Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 818 Let's go in and kill that guy

Hearing Xun Yi's shout, several Celestial Clan cultivators began to attack.

"Bang... Bang..."

All of a sudden, all kinds of powerful golden beams of light hit the eighth-level immortal formation arranged on the Evil Ghost Reef.

The Taoist magic of the Celestial Clan is mostly based on golden beams, and even their immortal treasures emit golden light.

Although it looks rather monotonous, the power of the Celestial Clan's Taoist magic and magic treasures is not weak at all.

Even many of the human race's top-grade defensive immortal treasures can't stand it for a while.

If the secret technique is used to communicate with the upper realm and attract the big guys of the same race from the upper realm to come, the Celestial Clan cultivators can cheat seriously when fighting with cultivators of other races.

If it weren't for the Celestial Clan's weak reproductive ability, there would be no other races in the world of cultivation, and it would all be their world.

At this time, golden beams of light kept hitting the aura shield of the eighth-level immortal formation, and the dazzling golden light dyed the surrounding sea into a golden glow.

The aura shield of the eighth-level immortal formation was also trembling violently, but it looked like it would not be shaken in a short time.

Zhuihun did not participate in the attack, but stared at the jade talisman in his hand.

Looking at the faint flickering light on the jade talisman, he sneered.

Xun Yi's eyes condensed, and his powerful divine consciousness was centered on him, and he could see everything within a hundred miles around the Evil Ghost Reef.

On the island reef opposite, he clearly sensed a trace of the breath of a human cultivator, and it must be that kid.

As long as that kid is still on this island reef, he will never escape.

If he can kill that kid here this time, he will not only get the reward bonus, but also avenge those tribesmen who died at the hands of the other party.

When he returns to the tribe with this honor, he will definitely be promoted to Duke.

Thinking of this, Xun Yi couldn't help but get excited.

His eyes condensed, and he pinched a finger gesture with his right hand, muttering to himself.


With a violent buzzing sound, a golden sword of light hundreds of feet high rose into the sky, then suddenly fell from the sky and fiercely slashed on the spiritual shield.


There was a loud sound that shook the earth, and the spiritual shield supported by the eighth-level immortal formation began to shake violently.

Even the eighth-level defensive immortal formation was violently shaken by this golden giant sword.

Next, Xun Yi controlled another golden giant sword and attacked several times in succession. The spiritual shield supported by the eighth-level immortal formation was visibly dimmed.

After launching several big moves in one breath, Xun Yi also consumed 30% of his mana and consciousness.

However, he was not worried about anything, after all, the several fellows next to him were the most elite disciples of the Incarnation Realm in the clan.

In his opinion, it was not a big deal to take down a late-stage Yuanying Realm cultivator.

The most urgent task now is to break this eighth-level defensive immortal formation as soon as possible.

If the bounty hunters from the "Forget River Palace" come in, they will not be able to enjoy the bounty alone.

Xun Yi is already a count of the Celestial Race, with an extremely rich fortune. He is not jealous of the bounty, but he values ​​this honor more.

He took a deep breath, pinched his fingers and chanted again, controlling the golden giant sword, and constantly slashing at the eighth-level immortal formation.

Xun Yi began to exert his strength, and the aura shield covering the evil ghost reef began to become increasingly dim.

The other Celestial Race cultivators also increased the intensity of their attacks.

After a while, the aura shield covering the evil ghost reef began to be in danger.

But after all, it was an eighth-level defense formation. Even if the aura shield was almost dim, it still held on tenaciously.

Seeing that the eighth-level defense immortal formation on the opposite side still did not collapse, Xun Yi suddenly became a little impatient.

He glanced at the jade talisman in his hand, which was still flickering slightly.

Xun Yi put away the jade talisman, then suddenly opened his arms, and his hands kept forming various complicated seals.


He suddenly raised his head and roared, and a golden beam of light instantly fell from the sky, covering his figure.

Xun Yi's eyes condensed, and his hands slammed down fiercely.


Above the sky, a golden giant sword that seemed to reach the sky and penetrate the earth suddenly condensed.

A force that seemed to be full of mysterious Taoist power overturned the entire world like a tide.

The prosperity of the aura almost suppressed the nine heavens and ten earths.

The incomprehensible power almost crushed the space of the entire Evil Ghost Reef.

At the same time, a vast and boundless aura descended from the sky.

The golden giant sword that reached the sky and penetrated the earth had already roared and fell from the sky.

"Boom boom..."

The golden giant sword and the aura shield finally collided with each other, and in an instant, an unimaginable and terrifying annihilation broke out.

The spiritual shield supported by the eighth-level defense formation covering the Evil Ghost Reef suddenly collapsed.

"The formation is broken, let's go in and kill that kid..."

Hearing Xun Yi's shout, several Celestial Clan cultivators suddenly became excited, and took out various fairy treasures and jade talismans from their rings and rushed into the Evil Ghost Reef.


Almost at the same time, a silent sword light descended from the sky.

Layers of space were reflected like mirrors, and dense cracks spread like spider webs on the sky.

It was just an ordinary sword light, but it contained an indescribable law of power.

It was as if some mysterious and unfathomable Dao essence had descended from the nine heavens to the human world.

The thunderous sound of the continuous collisions and explosions, and the storm airflow rolled up by the shock wave, seemed to be suppressed by an inexplicable force at this moment!

The silent sword light, but the next moment there was a terrifying annihilation energy, silently covering the entire world.

The breath of destruction permeated and shattered the void.

The entire world seemed to be solidified at this moment, and time seemed to stand still.

"Boom boom..."

Suddenly, with a devastating roar, the sword light had already whistled in.

The indescribable impact caused a violent gust of wind, and thousands of tons of seawater around the islands and reefs were lifted up.

It was like taking off without gravity, and it was shattered by the space storm as soon as it flew into the air.

Large tracts of soil on the Evil Ghost Reef also cracked, and under the overwhelming impact, large tracts of soil rose into the sky.

This sword was slashed from behind Xun Yi and others, and all their thoughts were on the Evil Ghost Reef opposite.

They did not expect Su Fan to sneak attack at this time, and he drew his sword at the moment when the eighth-level defense formation collapsed.

"Not good... Everyone be careful..."

When Xun Yi felt the crisis coming, Su Fan's sword had already taken shape.

Although he reminded loudly, at this time, let alone the other Tianren cultivators, even he could not react.

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