LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 234 232: I also want to play a big game of chess

Everyone in YM turned into big eaters tonight.

Not only is the food delicious, but also because there is another state banquet-level chef present.

Chef G2 on the screen of Lin Ran's mobile phone is being kneaded by SKT at will.

faker was obviously also annoyed by the whole game of perkz and G2. He kept his Sima face and frantically cut the screen throughout the game, as if he had never won.

Lee Sang Hyuk's Ryze actually made a reverse counter, hanging Ah P's Yasuo in the sky and hitting him with Seraph + Time Staff + Spell Penetration Rod, using Seraph's shield effect, he beat Yasuo hard to complete a single kill.

Lin Ran looked at Faker's gloomy face and suddenly felt that the S6 finals were nothing more than that.

In the early stage, G2 found nothing except two waves of opportunities from top laner Huni. The rest of the time, Xiaolong and other map resources fell into SKT's control.

They were full of flaws under SKT's intense pressure, and they were able to do all kinds of things at once.

In the mid-term dragon team battle, G2 grabbed the river view first and waited for SKT to get into their trap.

Everyone in SKT didn't want to give up on this little dragon. They teamed up and arrived as scheduled, but no one expected that G2 would actually stretch their hips.

Jungle Barrel burped his way into the crowd of SKT.

E flash hit empty!

Then G2ADC Verus flashed out from the shadows to use his ultimate move, and the chain of corruption actually passed through the gap between faker and bang!

The key is that Faker and Bang didn't react at all. Their movements were still as straight as before. Verus' ultimate move missed in this situation!

Lin Ran quickly took two bites of rice. The plump rice was soaked in the black-red braised pork soup. The grains were distinct, fragrant and tough.

The fat meat melts in your mouth, and the lean meat is soft, glutinous and fragrant.

Another bite of braised egg, delicate, smooth and moderately salty.

By the time Lin Ran had eaten two mouthfuls of food, the last wave of team battles had ended.

SKT played 1 for 4 and successfully took away Baron.

At this time, the live director gave a replay of the previous wave of team battles.

Looking at the camera from the lower right corner, when the barrel E flashed by, everyone in SKT was expressionless and calmly prepared for the team battle.

This was obviously what they expected.

But when Verus flashed out from the shadow corner and used his ultimate move, faker was obviously startled and his body trembled.

Lin Ran used a professional player's overall view of the whole scene and the clear picture quality of Blu-ray 10M to capture the faker's mouth shape in the lower right corner in a short time.

And based on the accumulated experience he had spent with Jin Gong day and night for a year and a half, he could identify what Lee Sang Hyuk was talking about.

Shiba bastard.


This is the final head count of this game.

It’s still Linglong Tower.

Lin Ran doesn't need to surf to know that G2 is absolutely washed up now.

The day before the group stage, he was so drunk that he tore up other people's team uniforms and threw them in the trash can. Then the next day, he was beaten up by two Linglong Towers, one of which still had zero kills.

If there was a team in China that did this, Lin Ran guarantees that this team would be disbanded after the MSI.

In terms of e-sports, Eastern audiences are indeed more demanding.

But this has nothing to do with him.

Lin Ranquan regarded this game as a way to make a living.

Taking the bus back to the InterContinental Hotel in Sao Paulo, Lin Ran said goodbye to his teammates at the elevator entrance, went to the tenth floor and walked along the corridor until he found room 1017.

Within two seconds of knocking on the door, Casa opened the door.

"You can come in and sit down wherever you want." He looked like he had just taken a shower, and his hair was wet and hadn't been dried yet. "I'll blow dry my hair."

In order to ensure equal treatment as much as possible, the hotel rooms booked by Riot Games for them are basically of the same specifications.

It's not too crowded, but it's definitely not roomy.

The InterContinental Hotel Sao Paulo is known as a five-star hotel, but in addition to its excellent location in the city center, the interior, catering, and service facilities are similar to those of domestic Hanting boutiques.

The hotel does not have slippers and toothpaste, the quality of shower gel and shampoo is also very average, the bed corners and chairs have varying degrees of wear...

Lin Ran took a general glance at Casa's room.

There is a laptop on the table, and the video of the LCK spring finals between SKT and KT is playing on it.

In front of the computer is a box of steaming Brazilian barbecue and a bowl of garlicky, oily rice with a little salt sprinkled on it.

It’s Brazilian at first glance.

Brazilians basically don't eat boiled white rice. They first sauté minced garlic until fragrant, then put the rice into a pot and stir-fry together. After it's out of the pot, they sprinkle a little salt on the rice to taste.

There was also a stack of folded paper documents piled on Casa's bed. Lin Ran could vaguely see the Summoner's Rift map among them. It looked like the focus of the field of view layout issued by the analyst.

Lin Ran prides himself on being upright, so naturally he won't pry into the Lightning Wolf's secrets.

He moved a chair and sat there to wait. Kasa Zhuo walked out of the bathroom, pulling on her slippers and holding a hair dryer in her hand.

Kasa glanced at his bed and took out his cell phone from the table.

"Are you confident to play SKT tomorrow?" Lin Ran exchanged contact information with Casa and asked casually.

"Yes," Casa said confidently, "If they don't use any black technology tomorrow and fight like they did today, then we will win."

Flash Wolf's claim to resist Han Qixia was not just nonsense, but was earned through bloody battles.

The S5 Flash Wolves double defeated the ROX Tigers' predecessor, the KOOTigers, in the group stage, and the S6MSI double defeated SKT in the group stage...

They were not worthy of the Korean team in the BO1 group stage.

Tomorrow the Flash Wolves and YM will face SKT. Lin Ran is very curious about how the Flash Wolves, who will play SKT first in the first half tomorrow, will win.

This may also have some inspiration for YM.

Kasa seemed to read his mind.

"Just wait and see tomorrow," Kasa took a pair of chopsticks from the side, "Do you still want to eat barbecue?"

"彳亍." Lin Ran was a little greedy when he saw the Brazilian barbecue, so he took a pair of disposable chopsticks and took a bite.

The barbecue is grilled until both sides are golden brown and the aroma is fragrant. The coarse salt melts and penetrates into the surface of the barbecue, and there is a fragrance of pine wood in the delicious and rough taste.

Kasa played the video on his laptop, then put rice in his mouth.

After taking a bite of the barbecue, Lin Ran put away his chopsticks and sat on a chair to drink water.

"Wow... look at this deft motorcycle." Kasa pointed at the screen and smiled, his eyes squinting together.

"It's really a la carte." Lin Ran nodded and made a fair comment. The deft team battle on the screen was wiped out by a precise barrage from Bang's EZ.

He planned to play a big game of chess like King Ning, and then reveal his true purpose after getting close to Kasa.

Poach people.

Now, since the transfer period has not yet begun, Casa's contract has not expired, and in addition to the global anti-poaching regulations promulgated by Riot Games - no club can privately provide employment to official players and coaches who have contractual relationships with other teams during the non-transfer period. .

He definitely can't open his mouth to poach now.

But when this year’s World Championship ends, the opportunity will come.

Lin Ran knew that Wolf King Casa was definitely not satisfied with being the boss in a weak competition like LMS.

Although they are guaranteed to be eliminated in the World Championship every year, given the overall strength of the LMS division, their participating teams will most likely go on a trip, and then the top 16 will go home obediently and issue a press release pointing to the next World Championship.

Now that we have settled the relationship, we will be able to recruit people with confidence and peace of mind when the time comes.

Of course, there is a high probability that even if he is poached, he will not stay in YM. Using Casa's strength to go to other LPL teams can also improve the competitiveness of the competition.

Either way it's a good thing.

The two of them laughed and laughed after watching the LCK Spring Finals, and Lin Ran just said goodbye and left.

He went back to the training room to play two games of ranked games, sent two messages to Su Cheng, then put on his eye mask to catch up on the jet lag.

On the second match day, YM’s first opponent in the first half was GAM, the big brother of Vietnam.

Lin Ran took out his mid laner Qinggang Ying, who had not been used for a long time. Although the Vietnamese had done research before the game, they still couldn't guard against this move.

The main reason is that Lin Ran's hero pool is too weird. He can basically use all mainstream and non-mainstream mid lane heroes. It is impossible for him to be restricted by the three ban positions in the first round.

This Qinggang Shadow was not used to gain a laning advantage. Lin Ran wanted to lead Xiaotian to defeat the Vietnamese commander Levi in ​​the jungle.

Levi is a rising star in recent years. Like his Vietnamese compatriot SOFM, Levi has outstanding personal strength and is in desperate need of resources to develop.

The other members of GAM are not strong enough, so this team typically relies on the wild father to play the game. The three routes revolve around the jungle. You can beat them, but if you touch his wild father, that will never work.

The deformed system makes GAM’s current jungle routes the same.

With the help of the mid laner, levi first eats the three wolves/sharp beaks, and at the same time, the duo helps him buff, so that after levi eats the wild monsters and gets promoted to 2, he can directly come over and take over the buffs from the duo.

Back and forth, his speed three time is 10 seconds faster than other junglers, and he can maintain his condition very well.

For a jungler, this is simply God's treatment.

Broilers, PDDs, and kids playing games with IG bosses are nothing more than that.

Levi will then take advantage of this time difference to counter-jungle, using the principle of trade-off to widen the gap with the opponent's jungler.

But this routine is obviously useless against YM.

Lin Ran couldn't get used to his shortcomings, so he upgraded to the second level and clicked E [Hook Rope], giving up a wave of troops to invade first to capture Levi.

Normally, although Lin Ran would be conjoined with Xiaotian, they would not be so crazy.

After all, the early wave of troops is very important for the mid laner.

But at this time YM's opponent is GAM.

As long as Levi is defeated, the opponent will not be able to make any waves.

Lin Ran's E flash E became more and more proficient. He crossed the wall and kicked the Vietnamese soldier from a long distance who was trying to run away. Xiaotian took advantage of Levi's dizziness to kick out the Tianyin wave, and followed up with his second Q.

Levi handed over the male gun and flashed away, but Xiaotian flashed and used the red BUFF to stick to him, chasing him all the way to death.

"GAM's midfielders are rushing to the jungle. They want to double-team YM's midfielder!" Wataba shouted, "Can Ran and Xiaotian leave quickly!"

"Instead, they want to turn around and eat GAM's red buff! This is too arrogant!"

"Give it to me." Lin Ran demanded. He lost a wave of soldiers and only received 200 gold coins for the first blood assist. To be honest, it was not a profit. This red BUFF was regarded as the interest he earned from helping the bastard.

Xiaotian handed over punishment to reduce the blood volume of the red buff, and then Lin Ran took it away with a kick.

Upon seeing this, GAM Shangzhong thought for a while and decided to calm down and retreat first.

They have already killed one of their members first, so they will definitely be at a numerical disadvantage in the first half of the battle, and now that YM's midfielder and jungler are all BUFFed, they can't win the battle at all!

Levi sent first blood and flash, and was also eaten by a set of BUFFs. The jungle fell into a collapse rhythm.

The garlic bastard began to bully others, using the first blood advantage he had obtained before to invade Levi's wild area, leading Lin Ran's Green Steel Shadow around.

The prophet also abandoned Jack and frequently went to the river and GAM wild areas to lay out his vision, hoping to completely block the position of the soldier commander.

"Why do I think YM is playing like GAM now?" Wawa joked with a smile.

"There must be a difference," Miller said seriously, "GAM gives all the resources to the jungler, while YM gives all the resources to the mid laner!"

At 17 minutes, the head ratio between the two sides was 7:2, and Xiaotian had a perfect team participation rate of 1/0/6. However, except for the first-blood heads, Lin Ran basically took away the rest of his economy.

Lin Ran and Xiaotian have a tacit understanding of the economic distribution. Lin Ran will be given as much of the capitation economy as possible, and the rest will be given to Xiaotian.

Because the blind monk only needs to get these matchup economic advantages in the early and mid-term, and adding a few more kills will not be good for the team.

In the pub game, there are frequent situations where the blind monk goes crazy on his own, and then fails to deal with the advantage in the team fight, and other teammates have no economy and cannot carry.

This kind of game is not uncommon in the professional arena.

It is better to convert these economies to the mid-term side with a bit of green steel shadow, which will make it easier to expand the advantage.

Lin Ran, who had taken 5 heads, made three items of Hydra mercury shoes luxury equipment in 17 minutes. In the mid-term, a kick with three outputs of real damage almost kicked GAM's Verus to death!

"YM showed us what a textbook-level jungle invasion is!" Miller couldn't help but shout loudly when he saw Lin Ran's exaggerated output. "They used the opponent's jungle to supplement their own economy, and a few C positions were eating away at the economy. The equipment is all ahead of GAM!”

"They are now going to tear down all the high ground in GAM. Then where else can levi go to eat wild area resources?"

Three minutes later, in the Baron offensive and defensive battle, GAM thought they had seized the opportunity and decisively broke up with Jack.

"You can't beat me to death! You can't beat me to death!" Jack said in a very arrogant tone, "Keep beating your dad if you can! Don't stop!"

"Jack is protected by Lulu's ultimate move, and he also has a mouthful of redemption. This amount of milk is amazing!" Miller watched as Jack's health dropped from full to being lifted up by the shield and the healing effect!

"GAM handed over a bunch of skills, but it didn't kill Jack!"

"How can we fight now? Ran's Qinggang Shadow has entered the field! R [Hex Ultimatum] combined with the output of the second stage Q [Precision Etiquette] directly knocked out Levi's male gun in seconds!"

GAM's only carry point was killed, and the remaining four were defeated and chased by everyone from YM!

In 22 minutes, the GAM base crystal was broken!

Levi's final record stayed at 2/5/0. A male spear was hit by Xiaotian's blind monk for two levels and +40 knives, which was terrible.

The only gratifying news is that levi maintained a 100% group participation rate. He used smoke bombs and big moves to kill two people. Just looking at KDA, it can be regarded as a best effort.

Lin Ran shook hands with his teammates and walked off the stage and went straight to the lounge to watch the next game.

Flash Wolves vs. SKT.

They were indeed prepared.

Flash Wolves eliminated Huni's good swordsman and Kennen, who had a strong version, and then moved the selection center to the top half, taking the top lane first in the first round.

According to common sense, in this version, since Xiaolong has not been weakened, the normal team BP is based on the four positions of the middle and jungle.

Except for heroes such as Kennen, Rambo, and Galio, who have great potential in river team battles, the rest of the top laners are not worth grabbing in the first round.

But SKT didn't know whether it was intentional or not, allowing Flash Wolves to get a lineup of top laner Murloc + jungler Lee Sin + mid laner Syndra, and then Faker chose Clockwork to deal with Syndra.

In Lin Ran's view, Mimi Egg is very suitable for top lane Meat Fish. It has good pressure resistance and has various escape methods. In addition, Meat Fish can bring ignition teleportation. It adds a summoner skill to the opponent on the road. How to calculate it? No disadvantage either.

If Mimi Dan still can't beat Huni's Rambo, I suggest you retire directly.

Mimidan, the top laner in the universe, resisted the pressure and called on the jungler to destroy Huni. Maple in the middle was so popular in the game that he actually suppressed Faker's clockwork.

Snake is also frequently wandering around to do things, targeting SKT's top, middle and jungle trio, just to restrict them to death.

Maple followed up and fought two waves of groups. After Syndra's equipment was replenished, she was in the air every second, and her output was explosive.

In the end, the Flash Wolves fought fiercely for 38 minutes and defeated SKT with a head ratio of 15:2!

(See this chapter for data graphs)

"The Flash Wolves are worthy of their title of anti-Korean heroes. They still maintained a very high winning rate against the Korean team!"

Lin Ran was sitting in the lounge, watching the Flash Wolves' play and SKT's response, frowning, feeling that things were not simple.

I've been in such bad shape these past two days - it's probably because Taobo's BO5 was overdrafted, and I didn't even have the energy to write.

I'll take a break and I'll make up for the less updated chapters tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.


Congratulations to G2, it was so neat. I originally thought this BO5 would not be so devastating.

However, the small score prediction was wrong. The author's prediction of the outcome of the four games was correct, and he collected a lot of station B coins.

The following are the predictions for the semi-finals - TES3:1SN, DWG3:2G2.

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