Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 734 Eight-winged Blood-sucking Demon Mosquito

In the early morning, Chixiatian gathered hundreds of elite disciples who were attending the Taoist meeting in the valley.

The leader of the team encouraged them, and then led everyone out of the valley to Taibai Immortal City.

More than a month after Su Fan and others came to Taibai Immortal Palace, the centennial Taoist meeting in Chaoguang Star Region finally began.

In the air, a dense group of monks gathered from all directions to Taibai Immortal City. The magnificent formation was quite impressive.

Su Fan looked at the waves of monks around him. It was estimated that there were hundreds of thousands of people outside the city alone, not to mention the monks in the city and the high-ranking disciples in the mountain gate of Taibai Immortal Palace.

Of course, it was impossible for so many people to fight one-on-one on the stage. How long would it take to compete?

These days, the two uncles of the sect who were in the state of transformation of the gods also told them about some things in the past Taoist meetings.

Because the rules of each Taoist meeting are different, the sect cannot provide them with any experience.

The only thing that is the same in the Daohui competition is that the initial screening process is similar, and most people will be eliminated in the initial screening process.

In the Daohui a hundred years ago, the initial selection process was to send everyone to a plane battlefield.

Disciples from each plane must kill enough demons within the specified time to be eligible to enter the next stage of the Daohui competition.

The hundred cultivators of Chixiatian worked together and fought to the death to win the qualification for the next stage for more than ten powerful disciples.

There was no way, there were too many disciples participating in the Daohui, and it was impossible for everyone to enter the later stage of the competition.

Su Fan and others came to the outside of Taibai Immortal City, but they were blocked by the defense formation of the Immortal City. .

Hundreds of thousands of cultivators were densely packed, covering the sky and the sun, suspended in the sky outside Taibai Immortal City.

After waiting for nearly an hour, the disciples of the sects from various planes gathered here began to get impatient.

"We have been waiting for so long, why don't you let us enter the city..."

"We were summoned here early in the morning, but we have been waiting for so long..."

"Do I need to ask this? They must be waiting for the disciples of the big sects in the mountain gate of Taibai Fairy Palace..."

"Why? Why should we wait for them..."

"Why else? Those people are big sects in the super plane. Stop complaining and wait patiently..."

Although everyone complained, no one dared to stand up and question, just to be frank.

"Look, someone is coming over there..."

At this time, someone next to Su Fan shouted loudly, and he looked in the direction of the other person's finger.

He saw a black spot in the sky in the direction of the mountain gate of Taibai Fairy Palace.

After a while, the black spot in the distance became bigger and bigger. It turned out to be a luxurious flying boat, whizzing over the heads of everyone.

Almost at the same time, the defense formation of Taibai Fairy City dissipated with a bang, and a large number of flying boats entered the city in a line.

It was not until a large number of flying boats entered the city that the densely packed cultivators from various planes outside the city entered Taibai Immortal City one by one under the leadership of the cultivators of the Divine Transformation Realm of various sects.

When the cultivator Chixiatian entered the city, more than half of the people outside the city had already entered.

They flew over the central square of the city and saw a huge space gate standing in the middle of the square.

Teams of cultivators who flew here from all directions lined up in an orderly manner and flew into the space gate.


Su Fan flew into the space gate and felt that his eyes went black, as if he had fallen into an endless abyss.

It was not until he stabilized his body that his mind regained clarity. He opened his eyes and found that he had come to an unfamiliar area.

At this moment, the entire sky was gray, as if covered by a curtain.

The ground was also barren, covered with gravel and rocks, and not even a bit of green vegetation could be seen.

There was no trace of spiritual energy in the air here, and a rough and dry smell was everywhere.

And from time to time, a strong wind blew up the gravel on the ground, and the wind and sand in the sky made people unable to open their eyes.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and his consciousness was completely released, and all the slightest movement within a radius of more than 100 miles was in his sight.

He found that there were only 100 cultivators from their Chixiatian nearby, and as for the cultivators from other planes, they were gone at this time.

At this time, a piece of information suddenly flooded into Su Fan's mind, including a map and the rules of the next competition.

The 100 cultivators of Chixiatian must rush to the designated area on the map within the specified time.

If you encounter danger on the way to the designated location, as long as you crush your jade talisman in time, you will be automatically teleported back to Taibai Immortal City.

"Fan Su, follow me..."

At this time, Brother Feng Ba of Zhenshan Dao Palace came to his side at some point.

Su Fan nodded, and then followed him to the front of the team.

At this moment, the ten leading disciples of each of the ten super sects of Chixiatian have gathered together.

When they saw Su Fan, they all nodded to him as a greeting.

The leading disciple of Chixiatian who attended the Taoist meeting was Senior Brother Qiyun, the leading disciple from Lingxiao Immortal Palace.

At this time, he stood up and began to organize the next work of the entire team.

Su Fan's status in this team is relatively transcendent, and he is also the only one who attended the meeting as an ordinary disciple.

Of course, he rarely participated in the discussion, because he was not good at it, and it was better to leave it to professionals.

Senior Brother Qiyun did have talent in this area. He first named more than ten people as the elite of the team, including Su Fan.

All the others had to strive for opportunities for them to ensure that Su Fan and others could smoothly reach the designated location on the map and obtain the qualification for the next stage of the competition.

This was also the plan they had agreed on long ago, and it was also the experience and lessons learned from the previous Taoist competitions.

Next, he re-planned the personnel configuration of the entire team.

The strongest physical cultivator in close combat was at the front, followed by the strongest sword cultivator, and the disciples of the immortal sect's magic were the strongest firepower output unit, arranged at the end of the team.

"My fellow brothers, this time we must work together to strive to reach the designated location on the map in time..."

At this point, Senior Brother Qiyun looked at everyone again.

"According to the surrounding environment, this is probably the Zerg plane. If we encounter a crisis on the way, we must try our best to cover the elite team to arrive safely..."

The Zerg plane is very troublesome. Although the Zerg's combat effectiveness is relatively poor, the number is too large.

This is the initial screening stage of the Centennial Daohui Competition. How could the Zerg in this plane be so simple? No one will take it lightly.

Next, he named the dozen elites of the team one by one. This order is the ranking of each elite disciple's priority protection. Su Fan's name is the last one.

The implication is that if a crisis is encountered, even if all the people in the team die, we must do our best to ensure that Su Fan can reach the designated location on the map within the specified time.

After hearing his name, Su Fan did not speak, but nodded heavily.

He did not expect that those high-level monsters in Chixiatian would bet on him.

At this moment, everyone's face was solemn, and the atmosphere became depressed, with a sense of tragedy.

In the past hundred-year Taoist meetings in Chaoguang Star Region, Chixiatian's performance was not good to watch.

This time, there was finally a capable fighter like Su Fan, so the top leaders of Chixiatian placed their hopes on him.

Su Fan smiled bitterly to himself. Although he had no sense of belonging to Chixiatian, he had to do his best at this point.

"Okay, let's go..."

After Senior Brother Qiyun finished speaking, he took out a miniature boat from the ring and threw it gently into the air.

The miniature boat grew in the wind and instantly turned into a pitch-black flying boat more than ten feet long.

Su Fan followed everyone on the flying boat. With a dull humming sound, the flying boat slowly rose into the air and roared away.

The flying boat flew into the sky, and the dense array on the boat began to flicker, and then the boat began to slowly disappear into the air.

Su Fan sat cross-legged in the cabin with his eyes closed, and the others also restrained their breath, not even daring to breathe.

After all, they came to a strange plane, and they didn't even know what dangers were ahead, so they didn't dare to be careless.

Although Su Fan closed his eyes tightly, he concentrated on sensing the situation ahead.

Since breaking through the sixth level of the "Heavenly Demon Saint Body Art", his sensing ability has also increased significantly.

Now, even if Xuxu hides more than a hundred feet away, he can clearly feel its presence.

The flying boat has been traveling in the air for several hours, and no danger has been found. At this speed, it will take another three days to reach the designated location on the map.

Su Fan knew that the crisis could occur at any time.

His intuition told him that the danger was not far away from him.

Suddenly, Su Fan's eyes condensed, and he sensed a series of chaotic breaths, which were extremely similar to the insect swarms he had encountered before.

"Everyone be careful, there is an insect swarm ahead..."

Su Fan reminded others with his mind, and the atmosphere on the flying boat became tense.

Senior Brother Qi Yun, Senior Brother Feng Ba and other disciples with the strongest spiritual awareness were all stunned at this moment, because they did not find the swarm of insects in front of them.

But even so, they were still quite convinced of Su Fan, and everyone began to be on guard.

Senior Brother Qi Yun carefully controlled the flying boat and reduced the speed of the flying boat a lot.

"A swarm of insects was found in front..."

At this time, several disciples at the front of the flying boat also sensed the existence of the swarm of insects and reminded everyone with their minds.

The area of ​​the swarm of insects in front was very large, almost covering the sky for dozens of miles.

The most terrifying thing was that Su Fan also felt an extremely powerful breath spreading from the depths of the swarm of insects.

What the hell...

This is the seventh-level insect king equivalent to the human race's incarnation realm.

Although Senior Brother Qi Yun's flying boat has the effect of stealth, it can't escape the detection of the insect king at all.

Is the threshold of the Centennial Dao Conference in Chaoguang Star Domain so high this time? Even the initial screening stage is so dangerous.

"Insect King... There is an Insect King ahead..."

After receiving the thought from Su Fan, Senior Brother Qi Yun did not think twice and immediately controlled the flying boat to make a big circle in the air, madly fleeing in the direction of departure.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Su Fan clearly felt that the swarm of insects in front had become agitated.


At this time, a series of piercing hissing sounds came from afar, and Su Fan felt that his eyes went dark.

Fortunately, he focused his eyes and instantly recovered from his confused state.

But it was not so easy for the others. Several disciples with weaker spirits could not resist the magic power launched by the Insect King and fell to the ground and fainted.

Since the Insect King had discovered his whereabouts, Senior Brother Qi Yun simply gave up the stealth state of the flying boat and increased the speed of the flying boat to the highest state.

The dense array on the boat flashed violently, and the flying boat suddenly rushed forward, and the speed increased several times in an instant, flying madly into the distance.

The forced speed-up of the flying boat also caused the cultivators on the flying boat to fall all over the place in a hurry.

Su Fan stretched out his hand and pressed the ground, and then he stabilized his body.

He stood up from the ground, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he magnified his spiritual sense to the maximum, and found that the swarm of insects behind him had already caught up with him like covering the sky and the sun.

Hundreds of huge insects were incredibly fast, and at this time they had already stood out from the crowd and chased up fiercely.

It was not until this time that Su Fan could see the appearance of these insects clearly.

These insects that were chasing them were like mosquitoes that had been magnified countless times. The giant mosquitoes in the front had a wingspan of more than ten feet.

"It's over. This is the 'Eight-winged Blood-sucking Demon Mosquito'..."

At this time, a cultivator on the flying boat shouted in fear.

When the people on the flying boat heard this, a look of despair appeared on their faces.

Su Fan also frowned. He had never seen this kind of demon mosquito, let alone heard of it.

Although Brother Qi Yun's flying boat was very fast, judging from the current situation, the hundreds of huge "Eight-winged Blood-sucking Demon Mosquitoes" chasing them were obviously faster.

And according to the aura of these "Eight-winged Blood-sucking Demon Mosquitoes", these hundreds of huge demon mosquitoes should be equivalent to the sixth-level demon mosquitoes of the human race's Nascent Soul realm.

It was only a matter of time before the flying boat was caught up. If it was caught up by these sixth-level "Eight-winged Blood-sucking Demon Mosquitoes", the consequences would be disastrous.

If the flying boat is entangled by them, it will definitely be surrounded by countless fourth- and fifth-level "Eight-winged Blood-sucking Demon Mosquitoes".

"Everyone abandon the boat and use the escape technique to quickly escape from here..."

After hearing what Brother Qi Yun said, the Chixiatian disciples on the flying boat were about to use the escape technique to try to escape from the pursuit of the insect swarm.

"It's too late, the seventh-level insect king has already launched the domain..."

After receiving Su Fan's thoughts, the disciples on the flying boat were stunned.

One person didn't believe in evil and instantly launched the void escape technique, but soon returned to the flying boat.

Brother Qi Yun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Everyone pay attention, abandon the boat immediately, and cover the elite members of the team to escape from the encirclement of the insect swarm..."

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