Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 833 Then he must go to heaven

Su Fan came to the outside of a market town and walked in.

This market town was not big, with only a main street several hundred meters long, and the shops on both sides were quite shabby.

Su Fan came to the outside of a restaurant, looked up at the plaque above, and then walked in.

The waiter of the restaurant saw him coming in and hurried to greet him.

"Senior, how are you..."

"I'm looking for someone..."

The waiter's eyes lit up when he heard it, and then he led him to a private room behind the restaurant without a word.

It's called a private room, but it's actually surrounded by a few boards.

Su Fan pushed the door and walked in, and saw a man sitting inside. The other party was wearing a green robe and looked to be in his forties.

Although he looked ordinary, he was very friendly and was the kind of person who made people easily like him.

Seeing Su Fan coming in, Xue Ming stood up and bowed to him.

"Daoyou, we finally meet..."

How dare you say that? I've been struggling for more than a year just to meet you.

He also smiled and nodded, then bowed in return.

After a few pleasantries, the two sat down, and Xue Ming poured him a glass of spiritual wine.

"Daoyou, it's our first meeting, I'll toast you..."

He raised his glass and drank it all, then put down the glass.

"Daoyou, I've already arranged everything for you, I'll take you to a place after dinner..."

After Xue Ming finished speaking, he took out a jade talisman from his ring and placed it in front of Su Fan.

"This is your identity jade talisman. Drop a drop of blood on it later, and you will be a member of our 'Huangquan Tower' in the future..."

Su Fan picked up the jade talisman in front of him and looked at it carefully.

This jade talisman is whitish in color, two inches long and one inch wide, with some simple runes engraved on the surface, which looks inconspicuous.

He sighed secretly, I'm on a pirate ship now.

The two of them had a simple meal, and then Su Fan followed Xue Ming to leave the market.

After a few months of tossing and turning, they finally arrived at the destination of this trip, the Seven Stars Sky in the Lujiao Star Region.

This place is similar to the Moqiu Star Region, both of which belong to the traditional sphere of influence of the "Huangquan Tower", and the power of the "Wangchuan Palace" is very weak here.

Of course, if the "Wangchuan Palace" receives the business here, it can still do what it should do. It's just that intelligence and support are a bit behind.

How could the "Huangquan Tower" allow other killer organizations to take root in its traditional sphere of influence.

The intelligence system of the "Wangchuan Palace" in Lujiao Star Region and Mowu Star Region will be destroyed by the "Huangquan Tower" as soon as it emerges.

Even if Su Fan's whereabouts are exposed, the bounty hunters sent by the "Wangchuan Palace" dare not come in a big way, and can only surround and kill him secretly.

But if too few people are sent, it will be a delivery for Su Fan. If more people are sent, it will attract the attack of the "Huangquan Tower", so he is absolutely safe here.

"Lanyue Fairy City" is located in the northeast of Qixingtian, and the nearby "Lanyue Fairy Palace" is also a super-large company that can be ranked in the entire Lujiao Star Region.

The place Xue Ming arranged for Su Fan was a shop in "Lanyue Fairy City".

The name of this shop is "Tianqiao Pavilion", which mainly deals in various magic weapons and puppets, and its branches are almost all over the world of cultivation.

In the following days, Su Fan became a Yuanying realm weapon maker in "Tianqiao Pavilion".

In addition to completing certain tasks every month, the rest of the time is at his own disposal, and his life is very comfortable.

Moreover, the intelligence agency of "Huangquan Tower" in "Lanyue Fairy City" does not know Su Fan's identity.

Not only them, even if there are more than ten people in "Huangquan Tower" who know Su Fan's identity.

Su Fan did not live in the residence provided by "Tianqiao Pavilion" for him, but rented a small courtyard in the city.

Even that small courtyard was just to cover his daily entry and exit of the secret space, and he rarely stayed overnight in the small courtyard.

The task of making instruments for "Tianqiao Pavilion" is not a big deal for Su Fan. It only takes a few days every month to complete it.

For the rest of the time, Su Fan will stay up day and night to use the "Dragon Elephant Swallowing Yuan Training Blood Mysterious Art" to temper the blood in his body.

In his spare time, he will use the game panel to study and ponder those profound knowledge of heaven.

In the early morning, the sky gradually dawned.

The pale blue sky was inlaid with a few remaining stars, and the earth was hazy, as if covered with a layer of silver-gray gauze.

The eastern sky has slightly revealed a fish belly white, and a trace of red as if soaked in blood is rendered in it.

Su Fan sat cross-legged beside a clear pool of water, performing the "Dragon Elephant Swallowing Yuan Training Blood Mysterious Art" to temper the blood in his body.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and then exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

The third round of blood tempering was finally completed, which took nearly ten years.

It was too difficult.

In the oil lamp magic weapon next to Su Fan, the evil Buddha Wang De was lying on the recliner and asked with a smile.

"Your third round of bloodline tempering is completed..."

Su Fan laughed and said, "Finally, it's done. It's not easy for me..."

"How is the effect of the third round of bloodline tempering..."

"The strength of the body has at least doubled, and the soul has also increased by nearly 30%..."

After he finished speaking, he laughed and said, "This is nothing. I vaguely feel that there are some things in my brain. It should be that I have inherited the magical powers of the demon clan..."

Looking at Su Fan who seemed to be full of energy, the evil Buddha Wang De curled his lips.

"When you were in the state of demonization, people would believe that you were a demon..."

After hearing what this guy said, Su Fan knew that he was jealous of him.

When he activated his demonized body, it was not only the evil Buddha Wang De who envied and hated him, but anyone who had seen the demon body of more than a hundred feet would be shocked and stunned.

Not to mention the human cultivators like them, even the demon cultivators were confused when they saw it.

Can this be considered a human race?

Su Fan used the "Dragon Elephant Swallowing Yuan Training Blood Mysterious Art" to complete the third round of blood tempering, and his physical strength increased by more than double.

With his abnormal physical strength, it is very difficult to increase it a little bit.

And this is just the beginning. Every time the blood is tempered, there will be a period of continuous growth, which takes about one or two months.

According to past experience, during this period of continuous growth, the physical body can also grow by about one time.

Not only will the physical body grow significantly, but even the soul will grow by 50% to 60%.

You should know that after a cultivator breaks through the Nascent Soul stage, the most difficult thing to grow is the soul. Even a slight increase is extremely difficult.

Moreover, Su Fan has only completed the third round of blood tempering by practicing the "Dragon Elephant Swallowing Yuan Refining Blood Mysterious Art".

If he waits until he completes the nine rounds of blood tempering in his body, he will be in heaven.

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