Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 9: Conflict between Immortals and Demons


I don't know how long it took, but there was an explosion in Su Fan's mind.

Like the sound of bells in the morning and drums in the evening, he instantly woke up from his dazed state.

It was like a dream.

Could this be the legendary epiphany?

It was already dawn, and he had been practicing boxing all night.

Maybe breaking through the bottleneck is an opportunity.

As Su Fan's realm improved, the Thunder Tao Seed was fully activated, completely transforming his physical body.

Not only that, Su Fan also had an epiphany and achieved great success in Xingyi Quan overnight.

After practicing for so long, not only am I not tired, but I feel energetic and clear-minded.

Su Fan stretched out his hands and his muscles shook like a thunderbolt, which made people's hearts tremble.

There is an indescribable sense of power within the body.

The strength has increased at least several times, as if it would rise into the sky with just a single step.

The whole body is clear and comfortable, the dirty impurities in the body are gone, and the limbs are extremely relaxed.

The physical body is like glass, flawless and unblemished.

The eight extraordinary meridians are reflected crystal clear and brilliant.

It felt like being reborn.

Not only that, Su Fan's soul also became extremely solid.

The five senses seemed to suddenly open up from ignorance.

Everything seemed to become clear, vivid and vivid.

The weeds outside the house swayed gently in the wind, making a sound like the sound of nature.

Even the movements of insects and lice buried deep in the ground can be heard clearly.

His eyebrows moved slightly, and his consciousness extended outward to a distance of thirty or forty meters.

Su Fan was a little confused.

Even if it’s the middle stage of Qi training, it’s only so far away.

The Thunder Dao Body that he risked his life to obtain is truly extraordinary.

Su Fan could clearly feel that he had not only cleansed his muscles and marrow and been reborn, but also greatly improved his cultivation qualifications.

Not only that, the lower limit of his spiritual consciousness has also been greatly improved.

Although the transformation of the physical body by Thunder Taoism is only one-time.

But the improvement of his cultivation qualifications and the lower limit of his spiritual consciousness will be of great use to him in his lifetime.

"Hmm...why does it smell so bad..."

Su Fanguang was excited, waiting for the excitement to subside.

Only then could I smell the extremely sour smell on my body.

Su Fan took off his Taoist robe, and the bandage that was originally stuck to his skin had fallen off.

He tore off the bandage, along with a thick layer of dead skin.

It was covered with dark red blood stains and pitch black sludge, exuding a fishy and sour smell.

He pulled off the bandage, and as a result, large pieces of dead skin on his hands and neck were also torn off, and finally his entire face was also taken off.

After tearing it off again, the scalp fell off.

After he has torn off all the dead skin on his body, take a look in the mirror.

I'm going to...

His head was as smooth as a meatball, and his eyebrows and hair were all gone.

Not to mention his hair and eyebrows, there was not a single hair left on his body.

This process is like a snake and python shedding its skin.

Su Fan took out a "cleaning charm" and washed his body clean. Now his skin was as fresh and tender as a baby's.

He is also very skinny, and his height is half a head shorter than before.

His body was like a piece of iron, tempered until all impurities were removed.

The muscles and skin are hard and powerful, the tendons are very flexible, and the bones are as strong as steel.

Although the Demon Sect's techniques are abnormal, their effects are truly unbelievable.

By the way, after practicing Xingyiquan for a whole night, I should be done with it.

He opened the panel and was stunned.

【Name】Su Fan

【Yangshou】36/92 years old

[Realm] Third level of Qi training: 1/100

【Gong method】

1. Hunyuan Gong (first level): 23/100.

2. Horizontal body training (level 2): ​​45/200

3. Heavenly Demon Holy Body Technique (Level 1): 100/100


1. Qi-watching technique (Dacheng): 297/400

2. Light body technique (subtle): 2/800

3. Spirit Concealment (Dacheng): 245/400

4. Xingyi Quan (Dacheng): 1/400

5. Jiuji Chain Slash (Xiao Cheng): 18/200


[Supernatural power] None

One night I suddenly realized that Xingyiquan had become a master.

At this time, there was a sound in his belly, and Su Fan quickly ran to the latrine.

Crackling... crackling...

He defecated again, and the entire courtyard was filled with a foul smell.

As soon as I came out of the toilet, I felt extremely hungry.

Su Fan hurriedly washed the rice and cooked it, specially cooking twice the usual amount of rice.

As expected, he finished eight bowls of spiritual rice and more than ten kilograms of smoked monster meat.

In just a short time, the five hundred kilograms of spiritual rice has almost reached the bottom, and there is not much left of the more than one hundred kilograms of spiritual meat.

With this little spiritual rice left, he couldn't survive for a few days with his current appetite.

Now Su Fan is just a loser. If he continues like this, he will hardly be able to support himself.

Let’s go to the market again, replenish more spiritual rice, and buy some spiritual beast meat.

I have food in my hands and don’t panic.

Also, buy a magic sword with better quality.

Now that the power has increased so much, ordinary magic swords are no longer easy to use.

By the way, you must buy the elixirs for cultivation.

The state of cultivation is the foundation.

Although his qualifications have improved, he still has four spiritual roots. How can he speed up his cultivation progress without taking drugs?

This calculation will cost a lot of spiritual stones.

Even if you get rid of all the things in the storage bag, it may not be enough.

I am still poor.

Thinking of this, Su Fan began to pack his things.

He took all the things seized from the bandits this time and found a store to get rid of them.

Everything was ready, he put on a hat to cover his bald head.

Then he carried a magic sword and a shoulder pole, pushed the door and walked out of the courtyard.

Coming to the market again, Su Fan was a little confused.

The market was crowded with people, and even the outside of the town was full of stalls.

Many cultivators, whether in dress or temperament, were not casual cultivators at first glance, but looked like children of immortal cultivation families or disciples of sects.

Because these people did not have the poor look of casual cultivators.

Su Fan struggled to walk through the dense crowd and walked around the market several times.

He found that everything had increased in price, especially talismans and magic tools, which doubled in price.

Some fine items, such as protective talismans and magic tools, even doubled in price.

Spiritual rice also increased by 50%, and it is said that it will continue to increase in the future.

Su Fan regretted it so much that he should have bought more at the beginning.

Fortunately, the storage bag was full of various things, and it was a good opportunity to make a fortune.

He found an inn like last time.

The same inn, a single room actually increased to two spiritual stones, which was almost like robbery.

He wrapped the remaining bandages around his face and neck, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed and smearing the monster blood on them.

Then he put on a black hooded cloak, covering himself tightly.

Su Fan walked around the street for a long time before finding an open space.

He spread a sheet and arranged the things in the storage bag in different categories.

Not long after he put them on, a short and fat monk came over with a bulging belly.

"Pay the stall fee..."

Seeing this guy's arrogant tone, Su Fan, who had never set up a stall before, was a little confused.

"How much..."

The other party glared at him with a face full of impatience.

"Fifty magic coins, hurry up..."

Su Fan looked around, then counted out fifty magic coins from his arms and handed them to the other party.


The guy took the magic money and left arrogantly.

"Bah... what the hell..."

A middle-aged casual cultivator next to him cursed at the other person's back.

After he finished cursing, he smiled at Su Fan.

"This guy used to be poor as hell, and later gave his own sister to an outer disciple of Shaoyang Sect as a concubine. Look at how proud he is now."

"Oh, selling your sister for glory..."

"This sentence is well said... haha..."

The middle-aged casual cultivator was generous and laughed immediately after hearing Su Fan's words.

Seeing that the other party was quite cheerful, Su Fan started chatting with him.

"Brother, why are there so many people in the market today..."

"The Ghost King Sect and the Qingxuan Sect of Qin State are fighting, it seems that they are fighting for some mine, and the immortal sects of Qin State and Chu State have also joined in..."

The middle-aged casual cultivator is obviously a chatterbox, and he knows a lot.

Although the immortal sect is the mainstream in this world, only in the Western Wasteland is the demon sect particularly prosperous.

The forces of the major demon sects almost occupy half of the Western Wasteland.

The further west you go, the stronger the demon sect becomes.

Yongzhou is already located on the northeastern edge of the Western Wasteland, but the demon sect is still strong.

In order to fight against the demon sect, the immortal sect can only huddle together for warmth.

Every time there is a dispute between immortals and demons in Yongzhou, the immortal sects of various countries, no matter how big or small, will help.

Sometimes the immortal sects in Yongzhou can't resist, and even the sword cultivators in Ganzhou and Shanzhou will come to join in the fun.

Anyway, every time this time comes, it's right that everyone is in turmoil.

The location of Shaoyang Sect is quite special, not far from the border of Qin State.

The cultivators from several mortal kingdoms in Yongzhou want to go to Qin to participate in the war, and Shaoyang Sect must pass through here.

Su Fan didn't take it seriously. The battlefield was far away in Qin, and it had nothing to do with him.

Fight, fight, fight as you like.

As long as the price of spiritual rice doesn't increase again.

The business in the market is so hot today that even the casual cultivators are not as stingy as before.

Every time there is a dispute between immortals and demons, the immortal sects in various places will hire a large number of casual cultivators to participate in the war.

Many casual cultivators who want to take a chance have to purchase a large number of supplies and some life-saving things.

In addition to some family members and sect disciples passing through this place, the prices of various supplies in the market are all rising.

Thanks to Gui Youbai for the reward, thanks to Lao Yao Ye Shi Yao, Bei Jiu Wang Ge, Meng Shang Sheng, Yin Tu Ai Han, and Xiao Shi cbh, all the big guys for their recommendation votes, Lao Bu is very grateful.

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