Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 80 Thousand Spirit Brew

The several Yinluo Sect monks at the exit of the secret realm were all surprised when they saw Su Fan.

In fact, the Yinluo Sect's small secret realm is mainly used for trials by outer disciples.

Each small secret realm will be divided into several passages by formations, and the sect will regularly release some monsters and evil spirits into it.

But generally there are only monsters in the passage, except for the one on the far left where there will be an evil monster.

Even ordinary outer sect disciples will not enter here easily. They are challenged step by step from right to left.

This time, casual cultivators will usually choose the middle passage, while related households will take the door on the far right.

Who did this guy offend to be put there?

Su Fan walked over and handed over the jade plaque in his hand.

A Yinluo Sect disciple took it and looked at it, and was confused again. Isn't this kind of jade token only available to related households?

"I'm over it now."

The Yinluo Sect disciple finally regained his composure and nodded hurriedly.

"Ah... passed, passed..."

"Then now I..."

The man took out an identity card and handed it to Su Fan.

"Within three days, take your identity card and report to the Cangjiu City Foreign Affairs Office branch..."

Su Fan took the identity card, nodded to the other party, then turned and left.

He could tell from the expressions of several Yinluo Sect disciples that there must be something fishy going on, and he must have been tricked.

When Su Fan walked out of the secret realm, he saw Liu He running up to him.

"Brother, you are so powerful. You actually killed a tentacle demon in the secret realm..."

Su Fan ignored him at all, pulled him aside and continued walking forward.

Paralyzed, it seemed that his guess was correct. His every move in the secret realm was always being watched.

"Brother, wait for me. Don't blame me today. It was all arranged originally, but then...then..."

After hearing what he said, Su Fan stopped and turned around, looking at him quietly.

"Tell me, what happened next..."

Liu He hesitated for a long time, and finally managed to say something.

"It's senior sister. She changed the passage to the secret realm..."

Su Fan frowned. He had never offended her, and he even gave her such a big credit.

"Senior sister said you hid too deeply, and wanted to...want to see how good you are..."

Su Fan was very angry. Isn't this free? What should I do if I have the time?

"Okay, thank you senior sisters for me..."

After saying that, he ignored Liu He and left directly in the "Yinfeng Boat".

Back at Hongyefang, Su Fan started to pack his bags.

Looking at this small courtyard, he couldn't help but sigh.

I have just lived here for a few months, and I have to change places again. I hope that this time I enter the Yinluo Sect, and it is best to stay away for a few years.

What Su Fan hated most was running around. In his previous life, he didn't even want to travel because he didn't want it to be a hassle.

Following a tour group, we visited more than a dozen scenic spots in five days, or nine countries in six days. We didn't get up until dawn and didn't come back until midnight. We were as tired as a kid every day.

What the hell is this tourism? You can't even escape so quickly.

Su Fan's idea of ​​traveling is to find a place he likes and stay there quietly for ten days and a half.

But that’s how rich people play, and it has nothing to do with him.

As for Qiongyou, Su Fan didn't have the courage.

Carrying a poor bag and living in poverty all over the world, there is no need to make money, support the family, or take care of the parents.

Therefore, Su Fan would rather stay at home than be squeezed into a tightrope in a scenic spot during a rare short vacation, and he still has to post on WeChat Moments.

Tell everyone in this world that I am here.

In fact, when it comes to home, he is poor, very lazy, and unwilling to mess around.

Su Fan's home in Hongyefang didn't have much to clean up. The two yards were withdrawn and they were simply taken away if they were no longer needed.

Of course, several large vats of sauerkraut and dozens of jars of kimchi must be taken away.

There's no other way, he just loves this bite.

Why don't you want to eat after entering the sect?

After working hard until evening, Su Fan tidied up. He was busy in the yard, preparing for the last dinner.

At this time, the messenger charm on his waist suddenly became hot.

Su Fan took out the messenger talisman, and Liu He's voice came from inside.

"Brother, senior sister and I will be there in a minute..."

What the hell...

It's not over yet.

But if someone wanted to come, there was nothing Su Fan could do.

Come on, come on, he also wants to see why the eldest sister is always thinking about him, a small casual cultivator.

As soon as it got dark, the senior sister arrived.

This time she didn't bring a bunch of followers, only Liu He followed her like a henchman.

The senior sister entered the small courtyard and looked around.

"After entering the sect, I want to eat your food, what should I do?"

Su Fan listened and said with a smile: "Then just tell Liu He and I will make it for you alone..."

The senior sister nodded with satisfaction, and then entered the room with Su Fan.

A banquet table has been set up in the hall of the house, which is the food that senior sister often ordered in the past.

"Senior sister, what are you doing here..."

Su Fan let his senior sister take the main seat and took out a pot of hot liquor. He was about to pour her a glass, but was stopped by his senior sister.

The senior sister took out a bottle of wine from her storage bag and handed it to Su Fan.

"This is a bottle of spiritual wine that came from home a few years ago. I have never been willing to drink it. Today we drank it."

Su Fan took the spirit wine a little flattered, with a face full of disbelief. Judging from the appearance of the bottle, this must be a real spirit wine.

The senior sister saw that Su Fan looked like he had never seen the world, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

"It's open..."

You said that, do you think I don't dare? I've wanted to taste the taste of the spirit wine for a long time.

Su Fan didn't pretend anymore, and with a "bang", he opened the spirit wine.

The room was immediately filled with a mellow fragrance.

Su Fan took the bottle of wine, and felt the strange fragrance hit his face. He felt refreshed after taking a sip, and his internal energy seemed to be strengthened a little.

"This is Qianling wine, which gathers the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon. One sip is equivalent to one month of practice."

After listening to the senior sister's words, Su Fan carefully poured wine for her, tilted the mouth of the pot slightly, and the emerald green wine slowly poured in.

Liu He's eyes were full of greed, but Su Fan didn't pour him at all.

"Brother, give it to me, pour me a glass too..."

Su Fan ignored him and carefully raised the wine glass.

"Sister, I toast you with this cup..."

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and drank a mouthful without waiting for her to speak.

No matter how good the spiritual wine is, it is only yours when you drink it. There is no point in wasting time.

Su Fan took a sip and it turned into a hot flame that swept through his throat.

All his internal organs were burning and his blood was boiling!

I felt that at the moment the wine went down my throat, a warm current melted in my body and flowed through my body.

The whole person felt an indescribable sense of physical and mental comfort, as if all the tendons and veins in his body were opened up at once.

Thanks to book friends 20210924002310712, zteking, Wu Kexian, Hualianniu 1, and several big guys for their monthly ticket support. the big guys for their recommendation votes. Lao Bu is deeply grateful. Thank you all for your love and support.

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