at the starting point of the rhythm did not take the initiative to initiate offense.

The two heroes, Pig Girl and Scorpion, are typical qualitative changes to level up to level 6. Both Xiaofu and Peanut want to grab level 6 first.

When the time came to the five and a half minutes that Su Cheng said, Asura took down a wave of soldiers under the tower and took the support to the stone beetle camp before the ninth wave of artillery soldiers arrived.

With one punishment, the originally critical blood volume was instantly replenished!

Punishment's current recovery amount is 70+10% of maximum health, and Asura's health instantly increased by nearly 150 points.

Xiaofu happened to come here, and his teammates' punishment helped him fight the wild monsters in disguise.

The cooperation is quite tacit. It seems that RW has practiced for a long time before, otherwise he would not be so proficient.

The atmosphere in the LCK lounge was solemn.

Everyone was staring at the TV screen.

"Axi...isn't this punishment too annoying?" The rat king's voice echoed in the room, "It keeps restoring blood!"

Obviously, he also noticed Asura's little moves.

This kind of play method of leaving the line to use wild monsters to restore blood is very unethical in Pray's opinion.

"I can't consume the Death Song, so I have to go back to the city to make a vampire scepter later!"

It can be heard that the Rat King is slightly irritable.

Although the Morgana that Grella chose in this game also has protective capabilities, it cannot provide him with recovery. It will be difficult for him to recover and replenish his health when his blood volume is low.

"Let's do it, let's do it. The pace of this game is very slow. I estimate that the laning period will last for 15 minutes. It will last a long time if you make it." Dad is responsible for calming the mentality of his teammates.

The basic attributes provided by the Vampire Scepter are quite average, and only life stealing is more attractive.

If the laning period is very short, you will suffer a huge loss if you use the Vampire Scepter first - because after entering the middle of the game, both sides are changing lines to develop or advance as a team, and the frequency of blood exchanges is relatively low, making it difficult to reflect the blood-sucking effect. attribute value.

Fortunately, both junglers in this game are herbivorous, and Khan's top lane has not yet established an advantage. The situation seems to be stalemate, and it is expected to drag on for a long time.

The Rat King was convinced. With little health, he quickly pushed forward the wave of artillery troops and returned to the city to replenish equipment.

Lucian, who made the Vampire Scepter, has significantly improved his ability to rely on lane. Now that the bottom lane and lane are reversed, Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming dare to frequently trade faces.

Anyway, it is difficult for RW Death Song and Karma to kill people in one set. Rat King relies on the life stealing effect to restore the health bar little by little.

Seeing that the status of Asura and Prophet was gradually lowered, while the operation of Xuanming and Ming was still elegant, the atmosphere in the LCK lounge finally relaxed a little.

Mata was very confident, "Let me just say, this punishment death song is just a rubbish routine..."

The words have not yet fallen.

After pushing the middle line of troops, Doinb came to the center of the lower river channel, and then decisively launched his ultimate move!

The timid lizard Skaar, bolstered by Kled's fierce fighting spirit, rushed towards the bottom lane at a fast pace!

And Xiaofu, a pig girl who had just been promoted to level 6, dashed into the Xiaolong Pit and used the directional acceleration belt left by Kled to increase his movement speed by a full 950 points!

Sejuani and Kled rushed over like two speeding armored vehicles!

RW’s signature four-for-two package!

"There's no way to fight!" Little Peanut shouted, "I'll withdraw first!"

The situation is not right, retreat quickly.

He also just reached level 6 not long ago, and he wanted to come to the bottom lane to kill Killer with Flash + R. He didn't expect RW to do it so quickly, and Kled also roped in Zhu Mei to join him in the bottom lane.

Even if Jess and Icebird were teleported down in KZ, it would be useless. These two heroes were fine in positional combat, but Doinb had already charged up, and they would die if they came down.

When Little Peanut saw this, he immediately sold out.

"Sell me and you can leave!" The Rat King knew that the other party's target must be him. He pressed too far forward and almost took his hands off the keyboard. There was no chance of him surviving when the other party rushed towards him.

The Prophet cooperated with his teammates to beat Pray to the lowest level of health, and then the RE group accelerated, allowing Kled and Zhumei to continue chasing!

Asura opened E [Pollution] and followed up with a basic attack. After successfully killing Lu Xian, he successfully reached level 6!

"Kill them all, don't let them live!" Asura's restless roar echoed in the LPL lounge.

There was a roar in the sky, and the captain who was far away on the road activated R [Cannon Barrage] to cover KZ's retreat!

Kled moved forward with the help of E [Contest], and at the same time threw Q [Zipline Bear Trap], trying to keep Morgana.

Although Grella turned around and used Q [Dark Imprisonment] to control Doinb, he was still chased by Pig Girl and Karma, and they slowly controlled him after breaking the magic shield with a series of skills.

Dad quickly used his flash to escape the second-stage pullback range of Kled's zipline bear trap, but the prophet also flashed to pursue him!

After the golden light flashed, Karma's spiritual chain trapped Morgana in place!

The heads of everyone in KZ lit up with deep purple light, and Karsus was singing a requiem!

"Look at me!" The husband spoke half-baked Chinese, leaning forward and throwing R [Ice Cold Prison] at the little peanut who was escaping in the distance!

Although Peanut has already retreated to the tower, if he is frozen, Kled and Zhumei's subsequent control and output can also take him away.

Not to mention the damage caused by Death Song's ultimate move, he handed over Flash Escape without thinking.

Requiem fell, and Death Song successfully took Morgana's head!


The roar in the RW team's voice blended with the wave of celebration in the LPL lounge, and it sounded extremely harmonious!

"RW's execution was so strong. The midfielders and junglers gathered together and rushed to the bottom lane in an instant." Miller, who was standing on the commentary desk, couldn't control the turbulence in his heart. Crucial flash!”

The audience in the Dalian Central Gymnasium was even more excited. Although there are only a small number of RW supporters among the LPL fans who came to watch the game today, everyone is cheering for them now!

They even received as much applause and cheers as YM!

【Classic four packs of two! 】

[RW looks too much like YM]

[Hahaha, little Peanut runs so fast, he couldn’t have learned it from ancestor Seven]

[Little peanut? Little brush student! 】

[There was so much noise throughout the whole place, and there was no sound at all. It was quite strong to escape.]

[This scorpion smells like 7, it’s really heaven-defying]

There was no sound in the KZ team's voice again.

If it weren't for the wrong situation, Ucal would have wanted to ask Riot employees if the signal was out.

Mata closed her eyes tightly and sighed.

On the TV screen, Kled and Karma were dismantling the road defense towers, while Death Song and Piggy, two heroes who were very slow in dismantling towers, were invading the KZ jungle.

The freshly baked blue BUFF was collected by Asura!

This indicates that in the next two minutes, Death Song's mana will be quite sufficient, allowing him to boldly cast skills.

BDD is going to have a hard time.

Icebird's ability to push the line after level 6 is indeed very strong, but it must be supported by mana!

Without blue BUFF, how can Icebird push the line?

BDD under the camera could also foresee the embarrassing scene he would face next. He pursed his lips and puffed up his face, looking very unhappy.

When he is unhappy, Doinb feels comfortable.

After making Tiamat, Kled's ability to push lanes has reached a new level.

Traditional mid laners like Lin Ran and Guan Hu are very proficient in long hands and long hands, and long hands and short hands, but Doinb took a different approach and created a path of his own.

That is to use the short hand to beat the long hand.

It sounds like a compulsory subject for top laners who are tortured by ADC, but Doinb has carried forward this skill in the middle lane, and the gameplay is completely different from that of top laners.

He uses short hands such as Kled and Crocodile to play mid lane, not only to resist pressure in the line, but also to be stable and aggressive.

As long as the opponent player makes a wave of mistakes and is caught by him, Doinb will immediately push the lane to put pressure on other lanes and the jungle, and use multiple controls and a thick body to cooperate with the tower.

While Lin Ran was sitting in the lounge watching the game with other players, he was also trying to figure out Doinb's style of play and wanted to see if he could steal a few tricks from his teacher. He was quite modest in this regard, not because of his good results and strength. , I think my playing style is the best.

As the saying goes, if you are full, you will suffer losses, but if you are modest, you will benefit. Lin Ran has always been modest.

Since God's perspective does not always focus on a single player, Lin Ran did not see several of Doinb's laning shots.

But through a few scenes, he also saw that he and doinb had completely different understandings of roaming support.

When he was roaming crazily, he would use heroes whose skill mechanisms were very suitable for roaming to provide support, such as characters such as Enchantress and Rock Bird.

But Doinb is different. This guy likes to use heroes that are easy to jump over towers to fight roaming. The most typical ones are Kled, who can be used to resist tower aggro, and Crocodile, who can attack towers with no solution.

On the line, the focus is also different.

He exerts huge pressure on the opposing mid laner through line management, blood volume exchange and personal operation. Sometimes he can even kill the opponent in the lane. His playing style is sharp and fierce.

Doinb, on the other hand, is an experienced player. In most cases, he relies on his game understanding and positioning to trade health for the opponent's mana. In this regard, he has shown a talent that is different from ordinary people.

When the opponent couldn't push the lane quickly, he started to roam the sidelines to support, and this also complemented doinb's own hero pool. After all, Kled had mounts, and Crocodile had R [Ultimate Dominance] and Q [Tyrant Strike]. Reply Their abilities are quite strong, and it doesn't matter if they get beaten badly in the early game, they can always make up for it.

Lin Ran's brain was spinning rapidly, summarizing while watching the game.

Although the two have different play styles, they still achieve the same goal by different routes.

"Do you think... can RW win?" Guo Hao, who was sitting next to Lin Ran, suddenly interrupted his thoughts. Manager Guo was in a nervous mood, looking at the TV screen with a bit of nervousness.

Just now, Little Peanut activated Predator to bypass the back, passed through the triangular grass in the bottom lane and went straight to the RW duo. R [Crystal Stinger] hooked the prophet who did not flash. After suppressing and dragging out the Rat King, he He used a set of skills to kill him in an instant, followed the trend to chase and kill the crouching Xiaofu, and then controlled a small dragon.

In just a few seconds, KZ regained its disadvantage again.

It can only be said that KZ is worthy of being the LCK Spring Split champion, and they are really good at controlling the early rhythm.

Lin Ran shook his head and did not dare to give a definite answer.

BDD's Ice Bird is still developing. Although there is no blue BUFF, the Tears of the Goddess and Mana Flow Tie are barely usable. Although the push speed is not fast, the number of last hits is still ahead by a certain margin.

The division of labor in KZ's lineup is quite clear. In the early and mid-term, it relies on the two strong points of Lucian and Jayce to support it until Icebird exerts its power. At that time, R [Glacier Storm] can be placed in front of the formation, and the rest of the team can just shoot wildly from behind.

RW's lineup seems to be very effective in rushing, but in fact it is easy to get out of touch. The two main outputs of Captain and Death Song lack the ability to move. Once Doinb starts a team, it will be a bad thing if his teammates can't keep up.

Xiaoyao quickly understood the meaning of what Hongmi had said before - the punishment death song was chosen to deny his jungler a way to survive.

Asura eats the stone beetles after finishing the bottom lane. If he has time, he can even eat the F6. The entire lower half area is left with a set of red buffs for Xiaofu.

"Are they really just locusts in the wild?" Garlic Bastard was really scared, "Are you helping Flawless with his hunger strike?"

Every 150 seconds, Death Song will harvest 200 gold coins from the two groups of jungle camps, and with punishment, he clears the jungle very quickly. A few Q and E [Contamination] can easily clean out all the mobs.

This little peanut was stunned.

Every time he invaded the RW jungle area, he never gained anything. The enemy's dead song card would eat up the wild monsters as soon as they were refreshed, leaving nothing for himself.

However, this did not prevent them from expanding their advantage. Lucian and Jayce reached their strong periods one after another. KZ played steadily and gradually eroded RW's vision, while not stopping the pace of plundering neutral resources.

At 17 minutes, Doinb used his ultimate move from the side to rush into the formation, and combined with Aguang's long-range R [Canon Barrage] and Death Song Requiem, he successfully played a wave of 3 for 3.

Death Song, who was ahead of his time, had already made equipment with Fu Neng Echo Jungle Knife + Zhonya's Hourglass + Magic Shoes, which dealt quite a lot of damage.

However, BDD still did not die. He used an ice wall to block Doinb's entry in the team battle, gaining a crucial two seconds of output space for his back row, so that he could tie with RW.

At the 24th minute, Doinb, who did not believe in evil, launched another charge, focusing his fire on the ice bird.

But this time they couldn't even do a 3-for-3. BDD used the stopwatch to successfully avoid the damage from Death Song's ultimate move. The surviving Ice Bird dealt a devastating blow to the RW formation.

Three for one.

Aguang and Xiaofu survived, while the rest of his teammates were killed.

"Fortunately, fortunately Xiaohua is dead..." Letme breathed a sigh of relief.

If peanut survives, KZ will definitely open the baron in this wave, and it will be very difficult for RW to make a comeback.

"We can't charge head-on, the ice bird's restriction ability is too strong..." Lin Ran could hear doinb's exchange with his teammates, "I have to use teleportation to go around and hit a wave. Mouse, will you come with me then?"

"Okay, my equipment is pretty good now." Aguang agreed happily. He didn't participate much in the few team battles just now. He just missed a big move. He was developing very well on the sideline. Now the number of last hits has exceeded Time, the equipment of three-phase power + bloody hand + cloth armor shoes + serrated dagger is also quite good.

"Asura, keep eating wild monsters, don't stop, make a hat first!" The prophet's signal was marked in his wild camp.

Xiaofu is very sensible. He doesn't eat wild monsters at all, and just squats in the shadows to gain experience in the line of soldiers, so as to keep his level from being dropped too much by the little peanuts.

In 26 minutes, the last hit of the pig girl he operated just exceeded 100, and it has not changed for a long time.

He gave up all his finances to his teammates, and he only needed to start a group.

After KZ initially grasped the advantage, they began to arrange their vision near the Dalong Pit, hoping to trick RW into starting a team.

However, RW was not fooled, so they hid in their own jungle area and used the vision modification to explore the dragon pit. KZ tried to activate the dragon, but the two ultimate moves of the Captain and Death Song reduced their HP a lot, and they had to give up.

They didn't dare to rush Baron Nash forcibly. You must know that RW has two punishments in hand, and the kill line at the same time is much higher than that of Little Peanut. If they do it rashly, it will give them a chance.

But RW's disadvantage is visible to the naked eye, which makes the atmosphere in the LPL lounge a little heavy.

Jack was already quietly packing up his keyboard, getting ready to go out and put out the fire in the fifth inning.

"Now RW has no way to fight in a head-to-head battle. Pig Girl's frankness is not very high. She will be disabled after being attacked by Rat King Lucian in one round." I can see the current dilemma RW is facing. "If you want to fight, you have to let it go." Kled teleports around the back and cuts directly into the back row...but now the disadvantage is a bit big, the prophet and the husband can't have a clear vision!"

The shortcomings of soft assistants are fully exposed.

The prophet has a fragile body and no control skills. If the prophet goes out to control the eye position, he will die if he is caught.

If the ward position can't be moved out, where will Kled go?

The situation remained deadlocked until 36 minutes. The head ratio between the two sides was 11:17, and the economic gap was 5K.

The tenacious RW was not crushed no matter what.

However, in the eyes of many viewers, RW's defeat is just a matter of time.

BDD still has zero deaths so far, and he has fully played his role as the mainstay. No enemy can get past the ice wall and glacial storm he created.

The LCK fans at the scene spared no effort to cheer for their spring champion KZ!

[RW can’t hold on, forget it, let YM come on and clear the stage]

[You are talking about NM, RW is still supporting you to surrender first? 】

[It's a pity, it's a pretty good fight, but there are too many problems with the lineup]

[If you don’t choose Death Song and choose Kai’Sa who can cooperate with the battle, wouldn’t this game be better? 】

[Then your jungle area will explode in the early stage. Death Song will not be able to defend the red BUFF without punishment, and Little Peanut will start raising pigs]

Seeing this, Si Jiayan felt like her heart was hanging in mid-air, and any disturbance in the Summoner's Rift made her tremble with fear.

"Do you think RW still has a chance?"

Her current level is much better than "Why economic leadership has advantages", but it is not up to the level of reading competitions.

"I think..." Su Cheng hesitated, and finally said: "I think there is more."

"RW is dragging out a teamfight that will allow doinb to successfully bypass the enemy."

"The ancient dragon is going to be refreshed?"

"...One and a half minutes left."

"Come on, come on, I'm wearing a stick, I can try to open it once."

In the RW team's voice, everyone's communication is still positive and effective, and is not affected by the high pressure given by KZ.

"I made a real eye in the triangular grass on the bottom lane... I can only go so far. It's easy to get caught if you go further." The prophet took a deep breath to adjust his condition.

He knew that no matter whether he won or lost, it would be the last wave of team battles.

Lin Ran and others waiting backstage were also very nervous.

Uzi wrung his hands together, looked at the TV screen and muttered to himself, as if he was about to punish KZ.

"KZ replenishes its equipment and heads to the Xiaolong Pit with its true eyes. The ancient dragon is the neutral resource that has the most exaggerated improvement in the team's combat effectiveness in the later stage. There is no reason to give up!"

Little Peanut took the magic shield given by Grella and stood at the front to get a line of sight.

Inside the dragon pit, in the river grass...

The position above the Dragon Pit near the RW jungle area has also been inserted with eye positions.

For a time, Xiaolongkeng was lit up by KZ.

Except for the triangular grass in the bottom lane.

Strictly speaking, this is RW's jungle area. KZ just sent a group back to the city to replenish equipment, and the field of view was very serious. Now they don't dare to send a group in, so they simply set their sights in the grass where their bottom lane connects with the river. .

The ancient dragon finally arrived. It looked around wildly, hovering in the sky for a moment before landing in the dragon pit, threatening the little heroes in the distance.

"KZ occupies a good geographical location. They took the lead and wanted to force RW to come and challenge!"

This is the moment Doinb has been waiting for.

"I TP, I TP, I TP!"

He said important things three times, and while he roared loudly, the blue rotating light transmitted by him lit up in the triangular grass on the lower road!

"Let's go frontal!" Aguang and three other teammates rushed toward the dragon pit from a position near the middle.

"Go, go, go!" Doinb's voice was full of passion!

At this moment, tens of thousands of people were holding their breath and the two competition area lounges were silent.

Everyone is waiting for the result of this wave of team battles.

The captain fired a shot into the air, and the R [Cannon Barrage] fell instantly, including everyone in KZ near the dragon pit!

Prophet RE enabled group acceleration for teammates around him, and everyone rushed towards the KZ formation non-stop!

Kled's figure appeared in the triangular grass.

The next moment, the war song was heard in Lyon on Summoner's Rift!

Kled and Skaar, with endless fighting spirit, rushed towards the back row of KZ with lightning speed!

This is a carefully planned layout by RW.

Both sides of the ancient dragon regiment will engage in battle. Originally, it would be difficult for the Kled to advance head-on, but the structure near the river is open to the left and right.

As long as RW heads down the river from the middle of the canyon, in order to guard against the front Captain and Death Song, KZ can only let the front row stand up, while Lucian and Ice Bird stick to the bottom, away from the RW front characters.

In this way, RW took advantage of this and created a perfect back position for Doinb!

As long as he teleports to the lower triangle grass and Kled rushes out, he can attack Icebird and Lucian!

"Kled is here!" The baby's voice was a little hoarse from explaining the game for too long, but he was still full of passion!

"Doinb targets Pray!"

Kled kicked him up, and the bear trap was attached to Lucian!

"The Rat King flashes, Kled and E charge forward again!"

The audience in the stands has gone crazy, with screams and cheers resounding from the dome!

BDD's Ice Bird also wanted to use an ice wall to stop Kled, but doinb kept sticking to the Rat King's side. If the ice wall was cast improperly, it might block the Rat King's escape path!

During this moment of hesitation, Kled adjusted his position by flashing so that both Ice Bird and Lu Xi were in front of him!

Basic attack!

Giant Hydra!

The two swords struck Lucian with damage, and then hit the ice bird through splash!

At 36 minutes, Kled approached the magic weapon. With these two swords, KZ's double C's health was cut to 40%!

Riding on horseback and holding a spear to defeat thousands of armies!

"The death song is turned up!"

A purple beam of light lit up above the heads of the five KZ people.

This is the soulful elegy from Karthus.

The requiem echoes in the canyon!

"Khan still wanted to retreat to protect the back row, but Xiaofu and Aguang clung to him!"

BDD saw that the Requiem above his head was about to explode, so he had to activate Zhonya's hourglass to avoid damage.

The Rat King did not have such equipment, and he watched helplessly as his health bar was emptied!

"BDD, this Zhonya is just waiting to die!" The doll was so excited that she almost jumped up, "The captain used a double barrel combo and flashed Q [Gunfire Negotiation] to kill Jace!"

"No one in KZ can survive!"

"The ice bird eggs were also beaten out by Kled!"

The three commentators screamed at the top of their lungs!

The audience at the scene set off a roaring carnival!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the team battle is now decided!

This Kled came in from an incredible angle, and together with the output of his teammates, he came back against the wind and destroyed KZ!

"Hit his balls, hit his balls!"

"Don't let him live!"

"The egg is broken!"

The moment Ice Bird was killed, the ice-cold sound of the team's destruction reached the ears of every spectator at the Dalian Central Gymnasium!

"Beautiful!!!" Doinb was as excited as a monkey jumping up and down.

"Can it be one wave? Can it be one wave..." Aguang turned on the repeater mode and kept repeating this sentence.

"Wave after wave!" Asura's face turned as red as a Uzi, as if he had successfully prayed to the gods.

"Bottom lane, go from the bottom lane, there is a wave of troops!" The prophet no longer looked quiet and calm, and loudly ordered his teammates!

"I***" the husband shouted in excitement.

However, no one in the LPL lounge cared much. The airtight room was extremely agitated and everyone was in a panic!

"Well done!" Veins popped out on Mala Xiangguo's slender neck.

Guo Hao opened the door with a bang.

Needless to say, dozens of people from the three teams, including the coaching staff and staff, all rushed out and rushed to the main stage!

In the Summoner's Rift, RW pushed forward along the high ground in the bottom lane!

At 37 minutes and 22 seconds, the KZ base was destroyed!

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