Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 499 As soon as he opens his mouth, the truth will be revealed

Su Fan stood in front of the control console, staring at the light screen in front of him without blinking. At this time, the flying boat seemed to be flying rapidly in a channel.

He felt that this channel was very long. The flying boat had flown for half an hour, but still did not fly out of the channel.

In the past, Su Fan had seen time and space shuttle points in the Qingkong Star Region, and he basically passed through them very quickly, which meant that the distance he traveled this time was very far.

Thinking of this, Su Fan couldn't help but feel a little sad.

This time he traveled to a distant and unfamiliar star region, and it was uncertain when he would return to the Qingkong Star Region in the future.

Moreover, he bought a one-way ticket, so even if he wanted to go back, he didn't know if he could find the way back.

Suddenly, the flying boat rushed out of the channel, and the view in front of him suddenly became clear.

Su Fan quickly pressed the semicircular sphere on the control console, and with a flash of light, a three-dimensional map suddenly popped up in the control room.

Looking at the dense planes surrounding him, he quickly found his location.

"This is the end of the world..."

Originally, he thought that the end of the passage was also in the void, but who would have thought that he would come to an unfamiliar plane.

The most frightening thing was that Su Fan found that the flying boat had lost control. No matter how he touched the semicircular sphere on the control console, he could not control the movement trajectory of the flying boat.

At this moment, the scene around the flying boat had been displayed in real time on the light screen.

The flying boat seemed to be controlled by a mysterious force, and was flying rapidly towards an extremely magnificent huge building in the distance.

Su Fan took a deep breath and began to change his appearance.

The body cultivator can change the muscles and bones of the whole body, the body size can be large or small, and even the appearance can be changed to make it indistinguishable from the real one.

After a while, his figure and appearance were exactly the same as that of the cultivator from the "Sulun Star Region".

Except for the horn on the other's forehead, he couldn't get it out no matter what, so Su Fan had to wear a hood on his head to cover his forehead.

At this time, the flying boat had already entered the magnificent building, flying slowly in a passage, then drove out of the end of the passage and stopped in a hall.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and he performed the secret method of the Demon Sect's Blood Path, and his aura suddenly changed.

The more it is at this time, the more you can't panic.

Su Fan pushed the door and walked out of the control room, and walked towards the hatch of the flying boat, which was already open at this time.

I saw several cultivators from the "Sulun Star Region" standing outside, all of whom were in the foundation-building realm and the golden elixir realm.

They all wore black robes, were tall and thin, had faces like skeletons, had sinister and deep eyes, and had a single horn on their foreheads.

Behind these people stood dozens of mechanical puppets several feet high, and more than a dozen small flying puppets were constantly circling in the air.

Su Fan suppressed his inner tension and walked off the flying boat expressionlessly.

The Jindan-level Sulun monk who was leading the flying boat glanced at Su Fan and said something in a gibberish, but Su Fan didn't understand a word.

This is bad...

He said all kinds of nonsense, not a single human word.

Just when Su Fan didn't know how to respond, the Jindan-level Sulun monk opposite him turned around and left.

He suddenly had an idea and followed him. Several other Sulun star field monks surrounded him and walked out of the hall together.

Su Fan secretly thought it was a close call and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He followed the Jindan-level Sulun monk out of the hall, and outside was an extremely huge indoor square.

The square was nearly a hundred feet high, with a transparent dome above, and the blue sky and white clouds outside could be clearly seen. The sun shone on the square, bringing a touch of warmth.

On the ground, neatly arranged were mechanical puppets several feet high, and it was estimated that there were almost thousands of them.

The square was full of people, but most of them were Qi-cultivating and foundation-building monks, all busy and tense around the mechanical puppets.

This should be a base of the monks of the Sulun Star Region. His current situation is extremely dangerous, and it can be said that he is trapped in a dangerous place.

Su Fan knew that even though he could get away with it temporarily, he could not withstand the investigation.

Apart from anything else, as long as he opened his mouth, he would be exposed.

He was ready to fight to the death. Even if I die, I have to take a few people with me.

Several Sulun monks took him to a room, and then they talked a lot to him, and then locked him in the room.

Su Fan breathed a sigh of relief until the footsteps of those people gradually faded away.

He was ready to take action several times just now, but fortunately he resisted the impulse in the end, so he did not take the risk.

Although he did not understand the words of the Sulun Star Region, he roughly guessed the other party's intention. Locking him here should be to investigate him.

It is estimated that someone will come to question him tomorrow at the latest.

By that time, he will really have no chance at all.

Thinking of this, Su Fan began to look at the environment of this room. It was about ten square meters in size, and there was nothing around it except a simple bed.

His eyes focused, and his consciousness was completely released, and he carefully checked the inside and outside of the room.

There are at least four extremely suspicious places in this room, which should be devices similar to cameras, indicating that his every move is under the surveillance of others.

In addition, there are several tall mechanical puppets guarding the door outside the room. Fortunately, there is no formation outside the room.

It seems that his identity has not been exposed yet. His current situation may be just a necessary procedure of the base. After all, he returned to the base from the coordinate point of the Qingkong Star Region privately, and he must be examined.

So he was only temporarily under house arrest, and no coercive measures were taken against him, nor was he searched or his belongings confiscated.

This is definitely a blessing in disguise, and it also creates a chance for him to escape.

From now until he is summoned tomorrow, this period of time is his last chance, and he must escape from here no matter what.

Although the current situation is dangerous, there is still a chance.

Thinking of this, Su Fan turned to the bed, fell on it and began to sleep.

In fact, he did not fall asleep at all, but just closed his eyes and did not move, and his consciousness was always observing the situation inside and outside the house.

A few hours passed, and Su Fan was still lying on the bed motionless.

According to his calculations, it was already early in the morning, and most of the people in the entire base might have fallen asleep at this time.

Through daytime observations, most of the cultivators here are still at the level of foundation building and Qi training. Su Fan does not believe that they do not need sleep.

Moreover, Su Fan lay in bed for several hours without moving, and even the people who were monitoring him would not keep watching him all the time.

Su Fan took out a fourth-level immortal talisman from the ring, and he carefully activated the talisman.

Almost at the same time, he activated the atomization state. At the same time when he turned into a mist, a body exactly like his appeared on the bed instantly.

Su Fan activated a fourth-level "incarnation talisman", which could transform into an avatar with the same aura as himself, which could last at least for an hour.

If you don't use your spiritual sense to check carefully, you can't find any difference at all.

For him, one hour is enough for him to escape from here.

Although there was a slight difference between Su Fan's atomization and the process of the "incarnation talisman", he guessed correctly that the person monitoring him was taking a nap at this time.

I saw a mist spreading out from the house along the crack of the door, and the several mechanical puppets guarding outside the door didn't notice anything at all.

A puppet is a puppet. No matter how powerful it is, it is just a puppet without life.

After being transformed into mist, Su Fan spread out along the corridor outside. At this time, an accident happened. At the end of the corridor, an invisible barrier appeared.

Fortunately, he was careful and did not bump into it, otherwise he would definitely alarm the guards of the base.

Helplessly, Su Fan, who turned into a mist, could only float back. Not far away from the other end of the corridor, he found the same barrier again.

Su Fan was a little confused. If he did not break through this invisible barrier, he would not be able to escape from here.

At this time, he suddenly moved in his heart and instantly lifted the mist body.

Su Fan activated his spiritual sense to scan the surroundings and found several suspicious places above the corridor, but he could no longer care about these.

He took out the magic sword from the ring, and then walked towards the invisible barrier with a hard heart.

Su Fan walked through the barrier as expected, and the barrier did not react at all, which also made him feel relieved.

He activated his atomized body again, turning into a thin mist and continuing to spread forward.

In fact, Su Fan's every move just now appeared on a light screen, and the monk Su Lun who was monitoring this area was still dozing.

After passing through the barrier, Su Fan in the atomized state floated to the end of the corridor. There was a door here. He went in through the crack of the door and saw a staircase leading to the underground.

Su Fan hesitated for a moment, but still floated down the stairs. This is a spiral staircase that leads deep underground.

He floated down about a hundred feet deep and finally came to the base's underground.

The underground of the entire base has been hollowed out, and there are strange facilities everywhere, engraved with various dense and strange runes.

Next to each facility underground, there are tall mechanical puppets standing to guard, and there are also flying puppets that whiz by from time to time.

Occasionally, you can see some monks from the "Sulun Star Region" guarding key positions. It may be because of the long-term peace, and the boring environment makes these monks less vigilant.

Su Fan felt extremely rich spiritual energy here. This concentration of spiritual energy is unprecedented. Endless spiritual energy is sucked out from the spiritual veins deep underground.

Even in the atomized state, he still felt a feeling of being heavily wrapped in a dense spiritual energy that was almost atomized.

This feeling is familiar. When the Xuanluo Realm was invaded by Daluotian, he also saw a similar scene in the demon-controlled area.

Su Fan made a judgment in an instant that this should not be a plane of the "Sulun Star Region", but their occupied area.

It seems that this should be a star region invaded by the "Sulun Star Region". Such reckless behavior of sucking spiritual veins is definitely a waste of resources, and it only appears in the occupied area.

Thinking of this, Su Fan suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

He struggled with his mind for a long time, and finally made up his mind and did it.

After Su Fan made up his mind, he continued to float towards the core area of ​​the underground. The closer he got to the core area, the stricter the guards became, and invisible barriers began to appear.

Fortunately, the monks from the "Sulun Star Region" guarding nearby were almost not vigilant.

When encountering a barrier, Su Fan would hide in an unmanned dead corner, remove the atomization state, and then take out the magic sword to easily pass through the barriers.

So even though the underground core area is heavily guarded, no one would have thought that there would be such a cheater as Su Fan in the world.

He was able to easily pass through the barriers as if he were in an unmanned place here.

Finally, Su Fan floated to the core area of ​​the underground, and saw a thing similar to a formation plate with a radius of hundreds of feet, which was densely covered with various strange runes.

In the center of the formation plate was a giant tower dozens of feet high, emitting a series of dull roars.

Su Fan floated in front of the giant tower and drilled into it through a hole. He saw that it was empty inside, and there was a huge bottomless pit underneath.

He controlled the mist to float down to the pit, and the spiritual energy sucked up from the depths of the ground was like a violent hurricane, instantly blowing his atomization state into pieces.

Su Fan quickly lifted the atomization state and turned into a human body. Fortunately, there were no cultivators from the "Sulun Star Region" here.

He held on to the edge of the pit and slowly explored downwards against the hurricane of spiritual energy sucked up from the ground. Even though his body was strong, he was still blown to the point of collapse.

He went thousands of feet deep before reaching the bottom of the pit. The density of spiritual energy here was already in a liquefied state, as if he was in a gushing spiritual spring.

Su Fan punched into the edge of the cave wall, then stuffed a fourth-level bone talisman into the fist-sized hole, and then filled the hole with his hand.

He arranged four bone talismans in the deepest part of the ground, and then he jumped up, with the help of the violent hurricane of spiritual energy, and soon rose to the giant tower.

The fourth-level bone talismans that Su Fan arranged in the deepest part of the ground were all called "Yin Yang Mother and Child Talisman".

As long as the Yang Talisman is arranged somewhere, and then the Yin Talisman in his hand is activated several miles away, the Yang Talisman can be completely detonated.

How could he feel at ease if he only arranged a few "Yin Yang Mother Talismans" underground?

Su Fan also arranged more than ten fourth-order "Yin Yang Mother Talismans" in the core positions of the giant tower and the huge array outside, and then floated away contentedly.

He learned from the experience and lessons of the last time in Xuanluo Realm, and never wanted to bury himself again.

Su Fan, in a mist state, successfully left the core area of ​​the underground, but he found that he could not find the original spiral staircase.

There was no way, the spiral staircases leading to the top of the base were almost exactly the same.

Su Fan had to randomly choose a staircase and float up, but when he got up, he found that he had come to a hall.

The hall was full of light screens, which played images of various locations in the base. It looked like a control center or a command center.

There were control consoles everywhere in the hall, but there were not many cultivators here, and they were scattered sparsely everywhere.

These should be the on-duty monks of the "Sulun Star Region", all of whom are foundation-building and Qi-training monks.

Most of them are dozing off at their posts. Even if they are not dozing off, they are sitting together in groups of three or five chatting, without any vigilance.

There is only one Sulun monk in the Jindan realm, sitting at the back of the hall. He sits cross-legged there, and ignores the monks on duty scattered around the hall.

This is the heart of the base, so it must be completely destroyed.

The Jindan monk at the back of the hall is sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed at this moment, practicing, without feeling the danger coming.


I saw a sharp blade suddenly appear in the air, and it slashed across his throat.

The atomized blade almost cut off most of his neck, but the other party didn't react at all, and was easily killed by Su Fan.

Su Fan was a little confused, this is too easy.

Are all the monks in the "Sulun Star Region" of this quality? Too scumbag.

If it was a cultivator from the Qingkong Star Region, let alone the powerful sword cultivators and the sinister and treacherous demon cultivators, even the Jindan disciples of the Immortal Sect would not be so vulnerable.

This Jindan cultivator from the "Sulun Star Region" actually didn't even have the most basic sense of vigilance.

The next step was even simpler. A group of defenseless foundation-building Qi-training cultivators were attacked and killed by him one by one on the spot, until the last person fell, and no one in the entire hall noticed his existence.

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