LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 399 397: Control Variables

While Lin Ran was reading the information, Hongmi also filled her stomach and pushed the door into the training room.

"Stop after this Rank game. Hongmi has something to say!" Jiang Chenglu conveyed the coach's order to each player in turn, and then ran to the live broadcast room to find Jin Gong.

Half an hour later, everyone in the YM training department gathered together and sat around the monitor connected to the central coach.

"The German Cup is just a practice event. To be honest, I didn't expect that we could win the championship..."

Hongmi's words made several YM contestants laugh. The Shiba Inu, who was getting fatter and fatter, laughed so hard that his mouth was crooked.

He is not the kind of person who rejoices in misfortune, but when he thinks of the German Cup, iboy's Ezreal who jumped into the dragon pit and was sprayed to death by the dragon comes to mind.

He just couldn't control his urge to laugh.

"Now before the new season starts," Hongmi adjusted his glasses, "there are some things that need to be discussed in advance."

He suppressed his smile and said, "I'm here to partner with you..."

Jiang Chenglu paused, making sure that Hongmi used partner rather than coach, and then translated it accurately.

"There is only one goal," Hongmi glanced at everyone, "World Championship Champion."

"The rest of the mid-season, spring and summer championships, etc. are all ranked behind the World Championship in importance. I hope you can understand."

None of the YM players raised any objections. They also knew very well what it meant to win three consecutive S tournaments.

In comparison, all other championship trophies are incomparable.

Guo Hao spent five Lin Weixiang's money to hire a coaching staff. Naturally, he aimed at the Summoner's Trophy. He wanted the club to complete this unreachable achievement in the history of League of Legends.

"If you have any questions during the game, you can report it to me and the Gouba analyst." Hearing his name being mentioned, Gouba, who had been silent before, nodded.

"The coaching staff is there to solve problems for the players," Hongmi said with a very sincere attitude, "I hope we can always maintain good communication."

The newly hired Hongmi talked a lot, and then finally picked up the water glass and took a sip.

Gou Ba on the side showed an envious expression. He was introverted and taciturn, so he was not qualified as a coach. A position like an analyst, dealing with data, was more suitable for him.

However, the salary difference between these two positions is more than twice.

Cry, the wage gap is NT$1,000, how many pineapples can I buy?

Hongmi's speech came to an end, Gou Ba recovered his thoughts and distributed the Excel sheet he had printed earlier to everyone.

Then he clenched his hands into fists, poured a sip of water into his mouth, and adjusted his tone to make it sound as soothing as possible.

"I took advantage of the end of the German Cup to sort out the usage of all YM's pioneers since the S7 mid-season Rift Herald revision. Today we will mainly talk about tactics around this neutral resource..."

Several players and Hongmi looked down at the table. Next to the number of games was the usage percentage - 55% in the middle, 38% in the bottom lane, and 7% in the top lane.

7%, which means that when YM gets the Rift Herald, on average, in 1 out of 14 games, it will give the Herald to the top lane to help push the tower.

Very exaggerated data, Jin Gong's salary is estimated to be similar to that of EDG's top laner.

When the Xiba people saw this number, they immediately coughed twice, the sound was thick and heavy.

The little tortoise quickly shrank his head, and at the same time, he grabbed the floor with his slippers and pushed the gaming chair closer to Lin Ran.

"Protect, protect!" Xiaoyao not only protected her neck this time, she even hid the Tianling Cap in her collar.

"Xiaotian! Trash Xiaotian!" Jin Gong pretended to be angry, grabbed the garlic bastard and rubbed it. The air inside and outside the training room was filled with joy.

The corner of Gou Ba's mouth raised slightly. He waited until the team members had had enough trouble before continuing, "Although this data is quite extreme, the overall strategy of Su Cheng and Bai Yue Ya's stay was not wrong."

"Our unit is the absolute core of the team. Under normal circumstances, pouring resources into him is a very correct choice." When Gou Ba talked about content related to his job, he spoke much faster and his voice became smoother.

"Pioneer invests in the bottom lane, firstly because the ADC needs more resources when the game rhythm gradually enters the mid-term, and they can also give back to the team after gaining the economy..."

In the early stage, most ADCs are fragile and their output is not high. After entering the mid-term, although their bodies are still fragile, they at least have a certain output capability.

At this point in time, the ADC has transformed into the main force for pushing down towers. If you don't raise shooters, the defensive towers that can be pushed down by two waves of soldiers may not be destroyed, and you must wait for another wave of soldiers.

A wave of soldiers lasts for 30 seconds. If it is delayed for such a long time, no one knows what kind of variables it will cause.

"And if the vanguard is assigned to the bottom lane, it can also give priority to the support position," Gou Ba looked at everyone, "The strong point of YM is that the mid laner cooperates with the wild support. Once the three rhythm points are released, this game will be ten Eighty-nine have already been captured."

He felt that YM players should understand this point, but he explained it again just in case.

Seeing all the players nodding, Gou Ba finally felt relieved.

"The big strategy is okay, but the main thing is the detailed processing of each game of Canyon Pioneer. There are still some points that need to be strengthened..."

"For example, in this game," Gou Ba showed the video of the just-concluded German Cup final, "Xiaotian, after you successfully get the Canyon Pioneer by using the right of way in the middle, put it directly to the middle."

The garlic bastard who was named stretched his neck and leaned forward. Lin Ran also opened the glasses case and put on the gold-rimmed glasses he had just fitted.

"At this time, the middle tower has about 70% of its health remaining, and the Canyon Pioneer still has 30% left after being hit head-on." Gou Ba waved the laser pointer on the large monitor and circled a circle, "After that, Xiaotian, you and Lin Let's go to the jungle together and try to capture the position of EDG jungler Haro."

"But in this jungle invasion, the mid laner Scout still arrived on the battlefield in time," Gou Ba looked at Xiaotian, "This is an obvious mistake, you were too hasty."

"This pioneer should not just hit one end and complete its mission. It can definitely play more roles."

The Garlic Bastard nodded. He knew something was wrong with him this time. Although he cast Canyon Herald in the middle, he didn't put much pressure on Scout.

Because at the time point of just over 10 minutes, the first tower with 30% health is still strong. As long as there are no artillery soldiers, it will be difficult for the hero to destroy it.

Scout obviously knows this. He has no qualms about going to the jungle to support, and he is not worried about YM destroying his first tower.

"On the surface, this invasion of the jungle did not earn anything. The role of this vanguard can be said to be zero," Gou Ba said. "At this time, you can completely hold on to the vanguard and then go to the jungle to lead the rhythm. The opponent will fall into A dilemma.”

Xiaoyao held her chin and figured out what Gou Ba meant.

Invade the wild area first, and then wait for the scout to come to support the wild area, then summon the Rift Herald across the wall to force the opponent's first tower.

If Scout still dares to support at this time, the Vanguard and Lin Ran can completely level the defense tower. After all, it has good tankiness and can be used as a super soldier after defeating the defense tower.

If the opponent does not support, the jungle invasion goal is declared successful.

Hongmi took over the topic at this time, "And another mistake is that your team communication at this time did not reach the point."

He hit the nail on the head, "Xiaotian, after you use the middle lane rights to get the Canyon Pioneer, in addition to the most important middle lane, you must also pay attention to the lower lane rights."

"Can Liu Qingsong move at this time?" Hongmi pointed at the position of the bottom lane. "If you can move, you should take the initiative to roam in the middle at this time to help Xiaotian threaten the opponent's mid tower and jungle; if you can't move, The midfielder should help the bottom lane relieve the pressure on the troops, and then let Liu Qingsong roam with you."

"This Vanguard BUFF lasts for 4 minutes. As long as the jungler is not in a hurry to use it, it will make the opponent throw a rat weapon. We need to let it give us enough economic advantages."

"The bot lane gun lane at 10 minutes and 7 seconds is very important. We must operate the rhythm at this time. With one more person, we can put more pressure on the opponent..."

Hongmi's understanding of Canyon Pioneer was very advanced. Lin Ran wrote notes while listening, planning to go back and digest it slowly.

January 15, 2018, the opening day of the LPL Spring Split.

Shanghai Zhengda Plaza.

Today's opening game is naturally indispensable for YM. They gathered at the competition venue in the afternoon.

Shiba Inu pushed open the door and broke into the lounge, and immediately found his favorite gaming chair.

"Brothers, you haven't been here for 5 months, right?" He swung his backpack, kicked off his hind legs and shrank up.

After careful calculation, it is true that since the end of the LPL summer regular season in mid-August, YM has never been to Supermarket Plaza.

Playoffs, S7 World Championship, Demacia Cup...

After nearly half a year of going around in circles, they returned here with the glory of the double championship and once again started from scratch as a challenger.

As soon as Lin Ran took out his glasses case from his bag, Xiao Ming opened the door and came in.

"Hehehe, hehehehe..." Shi Senming couldn't help but exchange greetings when he saw his old teammates.

"What's going on?" Shi Senming and Gao Tianliang pinched each other's faces for a minute, then Shi Senming ran to Lin Ran and stared at the gold-rimmed glasses in his hand, "Are you short-sighted?"

"200 degrees, okay." Lin Ran put on his glasses and tried to overcome the discomfort.

Shi Senming pondered for two seconds, "...tell me honestly, did you play too much StarCraft in the offseason?"

"What's the matter? League of Legends is no longer challenging for you, right? You have to bring your talents to StarCraft?"

Lin Ran stretched out his palm as if to hit someone, but before he could touch Xiao Ming, he jumped up and took the glasses case away before leaving.

"Come after me. If you catch me, I will let you..." Shi Senming was like sprinting, running away in the blink of an eye.

The backstage was in chaos at this time, and Lin Ran didn't chase him anymore, he got up and went to get the disposable paper cup.

But there was no chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea option in the beverage machine, so Lin Ran could only go to the water boiler to pour a cup of hot water and make the tea himself.

"Eh? Brother Ran, what are you doing here?"

When Lin Ran heard the Northeastern accent, he knew it was Prince Ning. He turned around and said, "It's okay, let's make a cup of tea."

It's funny to say that after Ning Wang left YM, the relationship between the two grew by leaps and bounds and became closer. During the World Championships, Ning Wang even helped him pick out a pair of couple shoes in Wuhan.

Both of them knew very well that the dispute back then could only be explained by the different game concepts and team focus, and had nothing to do with their character. Now that they were playing for different clubs, this only point of conflict had disappeared.

Prince Ning glanced at the teacup and saw the red wolfberries floating on the water, and he instantly showed an unpredictable expression.

"I see……"

You know nothing, I’ll let you know everything.

Lin Ran put the lid away, "You guys are playing RNG at seven o'clock?"

"That's right," Prince Ning was a straight-thinking person, and Lin Ran successfully took away the topic, "But if Uzi doesn't come up, we will definitely win."

Uzi wanted to take advantage of the first half of the Spring Split before everyone started competing for points and rankings, and try to get his hands back to strength enough to support the playoffs.

The current leaked gossip is that Uzi will miss the four group round-robin games before the Spring Festival.

Lin Ran felt quite regretful when he heard the news at the time, because RNG was in a different group than them. When the round-robin competition started, Uzi had already rushed back, and it was expected to be another fierce battle.

Lin Ran patted Prince Ning on the shoulder. The two of them were similar in height and body shape. This gesture seemed quite brotherly.

If it weren't for the big difference in skin color, some people would believe them if they were brothers.

"Hit me hard," he said in a bold tone, "Kill Shi Senming 10 times!"

Take revenge for stealing the glasses case!

Prince Ning hesitated to speak, "Shi Senming is my dearest relative and friend, a brother and sister."

This was his best friend during the YM days. Every time he used Olaf's skin, he could see Shi Senming when he closed his eyes.

"I know, I need to pay more." Lin Ran understood Prince Ning's subtext, "As long as your BO3 can kill Shi Senming 10 times, I will give you a big red envelope during the Chinese New Year."

"No problem, I'll take care of it!" Prince Ning was assured, his eyes lit up and he patted his chest.

"I'm sorry!" Shi Senming's voice sounded outside the hot water room, "What do you two want to do?"

He and Midhu rushed in, and the four of them struggled with each other.

But Lin Ran and Gao Zhenning are both 1.8 meters tall, so pinching RNG's secondary support is as easy as pinching a chicken.

Lin Ran held Shi Senming's arms behind his back with his right hand, and successfully took out the glasses case from his trouser pocket with his left hand.

"If you have something to say, you have something to say..." Shi Senming regretted it very much now. He shouldn't have come in.

It would be great if Uzi was here. Uzi would probably be evenly matched with Lin Ran in the dormitory.

"Brother Ming, can you treat us to a late-night takeaway tonight?" Lin Ran threatened with a smile.

"Why don't you let Liu Qingsong invite you... Oh, oh, oh, please, please!" Shi Senming gave up.

"Good afternoon to all the viewers at the scene and in front of the screen!" Miller in the commentary box was full of energy. "Welcome back to Shanghai Super Brand Plaza after five months!"

The audience was very supportive, and cheers swept the entire venue.

Most of them are working and studying in Shanghai, and it is impossible for them to follow the team everywhere just to watch the game.

Since the World Championship, they have not had the opportunity to watch the game live. The only official game was the S7 semi-finals.

But at that time, Damai Shark went crazy and the audience couldn’t get tickets at all.

Now in 2018, they can finally come to watch the game live, so naturally they want to vent their inner passion.

Wawa took over the topic and began to read the advertiser's oral broadcast. Although he did not understand the game well, he was still qualified based on his commentary skills, and the oral broadcast was fluent and professional.

After reading the advertisement for Kaifeng Vegetable Wing Bucket, which was newly added this year, the doll finally stopped.

"Today's opening match is between YM and WE," Miller continued. "The two teams have no grudges. They were even comrades who jointly defended the honor of the LPL in this year's World Championship..."

"That's right, the biggest attraction is not the ten starting players," Wawa and his partner smiled at each other, "but the coach responsible for BP and tactical guidance."

"YM Redmi and WE White Crescent have changed teams and coaches this season. What kind of answer will they give to their old club in the opening game?"

I have to say that Tengjing is really good at arranging the schedule. There is no grudge match in the Eastern Division where YM is originally located. EDG just lost to YM in the German Cup half a month ago, so naturally they cannot let the two teams compete again in the opening game.

They just found the opening game gimmick from the remaining 5 teams.


Not only did they and YM exchange coaches, but even the starting players remained the same.

Hey, the control variable method is done!

Whoever loses will be embarrassed. When the time comes, fans will gossip about last year’s record. The loser won’t be whipped to death if he talks too much? When the coaching change fills the screen, won’t the traffic for the opening game come?

Tengjing knows what traffic is. For the sake of traffic, they have the heart to let Otto play the suona from downstairs.

It can be seen from every best lineup and annual award ceremony - they can always come up with something new for the audience. When the time comes, the audience will be noisy and they will have enough traffic.

The coaches of both sides were a little nervous in this opening game. In comparison, the pressure on Redmi was even greater.

If he loses, not only will the huge number of YM fans scold him on the forum, but 60E will also sneer at him for a while - he went to the championship team to hug him, but in the end he couldn't beat his old club. Are you angry?

Hongmi, who is from South Korea, is well aware of the power of trolls. He sized up the situation and even gave his mid laner a massage before the game.

Two hands squeezed the muscles connecting Lin Ran's neck and shoulders to relax him.

"You are the key to this game, remember..." Before the BP started, Hongmi was still imparting tips and tricks.

The footage captured this scene.

However, the audience did not focus on the masseuse Hongmi, and the gold-rimmed glasses captured all their attention.

【What's going on (Ruofeng limited edition.jpg)】

[Xiaohu stopped wearing glasses, you started again, right? 】

[Tactical eyepiece activated! 】

[Woooooooo, Ranbao, why are you nearsighted? 】

[But it does look handsome when wearing glasses, and it tastes different from the original one]

There are also a few barrages, I don’t know if they are real girls from the fandom or someone trying to cross-dress.

[Ah ah ah ah I can, I can! ! ! 】

Lin Ran didn't know the reaction to the barrage, so he stretched out his fingers to adjust his glasses.

Glancing at the WE crowd on the side, Lin Ran found that he was not the only one whose appearance had changed in the new year.

The brother-in-law dyed his hair yellow and looked like he was cosplaying Ezreal.

Lin Ran tilted his head to see if Kandi's dark circles had eased today, but the distance was too far to see clearly.

He could only look towards the auditorium in front.

Su Cheng, who was wearing a white down jacket and loose jeans, was sitting in the front row. When her boyfriend looked at her, he waved to her.

At this moment, Lin Ran's thoughts seemed to go back to two years ago.

It was the first game of his career at the Jing'an Sports Center. In the cold winter, Su Cheng was wearing a down jacket as white as snow to cheer him on.

"Brothers, come on for the new season!" Jin Gong's roar pulled Lin Ran back.

After receiving the referee's instruction to start the game, Jin Gong opened the room and entered BP!

"Ban the yellow chicken first." Today's version is the same as the German Cup. Redmi does not intend to select such a development hero for Lin Ran, nor does it want to give it to Xi Ye.

White Crescent Moon is forced to assume the ban position of Ornn on the red side. Uncle Sheep is still very popular among the top units, and no one dares to release this hero easily.

"YM's intention to ban Tahm Kench again is still very clear. It wants to restrict WE from choosing bottom lane protective heroes."

The LPL is a competition region that started late. During this period, Miller also looked at the regular drafts of several other major competition regions, and he has a good idea of ​​this.

Nowadays, hard support in the bottom lane is popular. The brainless and strong support led by Niutou and Sunshine Girl has allowed heroes with protective functions such as Braum, Thresh, and Tamm to return to the world.

Now the ecological environment of the bottom lane auxiliary position has returned to the S7 Summer Split.

White Crescent paced behind the players' bench, and finally chose to block Zoe.

Although after Zoe landed in the league, Lin Ran had no record of using him in the All-Star Game or the German Cup, but White Crescent has coached Lin Ran and naturally knows how powerful he is - there are powerful heroes in the version who can't use him.

Especially Zoe, can this hero still have a mid laner and know how to use it?

The previous decision not to select the German Cup was probably because Hongmi wanted to hide his skills. He would definitely not give YM such a strong and fast-paced role.

"Ban Ezreal," Hongmi glanced at the BP deduction recorded in his notebook, and roughly knew what he was doing, "We can grab the prince or Malzahar."

The white crescent moon began to press the spring of the pen holder again, and with the familiar clicking sound, his brain was spinning rapidly.

As the midfielder that is the key point in the early and mid-term rhythm, Malzahar and Prince are both strong choices in the current version.

And more importantly, these two heroes are difficult to encounter natural enemies in the professional arena, so they can be selected first.

White Crescent thought for two seconds. Being on the red side, his best solution to this situation was to release them all and then pick up the rest of the red rice.

He will definitely suffer a loss in the first choice position, but White Crescent intends to regain his position later on.

"WE sent Thresh to the ban position in the first round in order to limit the coordinated roaming of YM's midfielders and assistants!"

The first choice of Hongmi was to take the prince directly, and Xiao Wu was very happy.

He smiled quietly and looked at the golden helmet on Jarvan IV's head, feeling extremely safe.

"Lay down for this game, I'll show you the power of Irritating Wen!"

The YM players' seats were filled with laughter, while Miller on the commentary table stared at the hero selection box, "WE will take down Braum and Malzahar!"

"I have some ideas about picking these two hands together. Grasshopper is currently the most versatile mid laner, and he can't lag behind against mainstream heroes." He explained the choice of this hand.

"And Braum is currently the only protective support besides Tahm Kench and Thresh. He has good anti-tower penetration capabilities and is very strong in small-scale team battles. From this point of view alone, he has already restrained the rhythm of YM."

"What's more, Braum happens to be the natural enemy of the female gunner. WE grabs Braum first, and has to let YM lower the priority of the female gunner. They can even grab this version of the T1 shooter in the last position of the first round!"

Miller was still explaining, but Hongmi had already started to laugh.

This smile was so sinister that he couldn't help but snap his fingers.

Seduced Cheng Kun.

This broon is the bait that Hongmi put outside, and he is catching the big fish White Crescent Moon!

After all, only coaches who have reached the LPL average level will grab Braum in the second hand. If they encounter a real talent and don't play according to the routine, then all Redmi's previous arrangements will be in vain.

"Choose, choose, choose!" Hongmi patted Lin Ran on the shoulder with an excited tone.

"YM first gave Brother Gongzi a signature captain, a top lane hero who became popular again through [Omen of Stealing] and [Grasp of Immortality]..."

"Rambo?!" Wawa yelled, "The captain has chosen the top laner, but this is the choice of the mid laner!"

"Captain + Prince + Rambo..." Miller frowned, realizing that something was not right. "These three ultimate moves are a bit powerful when combined together."

The white crescent moon behind the player's seat felt a chill running up his spine and straight into his brain!

It's not difficult for mid laner Rambo to beat Malzahar. Q [Arson Feast] can ignore the passive membrane of grasshoppers and grill small bugs.

From pushing the lane to changing blood, Grasshopper was defeated in all aspects!

Moreover, YM's top midfielder is obviously aimed at WE's double C. There is no need to talk about short legs like grasshoppers; in the ADC's choice, Ezreal has been blocked, and the remaining female guns, Verus and Jhin are outside. , one counts as one, and all have no displacement.

The double C has no movement. Although Braun is a protective support, he can't block any of the three ultimate moves of the Prince, Captain and Rambo!

Red Rice released Braum, which was clearly a trap. It was of no use at all. It couldn't even limit the opponent's core skills!

what to do?

Bai Yueya thought hard and saw that the 30-second countdown to choose someone was about to end before confirming his choice.

"Shall I take Camille?" 957 doubted life.

He is better at dealing with Qinggang Shadow's top laner, rather than how to use it. He has only used Qinggang Shadow twice in his career, so he also wants to win?

"Take it." Bai Yueya said decisively.

He did his homework when he came to WE and believed that 957 was very similar to the Jin Gong type he had coached.

Both of them are top blue-collar players with quite good overall strength, but both were tactically abandoned by the team.

The difference is that Jin Gong prefers to use warrior-type heroes to resist pressure, such as Captain Sword Princess, etc. He can survive and develop online. The mid-to-late stage is his stage. Whether he is solo or in a group, he has room to play.

Although 957 has heroes such as Kled, Shen, and Prince to choose from, tanks are still used more frequently.

Bai Yueya wants to train 957 to be like Jin Gong, trying to create another YM template.

In the second round of BP, the bottom lane became the hardest hit area. White Crescent sent Luo and Niutou, Liu Qingsong's two unique skills, to the ban position; while Redmi banned the tower-defending strongman Verus and the female gun.

When the final lineup was determined, Bai Yueya himself was in a cold sweat.

Blue square YM: top laner Captain, jungle prince, mid laner Rambo, bottom lane Jhin + Leona.

Red side WE: top laner Qinggangying, jungler Mantis, mid laner Malzahar, bottom laner Lu Xia + Braum.

"Hiss..." Miller frowned, "WE's lineup has very short hands."

Even the dolls can tell that something is wrong. If WE, the five people, want to deal damage, they have to stand in YM’s face!

The key opponents are Captain and Rambo. These two play a short-handed lineup and have almost no pressure on their output.

Lin Ran subconsciously adjusted his glasses again. As Summoner's Rift loaded, he braced himself to face the challenges of the new year!

In fact, there are still some manuscripts saved, but it is difficult to divide them into chapters when publishing them all, so I will just put this chapter here...

Ps: This spring competition award selection is quite outrageous.

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