Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 793 Isn't that the same as seeking death?

This past year or so, Su Fan was almost tortured to death.

He went to several places non-stop, in all directions of the Chaoguang Star Region, and was almost never idle.

Now Su Fan finally arrived at Kunyuan Heaven after a long journey. He was already exhausted physically and mentally. Now he just wanted to find a place to have a good rest.

He followed the dense crowd and entered Qingtan Immortal City along a straight and wide road.

The mountain not far from Qingtan Immortal City is the location of the mountain gate of the "Qingtan Immortal Sect", the largest sect in Kunyuan Heaven.

The Feng family is actually a subsidiary family of the Qingtan Immortal Sect. Even the two ancestors of the family in the fusion realm are from the "Qingtan Immortal Sect".

Over tens of thousands of years, the relationship between the family and the "Qingtan Immortal Sect" has been very close, and it has become a point where they prosper together and suffer together.

The best children of the Feng family are often sent to the "Qingtan Immortal Sect" for careful training from a very young age.

For example, Feng Qinglan, the most talented disciple of this generation of the family, is one of the core disciples of the "Qingtan Immortal Sect".

In order not to arouse the suspicion of the Feng family, Su Fan did not come directly to Qingtan Immortal City. ,

He first took the Star Domain Flying Boat to Kunyuantian, and then after several twists and turns, he came to a market within the sphere of influence of the "Qingtan Immortal Sect".

Su Fan changed his identity as a casual cultivator there, and then took the flying boat to Qingtan Immortal City.

Although this is a bit troublesome, this is the Feng family's territory after all, and he dare not be careless at all.

In fact, Su Fan thought too much, and the Feng family would never think that he would go deep into the tiger's den alone and kill under the eyes of the Feng family.

Not only did the Feng family not expect it, but no one expected that he would have such courage.

He was just a small plane disciple with no roots and no duckweed, and he offended the powerful Feng family. At this time, he should have found a place to hide his identity and avoid the pursuit of the Feng family.

In everyone's opinion, Su Fan is too late to hide now, how could he take the initiative to touch the Feng family's tiger whiskers? That would be the same as seeking death.

Even though hundreds of Feng family's direct descendants of the God Transformation Realm were sent to Kaiyangtian and Yunsangtian respectively, almost all of the family's direct descendants of the God Transformation Realm were withdrawn.

But Kunyuantian where the Feng family is located is still calm, and there is no intention of taking any precautions.

Many low-level children of the Feng family don't even know the grudge between the family and Su Fan, let alone what so many God Transformation Realm cultivators in the family are doing.

After all, Feng Qinglan was killed by Su Fan in the "Falling Star Sky Ruins", which is not a glorious thing for the Feng family.

So the Feng family will not publicize this matter everywhere. Now, except for the high-level leaders of various super-plane sects, almost no one like those low-level cultivators knows about this.

Su Fan found an inn in Qingtan Xiancheng, and then fell asleep on the bed.

He slept for a whole day and night before he recovered from fatigue. Then he left the inn and found a hotel in the city to eat.

Su Fan was in the lobby of the hotel, eating while listening to the discussions of people around him, hoping to get some information about the Feng family.

Who knew that almost no one in the hall was talking about the Feng family, but there were many topics about him.

I didn't expect that after so long, there were still people discussing his amazing achievements in the "Falling Star Sky Ruins".

But Su Fan didn't have a trace of pride in his mind. At this time, he came to Qingtan Fairy City alone, which was definitely a deep tiger's den.

So since he set foot on Kunyuantian, he has been cautious and treading on thin ice.

In order to come here, he used the evil method of parasitism and changed several different identities. Anyway, there was no one else.

However, Su Fan walked around the city for a day, and he didn't feel a sense of crisis. This feeling was very awkward.

It was like he pushed hard, but didn't push anything, and almost fell to the ground.

It really fits the saying that the more dangerous a place is, the safer it is.

Su Fan walked around the street for a long time and soon found out the base of the Feng family, which was located in a market town more than 100,000 miles away from Qingtan Fairy City.

This place called "Fengshan Market Town" was also the place where the Feng family started.

Now the Feng family has influence within 10,000 miles of "Fengshan Market Town", which is like an independent kingdom.

Su Fan found an evil cultivator in a town outside the city, used the evil method of parasitism to change his identity, and then re-entered the city and took the teleportation array to "Fengshan Market Town".

He walked out of the teleportation hall and was stunned.

"Fengshan Market Town" is not a market town at all, it is simply a fairy city of considerable size.

From the scale of "Fengshan Market Town", it can be seen that the sects of Chixiatian do not necessarily have such a deep foundation as the Feng family.

Moreover, the Feng family does not only have "Fengshan Market Town", but many towns, markets and resource points within a radius of more than 10,000 miles are all Feng family's industries.

At this moment, the Feng family did not expect Su Fan to go deep into the tiger's den, so their defense was very lax. This was an opportunity for him.

But once Feng Qingshu was killed, the entire Feng family would be mobilized, and his identities would not be able to withstand investigation.

The direct descendants of the Feng family were killed on their own family's territory, which was definitely a big deal.

The Feng family is not an ordinary cultivation family. By then, I am afraid that the entire Qingtan Xianzong's sphere of influence will be carefully checked.

So before taking action, Su Fan must arrange a retreat first, and it is best to leave Kunyuantian before the Feng family reacts.

Even if he couldn't leave Kunyuantian, he had to find a way to leave the sphere of influence of Qingtan Xianzong.

Anyway, Kunyuantian is so big, there are many big sects like Qingtan Xianzong.

Moreover, Kunyuantian belongs to the plane where the immortal sect and the demon sect coexist. It is said that the immortals and demons here are not harmonious. Although they can maintain superficial peace, there are many dirty things in private.

So after Su Fan came to "Fengshan Market", he didn't rush to act, but spent several days to make a detailed plan and several retreats.

The shops in "Fengshan Market" are also the property of the Feng family, and the shop assistants are all from the children of the Feng family's side branches.

It only took a few days for Su Fan to easily confuse several low-level children of the Feng family and understand the situation of the Feng family clearly.

Although the low-level children don't know much about the affairs of the Feng family's top leaders, they still know something about the personnel changes within the family.

Recently, almost all the Feng family's direct descendants of the God Transformation Realm cultivators have left the family, and even some of the Feng family's disciples in the God Transformation Realm in the Qingtan Immortal Sect have left the sect.

Now there are only two cultivators in the Void Refining Realm in the "Fengshan Market", and there are very few direct descendants of the Feng family in the God Transformation Realm.

In the second house where Feng Qingshu is, there is not a single cultivator in the God Transformation Realm left, even his father and mother in the Void Refining Realm have left.

There is no need to guess that these people must have been sent to hunt him down.

Moreover, he also found out the whereabouts of Feng Qingshu, who has been banished to the cold palace by the family.

The family threw him into a remote market to let him fend for himself, and ordered him not to leave for life.

He will definitely become a useless person in the future, and his role in the family is to leave a few bloodlines for the Feng family.

After getting so much information about the Feng family, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Almost all the direct descendants of the Feng family in the God Transformation Realm and the Void Refining Realm have left Kunyuantian.

Now there are only two Lianxu realm cultivators left, guarding the "Fengshan Market", and the towns, markets and resource points in other places are all guarded by the worshippers of the Huashen realm of some families.

Su Fan never thought that the defense of the Feng family base was so lax. They were really not afraid of people coming to steal their homes.

In fact, it is understandable. The location of Qingtan Xianzong is in the middle area of ​​Kunyuantian. It does not border the Demon Sect, so the situation around is very peaceful.

The Feng family is a high-level cultivation family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. All resources within tens of thousands of miles around are controlled by the family.

Who is so bold that dares to come to the Feng family's territory to make trouble, isn't it the same as seeking death?

Not to mention within the sphere of influence of Qingtan Xianzong, even in the entire Kunyuantian, as long as the children of the Feng family announce their family, even those disciples of the big sects will give them some face.

In the early morning, Feng Qingshu slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the couch.

The white body lying beside him was covered with wounds, and it was obvious that it had been dead for a long time.

"Come here... Where did all the people die..."

Hearing his shout, several beautiful young female cultivators hurried in from outside and knelt trembling in front of Feng Qingshu.

They were all children of the Feng family's side branch, and were sent here by their families to serve the young master of the main family.

Although Feng Qingshu would not hurt them, he was trembling every day, fearing that he would anger this master.

Since this young master returned to the family, he seemed to have changed into a different person, and he was hysterical no matter what he did.

And his temper became more and more cruel and violent, and he would cruelly kill a female cultivator every few days.

These female cultivators were forcibly abducted from outside by Feng Qingshu's people, and he allowed him to vent his beastly desires.

At this time, the whole yard was almost filled with shrill screams all night long.

"Clean up this place..."

Feng Qingshu left the house after he finished speaking. Several young female cultivators were as if they had been pardoned and quickly cleaned up the mess in the room.

He came to the yard and stood there and took a deep breath.

Yesterday he abused that female cultivator for a whole night, and only then did he vent the violent spirit in his heart.

But for Feng Qingshu, this was only a temporary solution.

Now he just wanted to leave this yard and didn't want to be trapped in this ghost place for the rest of his life.

Ever since Su Fan won the top spot in the Taoist Association's battle record list in "Falling Star Tianxu" and heard the news of his brother Feng Qinglan's death, Feng Qingshu began to be in a state of madness.

Every day he was like crazy, constantly smashing things, as if he was willing to destroy everything in front of him.

Even his lackey Qi Feng was beaten several times, and more than a dozen female cultivators who were responsible for serving him were tortured to death by him.

Until Feng Qingshu's mother came and personally escorted him back to Kunyuantian, he was considered to be calm.

After returning to the family, many elders in the family were resentful of him because Feng Qinglan died because of him.

Feng Qingshu's own father severely reprimanded him and issued a house arrest order, not to step out of the family from now on, which made Feng Qingshu, who was already narrow-minded, crazy.

Especially since the family threw him into this place where rabbits don't shit, and even didn't let him go out, it was obviously banishing him to the cold palace.

Although he had poor qualifications before, he was still a direct descendant, and his mother doted on him in every way. In addition, his brother was Feng Qinglan, so no matter where he went, others would give him some face.

The huge gap also made Feng Qingshu more and more manic. He stayed up all night, tossed and turned, and lived a life worse than death.

If it weren't for his lackey Qi Feng, who sent a female cultivator to him every few days for him to abuse, he would have been possessed by a demon.

At this time, Qi Feng walked in from outside and saw Feng Qingshu, with disheveled hair, standing in the yard with a dull look, and couldn't help sighing.

As Feng Qingshu's follower, it would definitely not be possible to change his sect, unless he died.

Now that his master has fallen into such a state, he can only be unlucky with him.

Qi Feng sighed and walked over.

"Brother, how was that girl last night..."

Feng Qingshu seemed to have not heard what Qi Feng said, and still stood there blankly.

Since coming here, his master has become like this, even he has to be cautious, for fear of irritating the other party.

There is no way, Qi Feng can only stay by Feng Qingshu's side and talk to him carefully.

Suddenly, Feng Qingshu turned his head sharply, staring at Qi Feng with blood-red eyes, which frightened him.

"Can you help me out..."

Qi Feng broke out in a cold sweat when he heard Feng Qingshu's words.

Who dares to let you go out at this time? If the Second Master knows, he will kill you.

And now there are two worshippers in the Transformation Realm guarding outside the yard. As long as they take a step out of the yard, they will be taken back in a minute.

"Brother, don't go out now. Wait for a while until the Second Master calms down, then you can go and beg..."

Before Qi Feng finished speaking, Feng Qingshu ran out of the yard, but he was stopped by two figures not long after he ran out.

"Second Master's decree, you are not allowed to step out of the yard..."

"You two slaves, you are like dogs. If you dare to stop me again, I will let you die..."

Feng Qingshu went crazy after hearing this. He pointed at the two worshippers in the Transformation Realm and started to curse.

But no matter how badly he cursed, the two worshippers in the Transformation Realm ignored him.

Until Feng Qingshu was tired of cursing, he was dragged back to the yard by Qi Feng.

The two worshippers of the Feng family looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly. When will this day end?

At this time, a Feng family member in the Golden Core Realm hurried in from outside.

They all knew this person. He was from a branch of the Feng family and is now a manager in this market.

The other party came in front of the two and bowed to them respectfully.

"Two seniors, the second branch just told me to meet Brother Qingshu..."

A Feng family member who was in the spirit transformation realm frowned and interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"Now, besides the second master, who else..."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

"Not good..."

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