Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 812 The power of

Su Fan walked into the Bihai City and returned to the "Miao Fu Pavilion". He said something to the young female cultivator in the shop, and then came to the backyard.

He did not enter the portable secret realm, but entered the study room in the backyard of the shop and sat down cross-legged.

There was no way. Su Fan really couldn't bear to see Sister Zhen's sad face. He felt like a scumbag.

This is fucking...

It has nothing to do with me from the beginning to the end, but now it seems like I have failed her.

Sister Zhen originally had feelings for him, and now she has practiced the magic sect's Hehuan Dao, and she is even more deeply in love with him.

As long as he thought of these, Su Fan would not mention worrying.

Okay, let it be whatever you want.

That dead girl can think whatever she wants, anyway, I will not give in no matter what.

Thinking of this, Su Fan took out a palm-sized micro array plate from the ring.

He activated the micro array plate, and a light curtain rose instantly, and the dense information on it was constantly refreshed.

Suddenly, he saw a message, which was the codeword of the message released by Master Hongchuan, which meant the time and place of the party tonight.

Su Fan had been away from Bihai City for a few months, and it was time for him to attend a party.

When it was just getting dark, he left the "Miao Fu Pavilion" and walked towards the party venue.

Su Fan came to a luxurious courtyard, where nearly a hundred cultivators had gathered.

He greeted several cultivators he knew, and then found a place with few people to sit cross-legged.

After a while, Master Hongchuan also came. After the time of selling the stolen goods, Su Fan did not hear any news about the reward bonus in the subsequent intelligence sharing.

Just when he thought it was another boring party, Master Hongchuan, who was sitting at the top, suddenly took off the communication array from his waist.

He picked up the communication array and took a look, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

Master Hongchuan put away the communication array, glanced at the many evil cultivators below, and then stood up.

"Let's stop here today..."

He left in a hurry after he finished speaking. The other evil cultivators who attended the gathering didn't think there was anything wrong, and they all stood up and dispersed.

However, Su Fan couldn't help but frown at this moment.

For some reason, the solemn expression of Master Hongchuan just now gave him an inexplicable sense of crisis.

His intuition told him that something bad might happen.

Su Fan didn't know how many times he had experienced life and death crises in these years, so he was extremely sensitive to unknown dangers.

Especially after he got the reward bonus of "Wangchuan Palace", he became more vigilant in his heart, and even a little nervous.

Su Fan followed everyone calmly and left the courtyard.

He walked around the streets in the city for a while, pondered in his heart, and finally returned to "Miao Fu Pavilion".

Su Fan did not return to the portable secret realm, but sat cross-legged in the study room in the backyard of the store, quietly waiting for dawn.

At this moment, Master Hongchuan came to the outside of a courtyard in the city, where more than ten Yuanying realm cultivators had gathered.

He nodded to everyone, as a greeting.

Others, like Master Hongchuan, all had solemn faces. At this time, they had no mood to talk and were waiting quietly in the courtyard.

The evil cultivation organization that Master Hongchuan belonged to was called "Fushan Society", and its members were spread all over Chaohaitian. They were all middle-level people in Bihai City.

Then several more evil cultivators in the Yuanying realm came, and the middle-level people within a thousand miles of the "Fushan Society" in Bihai City had already arrived.

In the past, Master Hongchuan and others not only organized gatherings, but also gathered these middle-level people regularly.

But like today, it was the first time that the leader of the "Fushan Society" branch personally issued a decree to summon all the middle-level people in the organization.

There was no need to guess, and it was known that something must have happened to the "Fushan Society".

Evil cultivators like Hongchuan Zhenjun are most afraid of this situation. Once the organization gets into trouble, they will have to give up their foundation in Bihai City and flee to the ends of the earth.

They waited in the yard for nearly half an hour before a voice came from the abode.

"Come in..."

Hongchuan Zhenjun and others exhaled, and then filed into the abode.

They saw an old man in the state of transformation sitting cross-legged in the abode. He was the leader of the "Fushan Club" in Bihai City.

"Greetings to Xuancheng Immortal Venerable..."

After everyone entered the house, they hurriedly paid homage to him.

Xuancheng Immortal Venerable waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Just now, the leader of the club personally issued a decree. All members of the "Fushan Club" are on standby and are not allowed to leave Bihai City today..."

Hongchuan Zhenjun and others were all confused when they heard it, and someone couldn't help asking.

"Leader, has something happened to our "Fushan Club"..."

Xuancheng Immortal Venerable smiled, and then kept it a secret.

"Don't worry, not only is our 'Fushan Club' safe, but if you are lucky, you may even get a chance..."

After hearing his words, Master Hongchuan and the others became even more confused.

"You have all heard about the bounty bonus issued by the 'Wangchuan Palace' a while ago. It is said that the guy is in our Chaohaitian. No matter who it is, as long as they provide useful information, they will receive a reward from the 'Wangchuan Palace'..."

After Xuancheng Xianzun finished speaking, his face became solemn.

"Don't leave tonight. Wait with me for the master's decree. Before the master's decree is issued, no one can leave this courtyard or have any contact with the outside world..."

After hearing the words of Xuancheng Immortal Venerable, Hongchuan Zhenjun and others all widened their eyes.

They never thought that the rewarded Huahong would appear in Chaohaitian. This is a great event in the entire plane.

It is estimated that at this moment, all the middle and high-level organizations in the underground world of Chaohaitian should be waiting for orders from above like them.

After all, Chaohaitian is too big. With the power of "Wangchuan Hall" alone, it is impossible to find a person in such a large plane.

So underground evil organizations like "Fushan Club" will be mobilized to help "Wangchuan Hall" find clues about that kid.

It may not take long, even the disciples of Chaohaitian's major sects and the children of the cultivation families may have to get involved.

And more information about that kid will be slowly gathered.

It has to be said that the power of "Wangchuan Hall" is too strong.

Coupled with the eye-watering bounty, it is estimated that tomorrow at the latest, there will be a big uproar in the whole Chaohaitian.

However, although the reward from the "Wangchuan Palace" is not cheap, no one cares too much.

After all, Chaohaitian is so big, and the Chisha Islands alone are covered with tens of thousands of islands of all sizes. Who knows where that kid is hiding?

And that guy is a killing god. He has killed hundreds of cultivators in the Transformation Realm. Who dares to get close to them in the Nascent Soul Realm?

Of course, if they can really find out the information about that kid, they will not miss this opportunity without hurting themselves.

Maybe some people will try their best to fight for this opportunity, but most evil cultivators don't want to get involved.

Not only that, after being surprised, Hongchuan Zhenjun and others still looked worried.

With the arrival of the gang of "Wangchuan Palace" and the people who took the bounty, Chaohaitian can be said to be in a state of unrest.

In the hearts of Master Hongchuan and others, they were constantly praying that the evildoer must not come to our Bihai City.

When the gods fight, they, the little ghosts, will suffer.

In the early morning, Su Fan sat cross-legged in the study behind the shop, closing his eyes and quietly waiting for news.

From time to time, he took out the palm-sized micro array plate and activated the light curtain to take a look.

Until the sky was already dawn, just when he wondered if he was a little nervous, Su Fan took out the micro array plate again.

When he activated the light curtain, he saw a coded message released by Master Hongchuan.

Su Fan couldn't help but sigh, what was coming still came.

Although the coded message released by Master Hongchuan only asked them to stand by, no one was allowed to leave Bihai City today.

But Su Fan had guessed that the people of "Wangchuan Palace" had most likely arrived in Chaohaitian.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, when the crisis came, he still felt a little irritable.

Su Fan took a deep breath and suppressed his anxiety.

He couldn't hide. Since they had come to kill him, he could forget about it.

He had to do it.

However, judging from the secret message released by Master Hongchuan, the main force of the "Wangchuan Palace" should have just arrived at Chaohaitian and had not yet found out his exact location in Chaohaitian.

The most urgent thing now was to leave Bihai City as soon as possible and hide in the "Storm Reefs" before the "Wangchuan Palace" found out his exact location.

Thinking of this, Su Fan hesitated for only a few seconds before deciding to leave immediately.

His eyes condensed, and the air in front of him slowly condensed into a figure, which was exactly the same as Liu Mozhen in both appearance and figure.

Su Fan controlled his external incarnation to sit cross-legged in the study, and arranged a seventh-level formation to get to the shop in front.

He left a message to the little female cultivator who was watching the shop, telling her that he would be in seclusion recently and not to be disturbed unless there was something important.

After doing all this, Su Fan left the "Miao Fu Pavilion". When he walked out of the alley, his appearance and figure had changed into another person.

At this time, the sky and the earth had just dawned, and the fog formed by the sea breeze from the coast had not yet completely dissipated.

The air in the early morning of Bihai City was moist and fresh, and everything was shrouded in a faint mist.

There were already many pedestrians on the street, all of whom were monks who got up early to go to sea.

When Su Fan passed by the square in the city, he found that many people gathered outside the teleportation hall in the center of the square, and they were all making loud noises there.

He couldn't help but have a bad premonition in his heart, and hurried over.

Su Fan asked about it, and as he expected, the teleportation hall of Bihai City had been closed.

Without thinking, he turned around and hurried towards the direction of the city gate.


But before he took a few steps, he heard a dull humming sound, and a huge spiritual shield had enveloped Bihai City.

"What happened? Why is the defense formation activated..."

"The city is closed at this time. Could it be that the sea tribe is coming to attack us..."

"A friend of mine is in the open sea. I contacted him yesterday, but he didn't see any trace of the sea tribe..."

Seeing that the defense formation of Bihai City was activated, everyone panicked and started to discuss loudly.

Some monks who were in a hurry to go out to do things even cursed loudly.

Looking up at the spiritual shield covering the air, Su Fan couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that he had made a wrong judgment.

Although the "Wangchuan Palace" did not calculate his exact location, it should have calculated his general direction.

It is estimated that the entire Chisha Islands, and even the several nearby archipelagos, all the immortal cities and islands of all sizes, may have been closed.

If he guessed correctly, all the flying boats going out to sea in the entire Chisha Islands have stopped running, and it is very likely that the sea has been completely closed.

Not only that, Su Fan felt several extremely powerful auras sweeping through the city.

These powerful auras must be several high-level monsters in the Blue Sea City, who used their spiritual sense to investigate in the city.

Su Fan never thought that the "Wangchuan Palace" was so powerful that it actually closed the entire Chisha Islands.

In fact, Su Fan still underestimated the influence of the bounty bonus. As long as the top leaders of the "Wangchuan Palace" said hello to those big clans, this matter would not be a big deal.

Since he couldn't leave the city for a while, he had to change his plan.

Fortunately, Su Fan had some backup plans, otherwise he might really be trapped in this blue sea city.

Although he had arranged some means, the complete closure of the sea in the Red Sand Islands just now still made him dare not be careless.

Su Fan underestimated the determination of the "Forget River Palace". These guys might do anything to find him.

So at this time, even any slight mistake could cause him to fall into an abyss of no return.

Su Fan turned and left the city square and returned to the "Miao Fu Pavilion".

He walked into the store to remove the formation and the incarnation, and then sat cross-legged in the study.

Su Fan took out the palm-sized micro-array plate, activated the light curtain, and stared at the dense and various messages on it.

After looking for a long time, he did not see any information about the reward bonus.

The "Forgetful River Palace" did not hesitate to use all kinds of connections and resources to close the entire Chisha Islands. There was only one purpose for doing so, that is, to find his exact location.

Once they use the divination monks to calculate his exact location, they will definitely rush over frantically.

By then, he will be trapped in this Bihai City. Even if he wants to escape, he will not be able to escape. He will definitely be caught by this group of people.

Su Fan sneered and took out a jade talisman from his ring.

With a "snap", he crushed the jade talisman in his hand and then threw the dust in his hand to the side.

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