Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 719: No matter how good the purchase is, it is not as good as the sale

With a flash of dazzling light, Su Fan appeared in an extremely luxurious hall.

"What are you still standing there for? We should leave..."

Just when Su Fan was stunned, the Immortal Master Qiu Ling next to him reminded him and then stepped out of the teleportation formation.

He hurriedly followed him and left the teleportation hall with him.

"This is the territory of the 'Lingxiao Immortal Palace'. Don't reveal your identity for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble..."

At this time, he heard a voice in his ears, which was the voice of the Immortal Master Qiu.

Su Fan couldn't help but frowned after hearing it. Could it be that there are all kinds of dirty things among the ten super immortal sects?

Seeing his face full of doubts, the Immortal Master Qiu explained to him again with his mind.

"In our Chixiatian, the 'Lingxiao Immortal Palace' has always claimed to be the head of the immortal way, and even the ten super immortal sects have to listen to their orders..."

Even though the Immortal Master Qiu used his mind to transmit the voice, he could still clearly feel the other party's deep resentment.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with him, and he doesn't want to know the reasons.

Su Fan followed the Immortal Master Qiu Ling out of the teleportation hall and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

At this time, he was on a high platform in the center of a square, standing here to overlook the city below.

The city in front of him was extremely vast, more than ten times the size of Beiqiong Immortal City.

The square under Su Fan's feet was in the center of the city, and the two cross-intersecting main streets were the boundaries, dividing the entire immortal city into four areas.

The wide roads in the city led in all directions, and tall buildings were lined up one after another. Although the houses were densely packed, they did not seem crowded, and the environment was unusually clean.

The buildings on both sides of the street were extremely luxurious, with flying eaves and brackets everywhere, carved railings and jade bricks, which looked extremely magnificent.

"This is the 'Lingxiao Immortal City', known as the central city of Chixiatian, where you can lead to any immortal city in Chixiatian..."

After listening to the words of the Immortal Master Qiu Ling, and looking at this magnificent immortal city, Su Fan couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

It seems that this Lingxiao Palace is not simple.

And from what Qiu Lingxianzun said, this old monster is quite dissatisfied with Lingxiao Palace.

"Why don't we go back to Zhenshan Palace directly..."

"I have to go to the city to do something, we will return to the mountain gate tomorrow..."

Su Fan followed Qiu Lingxianzun to a courtyard in the city. This is the property of Zhenshan Palace, where the disciples of the sect usually stay.

As soon as they entered the yard, several Yuanying Realm disciples on duty here hurried over to pay homage.

"Disciple greets Uncle Qiu Ling..."

Qiu Lingxianzun waved at them and said, "Help him find a place to settle down..."

The old man left after he finished speaking. Several disciples of Zhenshan Palace came over and looked at Su Fan curiously.

Although these people were curious about Su Fan's identity, they did not dare to ask because he was brought by Qiu Lingxianzun.

The other party was looking at him, and Su Fan was also looking at these disciples of Zhenshan Palace.

After all, they are disciples of the Ti Dao Sect, and they are all big and strong. No wonder the cultivators in the world of cultivation call the body cultivators barbarians.

"Junior brother, I am Huo Changen from the sect's internal affairs hall. Come with me..."

The leader was a late-stage Yuanying cultivator, who greeted Su Fan with a smile, and then took him to a monastery.

"Junior brother, settle down here first, and come to me if you need anything..."

Su Fan nodded to the other party and said with a smile: "Thank you, Senior Brother Changen..."

The other party bowed his hand and left.

Su Fan glanced at Huo Changen's back, then pushed the door and walked into the monastery.

He sat cross-legged in the hall, took out a small red clay stove and tea sets, and brewed a pot of spiritual tea for himself.

Su Fan picked up the teacup and took a sip, then took out a storage ring from his arms.

His eyes condensed, his consciousness swept over the storage ring, and then he couldn't help sighing.

The ring was filled with various high-level array materials, which were enough for him to consume for several years.

The master was really nice to him. This must have been taken out by the old man from his family.

Because Rufeng Xianzun was a master-disciple relationship, the family behind him was not very well-established in the sect. It must not have been easy for him to get so many rare array materials.

Su Fan owed more and more.

Although he was a cold-hearted person, he was grateful and repaying.

Su Fan didn't know how to repay the master's kindness in teaching him. He also gave him so many rare high-level array materials. How could he repay him in the future?

No matter what, too many lice don't bite, and too many debts don't worry.

The old man still had hundreds of years of life left, and there would always be a chance to repay his kindness in the future.

The conditions here were not bad. He walked around the house and left the abode, ready to go for a stroll in the city.

Su Fan came to the city and wandered aimlessly on the street.

He went into a few shops at random, but left quickly. The prices in "Lingxiao Fairy City" were simply too expensive.

In the past, Su Fan always thought that the prices in Beiqiong Fairy City were extremely expensive, but compared with here, it was nothing.

Now he was poor, and seeing the outrageous prices in the city, he didn't want to continue shopping.

Just when Su Fan wanted to go back, he suddenly remembered that he still had a few sets of "Nine Palaces Phantom Trace Array" and "Taiyi Qimen Concealing Heaven Fairy Array", so he decided to find a store in Lingxiao Fairy City to sell them.

He found a few more luxurious shops, went in to ask, and found that the fairy formations here were several times more expensive than those in Beiqiong Xiancheng.

Su Fan was immediately excited. This deal was worth it.

He excitedly entered a shop, but when he asked inside, the purchase price given by the shopkeeper directly gave him a crushing fracture.

Although the purchase price was several percent more expensive than that of Beiqiong Xiancheng, it was completely incomparable with their sales price.

Su Fan left the shop in a rage, but unfortunately he went to several shops in succession, and the price was the same, and you could sell it or not.

No matter which time and space, the buyer is better than the seller.

Each fairy city in Chixiatian has a complete business system, and it will not allow people to break the rules and take advantage of loopholes.

Although the fairy formation of Beiqiong Xianzong is cheap, if the cost of long-distance transmission of the formation is counted, plus the extremely low purchase price of shops in various places, the cost will not be enough.

If you want to scramble for cultivation materials everywhere, there is no profit at all.

Su Fan sold several sets of "Nine Palaces Phantom Trace Array" and "Taiyi Qimen Concealing Heavenly Immortal Array" in his hands to several shops with tears in his eyes.

Of course, if the success rate of the array cultivators in refining the immortal array is high, the profit is still very high.

Especially the works of the array masters, the value is often multiplied by dozens of times, and they are not found on the market at all, and rarely appear in auction houses, and only circulate privately.

In order to sell several sets of "Nine Palaces Phantom Trace Array" and "Taiyi Qimen Concealing Heavenly Immortal Array", it took a long time.

It was not until the evening that Su Fan sold the last set of the sixth-level immortal array.

He found a restaurant on the street and walked in. It was lunchtime, and there were many diners in the restaurant. The hall was almost full.

Su Fan finally found a place, asked for some spiritual food and spiritual wine, and then drank by himself.

While drinking and eating, he listened to the monks around him chatting.

There were many people in the hotel lobby, it was as messy as a swarm of flies buzzing, and the content of their chats was all kinds of strange, and there was nothing valuable.

Until he was about to finish his meal and get up to pay the bill and leave, he suddenly heard something about himself.

"Why is the demon cultivator accepted by Beiqiong Xianzong silent now..."

"I heard from my fellow countrymen in Tianyi Jianzong that Beiqiong Xianzong is too small to keep this demon..."

"Why don't I understand what you said, what do you mean..."

"Are you stupid? Don't you understand that this demon was favored by the ten super immortal sects..."

"It's impossible to favor him, he is a demon who kills without blinking an eye..."

"Whether he is a demon or not is up to those people in the ten super immortal sects..."

Hearing the chat between the two cultivators, Su Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I guess the people in the ten super immortal sects deliberately spread his bad reputation, with the purpose of recruiting him into their sect.

Now Su Fan has decided to join the Zhenshan Taoist Palace. If he guessed correctly, it won't take long for public opinion to reverse.

Unexpectedly, the top ten super immortal sects are quite good at hype.

At least in Chixiatian, the top ten super immortal sects occupy the commanding heights of public opinion, and they have the final say on right and wrong.

Su Fan stayed in the lobby for a while, but unfortunately he didn't hear any more useful information.

He stood up, paid the bill, left the hotel, and returned to the courtyard of the Zhenshan Taoist Palace in the city.

Early the next morning, Su Fan followed Qiu Lingxianzun on the long-distance transmission array and came to the gate of the Zhenshan Taoist Palace.

The top ten super immortal sects have a special status in Chixiatian and enjoy privileges that other immortal sects do not have.

Take the long-distance transmission array for example. If the cultivators of other immortal sects want to teleport across domains, they must change several transmission arrays to reach their destination.

The disciples of the ten super immortal sects are much more convenient. No matter which area of ​​Chixiatian they want to go to, they can reach their destination directly through the sect's long-distance teleportation array.

Moreover, the cost of riding the teleportation array for the disciples of this sect is much cheaper than that of the disciples of other immortal sects.

Of course, the most domineering one is Lingxiao Immortal Palace, which occupies the central city of Chixiatian.

Even if the disciples of the ten super immortal sects come to the central region of Chixiatian, they can only transfer in Lingxiao Immortal City no matter where they go.

Su Fan thought that the gate of Zhenshan Dao Palace was also in the central region of Chixiatian. When he arrived, he found that the sect was on the edge of the Western Region.

Moreover, the spiritual energy resources of the mountain gate of Zhenshan Dao Palace are far less abundant than those in the central region.

Not to mention the environment around the sect, there are no green mountains and green waters at all, and there are deserts and Gobi everywhere.

Fortunately, the environment inside the mountain gate is acceptable, but it is just good, not even as good as Beiqiong Immortal Sect.

Su Fan didn't really care. He had a secret realm with him anyway, so any cave was just a cover for him.

He followed the Immortal Master Qiu Ling into the mountain gate and came to the sect affairs hall on the main peak of the sect.

The buildings inside the mountain gate of the Zhenshan Taoist Palace were relatively rough and simple, with almost no fancy decorations.

Places like the sect affairs hall are the face of the sect. Generally, even if the immortal sect is poor, it will make it look like that.

But the sect affairs hall of the Zhenshan Taoist Palace is much simpler. Not to mention compared with the Beiqiong Immortal Sect, even the sects he had in the Qingkong Star Region were much more luxurious than this one.

It can be seen from the architectural style inside the mountain gate that Zhenshan Dao Palace belongs to the more pragmatic Immortal Sect.

It's no wonder that other immortal sects in Chixiatian call them body cultivation barbarians.

At this moment, many sect disciples gathered in the square of the Zongwu Hall. When they saw Qiuling Immortal Lord, they all bowed respectfully and paid homage.

Qiuling Immortal Lord led Su Fan directly into the interior of the Zongwu Hall, and his entrance procedures were also handled by a God-Transforming Immortal Lord himself.

Basically, special tasks are given green light all the way, and they are completed in less than a quarter of an hour.

The disciples of the Zhenshan Taoist Palace had no idea that Chixiatian's notorious evil leader had joined the sect.

After completing the formalities for joining the sect, Su Fan followed Qiuling Immortal Lord to a cave deep inside the mountain gate.

The Zhenshan Taoist Palace is indeed not very elegant, and even the cave of the Immortal Transformation Master is very simple.

Some of the Nascent Soul realm caves in Beiqiong Immortal Sect are much more luxurious than this one.

Su Fan followed Qiuling Immortal Lord into a thatched cottage, and the two sat opposite each other in the hall of the thatched cottage.

"Although you have joined Zhenshan Taoist Palace, the sect will not publicize it for the time being, and most of the disciples in the sect don't know about it. You should try to keep a low profile within the sect..."

Su Fan understood what Qiuling Immortal Lord meant. It would take some time for the sect to clear his name.

"I have already told the sect that now that you have become my disciple, are you willing to become my disciple..."

Su Fan hesitated for a moment and said, "Then I want to talk to Master first..."

Hearing what Su Fan said, Qiuling Immortal Lord was not angry, but rather pleased.

This kid is not only nostalgic, but also knows how to be grateful. There is nothing wrong with this. No one would want to accept a wolf.

Qiuling Immortal Lord took off the communication array disk from his waist and contacted Rufeng Immortal Lord.

As a result, Su Fan was scolded by the old man and told him to become a disciple of Qiuling Immortal Lord or never see him again.

Now that the master agreed, Su Fan stopped acting and knelt directly before the Immortal Lord Qiuling and kowtowed respectfully.

"Disciple Fan Su, pay homage to Master..."

Qiuling Immortal Lord smiled and nodded, then took out a ring from his arms and placed it in front of Su Fan.

"This is your apprenticeship ceremony. I am not as wealthy as Senior Brother Rufeng. Just don't think that Master is shabby..."

The style of Zhenshan Taoist Palace is indeed simple enough, and the process of apprenticeship is actually so simple.

Immortal Lord Qiuling picked up the communication array and sent a message. After a while, a Nascent Soul Realm monk came in from outside.

This monk was two meters tall and had a powerful appearance. The muscles on his body were well developed and the aura he exuded was like blazing earth fire.

When the other party entered the cave, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw Su Fan, and then smiled at Qiuling Immortal Lord.

"Master, why are you looking for me..."

Su Fan couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this. Is the relationship between master and disciple among the disciples of Zhenshan Taoist Palace so bold and unrestrained?

Compared with other immortal sects, there are simply no rules at all.

However, Su Fan quite likes this way of getting along. The other disciples of the Immortal Sect may seem respectful, but the relationship between master and disciple may not be as harmonious as theirs.

Qiuling Immortal Lord didn't pay much attention to his disciple's disrespect.

He introduced Su Fan: "This is your senior brother Xu Hongda, you will be senior brothers from now on..."

Su Fan quickly stood up from the ground and bowed his hands to Xu Hongda.

"Meet Senior Brother Hongda..."

Xu Hongda laughed loudly after hearing this and said: "Master, you finally found me a junior brother..."

After he finished speaking, he patted Su Fan on the shoulder and said boldly: "Junior brother, if you have anything to do in the door from now on, just come to me..."

"Okay, you brothers, don't exchange feelings with me here. There will be plenty of time in the future..."

Xu Hongda chuckled after hearing this and said: "Master, I will help my junior brother find a cave first so that he can settle down. Let us have a good drink tonight..."

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