It's early in the morning in Shurima, the sun hasn't risen yet, the air is humid and the temperature is cold.

Luo Wen stretched out his hand and squeezed it gently, feeling moist on the palm of his hand. Luo Wen felt that if he left it for a long time, dew might form on his palm.

This place is too close to the sea, and it is also very close to Ixtar. That place is a tropical rain forest.

Turning his head, Rowan saw Kasha. She was coming out of the tent. Her face was red and her hair was messy.

Seeing Rowan, she subconsciously protected her chest.

Luo Wen couldn't handle this.

Although Kai'Sa's body looks scary, for Rowan, who had seen various hunting numbers on the Internet in his previous life, this is just a special reward!

It's like this kind of weird tights or something. Obviously nothing is exposed, but it feels like everything is exposed. It's not that great, okay?

And Kai'Sa's current covering action

By the way, if this skin is really just skin, does that mean Kaisha is not wearing clothes?

Why did pig-headed Rowan meet a naked big sister in Shurima?

"Kasha, did you not sleep well last night? I think you look very lackluster."

Rowan squatted in a corner, holding washing tools in his hand, a toothbrush in one hand and a cup in the other.

With magic, water resources are endless, so Rowan naturally brings tools to clean his teeth.

Although Demacia is closed, the nobles pay attention to etiquette and appearance. Of course, the tools for cleaning are still very complete, although they will not have a variety of cleaning tools like the two cities.

By the way, both cities have started using electricity, so the electric toothbrush should have been invented too, right? If it hadn't been invented, would it be possible to make money by going to Two Cities and making electric toothbrushes?

No. Do the Zaans really know how to brush their teeth? They have all modified themselves into that look. Their bodies have also been modified at will, not to mention their teeth. Without iron teeth, they are not authentic Zaans!

"What are you doing?" Kasha adjusted her hair, then walked to Rowan's side and asked.

"Brush your teeth," Rowan replied.

Just as he was talking, Lacus came out dressed neatly, but what made Rowan feel strange was that Lacus stretched out her right hand, looked at her right hand with a strange expression, and made a squeezing gesture.

Seeing this action, Rowan was a little confused, but Kasha bit her lip directly.

"I just happened to have a toothbrush ready, do you want it?" Rowan didn't know what Kasha was thinking. He walked to his backpack, took out an unopened toothbrush, and the toothpaste brought by Demacia, and handed it to her. Gave it to Kasha.

Kasha took it and asked curiously: "How to use this?"

"Just like this." Rowan bared his teeth at Kasha and brushed his front teeth. Under the white foam, Rowan's teeth did not look yellow.

Kasha put the toothbrush into her mouth hesitantly.

Although she knew that water was not valuable to Rowan and Lux, she always felt that using water like this was too luxurious.

But occasionally, be a little extravagant and treat yourself as a reward.

"Have you never brushed your teeth before?" Lux also took the toothbrush. She walked to Kasha and asked with a bulging mouth.

"Of course I did!" Kasha said immediately.

"Then how did you brush your teeth before?" Lux asked curiously.

Can your teeth be brushed clean without a toothbrush?

But looking at Kasha’s teeth, they are very white, healthy, and neat, and it doesn’t look like her front teeth are too big.

"Use wood, separate the wood with a knife, and dip it in salt or burnt ashes." Kasha muttered.

"Wood? Won't that hurt?"

"It will hurt, but there is nothing you can do about it. Teeth are very important. A healthy set of good teeth is the key to ensuring a long life." Kasha replied.

Rowan spit out the water and listened happily to the conversation between Kaisha and Lux.

In this extraordinary world, there are two extraordinary beings, a magician with amazing talent and a stranger who merges with the void. The content of their chat is so life-like.

How interesting this is!

After brushing their teeth, they had bread for breakfast, and the three of them drank juice.

After eating, the three of them also started to pack their luggage. Kasha had no luggage, but she helped Lux ​​pack the tent.

When everything was ready, the three of Rowan also set foot into the depths of Shurima.

At noon, the weather is visibly getting hotter. When you look up and look forward, you may even see double images in front of your eyes.

It's okay for Rowan and Kaisha. Their physiques are far beyond ordinary people and they no longer belong to the human category.

If you can endure this kind of weather, walking for three days and three nights is not a problem, let alone an afternoon.

But Lux was miserable. No matter how high her magic talent was and how much magic power she had, she was still a mortal body. In the hot weather, she couldn't walk long distances at all.

So, Rowan carried Lux ​​on his back and handed his luggage to Kaisha.

Holding Lux's pert little ass with both hands, Rowan walked with some excitement in his heart.

This was the first time he had such close contact with Lux.

Behind him, Lux's body was pressed against Rowan's back. It was soft and had a hint of fragrance. I don't know if it was the smell of the clothes or Lux's own fragrance, which stood out under the heat wave. , and what made Luo Wenjing even more uneasy was that Lux's hair would scratch his neck from time to time.


"We are not far from Rek'Sai's activity area. No, we may have already arrived at Rek'Sai's activity area. Recently, I haven't been able to determine the area where the void creatures are active."

Ka'Sa looked at the surrounding environment. She was a good tour guide. In this desert with no reference points, Ka'Sa could also find the direction very well.

"Do you need a rest?" Lux said on Rowan's back.

She propped up her body with both hands, as if she was riding Rowan, and looked forward.

"are you tired?"

"I'm not tired, I'm afraid you are tired." Lux replied.

"Then I can still leave." Rowan said immediately.

Kasha was carrying her luggage behind and was speechless listening to the conversation.

Why does it always feel weird to follow these two people?

Obviously they were going to do something very dangerous, but these two people had no sense of crisis at all, which made Kasha feel very distressed.

Just as she was thinking this, Kasha's white ears suddenly moved, and then, she appeared in front of Rowan with a breath.

The speed was so fast that Rowan was stunned for a moment.

"do not move."

Rowan immediately stopped.

Kasha slowly leaned over, lying on the ground slowly, and put her ear against the hot sand.

Lux covered her mouth and nose and held her breath, while Rowan also looked at Kaisha quietly.

Then, Kasha stood up suddenly.


She shouted loudly, and the purple pods on her shoulders unfolded at the same time, blooming like bones. A terrifying purple light was brewing in them. As Kaisha stretched out her hand, a huge purple light bomb suddenly shot into the ground.


The ground was blasted open, sand and dust flew up, and Rowan jumped up with Lux on his back. His jump was a full seven meters away, and Kaisha appeared in front of Rowan in a flash.

"Cluck da da da"

Accompanied by an unpleasant and harsh roar, a huge and terrifying head appeared in the quicksand around the pit.

It has a head as big as a cow, without eyes, and the mouth organ takes up 70% of the head. The ferocious mouthparts are opened, and the fangs like knives are broken, revealing purple blood.

Kaisha stretched out her hands seriously, ready to attack.

Rowan also tightened his arms.

He remembered Sivir's words.

When void creatures find one, they will find a group. They always appear in groups.

Because of this, Rowan was going to tell Lux to let her hug him tightly so that he could move easily.

But before he could speak, he felt a chill behind him. At this moment, Rowan felt a chill down his spine.

A kind of fear arose in Rowan's heart.

"Ultimate Flash!"

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