Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 562 This is a blood feud that will never end

Seeing several Ghost Clan Nascent Soul cultivators roaring towards him, Su Fan threw aside the Ghost Clan Nascent Soul cultivator's thigh in his hand, and then sneered.

"God-killing soul-slaying technique..."

"The killing curse..."

Several Nascent Soul monks of the Ghost Clan who had fallen into a state of rage felt as if their eyes were darkened, and their heads felt as if they had been hit hard by a sledgehammer.

Fortunately, they all had soul protection methods, and their heads immediately returned to clarity, but what followed was a cold aura pouring in from their heads and pouring into their bodies instantly.

Several Ghost Clan Nascent Soul cultivators felt that their movements had obviously slowed down, and their bodies were weak. There was also an inexplicable fear in their hearts.

"not good……"

They all realized that something was wrong, knew that they had been tricked, and used their own methods to try to deal with these negative effects.

"Bone-eroding Yin Wind Scroll..."

"Rotten Bone Poison Mist..."

It was a pity that Su Fan could no longer give them a chance. He waved his hand gently and activated two magical powers in succession.


An extremely cold storm arose out of thin air all around. The sand, dust and rubble on the ground were instantly swept up, but as soon as they were thrown into the air, they turned into powder and dispersed in the wind.

The violent extremely cold wind roared crazily around the surroundings, whizzing past several Ghost Clan Nascent Soul cultivators in an instant.

Before several Nascent Soul cultivators from the Ghost Tribe could react, they were blown away by this extremely cold, bone-eroding wind.

It was as if a layer of their skin and carapace had been cut off, and a cold breath penetrated into their bodies, making them feel as if their souls were frozen.

At this time, another jet-black mist suddenly formed and spread rapidly to the surroundings, instantly covering several Ghost Tribe Nascent Soul cultivators.

The violent poison overflowed through several Ghost Tribe Nascent Soul cultivators, quickly corroding their skin and carapace, and then invaded the body and corroded their muscles and internal organs.

Already tortured to death by the negative state of the "Life-killing Curse", and then subjected to two powerful magical powers in succession, several Ghost Tribe Nascent Soul monks only lasted a few breaths before falling to the ground.

Opposite Su Fan at this moment, there was only one ghost monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul still standing.


It looked up to the sky and roared. Regardless of its dilapidated body, it roared and rushed towards Su Fan.


A sword light that was difficult to discern with the naked eye flashed quickly, and a huge head rose into the sky.


The head of the monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul of the Ghost Clan fell to the ground, and the windlass slowly stopped after traveling far away.

"Are you so weak...or am I getting stronger again..."

Su Fan thought for a long time. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't be so relaxed. There were several Nascent Soul monks from the Ghost Clan, and there was also a mid-level one.

In the end, he summed it up and felt that he still encountered a weakling.

The battle just now was not that earth-shattering except for a roar.

Even if there were some low-level ghost monks around, they were all taken away by Su Fan's two magical powers, so they did not alarm the ghost monks at the base.

Su Fan turned around and glanced at the huge canyon, with a trace of violent emotion in his eyes.

"Nine Nether Underworld Rain..."

He raised his arms and lifted them up sharply.

The little man sitting cross-legged in Su Fan's body suddenly opened his eyes, with a strange smile on his face, and a hint of evil in his eyes.


A light blue breath roared out of Su Fan's body from around Yuanying, and then turned into a steaming steam rising into the sky.

The originally starry night sky was instantly shrouded in dark clouds.

In the blink of an eye, dark clouds covered the entire sky.

The dark clouds made the sky above seem to be pressed down, and the clouds were violently rolling, like thousands of galloping troops, rolling past at high speed from the sky above.

The sudden change in the weather did not panic the ghost monks in the Grand Canyon. They just looked up and stopped paying attention.

A ghost clan golden elixir monk looked up at the thick clouds in the night sky and cursed in his heart.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed, and thunder exploded between the dark clouds, lighting up the world!

This sudden explosion made it shiver.


The golden elixir monk of the ghost clan raised his head sharply and looked at the dark night sky again. For some reason, he always felt that the sudden change in the weather might not be that simple.


At this time, a raindrop fell nearby, instantly smashing a huge pit into the ground, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

All the ghost monks around him ran over and stared at everything in front of them with their mouths open.

At this time, the pale white frost quickly spread from the bottom of the pit upwards, and then turned into pieces of cold ice, freezing everything around it together.

Several Ghost Clan monks who approached had already realized the crisis and turned around to escape, but it was too late and they were instantly frozen into human-shaped ice sculptures.

The pale white frost flowers did not stop, but continued to spread around. The ghost monks who came to watch the excitement were so frightened that they ran away.

However, there were still many ghost monks who were overtaken by the rapidly spreading frost and turned into ice sculptures.


Immediately afterwards, drops of rain fell from the sky.

At first it was sparse, but then it became more and more urgent, mixed in with the strong wind, and turned into a gust of rain.

The night sky was dark, dark clouds were surging, heavy rain was pouring down, and the rain curtain covered the entire Grand Canyon.

Although they looked like raindrops the size of rice grains, they were like huge boulders, smashing huge pits into the ground.

Moreover, the suddenly lowered temperature and the rapidly spreading frost also spread throughout the Ghost Clan's base.

In a short time, the entire Grand Canyon turned into an icy world.

Everything is silent, and the cold wind is as cold as a knife, blowing through the empty Grand Canyon, like a demon singing and mourning.

Su Fan took a deep breath. Even he didn't expect that his magical power would be so terrifying.

"Nine Nether Underworld Rain" is a large-scale magical power. He has tried it several times before. Although the attack area is large, its power is really average.

So over the years, Su Fan has hardly used this magical power.

I tried using it once today, just to see how much the power of various spells and magical powers has improved after I broke through the Nascent Soul realm compared to before.

Who would have thought that a magical power that he activated at random would actually have a devastating effect.

Under the Nascent Soul, everyone is an ant.

It seems that this sentence is really not just talk.

After breaking through the Nascent Soul realm, he casually used a magical power that he had never looked down upon in the past, and it turned out to be so powerful.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and the frost in the entire Grand Canyon and the rolling dark clouds in the sky instantly turned into a piece of light blue water vapor.

The light blue water vapor finally gathered together, and then with a "swish" sound, it was taken into Su Fan's body.

The little person sitting cross-legged inside him closed his eyes again, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, the entire Grand Canyon was in deathly silence. There were dense pits everywhere, and the corpses of ghost monks were everywhere.

Layers upon layers, piled up like mountains.


What shocked Su Fan was that the space gate in the base was still there. Within the huge space gate, the space continued to ripple, like ripples in a lake.

He smiled, and as his thoughts came together, a magic sword suddenly appeared in his hand.


At this time, a huge ghost boat suddenly emerged from the space gate in the base.

"You came at the right time..."

Su Fan slashed with his sword, and a sword light drew a mysterious trajectory and tore through the dark night sky.

Time seemed to have stopped, and the entire space became distorted, as if it would break and collapse at any time.


The sword light that destroyed the world fiercely struck the bow of the huge ghost boat that had just emerged from the gate of space. The bow of the ghost boat was chopped into pieces in an instant.

The space door also underwent earth-shaking changes. First there were ripples, then it shook violently and made violent sounds. Finally, with a bang, the entire space door exploded instantly.

"Let's collect some interest first..."

Looking at the Grand Canyon with mountains of bones, Su Fan smiled coldly, then his eyes suddenly condensed, and he activated the evil method "Blood Mist".


A burst of scarlet blood mist instantly filled his body, swirling crazily outside his body.

The bloody runes all over Su Fan's body began to slowly emerge, and then emitted bursts of dazzling light.

A blood-colored storm centered on him had already formed. Countless snake-like blood threads emerged from the densely packed ghost corpses, and then merged into the wildly-rolling blood-colored storm.

The bloody storm became more and more violent, refining and purifying the endless energy and blood, and then began to gather towards Su Fan.

In a short time, he was wrapped in a thick cocoon of extremely rich blood.


Su Fan looked up to the sky and roared, and a thick blood-colored light pillar rose into the sky and penetrated into the dark sky.

Now that he is the human flesh god tower of the Wumen, that is no joke.

I don't know how long it took before the bloody light pillar rising into the sky slowly dimmed and then disappeared into the dark night.

The blood mist that originally filled the sky has also dissipated, and the blood of more than 100,000 ghost monks in the base has been swallowed up, leaving pale white bones everywhere.

"Thank you. If there are ten more blood sacrifices of this scale, we will be even..."

At this time, a cold and indifferent voice came from Su Fan's ear.

"make a deal……"

After listening to the Witch God's words, Su Fan quickly agreed. He didn't want to owe a favor, and ten blood sacrifices were a trivial matter.

"Let me ask you, what kind of magical power did you just use? It's so powerful..."

Unexpectedly, the dignified Wushen is quite gossipy.

none of your business……

"Why are you asking this..."

"It's okay, just asking..."

"You don't know even if you tell me..."

Su Fan's words made the Witch God speechless for a long time.

Even if she was a witch god, the power of that boy's magical power just now would make her a little stunned.

That kind of power that destroys the heaven and the earth cannot be displayed by a monk who has just broken through the Nascent Soul Realm.

This kid is simply a monster.

He has just broken through the Nascent Soul Realm, and he can perform such a powerful move. What will he do in the future?

The Ghost Clan is in bad luck now. Why would they provoke such a pervert? Isn't this just asking for trouble?

It's okay for the two star regions to fight to the death, but the Ghost Clan sent more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators to hunt him down, and even tried to stop him from becoming a Taoist.

This is a blood feud that will never end.

"Let's make a deal. I'll use the favor you owe me to invest..."

"Forget it. I'm going back to the Blue Sky Star Region soon. I'll repay your favor and leave..."

After hearing the proposal of the Witch God, Su Fan refused without thinking.

What a joke. Even though he has broken through the Nascent Soul Realm, he will be killed if he plays tricks with these old monsters.

"Hehe... You don't have to be wary of me. We just get what we need..."

You can pull a few pieces, please.

There is no free lunch in this world. Is it so easy for these old monsters to take advantage? He will definitely be the one who suffers in the end.

"Forget it then. When you figure it out one day, you can always come to me..."

Su Fan ignored the other party after hearing this. He patted the top-grade ghost weapon on his waist and summoned Sister Zhen and Yaksha.

"You go clean up the battlefield. I'll give you one hour..."

Because the witch god was on guard for him, Su Fan didn't worry about the situation around him at all. Once there was any disturbance, the witch god would warn him at the first time.

There was no way. The witch god didn't want Su Fan's human flesh god tower to have any mishaps.

After hearing Su Fan's words, Sister Zhen and Yaksha were like chicken blood, and disappeared with a "whoosh".

Now the ghost soldiers and ghost generals subdued by these two ghost slaves are countless. They just waved their hands, and endless ghosts swarmed out like a tide.

Endless ghost soldiers and ghost generals poured into the base of the ghost clan like an overwhelming force.

A large number of ghosts floating in the air were collected by the two. These were the souls of the cruel and violent ghost monks.

Put these cruel ghosts into the ghost weapon, torture them for 9981 days, and release them to be a cruel evil ghost.

Not only that, Sister Zhen also sent a large number of ghost soldiers and ghost generals to plunder the booty in the base of the ghost monks.

Although an hour passed quickly, Sister Zhen still harvested a large number of booty.

The ghost bone rings looted alone were as high as a small mountain. Other top-grade materials, spirit stones and crystals, as well as various bone talismans, magic tools and magic treasures were piled up like mountains.

I don’t know what stimulated Sister Zhen before she died. No matter where she went, she had to dig three feet of the ground.

Because there were too many spoils of war, she had not finished counting them until today, but Sister Zhen was never tired of it. When she counted the spoils every day, it was her most enjoyable time.

An hour passed quickly, and Su Fan patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and summoned the "Ghost Crow".

He glanced at Sister Zhen who was reluctant to leave, and smiled secretly.

"Don't look, we should go..."

After saying that, Su Fan waved his hand and put Sister Zhen and Yaksha into the top-grade ghost weapon on his waist, then jumped onto the back of the "Ghost Crow" and roared into the dark night.

A few hours later, a large number of ghost clan Yuanying cultivators finally arrived, rushing over from all directions.

This time, the ghost clan suffered extremely heavy losses. The entire base, including more than 100,000 fellows, including several Yuanying cultivators, turned into pale white dry bones.

The ghost clan is a clan system, and all cultivators are of the same clan. Broken bones are connected to tendons, so the cohesion is extremely strong.

Although the number of clans is relatively small in the ghost bone star field, no matter which powerful race it is, it must give three points to the ghost clan.

There was no other way. Even if they had conflicts with the ghost tribe, they dared not kill them easily, for fear of being hunted down endlessly by the ghost tribe.

Not only that, the large amount of cultivation supplies stored in the base were also looted, leaving nothing behind.

With Sister Zhen's ability to plunder the land, anyone who saw it would cry.

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