Duo Jie and the others were confused by what Luo Wen said, but Luo Wen did not explain it to Duo Jie and the others.

Because Rowan's mood at the moment is extremely complicated.

Rowan put Duojie down, and she picked up her sword while holding her belly. Marais and Bu Shi followed. The group looked at each other in confusion, and finally, they all chose to follow Rowan.

After all, Rowan is also a Demacian. Although he doesn't look like it, Rowan said Lance's name, so in this situation, they have no choice at all.

Yes, they are not afraid of death, but if they can survive, then of course they are willing to live.

What's more, they have to bring back the intelligence they have detected. The situation of the Noxian war in the north is not what Demacia thought at all. What happened to the Noxians in the north has resulted in For Demacia, it can even be described as relaxed?

The combat power of the Freljordians exceeded the imagination of the Demacia people. The Noxian army went to the Freljord. First of all, it is a big problem to overcome the local environment, so let alone Talking about the strength of the Freljord tribe, it is said that the Winter's Wrath tribe even imprisoned the generals of Noxus, but the leader of the tribe did not take action at all. Her men alone successfully defeated Noxus. Sri Lankan people.

Therefore, Demacia does not have to worry that Noxus will go around the border to attack the northern part of Demacia after defeating the Freljord, because the Noxians simply cannot do this!

Bringing this information back, on the one hand, can reduce the existing pressure, and on the other hand, it can prevent the Freljord people in the future, because compared to Noxus, Dojie and others believe that the Freljord people are more threatening .

Because of this, they want to live.

Carrying the only belongings they had with them, everyone walked naked in the night.

It was still dark at this time, and I followed Rowan's footsteps and walked in the macro stone forest. On this road, Rowan walked silently in front of him, his pace was unhurried and unhurried. He gave Marais and his group the feeling , as if he were walking in the back garden of his home.

However, the situation of Duo Jie and others is different, especially the facial expressions. Duo Jie is the captain of this team, but the expression on her face also changed from surprise to shock, then to complexity, and finally, Duo Jie Jie's attitude toward Luo Wen changed dramatically. She looked at Luo Wen's back in front of her, with a hint of fanaticism in her eyes.

At this moment, Duojie finally understood what Luo Wen meant - "They are no longer here."

Yes, the Noxian army that surrounded and suppressed them is no longer around!

"How many people did he kill?"

Marais swallowed, looked at Rowan's back in front of him, and couldn't help but whisper.

"It's hard to say. I counted more than 150 corpses along the way. We have almost encountered more than 150 corpses. He is definitely not an ordinary sword captain. Even the fearless pioneers don't have this strength." Lily covered her side with her hands. On his cheek, with only one eye exposed, he looked at Rowan's back with complicated eyes and replied.

Against the enemy Noxians, the six of them formed a formation to defend against the enemy. They could also deal with no less than thirty or forty Noxians at the same time, but it would never be like this. The corpses were crowded together, and there were even traces of battle around them. No.

As a reconnaissance force, their ability to observe the site is very strong, and therefore, they can tell that this is an assassination.

But here comes the problem

What kind of assassination could kill 150 people without being discovered?

Are all Noxians blind and deaf?

of course not!

So, how is this done?

Could the Dauntless Vanguard's shield captain be able to do such a thing?

After thinking about it, Lily thought it was impossible.

She believes in the combat power of the Fearless Vanguard Shield Commander Knight, because if she wants to join the Fearless Vanguard, the first thing she must do is to be able to fight one against a hundred.

Not to mention that the shield commander is the best among the fearless vanguards, and the Noxians who surrounded them are all soldiers. In the face of absolute strength, no matter how many soldiers there are, it will be useless, because the number of ants is If there are too many, can it still kill the beast?

But can the men of the Fearless Vanguard achieve this level of assassination?

This night, a few of them were crowded together, but they didn't hear a single sound. Thinking about it now, if Duo Jie could find him, it must be because of the sound he made deliberately?

Thinking of this, Lily couldn't help but think with some fear. Fortunately, the armor on their bodies proved their identities. Otherwise, would they have been killed by this guy as a Noxian?

"Well—damn damn Demacians."

While walking through a jungle, Marais, who had strong hearing, suddenly heard a small sound. Then, he turned around and saw the body of a Noxian moving behind him where he had just walked.

As if he had woken up, he raised his head in pain, with unwillingness and hatred on his face. He stared at Marais and the group of people with scarlet eyes, and continued with all his strength: "You, you can't win, you can't win. of!"

"We will win, Noxus will definitely win, and His Majesty Darkwill will avenge us!"

The Noxian crawled forward with difficulty, and in front, Rowan also turned back.

Duo Jie looked at him and saw him pull out the dagger from his waist, and then silently walked towards the Noxian. It was obvious that his face was expressionless, but Duo Jie strangely saw it on his face. mixed emotions.

Then, Duo Jie took a deep breath, stepped forward in two steps, and stopped in front of him.

"Let me do it, let me do it." Duojie said in a deep voice.

Luo Wen was stunned for a moment, then looked at Duo Jie.

I saw this ordinary-looking but charming woman showing a difficult smile: "Let me do it."



"Thank you, thank you." Rowan said to her.

Duojie nodded, holding the long sword, and walked up to the Noxian who was still shouting. Then, she raised her hand and drew a sword. She saw the body and head on the ground separated, and Duojie also used the long sword. Resheath.

Marais and the others didn't even look at the body, they just walked to Rowan's side silently.

Duojie came back. She looked at Luo Wen who was walking forward again, and couldn't help but said: "Actually, I was just like you when I first went on a mission, and my situation was even worse at that time."

Rowan said nothing, and Duojie continued to talk to himself: "While I was on a mission in the Valtai Mountains, I was accidentally discovered by a group of Noxian farmers. In order to ensure that the mission could be completed smoothly, I killed the group. Peasants, they don’t even have any decent weapons, yes, they don’t even have the ability to resist.”

"The captain and I killed four households of farmers and then escaped from that place. Then, I vomited all night. Now thinking about it, in fact, the captain and I left directly at that time and the mission would not have failed, because what could they know? ? They didn’t know anything. They even wanted to entertain me and the captain, and treat us to dinner, but the captain said we couldn’t gamble.”

Duo Jie said, and suddenly said: "Captain Luo Wenjian, this must be your first time on the battlefield, right?"

"Yeah." Rowan nodded.

He took a deep breath and smiled at Duo Jie. He actually understood what Duo Jie meant.

She was easing Rowan's guilt.

In fact, it is complicated, but Rowan will not show mercy, as for the guilt.

Rowan did feel guilty when he killed the young Noxian soldier who was similar to himself, but later on, after killing more, Rowan felt more numb.

This is a battlefield, and Demacia and Noxus are in a hostile relationship where you die or I die.

During this period when Darkwill was in power and LeBlanc was behind the scenes, there was no possibility of easing the relationship between the two parties.

Seeing what Duojie and Marais wanted to say, Rowan smiled and waved: "Okay, let's go, we have to rush back to Nokmoch today."



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