After the knight's figure gradually faded away.

Lovis turned to look at Aidier and said, "What's your name?"


"I know, Aidier, come with me first, I need to register your basic information first."

Lovis nodded, and then led him to the camp.

At the same time, on the way, she also introduced some basic information about the Illuminator Organization.

The general meaning is.

The Illuminator Church is a religious organization that helps the poor and the needy, and is a charity supported by several of the most famous families in Demacia.

Every day they distribute free food in the slums outside the city, or help those in trouble to get through the difficulties.

Soon, Aidier's basic information was registered.

It was just some basic information such as name, origin, previous work, and some specialties.

In Demacia, a country that has been at war with Noxus for many years, refugees and illegal immigrants like Aidil are too common.

Lovis knew this very well, so she did not ask the other party for details. After all, even if she asked, there was no way to verify it.

"You are a refugee from the northern border and want to live in Xiongdu, but you have no identity card, so you come here to seek help. Is that the case?"

Lovis raised her eyebrows and looked at Aidil carefully.

Although the other party was a refugee, his clothes looked clean and tidy, and he didn't look dusty at all.

Aidil nodded, "Yes, what I need most at this stage is a reasonable identity and a temporary residence."

"Okay, I understand, your situation is relatively easy to solve, our organization will help you arrange it, you can live in the Illuminator Church during this period, which is our headquarters in Xiongdu."

After a while, Lovis informed other staff in the camp.

Then she led Aidier into the capital of Demacia.

The two walked along the street for a while and finally came to a tall and magnificent church building.

The whole building was made of a kind of white rock. The bright sunlight shone on the walls, adding a layer of sacredness to this solemn building.

After entering the church, what caught my eye was a spacious hall with an unknown goddess statue in the center.

Above the statue was a patio, and the sunlight shone down, just dyeing the statue golden.

"I will take you to the temporary residence now, you follow me."

After entering the church, Luo Weisi gave a warning and then led the way to a corridor.

During this period, she also briefly introduced the situation here to Aidier.

In addition to Aidier, most of the people living here are war orphans raised by the Church of the Illuminator.

The two soon came to the accommodation area, and there were doors one after another on the corridor.

Luo Weisi led Aidier to the door of a room numbered 203.

"You can stay here temporarily during this period of time."

Luo Weisi introduced, and opened the door with the key, taking in the environment inside.

The residence is not big, it is a small single room of 50 square meters.

There are four beds in it, two of which are covered with quilts.

"This room has already been occupied by two children younger than you. Their names are Verna and Short. They are two good children. I hope you can get along well."

"I understand."

Aidier nodded, his face expressionless, his eyes did not show any curiosity or uneasiness about the new environment.

Luo Weisi on the side quietly observed the other party's demeanor, with some surprise in her eyes.

"If you have any problems here, you can come to me. Just treat this place as your own home. Don't be too restrained. There are not too many rules here. Everyone in the church is easy to talk to."

Luo Weisi smiled softly, with a charitable smile on her face.

Just like an elder looking at his junior with loving eyes.

This made Aidier feel a little uncomfortable, but he still felt warm in his heart.

Although he looked like a sixteen-year-old boy, his mental age was not young after all.

"Thank you, I will."

"Well, then you take a rest, I'll leave first."

"By the way, you'd better not leave here casually before the church helps you get an identity certificate.

There are many guards and demon hunters patrolling the streets of Xiongdu. After all, you are a stranger, and you are likely to be noticed and examined by them. Although your life will not be in danger, you probably don't want to be arrested and detained for a few days."

Lovis leftBefore leaving, he gave Aidil a word of advice.

"I understand."

Aidil nodded, and then watched him leave.

After the other person's figure disappeared completely, he turned his head slowly to look at the room.

He first made his bed, and then simply cleaned the room.

After doing these, he lay on his bed, thinking about the next plan.


[Talent: Grasp of the Undying, Ice Bloodline]

[Skill: Eagle Strike]

[Strength Assessment: Extraordinary]

[Hero Favorability: Ashe (75), Braum (65), Lissandra (15), Sejuani (15)]

[Magic Essence: 1500]

'I didn't expect the supervision of the Xiongdu to be so strict, and even required identity proof, which was obviously not required in the towns and villages I visited before. ’

‘But it’s understandable if you think about it. After all, Xiongdu is the political center of Demacia. If people of unknown origin were allowed to sneak in, Demacia would have perished long ago. ’

‘Now it’s inconvenient to even go out, and it’s hard to do anything. It seems that I can only wait, just treat it as a two-day vacation for myself. ’

Thinking like this, Aidil gradually relaxed.

He closed his eyes and lay on the bed for a while.

But not long after, there were footsteps at the door.

Aidil suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the door, where two boys about thirteen or fourteen years old were standing.

The two looked at each other with some difference at this moment, obviously not expecting that there were other people in the room.

Aidil sat up from the bed, and then quickly got up and came to the two of them.

He was a head taller than the two of them, and his body was also stronger than them.

"You must be Verna and Short, right? I'm Edir who's checking in today. I'm a refugee from the north. We'll be roommates for a while."

"Hello... Hello. I'm Verna and he's Short."

The leading boy had a conspicuous head of yellow curly hair.

He nervously introduced himself and a black-haired boy with freckles behind him.

His panicked look was like a junior high school student facing a high school student.

After all, Edir is from Freljord.

After experiencing the Troll War, even though he still looks a little immature, he still has a sense of oppression.

"Don't be nervous, I won't hit anyone randomly, you guys come in first."

Edir smiled, trying to be as humble as possible.

Seeing this, the two nodded, then slowly walked into the room, came to their beds and sat upright looking at each other.

"Are you war orphans?"

Edir asked.

The two nodded.

"Where are you from?" Aidil asked again.

The two looked at each other, and the freckled boy named Short was obviously more shy and introverted, looking like he was dominated by Verna.

So Verna said, "We came here from Ionia to seek refuge."


Aidil was surprised, he clearly remembered that a certain Qin was also from there.

Could it be the same group?

"Is Ionia at war with Noxus?"

Aidil asked, while taking out two pieces of dried meat from the system space and handing them to the two.

Of course, he did all this very secretly, and the two did not find anything unusual.

After all, Demacia is a country that strictly prohibits magic, and he doesn't want to be reported as a demon-contaminated person as soon as he arrives here.

"Beef jerky, would you like some?"

"Thank you."

Verna took it politely, then nodded and said, "Ionia is indeed at war, and that's why the elders of the monastery entrusted merchants to send us here by sea."

"How many people are there in your group?"


"Who else is there besides you two?"

"There are only four people of the same age, in addition to Short and me, there are two girls named Sona and Mikkel. As for the remaining two, they are very young, only six or seven years old, and the church has helped them find families willing to raise them."

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