LOL: I am a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 314 A greeting letter

Twenty minutes later.

The entire civilian population of Trevel was gathered in the square in the open space. As a large border city, there were tens of thousands of people.

They gathered in a group timidly, their eyes reflected the firelight from outside the city, and they felt even more frightened in their hearts.

Because they knew that those who were burning in the flames were Noxian soldiers.

Will their fate be like this next?

In the face of Demacia's powerful strength, these civilians did not even have the courage to resist, and felt nothing but fear and despair.

Lu Qi was standing at the entrance of these squares at the moment, with tens of thousands of heads in front of him. He was expressionless and thinking thoughtfully.

Too many prisoners was also a problem.

Most of these people are civilians and do not pose a threat, but there are too many of them.

If it were Noxus, they would probably kill some of them directly, or simply kill them all.

"Forget it, we are not Noxus after all."

Lu Qi ignored the thought of killing everyone in his mind, turned around and ordered: "Notify Demacia to send another 20,000 troops. At the same time, build a prisoner of war concentration camp in the city, divided into four camps in the southeast, northwest, and northwest, with 8,000 people in each camp. Guarded by five hundred soldiers.”

It would be easier to kill them all, but what's the difference between them and Noxus?

Has he finally become the person he hates the most?

Demacia has its own bottom line. It is precisely because of this that Demacia is called Demacia, not Noxia.

Keeping some prisoners of war can also help the army march and move supplies, and can also save a lot of trouble.

When the prisoners of war heard that they could save their lives, some couldn't help but feel slightly relieved, while others still felt panicked.

Lu Qi stepped forward, glanced at everyone, and said, "Although Demacia will not treat prisoners well, it will not treat you as beasts. As long as you are honest, you can save your lives."

"But those who feel uneasy will be killed without mercy."

His calm eyes made the prisoners feel like they were falling into an ice cave.

After a pause, Lu Qi asked again: "Who among you knows how to send a message to your main city as quickly as possible?"

After saying this, all the prisoners of war looked at each other, not knowing the reason.

But soon, a man in the crowd raised his hand and walked out shakily. He was a young and thin man. He lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at Lu Qi.

"Sir, I am Trivel's messenger. We usually use a magical beast called the Blue-winged Bird to deliver messages. It takes about four days at the fastest from Trivel to the main city."

His tone couldn't be described as intermittent, just high and low, as if he was afraid of upsetting Lu Qi.

Lu Qi looked at him and said, "Very good. Since you are a messenger, you should know how to deliver a message, right?"

The man hesitated for a moment, nodded again, then raised his hand, put it into his mouth, and blew a loud whistle.

The whistle was loud, and within a moment, a small magical beast with blue wings flew from the sky.

Apparently it was the blue-winged bird responsible for delivering the message.

Lu Qi took a look at the green-winged bird that rested affectionately on the man's shoulder, and asked, "How many such birds are there?"

The man replied: "There are probably hundreds of blue-winged birds that are resident in Trewell, but I can only call seven or eight of them."

"That's enough."

Lu Qi nodded slightly, asked for paper and pen, wrote a letter himself, and then handed it to the man.

"Let it be sent to your main city, preferably so that Darkwill can see it. Also, pay attention to the content of the letter. I want you to send it to a few more places so that it can spread as quickly as possible."

Lu Qi explained as he spoke, then looked at the man and showed a smile: "This matter is related to your life and death, so handle it well."

The man glanced at the letter subconsciously, and then was stunned.

I saw that the content of the letter was roughly that Demacia wanted to trade prisoners of war with Noxus.

This is indeed a matter of life and death for them. Aren't they prisoners of war at this moment?

Are they the ones being traded?

In other words, if Darkwill is willing to trade, they can get out of here?

Realizing this, the man repeatedly promised: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely take care of it."

"Very well, give him preferential treatment."

Lu Qi nodded with satisfaction, explained to the soldiers, and left the square.

These prisoners of war must be dealt with after all, otherwise Demacia would keep raising them and guard them carefully, which would also be a waste of manpower, material, and food.

It's better to "sell" it to Noxus.

Now we have to see whether the king of these people is willing to buy them.

Of course, Noxus could no longer hide the news of Demacia's advance, so there was no need to hide it anymore.

Next, let’s see how Noxus responds.

After leaving the square, Lu Qi soon met Quinn walking towards him.

After she stopped, she reported to Lu Qi: "Your Highness, the gold coins plundered from Trevel City this time are estimated to be nearly one million, the treasures are countless, and the materials and grains are countless. A rough calculation, it can be For at least one month’s use by the army.”

After listening, Lu Qi's eyes lit up slightly.

There are millions of gold coins and countless supplies. No wonder Noxus likes to support war with war. Just defeating one Trivel is so rich, and there is still a long war to fight.

The inventory of supplies was left to others to handle.

Lu Qi found a place to rest, then took out the secret key and checked the information.

Among them, Yi Zhihua from the battlefield sent news that she had also landed on the Shurima continent, and was encountering a severe sandstorm and was setting up camp to take refuge. The problem was not big, but it might hinder the progress of the army.

The weather interferes, and no one can do anything about it.

Then Lucci looked at Lev, who also led an army of 30,000 people this time and marched from the direction of Lunwall Castle.

At this moment, they have bypassed the Gate of Sorrow, and are basically in sync with Lu Qi's troops, and are on the peak north of Trevel.

Expected to continue setting off soon, their target is Boreham, a city in Noxus.

Lu Qi will lead the army and continue to march eastward, targeting another city, Grovet.

In a flash, four days passed.

Located in Noxus, Central Town, Immortal Fortress.

This place is located in the center of the huge territory of Noxus. The territory of Noxus is so large that even if the fast Warcraft is used to deliver letters, letters from the border will take at least four days to be delivered.

And today, a piece of news instantly detonated the entire main city.

"Demacia called?"

"What's more, Trevel has fallen!"

"real or fake?"

"It's absolutely true, the border defenses are currently in raging war."

"What's happening here?"

There were discussions everywhere on the street, and many complex emotions were mixed together. People who were shocked, puzzled, disbelieving, and angry abounded.

Demacia would actually choose to attack at this juncture?

It is simply the first time in history, or it should be said that this is the first time.

The two sides have been fighting back and forth for hundreds of years, but this is the first time Demacia has taken the initiative to attack.

At this time, this issue was also being discussed in the power center of the Immortal Fortress.

"Damn you idiots at the border, you losers who get paid for nothing!"

Darkwill angrily threw the letter on the table, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and his expression was dark and uncertain.

The letter contained a request for help from Terry Well, as well as information that would be updated later.

Trevel had fallen, all the soldiers were killed and the civilians were captured.

He never thought that he would receive news of a call from Demacia at this time.

"Sir, we should hurry up and send troops to support at this moment. If Demacia is serious about this, they may not stop."

A minister stood up and said anxiously: "If we follow the time of sending the letter, they may have already reached Kekel City by now."

Upon hearing this, Darkwill immediately ordered: "Send troops to support, not just support, I want them to take back the lost border defense. Where is Kled? Go and find him!"

The most important thing now is how to recapture the lost border defense.

Thinking of this, Darkwill couldn't help clenching his fists, feeling even more angry.

For so many years, Noxus had never truly invaded Demacia, so they turned around and invaded from Trivel.

This attack was beyond everyone's expectations.

Not to mention, this is still an anxious period for them to send troops to support Ionia.

While attacking Ionia, they also have to shoulder the powerful forces of Demacia. This situation inevitably makes the ministers here worry.

A minister stood up and advised: "My lord, why not bring back some of the troops sent to Ionia? We have fought against Demacia countless times over the years, and their strength is really obvious to all."

"Yes." A minister stood up and said: "What's more important is that they have now lifted the ban on magic, and there are too many unknown situations that have arisen. At this moment, if they insist on attacking Ionia, they will only I’m afraid it’s not a wise move.”

Is Demacia strong?

Definitely strong.

Otherwise, an arrogant country like Noxus would never allow Demacia to occupy a fertile land.

It was precisely because they couldn't defeat each other that they kept fighting each other over the years.

Now, the old rival suddenly changed his normal attitude and took the initiative to attack.

Of course they should be nervous.

Darkwill sat on the throne, his expression even more uncertain.

His mood was extremely irritable at this moment. His original plan was to choose the next heir to the throne, then abdicate immediately and go to Ionia to find the elixir of immortality.

However, after such a long time, the Black Rose incident that caused a lot of fuss a while ago has just been suppressed.

Suddenly, news of Demacia's attack was received.

This time disrupted all his plans.

If he withdraws his troops to attack Ionia at this moment, how will he find the elixir?

Without the elixir, his body wouldn't be able to support it for long before it collapsed.

But if they don't deal with the current situation in Demacia and are fully prepared to attack, they may be able to directly attack the Immortal Fortress.

Demacia has lifted the ban on magic. Darkwill, who knows the power of magic, can completely imagine that Demacia, who is not weak at all, can be said to have transformed.

Names flashed through his mind. Who else could stop Demacia at this time?


Maybe, but not enough.


The flash of this name made Darkwill's nails almost dig into his flesh.

If Swain were here, he would definitely be the most suitable person to take on this important task.

However, Swain has already been dealt with by himself.

Soon, another name flashed in Darkwill's mind.

Demir Alaos.

Darkwill does not trust the candidate recommended by the Pale Witch to inherit the throne. Maybe it is time to try his luck.

"This time Demacia hit us with information, which may not necessarily mean they are powerful. The troops sent to Ionia will not be dispatched back in a hurry."

He gave the order slowly, stood up, and looked into the eyes of the ministers: "Send someone to inform Demir Araus that I have appointed him as the general this time. He will lead the troops to fight against Demacia and must retake the defense line."

Upon hearing his arrangement, many ministers showed disappointment, but they were quickly covered up.

Under this situation, they still insisted on sending troops to Ionia.

At this time, anyone could see that Darkwill was always thinking about the medicine of immortality.

Now we can only hope that Demir Araus can lead the troops to defend Demacia's attack.

The meeting hadn't ended yet, and soon another letter was delivered.

"Commander, this is a letter from Demacia! It has been tested and is not poisonous."

Hear the words.

Darkwill narrowed his eyes and asked someone to take the letter over, then slowly opened it and began to scan the contents of the letter.

"Dear Lord Commander of Noxus, this is a greeting letter from a good neighbor.

I think this is the first time we have communicated through letters, and I don’t know what to say. I wish you a happy mood, everything goes well, and a smile. "

Seeing this, Darkwill's heart already surged with an unknown fire.

At this time, he can be happy.

Just by looking at it, he could imagine the bitch face of the person who wrote the letter.

He resisted the thought of tearing the letter into pieces and continued reading.

"The scenery in Triwell is nice and the air is very fresh. We were very satisfied and comfortable with our stay."

"Let's get down to business. There are too many people in Trewell. It seemed a bit crowded when we arrived. I think you don't mind and spend some money to take them away."

"How about just two hundred gold per person? With your wealth and wealth, it shouldn't be a problem."

"If you agree, please send a letter to Trewell."

"That's all. If I don't receive a reply before the 28th, I will deal with some people from time to time. I think you don't want to see them displaced."

After reading this letter, Darkwill clenched his hands unconsciously.

He could naturally tell that Demacia obviously wanted to trade prisoners.

This is simply unreasonable.

Darkwill had never seen anyone selling prisoners before the battle was over.

This was tantamount to a humiliation for him.

Even if it was a prisoner exchange, he would feel better.

But right now, where are the Demacia prisoners in Noxus?

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