Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 612: Do your best and leave the rest to fate

Su Fan has changed several identities in the past year since he sneaked into the area controlled by the Ghost Clan. Now he is disguised as a Jindan realm cultivator in "Luo Man City".

This Ghost Clan cultivator is in another city and is about to take the space gate to return to "Luo Man City".

Before killing him, Su Fan used the soul magic to obtain a lot of information from him.

He disguised himself as the other party and went through a careful screening when he returned to "Luo Man City" through the space gate.

Fortunately, Su Fan's magic of the blood path of the magic sect is relatively advanced, and with the help of the witch god Aji, he was able to get away with it.

After Su Fan sneaked into the area controlled by the Ghost Clan, he was not in a hurry to take action.

He studied the map for a long time, and then chose "Luo Man City" as his first place to start.

The Ghost Clan has relatively few people, so they attach great importance to the young children in the clan.

Especially in places like "Luo Man City", where the most talented youngsters in the clan gather, once this place is destroyed, it will be a fatal blow to the Ghost Clan.

Nearly one million youngsters with excellent talents in the clan are the hope for the future of the Ghost Clan.

If these people are wiped out, the hearts of the Ghost Clan's high-level officials will bleed.

Of course, "Luo Man City" is not an ordinary place, and the security is extremely strict.

Not only does it have a strong defense barrier, but even the various areas in the city are separated by barriers.

Even the Ghost Clan monks living in the city cannot walk freely across areas in the city.

And although the city is not big, there is a God Transformation monk sitting here in person.

Although the Ghost Clan is now fighting on two fronts, the God Transformation old monsters and Yuanying monks in the clan have almost all been transferred to the front line, but none of the high-level monks in "Luo Man City" have moved.

So it is easy to imagine how difficult it is to make trouble here.

Fortunately, there is a chance. Since returning to "Luo Man City", Su Fan has been looking for opportunities.

Through his observation, he found that the place seemed to be heavily guarded, but in fact it was tight outside and loose inside.

If someone wanted to launch an attack from outside the city, there would be no chance, but if they sneaked into the city, there would be many chances.

As for how to do things, Su Fan had already thought of several plans.

In fact, when he was in the Demon Camel Mountain, he had been thinking hard about this matter.

After all, Su Fan couldn't easily expose his identity when he sneaked into the control area of ​​the Ghost Clan alone.

Once the Ghost Clan knew that he was still alive and was still doing things in their territory, they would definitely mobilize countless monks to hunt him down.

So the best way to destroy is to be silent and subtle.

By the time the Ghost Clan found out that something was wrong, he had already left, and it was difficult to find out who did it.

Anyway, it is definitely not possible to use powerful magical powers to destroy a city like before, and launch a blood sacrifice at any time.

Although it is exciting to do this, the noise is too big.

It was possible in the battlefield of Dongyuan Star Region before, but now he is alone in the enemy's rear, and he may be surrounded by ghost monks at any time.

That is really a road to heaven and a door to the earth.

After repeated consideration, Su Fan finally chose the poison and Gu Dao of the Demon Sect and other gloomy and strange methods.

Although the ghost monks are powerful, they don't take the strange methods of the human demon sect seriously.

But if these magic methods are used on the low-level monks behind them, they may not be able to resist.

In the past year or so, Su Fan has made up a lot of systematic knowledge of the magic sect Gu Dao and poison Dao, which also opened his eyes.

Many ways of Gu Dao in the magic sect are very hidden, and they are often poisoned through water, air, food, etc.

Moreover, after the insect Gu eggs enter your body, there will be a very long growth incubation period, taking root in your internal organs, and this process is almost impossible to detect easily.

When the insect poison slowly grows up, it will be very hungry when it enters the larval stage, and then it will eat away your internal organs and flesh in a very short time.

As for the magic sect poison, the various methods of poisoning are even more tricky and hard to guard against.

Because the human cultivators in the Yougu Star Region do not have any systematic Taoist inheritance, many ghost cultivators do not even know what the so-called insect poison is.

Since Su Fan entered "Luo Man City", he has been thinking about how to poison.

The young children of the ghost tribe selected from all over the country are taken care of in every possible way in terms of food and accommodation.

Moreover, the core area where they live is also the most heavily guarded place in the city. Both water sources and food ingredients must be strictly checked.

Even if Su Fan has already sneaked into the city, he is only a peripheral member and can't find any opportunities to poison.

But he never gave up and has been quietly looking for opportunities.

Until one day, hard work pays off, Su Fan finally found an opportunity.

Like other cities of the Ghost Clan, "Luo Man City" also keeps many human beings underground for the Ghost Clan's young disciples who are trained here.

The control of these human ingredients kept in captivity all year round is not so strict.

This morning, Su Fan came to the underground dungeon where the human beings were kept in captivity.

There is a benefit for the monks stationed in "Luo Man City", that is, they can receive some human ingredients for free every month.

Su Fan did not take the human race, but walked around underground.

He came to the water source of the dungeon, took out a few dragon-sized pills from the ring, and threw the pills into the water source without making a sound.

The insect Gu he put in was called "Blood-sucking Calamity Gu", which is the most vicious insect Gu in the Demon Sect Gu Dao.

When the "Blood-sucking Calamity Gu" is put into the water, the eggs will grow geometrically and will be spread all over the water source within a few days.

The eggs of the "Blood-sucking Calamity Gu" enter the parasite through the medium of the water source.

The demon sect Gu Dao monks will refine two kinds of insect Gu pills with a latent time in the parasite, one year and two years respectively, according to the situation.

In addition, there is a Gu pill without a latent period. As long as the Gu pill is put into a water source, it will break out of the egg within a few days after entering the parasite.

Once the insect Gu breaks out of the egg, it will be extremely hungry. The insect Gu will eat up the internal organs and flesh of the parasite in a moment.

Moreover, during the egg stage of the "Blood-sucking Tribulation Gu", the body is very small and difficult to be discovered, and there will be no change in the growth incubation period of one or two years.

The most vicious thing about the "Blood-sucking Tribulation Gu" is that once the insect Gu breaks out of the egg, even if the Refining Void Saint comes, it will be powerless to save the situation.

As for whether the Yuanying cultivators in the city and the old monsters who guard this place will detect the insect Gu eggs in the water source.

The answer is no.

Because the high-level cultivators in the city will not only not drink the water source of the dungeon, but also will not eat the human race here.

The Yuanying cultivators of the Ghost Clan are already high-level cultivators. How can they be treated the same as the low-level cultivators in the clan?

After the "Blood-sucking Tribulation Gu" was used, Su Fan turned his head and looked at the densely packed human race in the dungeon, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He knew in his heart that once the insect Gu broke out of the egg, these human races would be eaten up by the insect Gu, and only a bloody skin would be left.

But Su Fan had no choice. With his ability, he could not get rid of these human beings. At least they died for what they deserved.

Su Fan did not leave "Luo Man City" immediately, but stayed for more than a month before finding an excuse to leave.

In the next few months, Su Fan changed two identities in succession and sneaked into "Xiong Gu City" and "An Hu City".

These two cities, like "Luo Man City", are training camps for the most talented young children selected from all over the tribe.

Unfortunately, although Su Fan carefully calculated the time to put the poison, because the two cities are far apart, Su Fan put the poison in "An Hu City" more than two months later than in "Xiong Gu City".

Once the insect poison in "Luo Man City" and "Xiong Gu City" breaks out of the eggs, it will inevitably attract the attention of the ghost clan's high-level officials.

By that time, the insect poison eggs parasitizing the young children of the ghost clan in "An Hu City" may not be able to break out of the eggs.

Su Fan was not depressed. He just did his best and left it to fate.

Anyway, he had tried his best. As long as the insects could break out of their eggs in "Luo Man City" and "Xiong Gu City", the ghost tribe would lose at least 60% of their outstanding young children.

That was the future of the ghost tribe.

After leaving "An Hu City", Su Fan changed his identity again and took the space gate to "Rodan City".

This "Rodan City" was the largest city within the ghost tribe's sphere of influence, with a population of nearly 10 million.

And there were more than a dozen satellite cities scattered outside the city. The population living around Rodan City alone accounted for more than 30% of the total population of the ghost tribe.

Now the ghost tribe was fighting on two fronts with the "Yan Mo Clan" and the "Kui Mo Clan" at the same time. Most of the old monsters of the transformation of gods and the Yuanying monks in the tribe had been transferred to the front line.

At this time, the ghost tribe was very empty in the rear. There were only two old monsters of the transformation of gods in the huge "Rodan City".

Of course, the Ghost Clan was used to being arrogant and domineering, and never thought that someone would dare to cause trouble in their hinterland.

Moreover, wars between the various races in the Ghost Bone Star Region were extremely frequent. Only when they won a complete victory would they occupy the territory and population of the other party.

There were few people like Su Fan who went deep into the Ghost Clan's rear to cause damage.

So even though the Ghost Clan fought on two fronts and there were mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield every day, "Rodan City" was not affected at all.

Moreover, on the light curtain in the central square of the city, various tragic images on the battlefield were played in real time every day.

From morning to night, countless Ghost Clan monks gathered under the light curtain, waving flags and shouting for their own monks while going to the gambling station to place bets.

Drinking wine and dancing.

Anyway, the Ghost Clan monks in "Rodan City" did what they should do, and were not affected at all.

Su Fan's current disguised identity is an elderly Qi Refining cultivator with poor talent in the Ghost Clan.

Don't think that every ghost cultivator is powerful. There are many children with poor talents at the bottom.

Generally, children with poor talents will be selected in the training camp in their childhood, and then assigned to the lowest level of the clan to work. Don't think about getting ahead in this life

Su Fan pretended to be this identity. He was not qualified to live in "Rodan City" and could only work in a fortress outside the city.

He got up early and worked late every day until the day he died.

Su Fan has been here for several months. Whenever he has time, he will go to various satellite cities outside the city to wander around.

In fact, he was scouting the terrain, hoping to make a big fortune here when the insect poison broke out in "Anhu City", "Xionggu City" and "Luoman City".

Outside the city of "Rodan City", there are also more than a dozen training camps for young children in the tribe, but the people trained in them are ordinary young children in the tribe.

Of course, the conditions here are not comparable to those in "Anhu City", "Xionggu City" and "Luoman City".

So the security of more than a dozen training camps is not so strict. Su Fan even followed the families of some young children who were trained here and mixed into the training camp.

It is quite troublesome to enter "Rodan City". Some procedures need to be issued, but it is just troublesome. The security is not strict.

At night, the dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker, and thunder can be heard from time to time.

It has been drizzling outside, sometimes dense and sometimes sparse, but there is no sign of stopping.

Su Fan sat cross-legged in the stone house of the fortress. Ten days later, the insect poison in "Xiong Gu City" and "Luo Man City" would break out.

Tomorrow morning, he would leave "Luo Dan City".

Su Fan had not been idle these days, and had been placing poisons and poisons everywhere in "Luo Dan City".

Although he did not make careful calculations, the various means he had arranged in the past few days would be activated after the insect poison in "Xiong Gu City" and "Luo Man City" broke out.

At this moment, Su Fan was still quite nervous, fearing that the insect poison he had placed in "Xiong Gu City" and "Luo Man City" would not be able to break out of the eggs.

If that happened, all his efforts would be in vain.

As for the means that Su Fan had arranged near "Luo Dan City", he was not too worried.

Compared with "Xiong Gu City" and "Luo Man City", it didn't matter whether it would succeed here or not, just as a gift for recharging the phone bill.

Of course, success would be the best. After all, there are tens of millions of ghost monks gathered near "Rodan City". Even if the means he arranged were half successful, it would keep the ghost clan leaders awake at night.

The next day, Su Fan walked out of the stone house and came to a dense forest near "Rodan City".

He patted the top-grade ghost weapon on his waist and summoned Yaksha, letting it guard him nearby.

Su Fan took out a ghost monk from the secret realm, then performed the magic blood secret method, and changed his body shape according to the other party's appearance.

He used this new identity to enter "Rodan City".

Su Fan came to the space gate in the central square of the city and took out a domino and handed it to his fellow tribesmen who were guarding here.

"I want to go to the front line of the Kui Demon Clan..."

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