Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 640 They are also organized

The stealth effect of this "Invisible Shadow and Infinite Cloak" is really awesome, even stronger than the witch array that the witch god Aji helped him set up.

It might be hard to say if he met the Holy Lord Lianxu, but the old monster Huashen would definitely not be able to find his whereabouts and breath.

After all, it is the secret hall inheritance of the Red Flame Weapon Sect, and the main material comes from the belly skin of an adult Xu beast. The quality of this Taoist weapon has far surpassed the original.

Su Fan took off the cloak and took it in his hand to examine it carefully.

The cloak is also like the Xu beast, only an illusory outline can be seen, as if the air has wrinkles.

And the feel is as soft and thin as silk, and there is a faint glow of the talisman array.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and his spiritual power penetrated into the "Invisible Shadow and Infinite Cloak", and the outline of the phantom in the air disappeared immediately.

He used his spiritual sense to scan the cloak repeatedly several times. If the cloak was not in his hand, his spiritual sense would not be able to detect the existence of the cloak at all.

If he had this Taoist weapon, he would not have been so embarrassed when he was chased by the ghost tribe in the ghost bone star field.

Even if he was allowed to return to the virtual world, he could escape the detection of adult ruins beasts.

It must be said that this "Invisible Shadow and Infinite Cloak" is definitely a magical weapon for home travel, killing and fire prevention.

In fact, since coming to Chixiatian, Su Fan has been under a lot of pressure.

After all, this is a super star field. With the various spells he has mastered, he really dare not go out in Chixiatian.

The reason why Su Fan stayed in Longshi Xiancheng for so long is that he wanted to arm himself.

Anyway, he just killed the evil cultivator Wang Zheng and seized a lot of spoils from him. It's just right to take advantage of this time to digest the fruits of victory.

Su Fan sighed, and then put away the "Invisible Shadow and Infinite Cloak".

He thought about it, then left the portable secret realm, summoned the ghost crow, and flew all the way to the mountain east of Longshi Xiancheng.

Su Fan flew the ghost crow for two days and came to the depths of the mountain.

He found a safe place to land, then pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and respectively performed "Liang Yi Micro Dust Yuan Magnetic Divine Light", "Five Directions to Punish Evil and Souls" and "Inverted Heaven and Earth Innate Forbidden Method".

During this period, he also performed three Taoist arts in the secret realm, but he did not dare to let go in his own portable secret realm.

Although he has already brushed the throat Taoist art to the "formation" realm, the true power of the Taoist art has not been verified until today.

Now that he has come to this mountain, there is no human habitation within a radius of 100,000 miles, and Su Fan can finally verify the true power of several Taoist arts.

Through a spell, the three Taoist arts inherited from the super sect are quite powerful.

Of course, the only drawback is that the preparation time for casting is relatively long.

But compared to when the Taoist art was just introduced, the casting time has been reduced by about 30%.

If you reach the "evolution" or "law" realm in the future, both the casting time and the power will be qualitatively improved.

He is already a cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and he has just mastered the Taoism of the Nascent Soul Realm. I guess no one will believe it if you tell him.

There are very few cultivators in this world of cultivation who practice spells again and again like him.

As long as you have fully mastered the Taoism, you will basically not continue to practice.

But Su Fan, this hacker, is different. He has the game panel bug, and the power of his spells is much stronger than others.

Through years of continuous practice, you can even brush ordinary Taoism to the "law" realm.

Su Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly. I finally mastered the Taoism of the Nascent Soul Realm.

After verifying the power of several Taoism in the Nascent Soul Realm, Su Fan took out the "Yin Yang Realm of Peeping into the Sky and Measuring the Earth", "Fang Tian Linglong Zhenjie Tower" and "Xuan Jia Yin Yang Liang Yi Bao Shield" from the ring.

After repeated use, he has seen the "Xuan Jia Yin Yang Liang Yi Bao Shield", so there is no need to say more.

Su Fan was also very satisfied with the power of the other two Taoist artifacts.

He originally thought that the "Fang Tian Linglong Zhenjie Tower" was just a magic weapon for sealing the town. After some exploration and use, he realized that this Taoist artifact was not that simple.

"Fang Tian Linglong Zhenjie Tower" can not only seal the town, but also is a Taoist artifact with extremely strong defensive array protection.

Although it cannot be compared with the sect's defensive array, it is absolutely no problem as a temporary protective array.

No matter what realm a cultivator reaches, he lacks protective magic weapons. If he does not have more than two protective magic weapons in his hands, he may not even be able to sleep.

Therefore, in major auctions, any top-grade protective magic weapon is often much more valuable than other types of magic weapons.

"Peeking at the Sky and Measuring the Earth Yin and Yang Divine Realm" is even more awesome. Su Fan originally thought it was a detection magic weapon.

Through his repeated exploration, he discovered that this Taoist artifact was actually a magic weapon that could detect, undertake an event and guard tasks.

As long as the "Yin Yang Divine Realm of Sky-peek and Earth-measuring" is activated, once the enemy enters the surveillance area, the Taoist weapon will immediately alarm.

Moreover, this magic weapon can be used even if the cultivator breaks through the realm of transformation in the future, and it is not outdated at all.

Of course, the detection and warning area of ​​"Yin Yang Divine Realm of Sky-peek and Earth-measuring" is not as exaggerated as described in the jade slip.

Through actual testing, with Su Fan's current strength, it can only cover an area of ​​about 30,000 miles.

This is already very awesome, what else do you need a bicycle for.

Su Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now he finally had a few trump cards in his hand, and it was time to leave Longshi Immortal City.

However, on the way back, something in the ring sent a sense.

Su Fan found a safe place to land on the ground, then his eyes focused, and his consciousness swept over his ring, and he frowned immediately.

He took out a black wooden sign about an inch in size from the ring, which was slightly flashing with a dim light.

The appearance of this wooden sign looked ordinary, and it was impossible to tell what material it was made of.

When sorting out Wang Zheng's spoils, Su Fan just glanced at it casually and stopped paying attention.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly inconspicuous wooden sign actually made him miss it.

The fact that it could be sensed in the ring that was completely isolated from the outside world showed that this wooden sign was definitely not that simple.

Su Fan hesitated for a moment, but still held the wooden sign with his hand, and then penetrated his spiritual power into it.

"Tianyi Sword Sect, Li Shuyuan..."

At this moment, a message suddenly appeared in his mind, and then the wooden sign returned to its ordinary appearance again.

Su Fan's heart sank all of a sudden. It seemed that Wang Zheng was definitely not a lone wolf.

He was also organized.

As for the message received in his mind, it was clear that it was a task assigned to Wang Zheng by this organization.

Su Fan put the black wooden sign into his ring, and then drove the ghost crow back to Longshi Immortal City.

He entered the portable secret realm when he returned to the cave, and hurried to the thatched cottage to sit cross-legged, and then dumped all the spoils seized from Wang Zheng in the ring on the ground.


At this moment, Sister Zhen appeared out of nowhere, and instantly came to Su Fan's side, looking at him with a worried look on her face.

Just now, she found that her master had a solemn look on his face, and she panicked immediately.

"Master, what's wrong with you..."

Seeing Sister Zhen coming, Su Fan hurriedly said: "It's just right that you are here, help me..."

He explained to Sister Zhen, and then the master and servant began to search repeatedly in this pile of spoils.

The two of them tossed until midnight before they found what Su Fan wanted.

He sent Sister Zhen away, and then looked at the three things in front of him, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no mistake, otherwise he would have to hide around like a stray dog.

Su Fan took a deep breath and picked up a black jade card.

This jade card is only more than two inches long, looks very ordinary, and is made of the most common black ink stone on the market.

In addition to the number "one hundred and seven" engraved on the front of the jade card, there are no other words and patterns.

Su Fan held the jade card in his hand and penetrated the spiritual power into it, but found that the jade card did not react at all.

He thought for a while and took out a jade bottle from the ring, which contained Wang Zheng's heart and blood.

Su Fan opened the lid and dripped a drop of blood, then performed the blood substitute secret method of the Blood Dao.

He held the jade card in his hand again, infiltrated Wang Zheng's breath into it, and a lot of information suddenly flooded into his mind.

After a while, Su Fan slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

It turned out that Wang Zheng joined an organization called "Demon House", which was composed of evil cultivators.

The amount of information in this jade card is huge. Not only is there an introduction to the evil cultivator organization "Demon House", but also various code words, special runes and other ways of communication within the organization.

The message Su Fan just received was actually a task sent by the organization to Wang Zheng.

The evil cultivators who joined the "Demon House" must complete a mandatory task of the organization every ten years.

If any evil cultivator abandons the task, it means defection, and the evil cultivator will be killed by all members of the organization.

Because the "Demon House" is composed of evil cultivators, it has always been underground, and the superiors and subordinates between members are also single-line contacts.

In addition to the mandatory missions that are carried out once every ten years, the "Demon House" also provides members of the organization with a variety of services including trading markets, bounty lists, material supplies, and rescue assistance.

Of course, all services are not free and need to be traded with the currency circulating in the organization.

After all, it is the Xianzong plane, and there is no soil suitable for the growth of evil cultivators, so the evil cultivators in Chixiatian can only keep each other warm.

In Chixiatian anyway, it is difficult for evil cultivators who come and go alone to survive.

And the cultivation materials and corresponding Taoist inheritance required by evil cultivators are difficult to find in the Xianzong plane, so the evil cultivator organization of the "Demon House" came into being.

Although the evil cultivators in the "Demon House" did not log in their names, their identities were replaced by numbers.

But Wang Zheng's realm is a late Yuanying great cultivator, but his identity number in the organization is only 107.

It shows that there must be no shortage of Shenhua cultivators in the "Demon House" organization, and there may even be Lianxu Saints.

Moreover, the organization members are definitely not just casual cultivators like Wang Zheng. There may be cultivators from cultivation families and major immortal sects.

Thinking of this, Su Fan put down the jade token and picked up a communication array next to him.

This array is nothing special. Except for the number representing Wang Zheng's identity, it is no different from other communication arrays.

Su Fan activated this communication array, and a light curtain popped up instantly, covered with dense and various messages that kept scrolling up and down.

These messages seem normal, they are all trading catalogs of some cultivation materials, and many shop owners have this kind of communication array in their hands.

Especially those chain stores and various business organizations, they all have this kind of communication array, which is actually similar to the WeChat group in the previous life.

But Su Fan knew in his heart that the information flowing on the light curtain seemed normal, but it was definitely not that simple.

He tried to use the code of the "Demon House" and analyzed it one by one, and found that it was just as he expected.

It turned out that every piece of information on the light curtain was a task and reward issued by a member of the "Demon House" organization.

Anyway, no matter what the information is, it is a shameful business.

Here you can find everything that evil cultivators need, including evil materials, inheritance, etc., as well as various tasks such as reward for killing, group robbery, massacre, blood sacrifice of mortals, etc.

This communication array is actually the internal communication group of the "Demon House", through which transactions and rewards are communicated.

Su Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly, this is simply the dark web in the previous life.

He frowned and thought for a while, then picked up a jade disc in front of him. It was only the size of a palm, and its appearance was a bit like the compass used by Feng Shui masters in his previous life.

The disc was also a circle of movable rings, engraved with various numbers, and through the card slot in the middle, it could form a group of numbers.

Su Fan studied the disc for a long time, and then he figured out what this thing was used for.

It turned out that this thing was a magic weapon used for transactions within the "Demon House", called the "Demon Reincarnation Disc".

Whether it was issuing various tasks or bounties, or receiving rewards, they had to transfer money through this thing.

Su Fan infiltrated Wang Zheng's breath into the "Demon Reincarnation Disc", and a group of numbers appeared in his mind.

This group of numbers should be Wang Zheng's account. The internal members of the "Demon House" jokingly called the currency they traded between them "ghost money".

Isn't this the Bitcoin in the previous life?

Su Fan never thought that Wang Zheng was just a loner cultivator, so he would kill him.

Who would have thought that there was an organization behind them.

If the people from the "Demon House" went to "Luomaeng Fairy City" to investigate the cause of Wang Zheng's death, he would definitely be listed as an important suspect.

Although Su Fan thought he had cleaned up the whole thing, what kind of place is the "Demon House".

The evil cultivators have too many sinister and treacherous methods, so they can't be considered with common sense, especially those high-level evil cultivators. It is not impossible to find him through evil methods.

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