Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 674 Don’t be so aggressive anymore

"Old buddy, victory or defeat depends on you..."

The magic sword in Su Fan's hand trembled slightly as if it understood his words.

This sword should have been born with intelligence a long time ago, but it just didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Su Fan guessed that it should be the sword spirit of this sword that awakened.

If it wasn't for the purpose of taking advantage of this foreign combined demon, this guy might not have paid attention to him.

You are really cool.

Su Fan took a deep breath, then picked up the magic sword and turned it several times, and threw it at the foreign combined demon.


The dark magic sword was thrown high into the air by him, drawing a curved line in the sky, and then fell from the sky.


The big sword whistled down and pierced into the thigh of this foreign combined demon.

Su Fan threw the sword in his hand and stared at the magic sword until the sword pierced the leg of the foreign combined demon.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It must be said that this black broken sword must have a great origin.

This is a foreign demon in the combined state. Even the best treasure of the old monster in the state of transformation is estimated to be unable to break the defense.

But after a long time, nothing happened.

Just when Su Fan didn't know what to do, the change finally happened.

The dark magic sword suddenly flickered slightly, and a stream of dark magic smoke began to rise from the magic sword.

The sudden change made Su Fan look forward to it.

Even the overwhelming momentum that had been suppressing him and making him unable to straighten his back had been reduced by half at this time.

But Su Fan didn't have the mind to care about those things now. All his energy was used to sense the changes in the breath of the foreign combined demon.

At this time, the magic sword inserted into the leg of the foreign combined demon was flashing brighter and brighter, and it was a bit dazzling in the end.

The magic smoke rising around the magic sword became thicker and thicker, even covering the flashing light on the magic sword.

Not only that, this dark sword began to grow visibly.

After a while, the length of the sword body had increased several times.

Moreover, Su Fan clearly sensed that the active breath in the body of this foreign combined demon was getting weaker and weaker.

He stood there without feeling any pressure and became relaxed.

It seems that the magic sword should have taken a lot of wool from the foreign combined demon, and there may be a very big change this time.

Su Fan waited for more than an hour, and at this moment, the active breath in the body of this foreign demon had disappeared, and he fell into a deep sleep again.

At this time, the magic sword inserted into the leg of the foreign combined demon had increased by dozens of times in length.

Finally, the dense magic smoke around the magic sword began to become thinner and thinner, and the light on the sword no longer flickered.


The magic sword that was inserted into the leg of the foreign combined demon suddenly soared into the sky.


The magic sword dozens of feet long fell from the sky and suddenly stabbed in front of Su Fan.

The dark magic blood remaining on the sword body splashed everywhere, and another drop of magic blood splashed directly on Su Fan's body, soaking him.

Su Fan wiped his face. At this moment, he had no intention of paying attention to the changes of the magic sword.

This is the magic blood of the foreign combined demon. It would be a pity to waste it.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and blood light flashed all over his body, and dense blood runes began to appear on his body.

With him as the center, a blood-colored witch formation of "Blood Shadow Descending God Formation" instantly covered hundreds of feet in radius.

In fact, this witch formation was used by him to communicate with the witch realm during the blood sacrifice.

However, this "Blood Shadow Descending God Formation" has a function, which is to purify the blood, remove impurities and evil thoughts and demonic thoughts in the blood, and make the blood purer.

Immediately afterwards, Su Fan launched the evil technique "Blood Transformation Demon Mist".


A fierce wind suddenly aroused around him, forming a violent storm, which rolled up around him.

The drops of demon blood splashed from the big sword slowly turned into a thread of blood, which was rolled up from the ground by this violent hurricane, and then began to gather around Su Fan.

The boundless blood-colored storm spun wildly around Su Fan, and after being continuously purified by the "Blood Shadow Descending God Formation", the purest demon blood was swallowed into Su Fan's body.

The demon blood purified by the "Blood Shadow Descending God Formation" began to be swallowed up bit by bit and entered Su Fan's body.

The devil blood penetrated into Su Fan's skin, blood vessels, muscles, and finally into his bones, and then flowed along the blood vessels to his limbs, heart, brain, and every nerve.

Su Fan felt as if there were countless poisonous snakes in his body, biting him with sharp fangs.

The pain all over his body was like being cut by a knife, spreading in all directions along his meridians. The feeling was like magma flowing in his blood vessels, and the severe pain was like a tidal tsunami.


The feeling of burning every inch of his flesh and blood like a blazing flame made him scream loudly.

The pain in the flesh was nothing, and it would pass if he endured it.

But the devil blood of the foreign combined demon had already invaded Su Fan's brain, causing him to slowly fall into a state of confusion.

He felt as if he was in a dark world full of resentment, malice, curses and anger.

This place is boundless, and there are ferocious foreign demons everywhere. There are more than hundreds of millions of them. They have hideous and terrifying faces, and their eyes are full of endless resentment.

Then, his mind was like a movie, and frames of terrifying pictures flashed by.

He seemed to have come to an endless hell, where there was no hope or sunshine.

Eternal sinking, boundless fear. Everywhere is filled with death, pain, despair, wailing, shrillness and other negative emotions.

At the same time, Su Fan's body overflowed with thick demon smoke.


The black fog that permeated Su Fan's body suddenly boiled up, and the demon body was also growing. In a blink of an eye, it had reached a height of more than a hundred feet.

Lines of fine black scales surged wildly from the demon body, constantly drilling out from every corner of the demon body, and bursting out with incomparable terrifying power.

"Crack... crack..."

One by one, hideous bone spurs squeezed out from each joint, and each key part also formed a piece of rough armor.

The huge head was covered with long hair, each of which was as thick as a finger, like tough steel wire, and there were two hideous horns on both sides of the forehead.

And there was a vertical eye between the eyebrows, flashing with a resentful light, revealing a terrible evil power.


Su Fan's demon body roared to the sky, and the evil power like a tide suddenly swept out.

This terrifying sound was heard far away, with a faint low wail, a gloomy breath and a cold killing intent.

Su Fan, who swallowed the blood of the foreign combined demon, has completely sunk.

At this moment, Su Fan's reason has long gone, and there is only endless resentment and various negative emotions in his mind. He has become a demonized body that only knows how to kill.

At this critical moment, the little man in his body suddenly opened his eyes.


The little man suddenly snapped his fingers, and the evil thoughts and resentment that were raging in Su Fan's mind disappeared instantly.


The six halos surrounding the Nascent Soul began to rotate loudly.

The demon blood that had merged into Su Fan's blood was like a huge wave, flowing freely and freely in his blood vessels.

Su Fan shuddered suddenly and woke up all of a sudden.

Seeing that he had turned into a demon body of more than a hundred feet, he couldn't help but shudder.

What happened just now? He seemed to be possessed by the devil.

That was the demon blood of the foreign fusion old demon, and he swallowed it without thinking, and almost got into trouble.

Fortunately, he woke up from the evil thoughts at the last moment, otherwise he would have become a walking corpse who only knew how to kill.

Damn, I can't be so fierce in the future.

Su Fan waved his hand and performed a "water mirror technique", and a huge mirror suddenly appeared in the air.

He looked at his demonic body in the mirror and was stunned.

Su Fan found that his demonic body had changed a lot compared to the past.

Not only did his demonic body reach more than a hundred feet high again, but he also had a head of long hair and a strange vertical eye between his eyebrows.

His dark green eyeballs rolled around, revealing a sense of weirdness and viciousness.

How could this be a human being?

It was too ugly, even uglier than the previous image.

Anyway, I am in the state of a demonic body, so it doesn't matter if it is ugly.

Su Fan exerted force on his arms, and endless power surged out of his two thick demonic arms.

Although it was extremely dangerous when he swallowed the demon blood just now, now that he was in the demonic state, his body became more abnormal, and his strength increased by more than ten times again.

His eyes condensed, and he completely released his spiritual sense, taking in all the slightest movement within a radius of hundreds of miles, and his spiritual sense increased by at least two times.

After all, it is the blood of a foreign combined demon. Just swallowing a little bit has caused earth-shaking changes in the body.

I just don’t know if swallowing the demon blood this time can inherit the magical powers of this foreign combined demon.

Su Fan removed the demonized body, and then took out another robe from the ring and put it on.

After swallowing the demon blood, even if the human body is restored, the strength of the body has increased several times compared to just now.

Now he is enough to fight against the incarnation monk with the strength of the body alone.

Now Su Fan’s body is strong enough to withstand more than a dozen consecutive sword moves containing the power of the law.

At this time, a hot current suddenly surged in the lower abdomen, and the blood in the body became agitated.

The hard little Su Yang under him raised his head suddenly, and the robe on the lower body propped up a tent.


I have become a teddy bear who fucks the sky, the earth and the air again.

After swallowing a large amount of demon blood last time, he also inherited many characteristics of the demon race. It was not until he completely merged the demon blood that these characteristics of the demon race slowly disappeared.

Su Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head, then looked up at the huge magic sword that was dozens of feet high in front of him.

As soon as he thought about it, the huge magic sword in front of him instantly became smaller and appeared in his hand with a "whoosh".

Su Fan felt his hand sink. The weight of this magic sword was at least dozens of times heavier than before.

He picked up the magic sword and looked at it carefully.

At this time, the magic sword had changed a lot. It was no longer the mottled and tattered appearance before.

It seems that this magic sword has taken a lot of advantage from the foreign combined demon.

The magic sword is about four and a half feet long. The hazy light on the ancient sword is like a dark gem that is intoxicating.

It is covered with mysterious lines and engraved with countless fine and delicate runes, which has a natural charm.

The heavy feeling of the sword is like the endless flow of billions of stars, revealing a mysterious and natural charm.

Two bean-sized ancient seal characters "Po Mo" are engraved on the sword hilt of the magic sword.

Su Fan held the "Po Mo Sword" tightly with both hands, performed several moves of the Nine Extremes Chain Slash in succession, and then nodded with satisfaction.

He didn't expect that the rag he found in Shaoyang Market would actually create an opportunity for himself.

After so many years of sharpening, the "Po Mo Sword" finally saw the light of day today and revealed its original appearance.

If I use this "Demon-Breaking Sword" to fight against foreign demons in the future, it will be like cutting vegetables.

As Su Fan thought, the "Demon-Breaking Sword" in his hand disappeared instantly.

His eyes condensed, and his consciousness swept through his body, and he found that the "Demon-Breaking Sword" had returned to the side of the Nascent Soul.

Su Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that this time he entered the Demon Ruins, he would gain so much.

Not only did he break through the sixth level of the "Heavenly Demon Saint Body Art", but he also successfully swallowed the demon blood of the foreign combined demon.

Moreover, the "Demon-Breaking Sword" also restored its original appearance, and its power increased by at least several times.

The substantial increase in Su Fan's strength also gave him strong confidence.

Except for the high-level demon from the unknown realm that descended, the ghosts awakened in the Demon Ruins were just a bunch of chickens and dogs in front of him.

This is really not bragging, he can sweep through the Demon Ruins alone.

Thinking of this, Su Fan raised his head and looked into the sky, and saw dense cracks faintly visible in the void.

He glanced at the combined demon who was sitting cross-legged and sleeping in the distance, and then a flash of blood appeared on his body, and he had disappeared from the spot.

When Su Fan appeared again, his figure was already standing on the edge of a crack.

"Finally out..."

Seeing Su Fan appear, the dense demon souls and skeleton evil demons around him all roared and rushed towards him.

"Purifying Red Lotus..."

With him as the center, an extremely hot red halo suddenly shot out to the surroundings.

With a "bang", the dense demon souls and skeleton evil demons in a radius of thousands of feet were swept away by him, leaving behind residual souls in the sky and broken bones all over the ground.

If you look down from the sky, the dense demon ruins ghosts on the ground are like being wiped out out of thin air. .

Yangji Disha is the most effective against all kinds of ghosts and monsters, especially against these low-level demon souls and evil skeletons, which can be wiped out in one go.

"Awoo... Awoo..."

At this time, waves of roars came from all directions, and more than a dozen Skeleton Supremes were rushing over here from the surroundings.

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