Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 488 Things seem to be getting serious

Seeing that almost all the elite disciples from the super immortal sects in Kunlun Heaven had come, Su Fan didn't want to stay in this cramped utility room any longer

He went to a luxurious cave house owned by Li Dong outside the city. Compared with this place, the environment was simply heaven and earth.

In the next two days, Su Fan's cave house was full of guests every day, and he had no time to spare.

He was either meeting guests or seeing them off. In addition to the immortal sect disciples who had participated in the time and space arena, there were also elite disciples from various immortal sects who came here because of their reputation.

Every immortal sect disciple who came to visit him did not come empty-handed, and all these gifts were rare treasures.

In a few days, the gifts Su Fan received were almost piled up like a small mountain.

Like high-end and exquisite spiritual tea and wine, rare refining materials, rare spiritual food ingredients, etc., all of them were rare treasures.

Looking at so many high-end and exquisite gifts, Su Fan was so happy that he was silly.

But there were also things that made him scratch his head. The male cultivators from the Xianzong who came to visit were fine, but the female disciples were too troublesome.

I thought the female cultivators from the Xianzong would at least be more reserved, but it turned out that it was not the case at all. These days, Su Fan also received many gifts from the female cultivators.

From wooden tablets, jade talismans to close-fitting underwear, there were all kinds of eye-catching things. Anyway, these female cultivators from the Xianzong were quite imaginative.

It was even more difficult to deal with them when they met. Some of them made a move and even pressed their whole bodies against him, which made Su Fan extremely tormented.

These female hooligans from the Xianzong tortured him badly.

It seemed that as long as he wanted, these female hooligans would be there waiting for him to visit them.

Since Su Fan swallowed the blood essence of those elite demons, he was now like a teddy bear.

Anyway, these days, he had a fire in his heart that he had nowhere to release, and it was reflected almost every moment.

Fortunately, this kind of day is about to end, because Nanming Zhenjun of Taiyi Xianzong came, and he came to Su Fan's cave with a gloomy face.

Seeing countless disciples from various major Xianzong gathered here, he felt even more unhappy.

Originally, he wanted to drag the disciples of Jianzong into the water before announcing Su Fan's identity, but before they contacted Jiuji Jianzong, Su Fan's identity had been revealed.

Not only that, Su Fan's experience in Taiyi Xianzong was also spread everywhere by people with ulterior motives.

This also made Taiyi Xianzong's wishful thinking fall through, and the sect became notorious in the entire Kunlun Heaven, which is no longer a shameful thing.

The arrogant and domineering deeds of Taiyi Xianzong in the past were also dug up by people taking this opportunity. Anyway, the sect's reputation has been stinking.

After all, Kunlun Heaven is a pure Xianzong plane. No matter what, the Xianzong must at least retain its dignity.

In the past, many sects were bullied and could only be angry but not speak out. Now it is different. They all take this opportunity to desperately add fuel to the flames.

Taiyi Xianzong has been labeled as domineering and bullying the weak. It is not an easy thing to completely whitewash it.

"Welcome to the True Lord..."

Su Fan and Senior Brother Qin Cheng and others saw the True Lord Nanming and all bowed to him.

Although the attitude was extremely respectful, the True Lord Nanming could still clearly feel a sense of gloating and ridicule from these people.

This also made him extremely angry, but he could do nothing about it.

Although these people are only Jindan cultivators, they are also elite disciples of major sects, especially several disciples of the Sword Sect, who he dared not offend at all.

Those crazy sword men are the most protective of their shortcomings. If he dared to hit the younger ones, the older ones would come to him with swords.

The True Lord Nanming forced a smile, and then he looked at Su Fan.

"The cross-domain transmission array is ready. Come back to the sect with me..."

After he said that, he turned around and walked out. He didn't want to stay here for a moment. He always felt that everyone was looking at him with ridicule, which made him, a dignified Yuanying Zhenjun, feel a little ashamed.

But Shuguang Tianzun had already strictly ordered him to send Su Fan, the little devil, away as soon as possible.

As long as this kid stayed in Taiyi Xianzong for one day, this matter would continue to ferment. Only when he left Kunluntian could the heat of this matter be reduced.

As for making a move against Su Fan, Taiyi Xianzong didn't dare at all. Now this kid has someone behind him.

It is said that several powerful demons have been keeping an eye on him. If they touch this kid, those old demons will definitely come to kill him.

After listening to Nanming Zhenjun's words, Su Fan was relieved.

Finally, he can leave. These days of welcoming and sending off have annoyed him. He doesn't want to live this kind of life for a day.

Su Fan turned around and bowed to Senior Brother Qin Cheng and Li Dong and others.

"My fellow junior brothers, I'm leaving now. We'll meet again in the future..."

After hearing his words, everyone quickly surrounded him and said goodbye, and there was another round of boring greetings.

"Senior Brother Su Fan, let's go and see you off..."

Li Dong's words were echoed by everyone, and everyone surrounded him noisily and flew towards the mountain gate of Taiyi Xianzong.

When a large group of people rushed into the mountain gate of Taiyi Xianzong, the disciples inside were dumbfounded.

It was a great event for hundreds of elite disciples of the super Xianzong in Kunluntian to gather together.

Being surrounded by these people was something that countless Xianzong disciples dreamed of. I'm afraid that Su Fan was the only one who could have such treatment in Kunluntian.

If this had happened in the past, the streets of Taiyi Xianzong would have been deserted, but this time all the disciples in the sect hid in their own caves.

There was no way, they couldn't afford to lose this person.

Senior Brother Qin Cheng and Li Dong and others sent Su Fan to the outside of the Taiyi Xianzong's teleportation hall.

Su Fan turned around and bowed to everyone.

"Everyone, I have sent you thousands of miles away, but we must say goodbye. I'm leaving..."

Senior Brother Qin Cheng and Li Dong and others heard this, and hundreds of elite disciples from major immortal sects all bowed.

"Farewell, Senior Brother Su Fan..."

Su Fan nodded to everyone, then turned and walked into the teleportation hall.

Jiuyoutian, Tiansha Demon Palace Teleportation Hall.

Two foundation-building disciples on duty were chatting boredly in a hall. This is the cross-domain teleportation hall, and the formation is rarely activated.


A dull buzzing sound sounded, followed by a dazzling light flashing.

The two disciples on duty turned their heads and ran over, standing respectfully beside the formation. It was not uncommon to see people riding this kind of cross-domain ultra-long-distance teleportation formation at least at the level of Yuanying Zhenjun, or even the incarnation of Tianzun.

Especially the formation that was activated was from Taiyi Xianzong of Kunlun Heaven. The two planes represented the immortals and demons of Qingkong Star Domain respectively, so they usually never interacted with each other.

Therefore, the several cross-domain teleportation formations connecting Kunlun Heaven have not been activated for many years.

As the dazzling light faded, a person walked out of the formation.

Su Fan rubbed his swollen and painful temples, looked at the teleportation jade talisman in his hand, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Cross-domain teleportation is not a joke. If it weren't for this jade talisman, the violent airflow of space would have torn him to pieces.

Even so, Su Fan still felt a little dizzy and his consciousness was a little confused.

Seeing Su Fan walk out of the formation, the two of them bowed respectfully.

"Welcome, senior..."

When they looked up, they found that the person in front of them was just a Jindan realm cultivator, but they still did not dare to be negligent.

Because the other party was also a demon cultivator like them, how could someone who could be teleported across the domain from a pure immortal sect plane like Kunlun Heaven be such a simple person.

"Senior, your identity jade talisman..."

Su Fan nodded and took out an identity jade talisman from the ring, but then he thought about it and took it back and changed it.

The identity jade talisman he just took out was his identity in the Tianmo Shenzong of Tongyoutian. If he took it out at this time, anyone who was interested could find out his true identity with a little check.

So he handed the jade talisman registered with Su Fan to the two disciples on duty.

A foundation-building disciple drew his identity jade talisman on the micro-array next to him, and a light screen popped up immediately.

Seeing the information on the light screen, the two foundation-building disciples on duty were shocked.

Su Fan glanced at the two people with dull faces and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, is there anything wrong..."

Hearing his words, the two of them shuddered.

Seeing this senior of the Demon Sect, who was famous in the Qingkong Star Region, appear in front of them, the two of them were immediately excited.

"Senior Su..., nothing... nothing wrong, I... we will help you register..."

This disciple on duty in the foundation-building duty of the Tiansha Demon Palace was already a little incoherent.

The other one was not so good either, he was so nervous that he didn't know where to put his hands.

It took a long time for the two to help Su Fan register the information in a hurry, and I don't know how many times they made mistakes in the whole process.

There was no way, this gentleman was extraordinary, and he was usually elusive, and suddenly appeared in front of them, it was good that he didn't faint.

Su Fan was not in a hurry, and waited patiently for them to finish registering, and then took over his identity information.

"Sorry to bother you, goodbye..."

After he said that, he smiled at the two of them, turned around and left the teleportation hall.

It was not until Su Fan's figure disappeared from the sight of the two disciples on duty that they reacted and quickly took out the communication array talisman.

"Master... Master, Su... Su Fan is here..."

"Second uncle, Su Fan just came out of the cross-domain teleportation array..."

The two informed their respective masters and families of Su Fan's appearance, and instantly caused a sensation in the Tiansha Demon Palace.

Countless figures were seen whistling from all over the mountain gate, all coming to the outside of the sect's teleportation hall.

Unfortunately, Su Fan walked out of the teleportation hall and found a deserted place, changed his figure and appearance, and got the robe of the Tianmo Shenzong.

He looked up at the streams of light in the air, whistling over his head, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It's better to get out quickly. Once recognized by these people, he will definitely not be able to leave the Tiansha Demon Palace for ten days or half a month.

He only stayed in Taiyi Xianzong for a few days, and Su Fan was almost annoyed to death. How could he be recognized by others?

After Su Fan left the gate of the Tiansha Demon Palace, he went directly to the nearby Tiansha Immortal City and rented a cave outside the city to live in.

He didn't feel relieved until he sat cross-legged on the cushion in the cave.

Su Fan took out a jade slip from the ring and placed it on his forehead. After a long while, he put down the jade slip with a hint of surprise on his face.

It only takes a few months to take the interstellar spaceship from Jiuyoutian to Tongyoutian. After struggling outside the country for more than ten years, I finally saw the hope of returning home.

Su Fan put away the jade slip, took out the communication array talisman, and then sent a message.

After a while, a humanoid shadow popped up on the communication array talisman, it was the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"You have come to Jiuyoutian..."

"I'm in Tiansha Fairy City. Now I want to meet Demon Lord Dongming. I have important news to report to him..."

After listening to Su Fan's words, the Evil Bone Demon Lord thought for a moment.

"Then you should stay there for now..."

After the Evil Bone Demon Lord finished speaking, he cut off the communication talisman.

Su Fan put away the communication array talisman, then lay back and fell asleep in a short time.

Having just experienced cross-domain teleportation, Su Fan's soul was exhausted.

He slept for two full days before he was woken up by hunger. If he hadn't been extremely hungry, he might have been able to sleep all day.

Su Fan wolfed down his stomach, then left the cave and came to the nearby Tiansha Fairy City.

He found a luxurious teahouse in the city, found a seat by the window in the lobby on the second floor, ordered a pot of spiritual tea, and drank it happily.

At this moment, nearly 80% of the people in the teahouse hall were seated. Su Fan pricked up his ears and listened to the chat of the monks at the table next to him.

"Senior brother, have you heard that Su Fan has come to our sect..."

"I just asked the junior brother of the teleportation hall. He was teleported from Kunlun Heaven..."

"That's him. If he were a disciple of the Demon Sect, he would have lost a layer of skin even if he went to Kunlun to die..."

"Kunlun Tian has sent back the news that Senior Brother Su Fan has penetrated Taiyi Immortal Sect alone, haha..."

Su Fan listened from table to table. The monks were all talking about him. Unexpectedly, the news that he was doing something in Kunlun Heaven had spread throughout Tiansha Fairy City.

Fortunately, no one discovered his whereabouts, which made him relieved.

Now he is waiting for the summons from Demon Lord Dongming, and then he can hand over the hot potato in his hand, and then he can go home.

Su Fan sat in the teahouse for a while, then left Tiansha Fairy City and returned to the cave outside the city.

As soon as he entered the cave, he saw a man sitting at the stone table in the small courtyard. He quickly walked over and bowed to the man respectfully.

"Juniors pay their respects to Demon Lord Dongming..."

Demon Lord Dongming smiled and said: "Get up, come and sit..."

How dare Su Fan go over and sit down? He walked over like a dog, picked up the teapot and refilled the spiritual tea for Demon Lord Dongming.

"Tell me, don't you have something important to tell me..."

After listening to Demon Lord Dongming's words, Su Fan organized his words, and then told him exactly what happened in the past ten years.

At the beginning, Demon Lord Dongming still listened with a smile, but the more he listened, the worse his face became. By the end, his whole body was filled with a frightening murderous aura.

It took a while for Su Fan to finish narrating, which made his mouth go dry.

He took out a Nai Ring from his arms, which was the trophy he captured from the Xulun Star Domain monk.

Except for the pile of mysterious transparent crystals inside, he secretly deducted more than half of it, and handed over the rest intact.

It's better to hand over all these things. It's not a good thing to keep them in your own hands.

Demon Lord Dongming took the ring from Su Fan and stood up to leave.

"Demon Lord Qi, I want to return to Tongyoutian as soon as possible..."

"You can't leave yet. I may ask you some questions in the next few days..."

After he finished speaking, his figure slowly disappeared into the air, as if he had never existed here before.

Su Fan couldn't help but sigh. He could tell from Demon Lord Dongming's solemn expression that things seemed to be a bit serious.

No matter what, since there is a tall man holding up the sky if it falls, he, as a minor cultivator of the golden elixir, will not have to worry about it.

In the next few days, Su Fan hardly left home, staying in the cave every day to sort out the spoils of Kunlun Heaven.

Demon Lord Dongming did not summon him until all the contents of more than a hundred Nai rings were sorted out.

Although he gained a lot in Kunlun Heaven, Su Fan was not happy at all.

He was a little anxious, and now he was about to go home. Even if he was delayed for one day, it would be torture for him. He couldn't wait to go home.

Just when Su Fan couldn't bear it anymore, Demon Lord Dongming finally appeared.

He observed carefully and found that this time the other party's expression was not too solemn, at least not as gloomy as last time.

"You did a good job this time. The things in the ring helped us a lot..."

Su Fan didn't know what kind of help he had done. It was not important to him at all. Now he just wanted to go home right away.

Demon Lord Dongming took out a Na Ring and threw it to Su Fan.

"Take this, I'll reward you..."

Su Fan took the ring and was immediately excited, and quickly bowed to thank him.

"Don't bother yourself. Go to Tiansha Demon Palace and take the cross-domain teleportation circle back to Youtian. I have already arranged it for you..."

After Demon Lord Dongming finished speaking, before Su Fan could react, his figure slowly faded away.

It wasn't until the other party's figure completely disappeared that Su Fan suddenly reacted. It seemed that he might have made a big contribution this time.

Demon Lord Dongming actually arranged another cross-domain teleportation for himself, which saved him several months of traveling.

This also made him ecstatic. In a few days at the latest, he would be able to reunite with his family.

Su Fan suppressed his excitement. He sat cross-legged on the mat and picked up the ring given to him by the Demon Lord Dong Ming.

"The things given by the Demon Lord incarnation can't be bad..."

Thinking of this, Su Fan took a deep breath and his eyes suddenly focused.


When he saw the things in the ring, he couldn't help but burst out a swear word in excitement.

The ring given by the Demon Lord Dong Ming was also one thousand square meters. There were not many things in it, but each one could move him.

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